On the Ground Report from Our Man in France by Romain (4/16/23)
This is why Jack Heart is the most censored information in the West....
I feel so dirty for wearing the investigative hat and spending so much time looking for the misdeeds of these bastards that I can’t even imagine the burden on the presstitutes to hide 3/4 of what they find, at least to those who have a shred of conscience left.
You’ll have plenty of material to discuss in your next podcast with what I’ve prepared for you. Everything is sourced to the maximum.
This is my report:
The uprising following the forced passage of the pension reform
Following the previous report on the situation in France, the pension reform had to pass the test of constitutionality. The decision of the Constitutional Council expected in the evening of April 14 was therefore eagerly awaited due to the gap that exists between the overwhelming rejection of the French people and the will of the government to hijack the institutions and the spirit of the laws in order to make it succeed.
But what can we expect from a Constitutional Council that has validated :
Injecting children
The state of emergency
The health pass
Vaccination pass
Unsurprisingly, the majority of French people expected the decision of the “Sages”, the nickname given to the members of the Constitutional Council – in this case more because of their docility than their wisdom – to validate all the important provisions of the proposed law.
And when I say everyone expected it, I mean everyone.
Naturally, the bludgeons did not delay in raining down on the voices that were raised, until late in the night. Macron, being the coward that he is and always taking advantage of the chaos that he generates, promulgated the law quickly in the wake of it to spare himself a new opportunity to give the French another reason for conflagration. The violence, sometimes brutal, of these Robocops, sometimes without a visible identification number, raises questions about their management and recruitment. One unit has particularly stood out since the beginning of the confrontations: The BRAV. Reminder: the BRAV is the acronym for Brigade de Répression des Actions Violentes or Brigade for the Repression of Violent Actions End of the joke. These policemen should be careful to control their zeal, because violence calls for violence in return.
This is what the Constitutional Council looks like and it has done the financial oligarchy a great service:
With an average age of 72 among the members, this will certainly add an ironic touch when it comes to discussing the retirement of others. It is clear that retirement is not just their alleged expertise but an urgent need. In Germany, the average age is 54 for the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe and on the basis of their selection criteria, 7 of the 9 French board members would not be accepted. Even the US Supreme Court has the minimum decency to appoint jurists who are recognised in their field of expertise and specialists in constitutional law.
Fun fact N°1: The remuneration of the members of the Constitutional Council is about €15,000 gross per month. However, there is a slight problem: the level of this remuneration has been totally illegal since 1960, as revealed by the Observatory of Public Ethics in 2018. It has been illegally supplemented since 2001 by a monthly allowance of €8,400 to compensate for the abolition, at that time, of the illegal non-taxation of half of the councillors’ allowance, which had lasted since 1960. It was Florence Parly, Emmanuel Macron’s former Minister of the Armed Forces, who decided on this illegal act in 2001.
Fun fact N°2 : You should know that it is not necessary to have a clean record to sit on the Constitutional Council. The proof is that Alain Juppé – former Prime Minister and Young Leaders of the French American Foundation – sits on the Council, even though he was convicted in 2004 for taking illegal interests in the context of the fictitious jobs affair at the Paris City Hall.
Fun fact N°3 : It is not necessary to be competent either, since Jacqueline Gourault, appointed by Emmanuel Macron, has no legal training. Meritocracy is not for tomorrow!
I am not going to detail the other less interesting profiles whose presence is due to cronyism and other paybacks, but I will give you a short portrait of the most criminal of them, who also happens to be the President of this Council : Laurent Fabius
His list of awards includes:
The introduction of the wealth tax as deputy minister for the budget, but taking care to exclude works of art while pretending to support the opposite, given that he is the son of a large family of Jewish antique dealers from Lorraine through his father.
Involvement to the point of involuntary manslaughter in the well known French contaminated blood affair when he was Prime Minister under Mitterrand. The contaminated blood affair was one of the biggest health, political and financial scandals to hit several countries in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly France, as a result of blood transfusion infections. Many haemophiliacs and hospital patients were infected with HIV or hepatitis C through blood transfusions, even though some doctors knew about the contamination of batches and politicians were also warned – including Laurent Fabius. Economic considerations also delayed the implementation of screening tests. Fabius got off scot-free and we now remember the well-known formula: “Responsible but not guilty”. Personal responsibility for one’s own actions and those of one’s subordinates, or rather the lack of it, is one of the main problems in our decadent societies. With appropriate sanctions up to and including the death penalty, everything would certainly be different.
