Hunt for the Skinwalker (FULL MOVIE)
Let’s just call the attachment the Skinwalker phenomena makes to all who touch it, even just the story, Quantum entanglement
I’m not living in the real world, and neither are you, not since I wrote the Cross, the Rabbi & the Skin Walker in 2011. I wrote it for all my friends on Open Salon who wrote for publications like the New York Times, Salon itself and Playboy Magazine. It changed their lives, but they weren’t ready to admit it till 2017 when the New York Times finally broke the story.
They say the military has spent 20 million dollars studying the Skin Walker Ranch, they’ve spent a lot more than that censoring me since I wrote the piece. Yea George Knapp wrote about it first for Robert Bigelow and the National Institute of Discovery Science in 2005 but the editor of Playboy magazine, John Blumenthal, wasn’t reading George Knapp. He was reading me.
At eleven minutes into Hunt for the Skinwalker Knapp explains how the phenomena follows the observer, even when they separate themselves great distances from the ranch. Let’s just call the attachment the Skinwalker phenomena makes to all who touch it, even just the story, Quantum entanglement or maybe spooky action at a distance for those it scares the shit out of like Albert Einstein. For this reason, the Navajo never speak of yee naaldlooshii.
As the most recent publication in Nexus Magazine notes not only does the Skinwalker phenomena follow those who observe it, but it spreads to their family’s and to the friends of their families. Apparently, it has become a national security issue of the gravest importance and they are applying some of the statistical projections they used to calculate COVID to check its spread. That ought to work out well…
So, we finally found something worth watching on YT...I have this in my library but never got the chance to actually watch the damn thing...maybe now is the time... I will watch the
movie/documentary during the week probably.
Thank you for posting. Cheers!
Well Jack, those .gov types and the media types and even the makers of the film are douche bags.
From the super arrogant tattooed skinny jeans wearing bearded duche bag hipster spouting off about the mystery of the universe and his assorted bullshit.
Why would any entity want to have anything to do with people like that and the entity isn't hiding its avoiding them like I retired from that grand .gov simply because they are scum of the highest order.
The .gov? It's first characteristic is insufferable arrogance. It's second? Absolute cruelty. And it's third? It lies and when caught lying will lie to cover the previous lies it tells.
Just an observation.