Not all French people would agree at all with this perspective but the facts amply support it. Some of the grey areas could have been more fully developed and sourced had I known you would publish me more widely but I wrote in a handful of hours in a stream of thought. I will give you a more solidly sourced version if you wish to publish it on the Human.
The first thing that these fine people dismantled in former Yugoslavia was a pension fund and that fact my friend, should tell you something...
I have seen all this problem is the following: don't burn your cities, burn politicians' houses and their cars...not your or your fellow citizen's property, and yes I know many of those protestors are paid to do just that, set tires and cars on fire...
Move children and women away from the protest, guys like this boxer should be in front sections armored with baseball clubs or something similar...if they start to beat you, you beat them back.
Third problem: these people, ordinary people don't know what they are really up against...if you don't know who you really fighting, then is really hard to win.
I see next week as crucial, this will explode naturally or people will step down and all this will be forgotten in a few weeks.
I wanted to write about this uprising with the title "Are we too much Civilized to fight", but decided not to do it, it is your story to tell, not mine...
I have many issues with this uprising and from your article, I can recognize that you also have problems with how this is led by certain individuals, who are there mostly to pacify the masses and steer the anger of the people into more peaceful waters.
Protect your families from evil and don't forget, whatever happens next... you are not alone.
Sometimes we don't choose the battle, the battle on the horizon chooses us to do what is right and sometimes this is the only way to fulfill our destiny.
When you had tens of thousands standing outside Wall Street in '08 and not a single attempt was made to bum rush the office and make sure nobody went home that night it showed not just myself, but the entire upper crust what your true colors are. A yellow strip on your back is all they saw as they spat at you from the ivory towers.
America is victim culture incarnate. Underdog culture was laughed at by the National Socialists and Fascist as worshiping the weak. Rome would've thrown you into the pits themselves as nothing more than lion food. People wanted someone to cry for them and they gave it to you as payment for the trillions looted and mommy and daddy's retirement going to zero as they work as a Wal-Mart greeter in their 70's and 80's.
"Are we too much Civilized to fight"?
No, we're too domesticated. I've been coming around on Stalin the last couple years myself but out of ignorance to the man. I like his level of ruthlessness. Something Strasser himself knew had to be done. Perhaps if only he was allowed to lead the Gestapo things might've been different as the disappearing traitors somehow disappeared in the chaos of the era. Ahh Savitri Devi might've saw the potential of the Lightning and the Sun. A creatively generous spirit with a golden heart of Hitler mixed with the ruthless calculating efficiency of Stalin. What terror this world would see if a man truly existed. What terror indeed.
The forest is growing thick and full of rot strangling the seedlings below eagerly waiting for their chance. It's time clear things a little more than a little less.
Underdog culture, along with Superhero comics, to compensate for impotence in action. A slew of Jewish comic artist sprung up, Stan Lee, Will Eisner, as much as I loved Spirit and the Secret Life of Plants as a young adult. I'd rather have the hard-boiled characters of Cinema Noir and the writings of Chandler and Hammett. Formed by experiences of the Great Depression, the dustbowls, the crushing of working men and bonus army, corrupt police and judges and the fake hard dames looking for a buck.
Where are the Jack Londons, Upton Sinclairs, Steinbecks, Vonneguts, and Hunter S. Thomsons? Jack must be feeling lonely on that vast continent of beauty and riches.
It is quite certain that you have been through the fire and seen these things with your own eyes...
For those who blind themselves, these things are eventually understood viscerally when one is hit in the face with the consequences. This is what is happening in France little by little. With pain comes lucidity.
It wasn't something expected or even wanted Romain. As Sethikus Boza always says on Black Earth Productions when the force takes you it takes you where it wants and to places you never wanted to even go, but to places that needed to be traveled. I tell people if your "experiences" are all love and light rainbows and unicorns you haven't seen the truth or come close to it. Visceral is the only word for it indeed and like the strongest of warriors you must be broken to be made stronger and it must break you completely.