He publicly supported Al Qaeda and Al Nosra to overthrow the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad as foreign minister. He called for the killing of the leader even though France was not officially at war with Syria, and France has abolished the death penalty.
He constitutionally validated the vaccination pass as President of the Council, while it is now certain that the injections only work in a dustbin, effectively instituting a real apartheid in France. What could be more appropriate than to favour such an injection after his involvement in the contaminated blood affair?
His son Victor Fabius was the associate director of the American consultancy McKinsey in charge of the French vaccine strategy. Funny when the father is then in charge of checking the constitutionality of this strategy…
His other son, Thomas Fabius, was convicted in fraud cases, not only by the French justice system but also by the US justice system for forging cheques for casino gambling. David Fabius, the last son, died after a fall from the 8ème floor in Paris in September 2022 for reasons still unknown.
Demonstrations at Black Rock France
With pain comes lucidity; and the French are increasingly pointing to the serious enemy to be fought.
It was in this context that several protesters broke into the premises of the French branch of Larry Fink’s company during the reform protests. This has happened before in 2020 when French boss Jean-François Cirelli received the Legion of Honour from Macron, and a month later with the intrusion of environmental protesters following Larry Fink’s annual letter to investors to signal a deep shift in the financial world towards climate and other sustainable scams.
Supplement – EuroGendFor
In the context of police violence in France, it is perhaps worth mentioning here that a European gendarmerie force has existed since 2004 and that its motto is Lex Paciferat – “Let the Law Pacify”…
An article relays some additional information on this subject, which is partially translated as follows:
“What about EuroGendFor?
While criticism of the Wagner Group has been heightened by the conflict in Ukraine and the end of the French military presence in Mali, in the Central African Republic CAR and Burkina Faso, officials have rarely addressed the creation of a secret European private army whose function is to serve the objectives of the European Commission. This army is called EuroGendFor. This secret army or special intervention unit is composed of 3000 men. It is a political and judicial police force, an army and a secret service, and its missions are carried out in close cooperation with the European armies in order to guarantee “security in European crisis areas”.
In other words, to put down any popular revolt in the EU member states that join “EuroGendFor”. This paramilitary troop was founded without any democratic legitimacy, in total opacity, and any state can call upon the EGF to quell any crisis.
The new European private paramilitary militia has been set up in the greatest secrecy, the aim of which is not to alert the population under any circumstances – the European citizen is not aware of its existence – suggesting that it is a police force of the country concerned – think again, the name was invented from the intellectual innovation of the French (Europe gendarmerie force) and is also called the “Force de gendarmerie européenne” (FGE)
EuroGendFor is a combination of police, judicial police, army and secret service.
The competences of this unit are practically unlimited. In close cooperation with the European military, it must guarantee ‘security in European crisis areas’.
More and more EU member states are joining “EuroGendFor” only to avoid having to use their own armies against the country’s citizens – in other words, they are washing their hands of the people.
What is behind Eurogendfor?
The command is located in Vincenza, Italy, far from the EU headquarters! This police force was created on the initiative of the former French Minister of Defence Michèle Alliot-Marie, in order to repress more easily in the future the demonstrations that always degenerate again in French cities.
The big problem is this: Eurogendfor will in future reduce the national law and national sovereignty of the EU member states to the European level! A ‘war council’, consisting of the defence and security ministries of the EU countries participating in Eurogendfor and the country concerned, will decide on intervention in an EU member state – this is how the new EU police force is regulated in the so-called Velsen Agreement (NL).
Interlude: French decadence – the icing on the cake of this crisis period
Marlène Schiappa, with the pompous title of “Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life”, is on the front page of Playboy magazine in the midst of a power crisis and after accusations against her of misappropriating public funds created following the beheading in the street of a teacher, Samuel Patty, by a terrorist. Already known for writing pornographic books under the pseudonym Marie Minelli, it seems that she is using her political career as a springboard into the world of sex. Who said “decency”?
Olivier Dussopt, the current Minister of Labour defending the pension reform, has seen fit to reveal his homosexuality in the gay magazine Têtu. If sex sells, it is certainly not the case in politics, and while the French suffer, others flaunt their sexuality. Everyone seems to forget that sodomy was originally a leisure activity rather than the equivalent of a political party membership card.
