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Oct 3, 2022
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correct there is no 'evil' intent, the archons try to survive the only way they know. As do we in our limited knowledge of life the universe and beyond. The point of this article is to make people aware, do you want to feed them? Your choice. Does not detract from the fact those in high places beyond governments even, are doing the bidding and in doing so creating wars. Within the wars innocent people are killed, is this evil? They push, they attempt control, they are highly skilled in this, were as the average person is not so skilled, and can be fooled. Is this evil? Above all that I write, and that you might write I'aryensoufi, I love life, have lived it to the full, in this adventure of writing about "live" I am still alive in the excitement of discovery. I don't feel sorry for the world or myself, I write using my real name, who has the courage to do that anymore? I'll take what comes my way and dismiss it with a wave of my hand, no one controls me, I do as I please, I wish there was more of the same. Do I fight to be who I want to be in a lonely battle of one?

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Well Alec reading this piece again, after my 2016 epiphany's and everything that's happened in the last few years it may just be the most astute thing ever written, I'm proud to take it too as many as I can...

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Well, l'aryensoufi I must first complement you on your mastery of the English language and salute your prose, better than mine. Yea the archons, outside of Her, are cardboard cutouts of Yahweh or Enlil if you please. That is why Surtr carries Lǽvateinn the only weapon that can slay Víðófnir, the rooster that crows at the top of the tree of life, whether you want to call it the Yggdrasil or the Sepher Yetzirah.

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Carrying "Løvetann"? - meaning lion-tooth


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Ah, the intoxication of victimhood. Anything but claiming onwership of one's life, making the chains real, just like a dog still snarling,, straining long after the leash is gone. Was it even there in the first place, or just a comforter that a baby needs to experience its boundaries

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right to the point Orage

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Oct 3, 2022
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Ha Ha! Well the most desirable woman I have ever met were in their 40's, and I see plenty out their in their 50's that sure attract me. OK base man talking here. But I find mature woman know themselves and mostly understand what life is about, they tend to be more approachable less self conscious. I think younger woman are their own worse enemy, as perhaps are young men. Skitterish and full of their own importance, Not good company.


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Oct 4, 2022
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Well I happen to prefer woman who do not hide behind makeup, Yes I know it can enhance their natural beauty, but up close and personal it just looks so artificial. If have had the pleasure or is that displeasure of young woman chasing after me. Lucky to find any woman chasing after me. I can't tell you the coincidence attached to the Elvis quote, except I have never even thought about him in 50 years, but over the past week or two people around me have been right into the Elvis thing! Now I've got to find out why that has come into my life?

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Oct 5, 2022
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can't tell you how connected this all is. A week ago I meet up with an old sailing buddy of mine that went off to live in the USA 50 years ago, we were catching up he said he's not had much luck in marriage his first two wife's died on him, perhaps it was them that did not have the luck! Anyway his third wife is the sister of his second wife (little sister)

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Sorry should have said I have not had the pleasure of young woman chasing me.

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I heard an interview with William Bramley on short wave radio over 30 years ago. Most of the discussion centered around his book, "The Gods of Eden". Though so long ago, I remember several things. First, Bramley made it clear to the interviewer that he absolutely refused to talk about religion in any way, shape or form. Second, he emphasized that these extraterrestrial beings created everything on earth including humanity, not any god. Third, he spoke of a contactee he knew who was badly shaken by the experience. This man told Bramley that up in space in the alien craft he was so terrified he kept imploring, "God help me!! God help me!!" He then said the two beings in the craft that abducted him looked at each other and one of them turned to him said, "Who is this god you keep yelling about? We're the only ones out here." I found that very amusing albeit I'm certain it wasn't meant to be.

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Bramley had it all figured out long before any of us woke up

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I'm going to listen to you in a few moments.

I didn't get to comment before the new articles as they come out quickly and I was short of time but the last porch conversation and Alec's contributions were really excellent.

Thanks to him for sharing some of his unpublished text and thanks to you for the articles shared on the blog from you, Orage, MK and all the others like Happy Parot who I follow with interest when I can.

