> Frankly you should be shooting Amazon employees in the street, Google too.

REPLY: The employees are really not the problem. THE problem is 3P a fascist group of Oligarchs that run these spy agencies (Amazon FaceBook Google etc). You will never see anyone above middle management on the streets. They have drivers private planes to take them where ever they need to go.

So shoot the bosses of the neo fascist 3P world not the workers.

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Understood wm and some great intell there. The thing is I'm from one of the most influential families in NYC's garment worker's district. My family practically started the fur workers union. My father although he was raised amongst the card-carrying communists in his family was gung-ho 101est and a loyal supporter of George Wallace but one thing he always emphasized; you never cross a picket line. Anyone who crosses a picket line is a scab. Amazons wanton destruction of the most noble art form, writing, aside how many small retailers has amazon put out of business? How many countless productive American jobs went with those retailers? No one should work for Amazon there is an invisible picket line that is defined by the harm they do. Eventually Amazon will phase out all their employees for machines leaving only the middle management you speak of to oversee the machines. The whole company is poison and Bezio's even though he is nothing, but a figure head needs to be killed with a stick, strictly symbolic of course...

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Apr 22Edited

> George Wallace

The didn't shadow ban him like the have so many now. Especially Dr. VA Shiva.

> aside how many small retailers has amazon put out of business?

REPLY: Sadly many. In this case we should sh**t Bezo's not the workers. The most important and best thing we can do is just say no the Amazon.

> Eventually Amazon will phase out all their employees for machines leaving only the middle management you speak of to oversee the machines.

REPLY: Will this is a high probability. There is another possibility. The custodians of this Earth for the last 3+ billion years will have the last word. With most of humanity in CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations') and health declining. The time is nye for stupid greed and foolishness to become a foot note as the Earth moves on without this nonsense. That doesn't mean humanity becomes extinct. Rather it means these people who' greed has got the best of them will not/refuse to evolve.They are to full of themselves to change.

The microcosmos is evolving all the time. It is why we are still able to live in spite of the massive pollution the captains of industry have wrought from the dawn of the industrial revolution to the present.

> strictly symbolic of course...

REPLY: The best way to kill the beast is not to do business with it.

Hard to do. That have made it so easy. Every thing evil has been made easy. What was once easy, a healthy wholesome life and a vibrant thriving Earth is now one of focused attention and doing the very best you can to thread the needle to avoid the toxic stew called the Western/American way. Earth has become toxic too. But I think the Fat Lady is getting ready to sing.

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