Well, l'aryensoufi I must first complement you on your mastery of the English language and salute your prose, better than mine. Yea the archons, outside of Her, are cardboard cutouts of Yahweh or Enlil if you please. That is why Surtr carries Lǽvateinn the only weapon that can slay Víðófnir, the rooster that crows at the top of the tree …
Well, l'aryensoufi I must first complement you on your mastery of the English language and salute your prose, better than mine. Yea the archons, outside of Her, are cardboard cutouts of Yahweh or Enlil if you please. That is why Surtr carries Lǽvateinn the only weapon that can slay Víðófnir, the rooster that crows at the top of the tree of life, whether you want to call it the Yggdrasil or the Sepher Yetzirah.
Well, l'aryensoufi I must first complement you on your mastery of the English language and salute your prose, better than mine. Yea the archons, outside of Her, are cardboard cutouts of Yahweh or Enlil if you please. That is why Surtr carries Lǽvateinn the only weapon that can slay Víðófnir, the rooster that crows at the top of the tree of life, whether you want to call it the Yggdrasil or the Sepher Yetzirah.
Carrying "Løvetann"? - meaning lion-tooth