The last documentary he shared on Billy Meier was very interesting.

There was a lot to say about the last few articles but a simple sentence from MK in his last production reminded me of something I learned some time ago.

The sentence was: "Thus, the image of the Christian Christ as redeemer of farm animals had nothing to offer the Aryan spirit"

A lot to say, and directly related to the topics of the last few articles as well but I'll keep it short and share what a French author under the pseudonym Anton Parks said in an interview in 2005:

"The name "Adam" is absolutely not, as we would like to believe, Hebrew in relation to the terms "adama" (glebe) or adôm (red)... I am still surprised today that no author has noted that this term exists in Sumerian as Á-DAM and means: "beasts, animals, herds" or "taking, establishment, settlement or colonization" and in verbal form: "inflict"! If Á-DAM were used to designate people, it would give: "the beasts, the animals, the taken, the established, the installed or the colonized, the inflicted"... The idea of a slave being totally submitted to the "gods" is reinforced in the equivalence of the term Á-DAM in Akkadian which is Nammaššû and which is translated phonetically in Sumerian into nam-maš-šû, that is to say, literally: "the dependent half-portion"... I think that one cannot be more precise! "

So much for the abrahamic religion and those who blindly continue to adhere to them...

This translation can be confirmed in René Labat's Akkadian epigraphy manual with the following link on page 97 where Á-DAM designates the herd:


The capitalized syllables are Sumerian and the underlined lower case is Akkadian.

The other terms are taken from a complementary translation with the Sumerian Lexicon by John A. Halloran

I think that if someone is versed in Sumerian, there would be a lot of interesting things to discover in the ancient texts. The author claims that Sumerian and Akkadian syllables allow for the breakdown of the main words of ancestral languages, such as Chinese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Latin, Germanic and Native American languages, etc...

In the same way that Richard Sharpe Shaver used his proto-language "Mantong"...

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The wolf is at the door somehow

The culling of the herd is now

The wolf is at the door somehow

The culling of the herd is now

The wolf is at the door somehow

The culling of the herd is now

The wolf is at the door somehow

The culling of the herd is now

Hey, did you curse this place?

Did you fall to earth to cull a herd?

Strange gods above the earth

These are things you just won't believe

In the shackles of the night

There are lights up in the sky

Scratching at the doors

They are coming through the walls

Twenty feet above the ground

They move without a sound

Among the garbage cans

A curse upon the land

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That's what I see Jack.

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R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz warned everyone about taking their "translations" to seriously, but I will go with A-Dam means animal just because it makes Free Masons, starting with Manley Hall, look very stupid with all the emphasis they place on Adam Kadman, Hall bored me to death when he attempted to incorporate it into the Sepher Yetzirah. I'm glad they strangled him I would of too if given the chance, LOL. This is not about Hylic man, none of it Romain that's why you see them as automations, non-participants. They aren't really even here just their shadows, their shells, what Schlomo calls the Qliphoth. I dare say they are already dead; this is not the fucking good news bible. This is about the higher souls they have trapped here either inadvertently or because they are too stupid to realize there were those who would notice. Bear with me my friend I will write another truth about Jack Heart so you can understand just how clueless the "archons" are. You want to make an ally out of the man who was born to kill you, LOL reminded me of Conan the Barbarian right before Falsa Doom gets his head cut off which is the way you kill a God by the way, very underappreciated picture just like Dune it went right over the Hollywood homos heads. I gave you the prophecy, the Russians know it they gave it to me, Lucifer will free the higher souls, and they, they have chosen to make him burn down this entire world to do it. This was chosen by Preston Nichols so long ago to be the message, it's in the book... https://youtu.be/98W9QuMq-2k

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The honeymoon after the White Wedding

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Humans Jack? Don't we indeed hold the physical ground on this planet?

These entities need us more than we need them when it comes down to it.

Hence the need to cull the heard. And when the vaxx culls it then what for them? What is the source or the creator but Spirit and perhaps that creator put a bit of creative Spirit in us all so these entities need us not the other way around.

