I had hopes the man hadn't lost it, but oh well. Wonder what the hell happened to him.

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He is after all a member of the tribe Regan.

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Is he Nine? I didn't know. Years ago when he was with Cara his demeanor was much different. Then there was some falling out and he seemed to disappear. This doesn't sound like the same person!

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Yes as he said in the video that he is Jewish and was raised that way. Notice how he talked about parasites like snakes and spiders invading his Chakras? He also spoke of Satan going to sit at the foot of the creator and sleep for a thousand years. In my observations isn't the Chakras blocked? Not invaded? But he also had good information such as how we as humans are the projector and this world is a projection and he also stated that people are manipulated and controlled but that's very obvious by what we see all around us. I am with Jack and Phil.

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It appears to me that perhaps these Skinwalker entities are ancient and disclosing themselves in a new way? I found it curious that those that disregard them are sickened. Maybe they are conected in some way to what is going on with those that run the planet? My opinion is that without something supernatural nothing is going to change in a positive manor.

MK refers to it as a mind virus and particularly the abrahamic mindset including modern science and maybe their very arrogance about these entities is what makes them ill? I certainly have no clue.

Look at that vaxxine program and in my local community they are doubling down again on it.

I never question people's choices on vaxxines and masks anymore, why bother, and I pretty much ignore everything around me but I do find the ridiculousness about it all amusing at times.

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And the Substack thing and allowing Jack to make a few bucks why do they care? How many people read this stuff? It looks like they have won everywhere I go and with everything going on that I see.

There is literally no resistance whatsoever in any real sense that I am observing.

It looks to me they do as they please and most go along. The best outcome I see is to be left alone but with this new vaxx push how long do we have? They push a frequency button and the Muppets jump.

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Nine that's not an open post this one is, careful what you say, I will...

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The level of brainwashing is . . . profound.

Our 'realm' seems to be a controlled, artificial environment, Nine.

Controlled by beings far more advanced than Joe and Jane Sixpack. Perhaps this is some kind of purgatory where we all have to sweat out our sins? An interdimensional cattle farm? Something even more bizarre than those possibilities? There seems no end to the depth of the rabbit hole and the more you travel down it, the more you realize the sheep are kept totally in the dark, up there on the top, pacified by their flickering screens, drugs and the illusion of choice.

Jack is a pretty good writer, but his subject matter ensures he is not going to be allowed to flourish as many writers with half his talent are in the mainstream. There are writers out there making loads of money who shouldn't even write grocery lists.

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Captian Nemo, turn on the free TV and what do you see? Old movies and local TV news casts. What do they talk about? First the black carnage in the cities followed by endless covid nonsense followed up by open promotion of the vaxxines. Then a brief weather report. In the Milwaukee market we have one of the most beautiful black women who reads the carnage report that happens daily to her people. The woman is absolutely a stunning beauty. She reads the daily carnage with a pretty little half smile pretending to care as she gets her well deserved pay check and lives in the best part of town.

Black folks I know? Moved to the suburbs as I notice that they keep all the rules in place that whites put in place to keep them out. Why? Suburbs are no longer about race but about money and a privileged job in the corporation and the not so subtle message? Shut up and go along or we will put you back in the ghetto pal.

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Well, what is copyright? The notion that someone owns a written word or a story or a name. I am reading a book on Native American myths and did the tribes copyright their stories? No, nor did they write them down. They were passed orally by story tellers and let me put it in these terms is a jazz musician who plays a lick stealing? Of course he is and a jazz lick is a story played upon a horn or a piano and the musicians copy each other and add to the story as its played live upon the stage.

Leave it to schlomo to come up with the concept of copyright.

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And schlomo? Already banned story telling. Look at youtube.

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Who is this schlomo? Is this a specific dude? Did he steal your girlfriend, Nine?

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Jack dubbed the "jew" schlomo Captian Nemo. You know "schlomo" who partnered with Adolph Hitler to form the modern state of Israel? And yes schlomo stole all of America's girlfriends.

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So, if I pass Jack's writing off as my own, this is OK, because it is a kind of tribal custom?

Schlomo came up with the concept of a copyright?

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Hmm, well, remember Prince? Now there is a story about how schlomo runs the music business. Prince was so owned by schlomo under copyright that he couldn't even use his own name to go on tour because of some dispute over the contract.

So, he went on tour with all new music under the name of "The artist formerly know as Prince" and he ended up dead under fishy circumstances.

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I understand your point. I wrote a screenplay for a Jewish guy as a freelance assignment a while ago who was trying to start a career as a film director. He had worked on a few low budget things in Hollywood before moving back to New England. His parents had money.

When I was shown the contract he expected me to sign, which included a proviso that my estate relinquishes my 'points' in the profit of the produced film to HIM instead of my heirs if anything were to happen to me, I balked. There were other surprises in the contract which made me decline to sign, as well. One of which is that he wanted to 'copyright' the screenplay under his name instead of mine.

Some people at the time that I knew said, 'See, you can't do business with a Jew, blah blah blah,' but honestly, Nine, I don't see people like that. I only understand intentions and actions. Maybe you would consider me naive. Besides, this dude was adopted. His 'parents' were Jews but who knows where his DNA originated?

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" . . . they keep all the rules in place that whites put in place to keep them out."

'Whites' put 'rules' in 'place' to keep 'blacks' out of 'suburbs'?

