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Jan 21, 2023
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From what I know it's a bloodline l'aryensoufi, for all I know they pair the parents and perpetuate the bloodline, we are useful to them as generators and transmitters. I blew up in their face but and I hope you do too...

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Well Jack, those .gov types and the media types and even the makers of the film are douche bags.

From the super arrogant tattooed skinny jeans wearing bearded duche bag hipster spouting off about the mystery of the universe and his assorted bullshit.

Why would any entity want to have anything to do with people like that and the entity isn't hiding its avoiding them like I retired from that grand .gov simply because they are scum of the highest order.

The .gov? It's first characteristic is insufferable arrogance. It's second? Absolute cruelty. And it's third? It lies and when caught lying will lie to cover the previous lies it tells.

Just an observation.

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The type of people that become cyclists and wear "kits" and expensive Styrofoam hats that do nothing as far as protection goes all for control of behavior can't see anything beyond their own nose because a truthful creator has a truthful creation. Our .gov has met its match here along with its asshole secret clubs and homo's in the Intel agencies.

I am super glad that these control freaks got put in their place.

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The only reason the film got made is to recruit talent because the motherfuckers want to weaponize it Jack.

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I got one from Alec I'll run it next

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And of course the bug eyed faggot of a physics professor type oozing arrogance out of every pore of his paunchy body, stating how we came here to control the entirety of the situation as I laughed at their astounding arrogance!

I also felt sad for those native people who became sickened by their experiences but who's to say the entity caused it? Perhaps that came from our dear .gov?

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I suggest they develop a vaxxine for the phenomenon and force all intel agents get injected first followed by all law enforcement personal no exceptions or waivers.

Once their all properly marked the entity can deal with them so that we can get humanity back to something of normal peaceful truthful living.

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So, we finally found something worth watching on YT...I have this in my library but never got the chance to actually watch the damn thing...maybe now is the time... I will watch the

movie/documentary during the week probably.

Thank you for posting. Cheers!

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Shopping at Walmart and driving in Rotaries….

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So Jack, I propose an experiment.

Loyalty test of sorts.

Did I ever email you Jack? Email is like a Jesuit confession chamber.

On the human who will crucify me first?

I am now Public Enemy

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