After the reform was rammed through, Macron gave an interview in Pif Magasine, a publication aimed at children. Very poorly hiding his arrogance and his daily contempt, Macron likes to infantilize the French under the guise of speaking to children. Surely a brilliant idea for a communication operation by the McKinsey firm…
Potpourri of French news:
The Great Game
Macron went to China with Ursula von der Leyen to try to reason with Xi Jinping on the Ukrainian issue, only succeeding in heaping humiliation on the way. In a probably simulated Gaullist impulse, Macron mentioned the need for independence and strategic autonomy so that Europe could be a third pole alongside the US and China. One French media did not hesitate to say that “not all truth is good to tell”.
A declaration of autonomy that makes those French people who are not fooled by the current state of vassalization of France, whose industrial flagships are mostly sold to American interests – with the help of Macron himself with Alstom, for example.
Macron was also more conciliatory than Ursula on the Taiwan issue. It is obvious that in such a period of undeclared World War III and the tectonic changes in terms of geopolitics that accompany it, that the lines will move and that certain dealings take place in the shadow of these declarations in order to better position oneself or better betray when the time comes.
François Hollande and the Minsk agreements
The former French President was tricked by the Russians Vovan and Lexus who posed as his former Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. Hollande demolished the official narrative by explaining that the Minsk agreements were only meant to buy the Ukrainians time to better arm them.
“Everyone thought it was Putin playing for time. No, we were playing for time to strengthen Ukraine,” Hollande said. A statement that echoes the words of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and demonstrates the hypocrisy and accusatory reversals in shambles of the dying European “elite”.
One of the most interesting traps set by these Russians is that of Christine Lagarde on the digital euro, where she admits that one of the objectives in view is population control under the pretext of terrorist risk.
Macron and the Great Reset
Macron had announced the end of abundance; he is therefore continuing the WEF measures with the first steps of water privatisation through a project of mega ponds supposedly intended to be a reserve for agricultural irrigation, but denounced by the opposition as a project of water grabbing by private interests. It was in the context of the demonstrations against this project that I reported on the situation of two demonstrators between life and death in my previous report. One of them is still in a coma and his prognosis is still vital. Macron intervened to defend this project and did not fail to talk about his “water sobriety plan” to prepare the population for future “shortages” in the following summers. He was careful not to mention that a plan to exchange water for hydrocarbons had already been put on the table at the end of 2022. But it is always easier to pass off political actions hatched in the shadows as enlightened forecasts.
Alexis Kohler, Macron’s fuse ready to blow :
Alexis Kohler, 50, is since 2017 the very discreet but very influential secretary general of the Elysée at the heart of a scandal.
As MSC became a dominant force in world trade, it also became a privileged channel for cocaine trafficking for Balkan gangs. Suspected of having favoured it from the Ministry of Finance, Bercy, or even the General Secretariat of the Elysée, Alexis Kohler (who had joined it as financial director in 2016-2017), was indicted last September for “illegal taking of interest”.
Despite a letter from President Emmanuel Macron himself stating that Alexis Kohler had informed him when he was at Bercy of his family links with the powerful shipowner MSC, the judges have indeed ended up putting him under investigation for illegal taking of interests. (The MSC affair, named after the Swiss shipping multinational managed by the wealthy Italian Aponte family, “distant” cousins of the Alsatian Jew Kohler…)
Repeal of compulsory vaccination rejected
Some members of parliament in a special committee have refused to repeal the requirement for carers to be injected ‘against’ Covid in favour of a simple suspension. This means that the requirement can more easily be imposed again during the next “pandemic”.
Many carers who courageously stood up for their principles and were put on the sidelines by their colleagues have lived in poverty for almost 600 days since their contracts were suspended. This is enough to disgust the most responsible health workers, but also those who were considering becoming them, thus accelerating the destruction of the French health system.
Jacques Attali on the financial collapse :
Attali, the eminence grise of power, announces “an immense financial crisis” for the summer of 2023 on his blog and analyses the American economic situation.
Jacques Attali, a friend of David de Rothschild, who complains of being the victim of conspiracy theories, boasted that he was the creator of Macron:
“Emmanuel Macron? I’m the one who spotted it. It was even I who invented hiḿ. Totally. From the moment I put him as a rapporteur, where there was Tout-Paris and the whole world and I didn’t turn him off, he made himself known. That’s the objective reality.”
Jacques Attali considers that history is divided into five periods, each period corresponding to a book of the Torah. In the introduction to his book Les Juifs, le Monde et l’Argent (Fayard, 2002), he states that since 1945 we have been living in the era of Deuteronomy.