Did they?

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American suburbs are controlled first by the freeways that conect them which bypass traditional black neighborhoods and whites were encouraged to move to them by the totally corrupt real estate industry.

Now that the Kilirgy plan is being fulfilled whites have been replaced in the corporations with blacks just smart enough to keep the shebang running. Instead of white privileges we now have black privilege in the corporation. If you haven't noticed white males are being removed from most corporations and the new push? The transgender. The modern American corporation loves black females since they really enforce all of this from the human resources departments.

You have not lived properly until you have had to sit through a diversity program at your place of employment.

American suburbs even had at one time written contracts keeping blacks out and the crooked real estate industry enforced it.

These rules against blacks are now obsolete and black folks get to have corprate slave jobs and a fake over priced house in the burbs.

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Food for thought, Nine. Thank you. I will look into the Kalergi Plan -- just did a quick search and found a few hits.

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Jack won't write about the glories of the transgender Movement Captian Nemo so he's not with the program.

Well, I have to say Netflix has a fine flickering screen Captian perhaps it's time to just let the screen flicker and forget about it? However, they put a series on about ancient apocholypses by Graham Hancock, huge budget, great production values and they traveled all over the world.

It's worth the price of admission just to see the monuments up close like Gobekli Tepi.

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I like Jack's style as a writer, Nine. For me, writing is Magick. So, Jack is a magician. If he couldn't write as well as he can, I don't know if he'd be a worthy vessel of the knowledge he possesses -- and shares -- with folks like you and me. Because a storyteller who can't make their audience want to know What Happens Next is not worth very much, are they?

We are communicating knowledge with each other on a flickering screen, Nine. They are tools. But I spent time with a beautiful woman earlier, and that was better than staring at a beautiful woman on a screen watching a neighborhood burn down.

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Thanks for a thought-provoking conversation, gentlemen. Sage interviewed Kautz once. Mike seemed like he was a tad reluctant with Kautz' Black Goo theory. Could be Kautz has some truth and fiction in his bag of tricks. As a metaphor, it is interesting. Is there literally a conscious goo that, miraculously, has arrived here from a distant place in 'outer space', and, with the help of the ruling so-called elite bloodline clans who own everything, has overtaken the people of Earth's collective psyche? Interesting but unverifiable.

I'll give Kautz this: a movie I remember seeing as a young child, the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Donald Sutherland version), does seem like it was fairly prophetic. But Jack's transmission agents seem more plausible as the culprit.

The Ukraine conflict -- I don't believe what the western mass media is promoting regarding the true nature of this conflict. I think Zelensky is involved with the dominant minority, what Sage of Quay calls 'the controllers' and the true nature of this interaction is not being revealed to the sleepwalkers who watch television and believe what they see. Putin is interesting, but I have no faith he is anything other than a puppet for much more powerful people. The world is a stage. The players are not the authors of the play. They are the players.

Skinwalkers. Phil, Jack, I am a look under the table for hidden wires and buttons kind of guy. Even the Great Houdini got hoodwinked. Or did he?

I think there is an Otherness that exists in our reality. It's what you guys are referring to. Phil's comments about a lot of the experience of interacting with it being a reflection of, basically, what is in your heart, what your intentions are, resonates. This Otherness can read us on levels of ourselves that we barely comprehend. They may have access to our past present and futures selves all in a glance. Jack's pointing out its basic neutrality rings true.

The Ukraine thing . . . Phil, Jack, have you guys ever noticed in the recorded history of this place, this realm, world, VR Simulation, whatever, there has ALWAYS been a war being waged, somewhere?

Could this, perhaps, be more about ritual sacrifice of vital life essence to something the 'controllers' have made pacts with? All these wars? All that blood. Cthulhu mythos -- I was born in Providence. Lovecraft might have been picking up something in the air, here in New England. Imagine the ocean of blood from every single human being ever killed in a government sanctioned war. The Old Ones have fed well, indeed.

Excellent and enlightening podcast, guys.

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So much I could say here,the only reason I am here is unlike most " truthseekers" your very much on the right path.yes you have to stop looking at these "aliens" in Hollywood brainwashed mode.Yes it , or some of them are in league with the controllers. My problems started when I was projecting my consciousness at the main man who sits in a pyramid on his estate,right in the heart of crop circl country.Id done all the reading,grew spiritually and was convinced I could change the status quo.Wrong,whatever is here likes it just the way it is.You have to play the game,and thier in control,they manifest in varies ways,not them physically,I've been seeing large star like lights since the "event" in my house in 2007.Got film,got pictures,showed them to people,and nothing,even at the probe,very little Interest.As for the Ukraine,as I told them just after the revolution in 2014,the only way they could change the system was to get rid,take over the banks,which is what those bankers were afraid of.So the bankers gave them zalensky,not straight away,he was voted for by the " media brainwashed people. His job is to genocide as many ukranians as possible,including women up to 60,the whole media coverage,on both sides is mostly bs. 1 utube video I believed showed the ukes complaining about lack of food and arms and being hung out to dry. Some ukes were stating they were going to string the fuka up,here's hoping,there was no way putin was ever going to take him out,as the alt media stayed months ago.How can they state the war will go on 4 years,unless that is the plan.Some people,ie energy companies are making a killing,same old,same old,and yes yawheh likes his sacrifices

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