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Apr 18, 2023
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Thank you RMB, and thanks for your kind words

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Apr 17, 2023
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What have you got in mind E.?

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Romain and Jack, simply excellent.

You know my American Brevet cycling club has a vaxxine mandate to do Brevets to qualify for Paris Brest Paris as I hope there is so much trouble in Paris this August that they cancel the event.

My suggestion if they hold the event? Beat down the cyclists at the start in Paris especially the American cyclists who are all for vaxxine mandates.

Beat them like the cops in Paris Beat you and send them mother fuckers back to their American McMansions with black eyes and broken teeth simply for being so stupid.

My vaxx mandating neighbor will be in Paris this August to do Paris Brest Paris the world's oldest cycling event. Send him back to his McMansion with broken teeth and black eyes.

That would be justice!

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Now today I just had a lengthy conversation with my Hitler pal and the Jack Heart site. He thinks that our Jack and Orage are some kind of psyopp.

Your latest article on Stalin did that to him. I told him that the Russia we see today was a product of Joeseph Stalin. His brainwashing from the so called alt media is legend.

Adolph Hitler was many things but a savior of the white race he wasn't. Look at history to prove how he has been totally psyopped. I told him that every Hitler video that you are allowed to see on line was put there by jews and their agents.

Russia is front and center on the issue of the white race. American men? I am afraid our government can do any atrocity and outrage to its people and none will hit the streets like in France as Americans are fat lazy and addicted to comfort. However, most have not yet figured out that the young are priced out of housing and now even owning a car.

No? I can relate stories of these facts using my own grown children as examples.

Thanks for all the great work here Jack.

I am beyond sick and tired.

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The war I see in America? A war of comfort.

Comfort? Let's define the term. Meaning all life's needs met.

Which country can provide the most comfort at home whilst projecting multiple wars abroad along with endless military bases to foment new wars? Hence the destruction of the American anti war movement.

I am observing locally how the war on comfort has come home.

Just observing then comments.

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Crazed transvestites chase their children around school lunchrooms waving dildos under a federal mandate. The child molester "president" has been installed by demonically possessed fiends in a rigged election. Since that diabolical act of treason proper inflation stats would indicate 25% for food and rent with more for gas. Whites are under attack 24/7 by the thoroughly propagandized media and Jew ridden academia while war with Russia and China now appear inevitable. If Americans are comfortable with this, I dare say Americans are not long for this world. Vive la France!

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You ought to remind your Hitler pal that if Orage and I had not written the Black Sun Rising series he and his wife would still be watching Schindler's List.

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How so Jack? The sun? Black or right has risen called Spirit

It is hope beyond hope

Faith? A beautiful woman

Thing hoped for




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Have you ever met a woman called Faith?

Married to her

Tells me to ignore you

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Women trusted with your life

Married to her

Like Stalin before me

Out lived her

After her became cold

Like you Jack read it in a book

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Outstanding Romain.

And utterly contemptible...

I can only speak about my own country, where the subjects get daily told... 'absolutely nothing'.

And police brutality against strikers, campaigners, and activists is positively cheered, by the sycophantic plebs who still believe this is democracy...

And to think, you are citizens in France!

These plans, patterns, hypocrisy, and double standards we see everywhere today, at least across the west. Particulalry western Europe!

Though the Brits have failed to hit the streets, like their comrades in France, the strikes continue with no end in sight, and the pressure of the pot is building.

The pension age rise went through without challenge here, and now the pension pots are being raided.

We can always rely on the pomp and pageantry of the loyal royal usurpers, to pacify the great unwashed...

As we approach the coronation of the 'man who shouldn't be king', rest assured the Brits will collapse in reverence and be distracted once more from what's occurring.

Like accepting that old horse as queen and not consort...

The war on the middle class is ramping up the gears. And the fake manufactured cost of living crisis is putting on the squeeze.