This is what I am observing but get bored and have to ride my bicycle around to see the insanity of life in action.

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adama, Of the earth, or more literal, an earth being, perhaps. For sure of the 'red' earth (clay). One then thinks of Mars? it goes on. Thanks for taking the time to comment


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in this world, not of this world

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I'm afraid that anything I might say would simply confuse the picture, on top of requiring rather lengthy explanation, but that said I might be able to offer a useful perspective regarding some of the ideas presented. Firstly, I would not refer to Gnosticism as a religion. Religion, ultimately is concerned with worship. Rather, it is far more instructive to understand Gnosticism as mysticism, which is direct knowledge of the divine. If one can comprehend the nature of mysticism, then one can discover that mankind has a very ancient mystical tradition, and that Gnosticism is a feature of this tradition.

Whilst some religions actively choose to be informed by mysticism, there is no western religious tradition that is so informed by it's own mysticism, and yes I am aware of the Qabala.

Archon, the word, refers to the cosmic order, the organizing thereof, not it's creation. Just as worship is not knowledge, so organizing is distinct from creating. There are certain truths pertaining to this organization that many of more refined sensibilities find repugnant, yet in essence, the struggle of humanity to remember themselves is directly linked to the Archontic.

In terms of loosh, the entire concept is a watered down explanation for sacrifice. From a Gnostic point of view, it is an utterly lost cause to propritiate via sacrifice, as it becomes ultimately self destructive. However, there certainly is a cross section of humanity addicted to sacrifice to this day.

There is a vital energy that never stops flowing in this world, and it is often equated to breath for obvious reasons, but I hesitate to endorse loosh as anything close, mostly due to it's oppressive abrahamic overtones, which I am extremely weary of.

Ultimately, the attempt to codify emotion as energy is an objectification of an event which is extremely personal, one which has strong dehumanizing overtones. I suppose it is inevitable that mankind would equate everything to this level of existence, but I can confirm that there is a higher order that is not subject to our rules.


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Indeed Mike Qi, Ch'i, the breath of life, or as many suggest in this context "life force" Maybe Reich got close with orgne, because the other side sure got nervous. Ignoring Reich's evidence and declaring "the orgone energy does not exist", US Courts ordered all his books on the orgone subject to be burned, and banned from further circulation. Reich was also thrown into prison, where he died.

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I need to add something here, from people I trust, and Harry Oldfield himself, when a person infected with one of these leaches, that was optically sighted using his special lens filters, this person wanted the parasite removed, but when an attempt was made to do so. the person being helped, turned on those helping them, and would have killed them if the opportunity was presented. That's how much control the parasites can exert over you.

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This condition of which you speak, is not rare. It comes to us because we often have beneficent power, a Daemon to help us through our lives, call it your guardian angel if you wish, but alas such is separable from us.

There are different ways, because the spirit world, or if you prefer, the greater cosmos is heavily populated, but often the separation occurs due to automatic behavior and neglect. Once this occurs, it is possible that an intrusion to find its way in.

The modern world loves automatic behavior. It loves the numbing salve of mindless routine, thus the bond between the assistant and the person is often strained, weak. This is one reason for so much zombie like behavior, that the person is available to all kinds of mindless entities, and they become the identity of the one in question, actually occupying the person's field.

I haven't spent all that much effort verifying what I'm going to say next, for reasons that have to do with focus and energy, but it seems to be true that Covid, both the illness and the injection-they are weaponized together, accomplishes the same thing, only in a number of cases, the separation is even more severe.

This is the schism of Daemon and Eidolon, and it has been fundamental to the heavy, materialistic bent of greater mankind, as well as the huge number of cases of possession.

There is a cure, at least in the non-Covid cases, but it requires a lot of effort and work.


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Apologies for the bad English, Alec, I usually correct the grammar, but this last one got away from me.

I just have to mention that mankind is not simply an interchangeable one size fits all organism. There are levels of function with mankind, levels of skill-or lack thereof, and definitely levels of cognition. It is politically incorrect to say so, but race has much to do with the pathways of interaction that mankind has developed with the intelligible world.

