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I'm afraid that anything I might say would simply confuse the picture, on top of requiring rather lengthy explanation, but that said I might be able to offer a useful perspective regarding some of the ideas presented. Firstly, I would not refer to Gnosticism as a religion. Religion, ultimately is concerned with worship. Rather, it is far more instructive to understand Gnosticism as mysticism, which is direct knowledge of the divine. If one can comprehend the nature of mysticism, then one can discover that mankind has a very ancient mystical tradition, and that Gnosticism is a feature of this tradition.

Whilst some religions actively choose to be informed by mysticism, there is no western religious tradition that is so informed by it's own mysticism, and yes I am aware of the Qabala.

Archon, the word, refers to the cosmic order, the organizing thereof, not it's creation. Just as worship is not knowledge, so organizing is distinct from creating. There are certain truths pertaining to this organization that many of more refined sensibilities find repugnant, yet in essence, the struggle of humanity to remember themselves is directly linked to the Archontic.

In terms of loosh, the entire concept is a watered down explanation for sacrifice. From a Gnostic point of view, it is an utterly lost cause to propritiate via sacrifice, as it becomes ultimately self destructive. However, there certainly is a cross section of humanity addicted to sacrifice to this day.

There is a vital energy that never stops flowing in this world, and it is often equated to breath for obvious reasons, but I hesitate to endorse loosh as anything close, mostly due to it's oppressive abrahamic overtones, which I am extremely weary of.

Ultimately, the attempt to codify emotion as energy is an objectification of an event which is extremely personal, one which has strong dehumanizing overtones. I suppose it is inevitable that mankind would equate everything to this level of existence, but I can confirm that there is a higher order that is not subject to our rules.


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Indeed Mike Qi, Ch'i, the breath of life, or as many suggest in this context "life force" Maybe Reich got close with orgne, because the other side sure got nervous. Ignoring Reich's evidence and declaring "the orgone energy does not exist", US Courts ordered all his books on the orgone subject to be burned, and banned from further circulation. Reich was also thrown into prison, where he died.

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I need to add something here, from people I trust, and Harry Oldfield himself, when a person infected with one of these leaches, that was optically sighted using his special lens filters, this person wanted the parasite removed, but when an attempt was made to do so. the person being helped, turned on those helping them, and would have killed them if the opportunity was presented. That's how much control the parasites can exert over you.

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This condition of which you speak, is not rare. It comes to us because we often have beneficent power, a Daemon to help us through our lives, call it your guardian angel if you wish, but alas such is separable from us.

There are different ways, because the spirit world, or if you prefer, the greater cosmos is heavily populated, but often the separation occurs due to automatic behavior and neglect. Once this occurs, it is possible that an intrusion to find its way in.

The modern world loves automatic behavior. It loves the numbing salve of mindless routine, thus the bond between the assistant and the person is often strained, weak. This is one reason for so much zombie like behavior, that the person is available to all kinds of mindless entities, and they become the identity of the one in question, actually occupying the person's field.

I haven't spent all that much effort verifying what I'm going to say next, for reasons that have to do with focus and energy, but it seems to be true that Covid, both the illness and the injection-they are weaponized together, accomplishes the same thing, only in a number of cases, the separation is even more severe.

This is the schism of Daemon and Eidolon, and it has been fundamental to the heavy, materialistic bent of greater mankind, as well as the huge number of cases of possession.

There is a cure, at least in the non-Covid cases, but it requires a lot of effort and work.


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Apologies for the bad English, Alec, I usually correct the grammar, but this last one got away from me.

I just have to mention that mankind is not simply an interchangeable one size fits all organism. There are levels of function with mankind, levels of skill-or lack thereof, and definitely levels of cognition. It is politically incorrect to say so, but race has much to do with the pathways of interaction that mankind has developed with the intelligible world.

When it comes to various types of entity intrusion, it may very well be that nature abhors a vacuum, and the loss of the Daemon requires a replacement. This doesn't mean that replacement is beneficent, just that some spiritual power must be present.


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I agree once more MK, no two beings hold the same agenda, or skill, that's what makes it difficult to interact with each other or understand each other, The fact some might remember why they are here and others not, just adds to the confusion. But I have a friend who keeps reminding me, we are always in the right place at the right time, The trick is to know it. Ha Ha!

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Jack has proposed gathering together for a last stand however, won't that feed the beast?

Perhaps all of us should become lone wolf's directed by the creative Spirit? That Earth Spirit, that Goddess, those wave maidens or that Great Spirit?

Just an observation.

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And when we gather how do we prevent an infected person from joining the group as I suggest the lone wolf finds a mate and builds a family all directed by Spirit.

So, observing, what does the enemy do? Confuses gender fist off as gender has been weaponized. Which prevents family's to form.

Then enemy destroys existing family units through first and foremost gender confusion with destroys economies by breaking families a most productive economic system, further, with the creation of fiat banks the enemy can expand or contract the human food supply. Right now they are contracting supply of food to cull the heard.

But the US Military has introduced covid and the vaxx and perhaps the die off of the retards will help the unaffected and perhaps covid itself a tactical weapon?

Just an observation.

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Let them have their vaxxine.

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I am the Wolf


That is a great band Romain!

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A must watch video as Gregg Mannarino explains in central banking terms how the Fed has created a greatly expanded population with the only purpose but to consume.

He explained how for decades the fiat debt based system has expanded production of everything to expand the human population and now that very system is being contracted to cull the heard.

Always an opportunity for the lone wolf to prosper as the heard is culled. I shall zigg and zag around the enemy as we dance. Spirit guides me.

I do as I please like Crowley before me.


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