But like a vice, only the middle is held against it's will. The unworking, non-contributing, lazy stinking chavs keep getting more and more handouts. Like an extra £500 a month if they register that they get headaches occasionally. They already get for free what we in the middle pay through the nose for...

And let's not even discuss that other side of the vice, our eternal enemy, the blood suckling, so called elite, who are just as lazy stinking toffs as their poor counterparts.

Protestor at the Grand National this weekend are now being blamed for the horse deaths they were campaigning against. 118 people beaten and arrested for speaking truth, and caring more about animals than their rich owners, and those who make spectacle of their unnecessary deaths.

Everywhere you look is now filled with violent, criminal, immigrants. As if the Goths have landed and started sacking the place. One of my daughters became victim this weekend whilst trying to sell a sofa on ebay. Some bloke purchased but refused to send the money via PayPal or other secure method, stating someone would give her cash on delivery. She refused, saying she wanted to use the proper secure payment method. So they sent two balaclava clad men with baseball and cricket bat's round to her house. A house with my daughter and two granddaughters in...!

Luckily they were not clever enough to get through the heavily reinforced front door to the flats (because this hadn't been the first time this month that the gangs had tried to intimidate the women living their with their children).

Unluckily for them, their address was on the ebay confirmation, and the father of one of my granddaughters is an influential Yardie...

He was not amused, and called me this morning to reassure me that they won't be doing it again, as the problem had been sorted.

Britain has become a cesspool. And the middle classes have seen the writing on the wall and are emigrating in droves...

Rapes and violent crime is rising almost as fast as corporate and rich elite crimes.

There is fast becoming nothing left worth fighting for.

Meanwhile, the powers that be are seeding the ground for the next 'big event' with the planned next week - UK-wide test of an emergency alert system!


It past time for the people of the west to join the French in solidarity, and commence the same at home.

We are in a fight not just for our lives, and way of life, but more importantly for the future of our grandchildren and theirs...

History will not look kindly on us if we turn a blind eye now, and do not stand up for ourselves...

Once again, excelently written and researched article Romain. And I know how you feel about investigative hat, I officially wore mine for 20 years, but no longer...

I am now free, unemployed and unemployable (at least in this cuntry), but I'm FREE!

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Don't worry Seraphim the French always go first in things like this, it's in their nature. We have an old joke in America about three men being on a plane that can only carry one of them due to engine failure, a Frenchman, a Texan and a Mexican. Two must jump, the Frenchman goes first shouting vive la France, the Texan then chucks the Mexican out screaming remember the Alamo. I was passed a poem before the war began:


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of

strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey,


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So true about the French always going first.

Great poem, and I love the joke...

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Thank you for your comment Seraphim, it is very nice to have the views of someone from the other side of the pond.

In all that you have mentioned, I immediately picture the parallel here... You have to keep your head up between the profiteers at the top and the profiteers at the bottom.

If some readers can realise from these writings that we are all dealing with the same force in multiple variations in multiple places, it is part of my intention to show this in detail. It is clear that there are great efforts to isolate countries from what is happening in their neighbours. So there is a great opportunity in this respect. And my guilty pleasure is to portray these people as the poor cockroaches that they are because they have nothing but their clothes - trying to dictate the life of others to fill their void. Basically, I don't care about their lives, I live mine very modestly and I don't envy them the frantic race to the death they lead. I just don't want them to take me in their stream. Evola called it "riding the tiger" I believe. There is a primordial instinct that has always shown me who these people really are before I even understood it as I do today. This is without doubt the case for most of us who are gathered here. What makes us different is that we don't forget that little voice beyond and replace it with stinking ideologies or the trappings of "reason". Aryensoufi has written some nice things about this. What saddens me deep down is how much blacker this filth gets when you dig into it.

I don't know why France seems to be getting more heated than its neighbours, but it's probably because the deception is both more contemptuous and less asserted, which would indeed make your point about the "king" right. A power that uses the pomp and pageantry already projects more of a semblance of authority and respect even if the royals' record is as dirty as Camilla's face.