I always wonder if I saw or predicted anything or as Archaix with his simulation theory would say you didn't see or predict anything. You simply saw the whole game that's already happened and now you have to do the hard part of walking through it without that awareness. Perhaps its why I personally pulled away with intent that I could change things from happening only to realize in all likelihood I was just confirming its eventuality.
If the point of all this was to drive me into insanity then it worked as it drove me blindly walking into the woods naked to lay down tore up against a tree just staring at the sky blankly. I have no answers anymore to anything.
What is sad about today is that the British, German, and Russian people's are naturally, culturally, and spiritually allies of the highest order.
But we have been prevented by the usual suspects from being such for hundreds of years, despite brief moments of unity.
Sure the elite degenerates, like the British royal family, retained alliances and friendship with the elites of Germany and Russia, but imagine what a different world it would have been if Britain maintained a special relationship with Russia and Germany instead of America and Israel.
Likewise, despite centuries of animosity between the British and French, we too are one people, the celtic blood runs deep on both sides of the channel.
Vive la France, vive la revolution...
It is heart warming to see the bravery and action by our French compatriots, and it is long past due for such passion to be roused in the hearts of the people of Britain and Germany (in fact the whole of Europe - for I did not see any chance for Americans until its far too late. We may be apathetic in Britain, but we at least know what's happening and choose to not care, Americans are largely clueless and easily led - apologies to my American compatriots here, no offense intended, as you here are certainly and exception to the rule).
But, you make a salient point HP.
Throughout my life I have watched, and partaken in, protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience which often ends up being infiltrated and directed away from the true target. We see it time and time again...
So, we need a change of tactics.
Mass protest, general strikes, and most importantly protecting each other is priority number one, whilst identifying and targeting specifically the architects of our displeasure and slavery, the banks, the lodges, the politicians, the media companies, and (at least here in the UK) the Lords and Royalty.
My brother in law is a cop, nearly completed his 30 year service and due to retire in a couple of years.
The other week whilst chatting about putting the world to rights he disclosed how a large number of police in the UK have had enough. It's illegal for them to strike or be unionised in the UK, whilst nearly every profession in the UK at the moment are partaking in rolling strikes.
What with the unfolding collapse of the integrity of the police, particulalry the Met (which really is old news), a lot of police are starting to change their opinions and my brother in law stated that the powers that be hace already drawn up plans for deploying the army under martial law should the police start to falter in their beliefs.
I asked him if a large enough number of police would side with the population in a uprising, and his answer was in the affirmative.
His actual words were:
'We've all been screwed over, those working in and those working without the system, are all played by the system. It's all rigged to keep us distracted and hating each other. The Empire is being maintained and expanded through the cover of immigration. Bring the people's of the empire to Britain and drive the British out to the colonies to develop business and enterprise that will still be beholden to paying taxes back in the UK.'
I don't necessarily agree with the last part, but it is clear that native Brits are being driven out of London, and ultimately the country, in favour of immigrants that are provided housing, work, and necessities when native Brits and freezing and starving to death with nothing.
When a Muslim can take the leadership position of the Scottish National Party, you know the oxymoronic reality we call life has reached the surreal point of no return.
The perps get away with it time and again, decade after decade, because we never truly cut the cancer root and branch from our individual countries...
That is what is needed today, for each country under the thumb of freemasonry and chosen people control, to take inspiration and heart from the French, and become lions...
If enough in each country can target the real enemy on their home soil and drive it out or drive it six feet under, then together we may stand a chance against the global parasites.
The tide is turning, and as always the French are on the breast of the wave, whilst the rest of us are still on the beach watching the sea...
P.S. Great word Romain, good to be able to read your work, thank you.
What should Americans do? Vote with their feet and move to a like minded County minimum.
I live in Wisconsin which has two horrible counties controlled by the Democrat party, being Dane and Milwaukee counties.