When it comes to various types of entity intrusion, it may very well be that nature abhors a vacuum, and the loss of the Daemon requires a replacement. This doesn't mean that replacement is beneficent, just that some spiritual power must be present.


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I agree once more MK, no two beings hold the same agenda, or skill, that's what makes it difficult to interact with each other or understand each other, The fact some might remember why they are here and others not, just adds to the confusion. But I have a friend who keeps reminding me, we are always in the right place at the right time, The trick is to know it. Ha Ha!

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Jack has proposed gathering together for a last stand however, won't that feed the beast?

Perhaps all of us should become lone wolf's directed by the creative Spirit? That Earth Spirit, that Goddess, those wave maidens or that Great Spirit?

Just an observation.

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And when we gather how do we prevent an infected person from joining the group as I suggest the lone wolf finds a mate and builds a family all directed by Spirit.

So, observing, what does the enemy do? Confuses gender fist off as gender has been weaponized. Which prevents family's to form.

Then enemy destroys existing family units through first and foremost gender confusion with destroys economies by breaking families a most productive economic system, further, with the creation of fiat banks the enemy can expand or contract the human food supply. Right now they are contracting supply of food to cull the heard.

But the US Military has introduced covid and the vaxx and perhaps the die off of the retards will help the unaffected and perhaps covid itself a tactical weapon?

Just an observation.

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Let them have their vaxxine.

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Jack, your webpage(s) have become home to some of the most interesting articles and authors from around the world. It reminds me of Chani Forum in its golden days when people like Alec, named BlueET then along with a bunch of others (NexEd, T, Acolyte and others) had some utterly fascinating discussions for everyone to benefit.

The comment section of your articles has become a place where some truly interesting views are expressed. I think it might be time for your to also think about adding a forum to your website.

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Everything in due time Tomas, Phil is doing this basically by himself, we are pushing him as it is, its a lot of work

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And thank you to you and your team Jack. This is so much work....much appreciated.

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Your contributions Jana and others like you make all this work possible, hell if I'm awake I'm working, Abraham Maslow is covered...

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So Tomas, we meet again

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Nice collection I found on archive. https://archive.org/details/@jeff_s_library

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Nice catalogue, particularly for Babylonian and Sumerian Magick, Hall I can do without, AE Waite lite...

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What about Stephen Skinner, or Kenneth Grant?

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He doesn't have Skinners book on geomancy but Skinners good, Grant no thank you please he only makes me sneeze and then he makes it hard to find the door...

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Thanks, yea I sent myself some of Skinners books. Some of that Grant stuff looks too abstract at the moment.

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Such fantastic comments and insight that I'm hesitant to add my 2 cents but as I listened to the latest CFTP, I started to think about this topic in relation to the Rockefeller's. Anyone who has studied the truth behind the modern world (post 1800 from my reckoning) has seen the colossal hand of this family moving in all circles of life. Our broken for-profit Medical system, which kills but never cures...Rockefeller's....our broken Education system re-enforcing generational Lies and convincing children to not think but obey and produce meaningless paper....Rockefeller's...The Western-Based hand on the rudder setting the course of International Politics since 1921, Rockefeller's. And of course what did all this influence spring from? Their complete monopoly of the Oil. It seems not far-fetched to theorize that the saturation of their blood-line (crypto-Shlomo as many have noted) in the Goo would go hand in hand to undue negative influence in National and World affairs where they are always Anti-Life, Anti-Freedom. Anyway, Alec's piece was terrific, and i even ordered one of Oldfield's lenses to take pictures with. You all are hitting it out of the park, and Jack I'm going to try to raise the amount of my subscription the next time it comes around. You really deserve more than what your getting....I wish I could put a couple grand in your pocket but it is what it is. Thanks to the whole JH team. I'll be trying to turn on as many worthwhile people as I can. M

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I wish somebody would put a couple of grand in my pocket too Morg, hasn't happened in a while, didn't get to the beach all summer and to quote Jack Nicholson "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Jon Valentine sent me a great piece on those vile creatures Rockerfeller funds in Silicon Valley, don't read it on a full stomach https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/10/03/transhumanism/

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Morg, I'm glad you have gone exploring. Oldfield's lens etc. I know a guy here in NZ went of to photograph any and everything with one ha ha! To bad you can't take on into the bank with you and photograph the manager just to see if he is human or not. Anyone you don't trust try and snap a picture see what you come up with? Take it to the local cemetery see if you can find any ghosts.