I would much rather write about deeper issues as you, HP, the Aryensoufi and Jack/Orage of course produce but we'll see in time.

Oh, and maybe you haven't changed your hat, you just wear it better now.

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You are welcome Romain, it is always good to see through others eyes. Especially during a time when we seem to be walking the same shoes...

As for hats, I like that way of looking at it, thank you.

There certainly feels like there is a concerted effort to keep each country in the dark about how their fellow man are feeling and reacting to the impositions being placed on all of us, regardless of where we live. The methods may be slightly different, the language might take different tones, but the execution, and the planned outcomes seem to be the same... Everywhere!

This place stinks to high heaven right now, and the sewers are overflowing.

Keep up this necessary and noble work my friend, and in time I look forward to reading your thoughts on deeper issues.

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Must be the arrogance of the eggheads you so aptly described above. The emissions of the elite programming schools that suck the blood out of their pupils that issue laws that read like read like Chinese Instruction manuals. More centralised than the ole Polit Buro of Russia, all top down decrees, yet it fuels the burning barricades and spilled milk in the provinces. There's a pulse, and and it ignites

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Exelent,real jurnalism...

Second thing..you think you can talk, and make deals with Macron like abominations?

I don't hate anyone, I learned a long time ago a few things and one of them is the following: it is better to respect your enemies than to hate them.

Hate clouds judgment and you do stupid things, be ready for every move.

Nothing is ever optimal (100 percent), you can't prepare for all variables, but you can prepare and you should prepare for a few possible events that could unfold, Main thing, is always to know and look for an exit strategy.

Third: there is just one thing here that will cleanse this homo brigade...This is an open post, I think it is, so let your imagination do the rest.

You can talk to these people, you cant vote them out of office, these " people" are manifestations of evil...you don't tame evil, you don't dance around it..you make sure they crawl back in the hole from they came in the first place.

About police, this is now a known fact for maybe even a decade that these people are not there to make sure you are safe...

How anyone can come home after he hit some old lady and put her in the Hospital...How do you come home to your kids and wife after you do these faul acts?

It is not possible, even these let us call them radio-controlled drones are not that evil.

Thanks, Romain for this very detailed and accurate,honest report...and thanks to Jack for posting this ungodly affair.

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And thank you for this brilliant comment HP, Miyamoto Musashi would be proud of this advice. We can't even call this a homo squad; even decent homosexuals are appalled. These bastards are demonically possessed, that should be getting clearer every day, and I will in accordance with your advice say right now demons are not stupid, don't underestimate them.

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These (people is the wrong word), are possessed alright Jack, and are being funded and protected from up on high...

It's not so much underestimating them, as seeing the strings that pull them. And cutting them free.

The onus is actually on the decent homosexuals and old school transvestites to rein them in and clean house, lest they burn with them!

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Brilliant HP, and spot on...

They have lost the thin veneer of respect I once had for them as a child.

My extended family could be called a little shady. One of my daughters is in bed with the Yardies, my father and his brothers were all Teddy Boys, my mother's were all in the IRA, my Mother-in-laws family are all Vory, and my wife's god parent was Ronnie Biggs...

But they have more honour, morals and principles than the so called police today!

And don't get me started on the homo brigade!

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War with Russia and China? America will lose bad. After that why bother invading the place? They could use the surviving population to grow food for the world on giant farms, pack the workers in 15 minute cities, make them walk and ride bicycles around since it would be good for them! Have you seen the size of some of them staggering around? The Midwest? Abundance of water there that could feed huge greenhouses that could produce food year round. To even things out we put whites to work on said farms from the Chicago North suburbs and give their homes to black people for reparations. And after America loses said war we blame the jews for starting it all with the ones we don't hang on the local oak tree we deport.

My suggestion? Ukraine. Under a Russian occupation government.

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Chairman nines five-year plan, I'm signing off on it

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Thank you HP.

I've been preparing since the moment I anticipated dropping everything when they started trying to inject people by force. Some contingency plans are already in place, in case of a collapse as well.

