Jack has proposed gathering together for a last stand however, won't that feed the beast?
Perhaps all of us should become lone wolf's directed by the creative Spirit? That Earth Spirit, that Goddess, those wave maidens or that Great Spirit?
And when we gather how do we prevent an infected person from joining the group as I suggest the lone wolf finds a mate and builds a family all directed by Spirit.
So, observing, what does the enemy do? Confuses gender fist off as gender has been weaponized. Which prevents family's to form.
Then enemy destroys existing family units through first and foremost gender confusion with destroys economies by breaking families a most productive economic system, further, with the creation of fiat banks the enemy can expand or contract the human food supply. Right now they are contracting supply of food to cull the heard.
But the US Military has introduced covid and the vaxx and perhaps the die off of the retards will help the unaffected and perhaps covid itself a tactical weapon?
A must watch video as Gregg Mannarino explains in central banking terms how the Fed has created a greatly expanded population with the only purpose but to consume.
He explained how for decades the fiat debt based system has expanded production of everything to expand the human population and now that very system is being contracted to cull the heard.
Always an opportunity for the lone wolf to prosper as the heard is culled. I shall zigg and zag around the enemy as we dance. Spirit guides me.
Jack has proposed gathering together for a last stand however, won't that feed the beast?
Perhaps all of us should become lone wolf's directed by the creative Spirit? That Earth Spirit, that Goddess, those wave maidens or that Great Spirit?
Just an observation.
And when we gather how do we prevent an infected person from joining the group as I suggest the lone wolf finds a mate and builds a family all directed by Spirit.
So, observing, what does the enemy do? Confuses gender fist off as gender has been weaponized. Which prevents family's to form.
Then enemy destroys existing family units through first and foremost gender confusion with destroys economies by breaking families a most productive economic system, further, with the creation of fiat banks the enemy can expand or contract the human food supply. Right now they are contracting supply of food to cull the heard.
But the US Military has introduced covid and the vaxx and perhaps the die off of the retards will help the unaffected and perhaps covid itself a tactical weapon?
Just an observation.
Let them have their vaxxine.
I am the Wolf
That is a great band Romain!
A must watch video as Gregg Mannarino explains in central banking terms how the Fed has created a greatly expanded population with the only purpose but to consume.
He explained how for decades the fiat debt based system has expanded production of everything to expand the human population and now that very system is being contracted to cull the heard.
Always an opportunity for the lone wolf to prosper as the heard is culled. I shall zigg and zag around the enemy as we dance. Spirit guides me.
I do as I please like Crowley before me.