These counties openly talk about the evil whites being the cause of America`s problems and further they push transgenderism as the goal for that perfect society as they talk of inclusivity as the goal. We include all but the evil white people.
Milwaukee city is 80% black surrounded by 19 suburbs which are 90% white with that number dropping by the day as anyone with two eyes can see that the Democrat party is anti white and pro homosexual culture. They are first anti white following a close second anti Christian.
In a nutshell blacks have been weaponized by jews and the Democrat party to hate white people.
Sorry Jack, but urban blacks when in the majority ruin any community with crime and violance since that crime and violance aids the Democrat party to take charge of these cities and counties.
I give you the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County which per capita for crime and murder is far worse than Chicago.
Next is Madison a woke liberal stronghold up until about 5 years ago was majority white.
Now? That city is 40% black brought in by land lords taking section 8 housing vouchers flooding Madison with Chicago gang bangers.
The liberal response? They simply moved to the small towns surrounding Madison driving up the prices and invading town boards setting up very exclusive housing rules.
Like home size, lot size, concentration of rental property.
All of course to bennifit themselves as they pontificate how inclusive they all are in their glaring liberal hipocracy.
Frank Olson's school of flying is housed here as this school pays huge salaries aiding the libtard to buy super inflated real estate in the quaint little towns surrounding Madison.
These idiots are all vaxxed up and controlled as view it as a hive of like minded zombies fueling intellectually the military industrial big pharma complex.
I always asked myself where do they get those monsters that reek these horrible antihuman policies?
Just like Jack warned us from 2015 and onwards. Showed us the science of controlling the bacteria and viri you control the human. Add the vaxxine, and the nanotechnology they control the biomass with stimulation from the mass media and the cellphone networks.
Madison Wisconsin is America's intellectual complex running nanotechnology and biotechnology for big pharma and Military.
I could take you to a Madison area brewhouse and let you talk to one of the Madison inmates.
If possible worse than a Chicago north suburban inmate. One and the same.
Both Madison and the Chicago North subs has masked people exercising outside on trails.
Three years ago, I would ride the Madison trails and sit on park benches with a cheap can of steel reserve 211 saluting Dr Fouci as the masked retards ran and cycled past me.
Madison is so liberal as open alcoholic beverages can be consumed on park benches.
Are the French people willing to rebel against/reject the 500 billion that the French government extracts from their west African colonies, in the name of freedom, despite the fact that it would severely contract the French economy and their lifestyle or will they wish to continue their government's colonialism policy into war like the Portugese in Mozambique and Angola until they decided, like the French earlier and Americans over Vietnam, that the dead bodies of their sons is not worth the 500 billion?
Let's see how much liberty, equality, and fraternity the French have in their souls.
I think that's the point E.
We are beyond caring now...
If they aren't going to get their one way trip to Mars, or anywhere else for that matter, then we have to eradicate the invaders ourselves.
I know, many have tried before and failed, but these interlopers have had their day.
They were not welcome before, and they are certainly verboten when the new age turns the wheel...
I'm more entranced by pluto...
I'm cursed as a piscean, with two fish swimming a wheel, not swimming in opposite directions...
Once the first has learnt everything, he dives beneath the waves and the second has to start all over again...
So for now, my senses are on the great transformer...
The boxer you mentionned during the Yellow Jackets uprising :
That's it, you get that Fred? We'll save that one for your report Romain which I will put on VT.
Here you go Romain, you're up on VT, if Johnnys smart he'll headline you in the morning. We'll put you up here and on the Human tomorrow...
Not all French people would agree at all with this perspective but the facts amply support it. Some of the grey areas could have been more fully developed and sourced had I known you would publish me more widely but I wrote in a handful of hours in a stream of thought. I will give you a more solidly sourced version if you wish to publish it on the Human.
This one's fine Romain
The first thing that these fine people dismantled in former Yugoslavia was a pension fund and that fact my friend, should tell you something...