About the police, I can tell you that their actions and the words we hear coming out of their mouths are not going to make things better for them from now on. Some police brigades are demonic thugs, pure and simple.

We've heard recordings of cops enjoying the idea of blowing up legs and arms. Look at this one who tries to break an ankle by putting two feet on it right after he was pushed without provocation with his head hitting the pavement: https://twitter.com/violencespolice/status/1647523870977544194

And others who use body searches to touch and violently demean the person being searched. There was even a policeman who tried to strip a demonstrator in Lyon: https://www.marianne.net/societe/police-et-justice/homme-deshabille-de-force-par-un-policier-a-lyon-une-enquete-a-ete-ouverte

And that's not counting the elderly who were beaten and dragged to the ground: ....


And women : https://twitter.com/AlertesInfos/status/1647723819421904898

There have even been conflicts between the police and the gendarmerie. A small example here when police officers decided to interpret a crowd dispersal order a little too freely by gassing people instead. A gendarme officer asked to stop and get an explanation of their behavior: https://twitter.com/SanAndreas1986_/status/1639093581729370115

Here's what was said recently during an interview:

Laurent Bigot, a former sub-prefect from 2003 to 2008, recently shared his thoughts on the changes he has seen in the police force. "I don't recognize the police I worked with," he said. According to him, being a police officer is a difficult and tiring job, confronting officers with the darker sides of human beings and all the social misery.

However, after a few years of mobilization, Laurent Bigot admits to being angry with them. "Imagine the average citizen who had no opinion about the police. He hates the cops. The young people there, we make whole generations anti-cops", he explains. According to him, this situation is dramatic for France because the country needs police officers and gendarmes to maintain order according to the rules of the rule of law.

For the former sub-prefect, the recordings of the BAC ( Anti-Criminality Brigade) broadcast by Loopsider show police officers talking like thugs and "teubés. It is hyper disturbing, this behavior is not due to fatigue or irritation, but rather to a mode of operation. They are thugs. They talk like low-class thugs. It's fun for them to beat up... but you don't belong in the police force, go do MMA," he explains.

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Of course some police unions are reportedly negotiating an exemption from this reform - no less! - with a year's worth of compensatory bonuses while maintaining their special regime denied to others, according to a well-known journalist who has investigated Macron, Marc Endeweld.

Just to think of the degree of betrayal involved...

The fire is well stoked and it's all going to end very badly, no matter what the outcome.

"How anyone can come home after he hit some old lady and put her in the Hospital...How do you come home to your kids and wife after you do these faul acts?"

Well, to tell you the truth, I would hope that they do not have any...

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This is what happens when you pay for kosher police training, and indoctrinate the police to despise those they are supposed to protect...

But then, protecting the plebs was never the polices job in the first place. It's only now that that has become clear as day...

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Romain, the investigative hat may sit uncomfortably on your head, but you wear it well. You wear it very well indeed...

Thank you for this

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Bravo Romain! A coruscating and erudite situation report Sir!

Please remember that when you don 'le chapeau investigateur', you are leagues ahead of the 'brown hats' of presstitutionism. We are all enriched by your endeavours, and more power to you for it!

Here in dear old Blighty, we have ol' 'Buncha Fyffes' declaring 'Horseface' in some way an immaculate transformation to (barely) legal regal. The entire public sector in revolt. And lots of people are seriously pissed off. Seraphim hits the nail fair and square, as per...The good people at Aintree tried, but lacking any real panache, missed the opportunity to parachute in, dressed in Flecktarn, not pink pooftah garms! Some awful drunk trainer tried to blame the death of his unfortunate gee-gee on the actions of these committed, I'm sure well-meaning, but ultimately ineffectual protestors. Ahh well, better luck next time folks. It is an utterly Roman spectacle, sponsored by Randox Health, Covid profiteers, and all-round Tory bastards. Speaking of horses, I'm sure many readers are aware of the questions surrounding the 'cisgender' of Mme Macron.