Faithful to this spirit and to this economic-eschatological project, Jacques Attali demands that the people pay back the debt contracted by the States with the private banks:
“When democracies get into debt, well, you have to pay the price. That is to say, you have to pay it back! You have to pay it back! The debt is there, it was created democratically; it must be repaid. […] It is an original error that the people bear, because democratically they have elected or re-elected the people who have increased́ this debt.”
As early as 2010, Jacques Attali also advocated the creation of a common currency… worldwide. Moreover, he thinks that “we must aim for world government”. And he simply wonders whether this world government will be created “instead of war, or after the war“.
There are two ways of governing: by order or by chaos.
I leave it to you to judge the method used in the intoxication of power:
Previous Article by Romain On The Ground Report from France by Romain Forlini – The Human: Jack Heart, Orage and friends (jackheartblog.org)
Romain and Jack, simply excellent.
You know my American Brevet cycling club has a vaxxine mandate to do Brevets to qualify for Paris Brest Paris as I hope there is so much trouble in Paris this August that they cancel the event.
My suggestion if they hold the event? Beat down the cyclists at the start in Paris especially the American cyclists who are all for vaxxine mandates.
Beat them like the cops in Paris Beat you and send them mother fuckers back to their American McMansions with black eyes and broken teeth simply for being so stupid.
My vaxx mandating neighbor will be in Paris this August to do Paris Brest Paris the world's oldest cycling event. Send him back to his McMansion with broken teeth and black eyes.
That would be justice!
Outstanding Romain.
And utterly contemptible...
I can only speak about my own country, where the subjects get daily told... 'absolutely nothing'.
And police brutality against strikers, campaigners, and activists is positively cheered, by the sycophantic plebs who still believe this is democracy...
And to think, you are citizens in France!
These plans, patterns, hypocrisy, and double standards we see everywhere today, at least across the west. Particulalry western Europe!
Though the Brits have failed to hit the streets, like their comrades in France, the strikes continue with no end in sight, and the pressure of the pot is building.
The pension age rise went through without challenge here, and now the pension pots are being raided.
We can always rely on the pomp and pageantry of the loyal royal usurpers, to pacify the great unwashed...
As we approach the coronation of the 'man who shouldn't be king', rest assured the Brits will collapse in reverence and be distracted once more from what's occurring.
Like accepting that old horse as queen and not consort...
The war on the middle class is ramping up the gears. And the fake manufactured cost of living crisis is putting on the squeeze.
But like a vice, only the middle is held against it's will. The unworking, non-contributing, lazy stinking chavs keep getting more and more handouts. Like an extra £500 a month if they register that they get headaches occasionally. They already get for free what we in the middle pay through the nose for...
And let's not even discuss that other side of the vice, our eternal enemy, the blood suckling, so called elite, who are just as lazy stinking toffs as their poor counterparts.
Protestor at the Grand National this weekend are now being blamed for the horse deaths they were campaigning against. 118 people beaten and arrested for speaking truth, and caring more about animals than their rich owners, and those who make spectacle of their unnecessary deaths.
Everywhere you look is now filled with violent, criminal, immigrants. As if the Goths have landed and started sacking the place. One of my daughters became victim this weekend whilst trying to sell a sofa on ebay. Some bloke purchased but refused to send the money via PayPal or other secure method, stating someone would give her cash on delivery. She refused, saying she wanted to use the proper secure payment method. So they sent two balaclava clad men with baseball and cricket bat's round to her house. A house with my daughter and two granddaughters in...!
Luckily they were not clever enough to get through the heavily reinforced front door to the flats (because this hadn't been the first time this month that the gangs had tried to intimidate the women living their with their children).
Unluckily for them, their address was on the ebay confirmation, and the father of one of my granddaughters is an influential Yardie...
He was not amused, and called me this morning to reassure me that they won't be doing it again, as the problem had been sorted.
Britain has become a cesspool. And the middle classes have seen the writing on the wall and are emigrating in droves...
Rapes and violent crime is rising almost as fast as corporate and rich elite crimes.
There is fast becoming nothing left worth fighting for.
Meanwhile, the powers that be are seeding the ground for the next 'big event' with the planned next week - UK-wide test of an emergency alert system!
It past time for the people of the west to join the French in solidarity, and commence the same at home.
We are in a fight not just for our lives, and way of life, but more importantly for the future of our grandchildren and theirs...
History will not look kindly on us if we turn a blind eye now, and do not stand up for ourselves...
Once again, excelently written and researched article Romain. And I know how you feel about investigative hat, I officially wore mine for 20 years, but no longer...
I am now free, unemployed and unemployable (at least in this cuntry), but I'm FREE!