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Thanks Alec, I have several people in mind already. Thanks also for sharing this information with Jack so he can share it with us. To quote John Nada in Carpenters They Live, we've come here to chew bubblegum and kick-ass....and we're all out of bubblegum.

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Jack is going to be posting something soon. I wanted those interested to get a little heads up on the area of New Zealand I personally was investigating 20 and more years ago.


Arapawa Island situated in the Marlborough sounds at the tip of the south island, New Zealand has long been considered a place of mystery. Along with the general Marlborough area, including Blenheim which has an exceptionally high percentage of NZs UFO sightings. Arapawa Island lies directly on Harmonic 41188837. Betty Rowe, has lived on the island with her family since emigrating here from the US in 1972. She has written a book about life on the island (Arapwa once upon an island). Tragically from 2000 the area has fallen victim to disease (plant and animal) directly resulting from Bettys first sighting of persistent contrails being observed in the area. This has been documented and reported in the excellent website Mysterious New Zealand. I urge anyone who is not already familiar with it to read it. Arapawa (Arapaoa being the traditional name meaning path, Ara Paoa, mist) has long been associated with strange bobbing lights, disembodied voices and appearing and disappearing islands. The following is a recollection of a friend of the Roves who had witnessed first hand the mysterious disappearing Island.

Rex, a frequent visitor to Aotea, was a bit sceptical about all these stories of bobbing lights and mysterious voices until he had his own unusual experience. Returning from a walk, he came into the woolshed where Mitch and Walt were The shearing. The usually calm, cool and collected Rex was in a state of high excitement for, while he had long ago learned, like the rest of us, that the unexpected is often the norm at Aotea, he had not been prepared for the events that had sent him scurrying home from his morning walk. `You'll never guess what I've just seen!' The accent was on the `never' and Rex took a physical step backward in disbelief when Mitch, without missing a stroke, answered calmly: `The disappearing island.' accent `How did you know?' Now the accent was on every word. Straightening up, Mitch exchanged puzzled looks with Rex. `I don't really know why I said that. It just came into my mind.' No stranger to Arapawa, Rex had followed a route to the tops that he had taken many times before. Reaching the summit, he was confronted by a strange and unfamiliar sight, and his first reaction was to assume he had somehow taken a wrong turn and emerged further north than he had thought. assumed On closer examination, he found he was indeed exactly where he had first assumed he was, but there in the water stood a body of land separated from bushArapawa by a narrow neck of sea. The island was fairly large and bush-clad and Rex was aware of bird life among the trees. surveyed Not one to be easily startled and frightened, Rex had surveyed his surroundings and studied the little island for some time before deciding to retrace his steps and return for another look. This he did, only to find the island was no longer where it had been concise ten minutes before. Rex was able to produce a clear and concise drawing of the island and its relationship to Arapawa. Unfortunately, he did not have his camera with him to capture it on film, but I wondered if it would have shown up even if he had managed to photograph it. The disappearing island has been seen by several by people who report similar stories of coming upon a land mass in a place where nothing before had been seen and the accompanying feeling that they were in a strange place.

Could it be possible that an Inter-dimensional gateway possibly exists in the vicinity?

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The truth is that our existence here is magical, Alec. Far from this being disconcerting, the fact that no standard explanation exists should be liberating. For generations now, certain people have struggled to define and codify this reality, to explain the forces present, and to reduce all life to this level. Examples like yours, here, illustrate quite clearly that the reductionist view is far too narrow. I celebrate this as a wonderful message, that life is so much more than we are trained to believe.


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This is what I like about life Mike, you are never sure what you are capable of until you try.

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Our intro

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