She sure has a strong face! I struggle to unthink the image of P'tit Emmanuel fighting for breath as he bites the pillow, the wife's unwavering prehensile organ violating him mercilessly..

Ahh, but enough of such things. I think that Marine was compromised, and as such was offered as controlled opposition. Shame, I quite liked her. Her dad was a hard fella of course.

Closer to home, I think that political parties should be made obsolete by people power, and independent candidates connected to their communities by birth and in most cases race, are our best option.

In my constituency, our MP is a Labour Blairite snake. An intellectual vacuum, yet availed of a low cunning.. A cypher, a simulacrum of a politician. Somebody busily feathering their nest, whilst wiping the reproductive mucus of her political and ideological handlers from her eyes and matted hair, deep in the catacombs of Westminster. She has to go! I'm glad that I got that off of my chest, anyway....I hope you are all getting some sunshine and some happy times, my friends. Salutations!

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To funny J. England has the same option Americans have, go with elected Sheriffs and counties. Working on the book now, Benders on the table haven't read it yet, still gotta do the Kaiser and the death of Edward maybe Bender can be there and become affiliated with Magnus..

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I pinged a possible path...

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Sublimely put Jon.

And I'm with you on the removal of parties, they have had their day. I'll see you at the house of turds when we pitch them out...

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Into the tumbrils, bound for the Tyburn Tree!

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Gallows fit for a King!

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With silken rope and minstrelsy divers,

I vouch a stretched Allegro as a hearse.

Tho' I was ne'er an avowed Regicide,

Nor could I be delign'd as lick arse snide.

Come to the fair, my brothers fair;

T'is of great import!

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I hear some chaps are experts with long ropes, sloooow

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You made my day Julian!

English wit at its best!

I remember you being hailed as a culinary master chef several times and I have no doubts you can handle a spatula as well as your pen !

I didn't get any sunshine today but your comment surely did the trick!

Cheers !

PS : I loved the last publication in Jon's Valley

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"Making your day" just made my day Romain.

More power to your pen man.

Tonite, I'm on the pans, so to speak...

A Russian style kulebyáka with salmon, in a belated nod to Orthodox Easter celebrations.

Some of my favourite dishes are inspired by traditions.

How sad that our societal norms, arts, festivities and indeed traditional cuisine are being eroded, ground down and rendered into homogeneous grey pap.

Variety is the spice of life, and yet what these devils purport to offer is the polar opposite.

Thanks for this great, and in many ways, standard-setting piece of international reportage!

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Greatest one day race in the World!

The French know how to put on a bicycle race!

Notice how one day bike racers got some muscle as its a very different game than the grand Tours.

Viva La France!!!

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No American will come back bloody

My neighbor desperately deserves it

However, PBP will continue

Like wars always continue

Because an entity wants it this way

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An absolutely stunning piece, thank you Jack & Romain. Never in recorded history have the nations of the West been administered to by such a bunch of craven, boot-licking, criminal, perverted, sock-puppet slimebags. They wouldn't even make good fertilizer. When the Adolph Hitler and the National Socialists took over the reigns of state power in Germany, legitimately and democratically by a majority never enjoyed by any political party or person in the countries that so hypocritically denounced them, their first order of business was to clean out the Augean stables of Judaic Wiemar. The word was quickly passed down. Take out the sodomites. Flying squads of NS troopers raided the homo bath houses, book stores, and other institutions of Talmudic depravity and arrested the fagots while destroying their domiciles. All of their publications showing and endorsing fagotry, bestiality, and other unspeakable perversions were subjected to mass immolation. This is the "evil" "Nazi" book burning that the Jews and their Goyim sycophants so ardently bewail. These swine should be tossed into the flames with the debauched printed matter they so vehemently adore and defend.

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Thank you very much Heretic.

The whole perversion is coming out more and more.

What I didn't say, and which might interest you, is that the sensitive issue underlying the Brigitte Macron case is a potential incest story.

