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Jack is going to be posting something soon. I wanted those interested to get a little heads up on the area of New Zealand I personally was investigating 20 and more years ago.


Arapawa Island situated in the Marlborough sounds at the tip of the south island, New Zealand has long been considered a place of mystery. Along with the general Marlborough area, including Blenheim which has an exceptionally high percentage of NZs UFO sightings. Arapawa Island lies directly on Harmonic 41188837. Betty Rowe, has lived on the island with her family since emigrating here from the US in 1972. She has written a book about life on the island (Arapwa once upon an island). Tragically from 2000 the area has fallen victim to disease (plant and animal) directly resulting from Bettys first sighting of persistent contrails being observed in the area. This has been documented and reported in the excellent website Mysterious New Zealand. I urge anyone who is not already familiar with it to read it. Arapawa (Arapaoa being the traditional name meaning path, Ara Paoa, mist) has long been associated with strange bobbing lights, disembodied voices and appearing and disappearing islands. The following is a recollection of a friend of the Roves who had witnessed first hand the mysterious disappearing Island.

Rex, a frequent visitor to Aotea, was a bit sceptical about all these stories of bobbing lights and mysterious voices until he had his own unusual experience. Returning from a walk, he came into the woolshed where Mitch and Walt were The shearing. The usually calm, cool and collected Rex was in a state of high excitement for, while he had long ago learned, like the rest of us, that the unexpected is often the norm at Aotea, he had not been prepared for the events that had sent him scurrying home from his morning walk. `You'll never guess what I've just seen!' The accent was on the `never' and Rex took a physical step backward in disbelief when Mitch, without missing a stroke, answered calmly: `The disappearing island.' accent `How did you know?' Now the accent was on every word. Straightening up, Mitch exchanged puzzled looks with Rex. `I don't really know why I said that. It just came into my mind.' No stranger to Arapawa, Rex had followed a route to the tops that he had taken many times before. Reaching the summit, he was confronted by a strange and unfamiliar sight, and his first reaction was to assume he had somehow taken a wrong turn and emerged further north than he had thought. assumed On closer examination, he found he was indeed exactly where he had first assumed he was, but there in the water stood a body of land separated from bushArapawa by a narrow neck of sea. The island was fairly large and bush-clad and Rex was aware of bird life among the trees. surveyed Not one to be easily startled and frightened, Rex had surveyed his surroundings and studied the little island for some time before deciding to retrace his steps and return for another look. This he did, only to find the island was no longer where it had been concise ten minutes before. Rex was able to produce a clear and concise drawing of the island and its relationship to Arapawa. Unfortunately, he did not have his camera with him to capture it on film, but I wondered if it would have shown up even if he had managed to photograph it. The disappearing island has been seen by several by people who report similar stories of coming upon a land mass in a place where nothing before had been seen and the accompanying feeling that they were in a strange place.

Could it be possible that an Inter-dimensional gateway possibly exists in the vicinity?

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The truth is that our existence here is magical, Alec. Far from this being disconcerting, the fact that no standard explanation exists should be liberating. For generations now, certain people have struggled to define and codify this reality, to explain the forces present, and to reduce all life to this level. Examples like yours, here, illustrate quite clearly that the reductionist view is far too narrow. I celebrate this as a wonderful message, that life is so much more than we are trained to believe.


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This is what I like about life Mike, you are never sure what you are capable of until you try.

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