Well Jack, thanks its all true every word. Fritz betrayed Adolph Hitler and then aligned with Schlomo for the post war world we have today.

The zombiefication? I witnessed that the other day while riding my bicycle as a guy got pissed off at me for not having a brightly-colored clown suit on. He even stopped before an intersection to block the road to get out and yell at me.

I told him to mind his own fucking business.

Crazy clown world Jack.

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I listened to Kaminski however, Loki is cool but Kaminski strikes me as a bit retarded and what I mean by that is without discussing the Borman faction it's not possible to understand the world we currently live in. Yes the Jew plays a role but he is only an employee of the farmer the question is is Fritz the owner of the farm or just an employee like Schlomo.

I would suggest as does your work that the owners of this farm control the timeline and are planning to return. And when they do both Fritz and schlomo will surely pay for what they have done. It will come down to loyalty and Fritz betrayed Adolph Hitler and the jew is the jew.

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In a few sentences

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Who is Jesus? To answer that first all pay with their lives.

For example, Adolph Hitler brought Germany from Wiemar to prosperity in what, three years?

Paid with his life for the audacity!

He was the finest Jesus of the twentieth century.

Figured out that we are prisoners on a farm and rose up the finest escape plan ever devised.

Almost maid it but for the Jews.

Truth of the matter?

Adolph Hitler was betrayed by the worst scum alive still running the world today.

Jesus said this as when I return all will be made right.

Hitler had one thing wrong thought we owned the farm.

Said this as he left the farm I shall send Spirit.

see creator owns the farm and his Spirit runs the place

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So Jack the way I see it we know what jews are but Fritz? Betrayal of Adolph Hitler? For that Fritz is worse than the worst jew as the jews are better than him! They betrayed a blood oath to Adolph Hitler and the German people my ancestors and further forced my father to fight in a war against our own people. The Borman faction? A must read for everyone on Jack Heart.

As a child I heard of Dresden and that great crime of those allies bombing that city that had no military value but out of pure vindictiveness that grand symbol of German history and culture was destroyed.

Only vengeance can begin to fix this Jack.

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Jews? Frontmen for Fritz.

And Fritz? The absolute scum of the earth who runs the show now as Schlomo is a classic duck and cover psyopps.

So our dear Kaminski needs to read the Borman faction as he is just like my dear Hitler pal preferring youtube fantasy over solid documented truth.

Yes the jew does evil for Fritz and whom does Fritz work for? As we move up the chain of command.

I am paid to observe.

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another angle on fritz is that the jews stole the name like they assume identities and then they move on. Since after the war and even before they new that Adolph Hitler was going to lose the war so perhaps schlomo infiltrated fritz or Borman was just a traitor. Who knows? But thanks for your work since for whatever its worth its a little clearer what is going on.

Not that it matters since it looks like they are going to get the whole shebang.

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It is absolutely curious how the Jews still need the Nazis after 70 years and why is that? Look at Ukraine as its near empty with the current war and Putin? Who knows what he will do but it looks like he is in on it to.

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The vaxxinated? Once I find out your vaxxed I think very differently about you to the point of avoidance.

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I dunno Jack.

I've tried to listen to this five times, and every time something happens to cut the recording. I'll try again later, but what I can say is that for anyone who follows my writing, I've pretty much stated the case for the injections leading to a cognitive decline for a while now, certainly long before anyone else said it.

I still find no reason to retract anything I wrote on this topic. If anything, it should be added to, but I don't like horror stories.


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When WW 2 was over they counted up how many jews were left after the war as I believe there were more jews in the world after the war?

Perhaps we could get that lovely Jewish princess Naomi Wolf on Jack Heart to fill us in on how that happened since jews claim the Nazis killed 6 million jews?

Well, our man Kaminski covered that fact really well however I just turned 65 and I have so little tolerance for bullshit as I can't imagine how Mr Kaminski feels at 78.

And so our dear young Loki facing prison on some sort of trumped up charge or other but of course Loki is a horrible young criminal because he is unvaxxed the horror how dare he not obey that fine Canadian establishment called a government!

And so our dear vaxx works in mysterious ways as it destroys human beings right in front of you and in time they will outnumber us and vote for laws criminalizing non vaxxination as its best to prepare accordingly.

So we look at Loki up in Cunukistan to see what is comming for the rest of us.

Just like in every zombie flick the zombies always out number the uninfected so our dear elites at least had the decency to warn us.

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Yes, it is tyranny. First they tell you can't get the job or must leave the job if you don't let them jab you. Religious views, such as "God is my healer", is not tolerated - though they fund the Christians and other denomination all the way to the grave/bank financially, telling them they have "rights" to not let women sit beside men because they are impure, or because they are not allowed to be any kind of leader in church etc, must use a special entrance for the menstruating women. Then if you want to travel you must have a "green" vaxx card. If you are so lucky that you can travel inbetween those mandates forced upon the world in between each time they release their bio-weapon because of something that is not even a virus, you can be stuck in limbo, not being allowed to travel home from their "democratic" countries. What do they want us to do? Jump on the ocean? Extreme version of totalitarism, that is what they have created, the wonderul "WHO". No laws protecting the ones who do not want a "vaxx". "Ain't nobdoy's business if I do". Chaka & Gladys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoBlmp9cOL4&t=1s

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For Kaminski`s last article.

The schlomosexuals over on the human won't let me post.

"Well heritic, we goy? All we have to do is wait them out and prepare accordingly like basic food and other preparations. Our little war will be won by being prepared for the right time and place to act the authorities? All vaxxed and will have plenty to do in the chaos so be ready to zig and zag in this world. Many are doomed and the rest that survive will be golems so get away from the vaxxed and have like minded people to hang with since all is not lost."

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