Jean-Jacques Trogneux, Brigitte's nephew, looks a lot like Macron himself...


The simplest conclusion being that Macron could potentially have a direct family link with Brigitte/Jean Michel Trogneux...

There are already many mysteries in the family tree of the main people involved.

All this is supported by a recent cancellation of a procedure initiated by Macron's wife.


"The Macron-Trogneux family stunned. After taking two women, a "medium" and a "freelance journalist", to court in February 2022 because of transphobic rumours about the First Lady spread on the Internet through their fault, Brigitte Macron, her brother and her three children were stunned to learn of the decision of the Paris judicial court on 8 March. Consulted by AFP and relayed by Le Parisien, the court declared the summons issued by the president's clan null and void for infringement of privacy and image rights, considering that the facts denounced should have been qualified as public defamation."

Of course, suing for "transphobic rumours" is somewhat strange and seems to give credence to the accusation. Or perhaps it was to avoid having to provide evidence in the event of a defamation charge?

Quite a laugh!

I will conclude this with the words of Nathalie Rheims, descendant of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. As she so eloquently put it "Vice is nice, but incest is best because it stays in the family"



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After Michael Obama they realized anything is possible with third generation couch potato's whose only experience with real life is a walk through the produce section in the supermarket, referenced in the movie White Noise that we covered. My position remains the same throughout, these people are infected with a world ending pathogen they infected themselves with during and post WW II. The sexual behavior is just a symptom. Lascivious behavior in woman is symptomatic in generic infections like Toxoplasmosis, but this is much worse. Interestingly enough over aggressiveness is symptomatic in men infected by Toxoplasmosis, and again amplified a thousand times over in these vaxxed up cops. We can expect the same from the military only they will be using live rounds. We will do an On the Porch in a few hours and I will elaborate further.

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You are more than welcome, Romain, and thank you for the interesting information. I am more than convinced that the first "lady" of France is a male to female, transsexual androgyne. "She" is laced with male biological characteristics from head to toe. It wouldn't surprise me if Jew boy Macron is a female to male tranny. As I've stated many times and it always bears repeating, the upper crust of this realm is filled with these freaks. Sometimes I think that the Hebraic & Freemasonic sorcerers who hold sway on earth produce them in secret laboratories. There are a plethora of ways for the Controllers to get children for them (those unfortunates will be transgendered as well) either by medical procedures involving their sex organs or by abduction. As the trannys age, the drugs, hormonal treatments and sex altering surgeries fail to hold and it becomes very obvious what their birth genders were as they take on monstrous appearances. As for incest, most people believe it is largely confined to the poorer classes but that simply is not true. It is just as prevalent among the middle and rich classes, probably even more so, and is much more ubiquitous than most can imagine. The problem is, for every known case, there are at least 20 if not much more that remain concealed. At any rate, thanks again, Romain. Keep punching, buddy.

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The confused abominations stalking this land at present, have dirtied their souls beyond redemption.

Truly they have fallen, hook, line, and sinker for thoughts that were never their own.

In their blind quest for meaning, and acceptance, they have taken the wrong fork in the road...

And now, despite their outward portrayal of happiness and joy, they are but withered husks, who are planting the seeds of their own demise.

The gates of sodom are churning with the masses of the lost and damned, let them all gather in their glad, glass houses. In the end they will be the throwers of the stones against themselves...

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Exquisitely put, Seraphim.

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There is one thing that is also interesting to broaden the discussion, in relation to the name Fabius.

The name echoes the famous Roman commander Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, known as the Cunctator (the Temporizer) because of the attritional techniques employed by his armies, notably against Hannibal. There are some nice examples in "33 Strategies of War" by Robert Greene.

What is even more interesting is that this general inspired the creation of the famous Fabian Society in 1884 certainly inspired by these usury practices, but this time in a long term social engineering perspective, and which included several characters such as Herbert Georges Wells.

Hence the coat of arms of the said society showing a wolf in sheep's clothing...

Perhaps another nod to the commander given his other nickname of Ovicula or "the little sheep".

In the same spirit, there is a logo with an aggressive turtle and the words "when I strike, I strike hard".

But also the Fabian Society window created by George Bernard Shaw which depicts Sidney Webb and Edward R. Pease hammering the earth on an anvil beneath the Fabian Society emblem. At the top of the window are the words "Remould it nearer to the heart's desire."

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Again, Romain they started out with a plan, a plan which some might even consider noble, but they are infected now. There is no plan except to infect and exterminate, that's their new "plan." They are not very bright, but we have too many among us talking, because they are given podiums, that are not very bright either.

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Of course Jack, I fully follow your conclusions in this respect. I don't want to divert too much attention from the things that matter most to us today. I just have some leftovers from my research exercise...

Thanks for your focus.

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Keep everything coming Romain, this is exceptional..

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INSIDE THE BROTHERHOOD (1989) GRANADA TV -this is definitely useable...next stop after France will be U.K....boats full of " migrants" are not stopping, and Macron is singing on the street..., ...all this is done on purpose, shocker..I know.

This clown, Macron is not afraid...at all.


On a grand scale what the police is doing doesn't matter, what will the military do will matter.

If there is anything left after generous gifts of military hardware to U- KRAINA Ukraine.

King Charles III's coronation will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey in London...I expect after this travesty we will see even more violent and nasty things emerge from the bowels of the underground.

Islamization of former Christian lands is the goal here....and fiat money must be pushed aside for digital currency...creating doom and gloom.

Why Islamization? This is an upside-down world, a world of inversions.

1700 mosques were built in the U.K. alone in the last 20 years... these are education centers and barracks built for future events.

White men is an annoyance, because we truly understand freedom, and have a higher capacity for empathy than other races...This is our biggest shortcoming we want to help the helpless and we as a race are very individual beings...We lost a tribal mentality during the industrial and scientific " revolution".

This is the main reason why these infected zombies don't want to see the White race united...the world would change in a matter of years.

It is nothing personal just business for them, we are in the way that is all.

we are dealing here with a cold premeditated mind who does not operate under the coat of human emotions, love, or hate...this thing just finds and exploits the weakness of any race, any living being black, yellow, pink, or orange doesn't matter.

I don't see anything will be done in Europe from the Russian side, Russian jets are seen over the Iranian sky so there is another front that is waiting for the grand opening.

War in Europe is under control, for now, there is no reason for Putin to act, using military force beyond the Ukrainian border.

Something is quietly buzzing in the Middle East...all eyes are on France now but we should not overlook events under the scorching sun in the Middle East.

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Another must read comment from our new master of the East

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Perfectly, and presciently, put HP.

The writing is on the wall...


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Islam? Is it not the last Abrahamic religion? I was told by Muslem friends that Christianity reformed Judism and that Islam reformed Christianity.

My observation? With Islam taking over Europe perhaps like Russia and her orthodox church transgenderism that great abomination will get put down.

Russia banned it being pontificated to children. Perhaps Islam will overtake rotted Christianity in Europe that allows such perversion.

In your story didn't the great prophet of the east bless Islam? The other prophet, Crowley created Hitler both magicians under the Thule society. Europe and America are just rotting stinking corpses full of injected black goo. The Church in America is a rotting corpse but that Church has a remnant lead by Spirit.

Does this not go back to the crusades run by homosexual perverts wearing collars? Attacking and conquering Islamic lands for centuries and fast forward to the west's insane middle east wars? How can the west escape such Karma?

What do I know.

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Islam honors Jesus as a great prophet however, Judaism perverts everything and in our modern world Christianity is that great perversion that allows Judaism to flourish as the most recent example? Where is the church with transgender perversion at her gate? She is a whore for the jews at least in America. Look what that church has allowed in the middle east?

It's the truth.

To be anti transgender is to be antisemitic as defined by Jewish Rabbis. Look how jews rail against Putin and how they support that Ukrainian Nazis? With the internet in America used to rehabilitate the Nazi era? Huge psyopp. Biggest I have ever seen.

And your fine series on Borman Jack as I see my Hitler pal totally enmeshed in total bullshit all pumped in on the electronic weapon called the internet.

He worships Borman as the greatest Nazi. Can't make this stuff up. When Hitler attacked Russia it cemented the Borman factions ultimate control using jewery as the foot soldiers.

I think we're all totally screwed.....

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How about Muslem gangs beating trannies senseless in the streets?

All for it.

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Didn't Crowley in the end repudiate Adolph Hitler for horrible decisions made? Yet Stalin being praised by Gudjjeif? And Stalins Russia survived the war to prosper and Germany laid prostrate like a cheap whore? Run by jews and bankers with every German with a muzzel on him like a dog. Not daring to speak his mind at what has really happened to Germany.

America will follow with a transgendered boot on America's throat with the bill of rights eliminated as I fear few men will stand up to the tyranny to come.

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You know a lot Nine.

There is no looking back now, the wheels are in motion and all the abrahamic faiths have had their day.

There is truly no future for any of them...

True, Christianity tried to reform Judaism, but kept too much of it inside itself like a cancer.

Islam likewise came from Christianity but still maintained the poisoned core of the apple from the abrahamic source...

In truth, the talmudics and quranics both need to be removed from this Earth, as much as our Christian churches.

Otherwise, we are all dead...

History will continue to repeat itself.

The old gods have fostered the new, and the riders on the storm are already here!

Islam may play the part as the next flood, scourging the land, and breaking down the walls of the new sodom and gamorrah (or is that old, eternal such).

But once scourged, will consume itself.

A mass suicide.

What we have today has been hundreds of years in the making.

And everything we see and hear, everything the little ants do, and react to, is but distraction from realising that we are already Kings on this earth, and we shouldnt really be here.

It's time to go home...

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The revolution of the casseroles

"Le pouvoir n'a aucune considération, il le montre. C'est une hypocrisie qui est démentielle. (...) Ce soir, on fait un concert de casserole parce qu'on a notre monarque républicain qui est en train de parler", affirme Iter, 22 ans, membre du syndicat Sud Solidaires à BFM Normandie.

Des manifestants étaient également réunis à Lille, Nantes ou encore Rennes. Dès samedi soir, l'association Attac a appelé à boycotter l'allocution télévisée du président de la République qui aura lieu ce lundi soir à 20 heures et à se rassembler devant les mairies de toute la France pour organiser des concerts de casseroles.

"Macron ne nous écoute pas? Nous ne l'écouterons pas!", écrivait l'association sur son compte Twitter.

"The power has no consideration, it shows it. It is a hypocrisy which is insane. (...) Tonight, we are making a concert of pans because we have our republican monarch who is speaking," said Iter, 22, a member of the Sud Solidaires union to BFM Normandie.

Demonstrators were also gathered in Lille, Nantes and Rennes. From Saturday evening, the Attac association called for a boycott of the televised address of the President of the Republic, which will take place this Monday evening at 8 pm, and to gather in front of town halls throughout France to organize concerts of pans.

"Macron does not listen to us? We won't listen to him!" the association wrote on its Twitter account.

The demonstration planned in Marseille this Monday evening had been forbidden by the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône but that did not prevent the demonstrators to be present on the Old Port, to sing and to dance. Between 500 and 1000 people were there and six people were arrested.

"This concert of pans is an opportunity to show our opposition, to demand the repeal" of the pension reform, she added.

"The pots and pans, it is a form like another, it is symbolic. It's to be audible, visible, keep the motivation intact."

For Youlie Yamamoto, it is not the French people participating in these concerts of pans who refuse to listen to the president but rather Emmanuel Macron "who does not listen to the majority of the population, (...) and who acts as if the millions of French men and women who spoke out did not exist."

Lots of memes with casseroles



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