I have seen all this problem is the following: don't burn your cities, burn politicians' houses and their cars...not your or your fellow citizen's property, and yes I know many of those protestors are paid to do just that, set tires and cars on fire...
Move children and women away from the protest, guys like this boxer should be in front sections armored with baseball clubs or something similar...if they start to beat you, you beat them back.
Third problem: these people, ordinary people don't know what they are really up against...if you don't know who you really fighting, then is really hard to win.
I see next week as crucial, this will explode naturally or people will step down and all this will be forgotten in a few weeks.
I wanted to write about this uprising with the title "Are we too much Civilized to fight", but decided not to do it, it is your story to tell, not mine...
I have many issues with this uprising and from your article, I can recognize that you also have problems with how this is led by certain individuals, who are there mostly to pacify the masses and steer the anger of the people into more peaceful waters.
Protect your families from evil and don't forget, whatever happens next... you are not alone.
Sometimes we don't choose the battle, the battle on the horizon chooses us to do what is right and sometimes this is the only way to fulfill our destiny.
Godspeed my friend and Good Luck.
When you had tens of thousands standing outside Wall Street in '08 and not a single attempt was made to bum rush the office and make sure nobody went home that night it showed not just myself, but the entire upper crust what your true colors are. A yellow strip on your back is all they saw as they spat at you from the ivory towers.
America is victim culture incarnate. Underdog culture was laughed at by the National Socialists and Fascist as worshiping the weak. Rome would've thrown you into the pits themselves as nothing more than lion food. People wanted someone to cry for them and they gave it to you as payment for the trillions looted and mommy and daddy's retirement going to zero as they work as a Wal-Mart greeter in their 70's and 80's.
"Are we too much Civilized to fight"?
No, we're too domesticated. I've been coming around on Stalin the last couple years myself but out of ignorance to the man. I like his level of ruthlessness. Something Strasser himself knew had to be done. Perhaps if only he was allowed to lead the Gestapo things might've been different as the disappearing traitors somehow disappeared in the chaos of the era. Ahh Savitri Devi might've saw the potential of the Lightning and the Sun. A creatively generous spirit with a golden heart of Hitler mixed with the ruthless calculating efficiency of Stalin. What terror this world would see if a man truly existed. What terror indeed.
The forest is growing thick and full of rot strangling the seedlings below eagerly waiting for their chance. It's time clear things a little more than a little less.
Underdog culture, along with Superhero comics, to compensate for impotence in action. A slew of Jewish comic artist sprung up, Stan Lee, Will Eisner, as much as I loved Spirit and the Secret Life of Plants as a young adult. I'd rather have the hard-boiled characters of Cinema Noir and the writings of Chandler and Hammett. Formed by experiences of the Great Depression, the dustbowls, the crushing of working men and bonus army, corrupt police and judges and the fake hard dames looking for a buck.
Where are the Jack Londons, Upton Sinclairs, Steinbecks, Vonneguts, and Hunter S. Thomsons? Jack must be feeling lonely on that vast continent of beauty and riches.
What more can I say? You said it from the heart
It is quite certain that you have been through the fire and seen these things with your own eyes...
For those who blind themselves, these things are eventually understood viscerally when one is hit in the face with the consequences. This is what is happening in France little by little. With pain comes lucidity.
It wasn't something expected or even wanted Romain. As Sethikus Boza always says on Black Earth Productions when the force takes you it takes you where it wants and to places you never wanted to even go, but to places that needed to be traveled. I tell people if your "experiences" are all love and light rainbows and unicorns you haven't seen the truth or come close to it. Visceral is the only word for it indeed and like the strongest of warriors you must be broken to be made stronger and it must break you completely.
I always wonder if I saw or predicted anything or as Archaix with his simulation theory would say you didn't see or predict anything. You simply saw the whole game that's already happened and now you have to do the hard part of walking through it without that awareness. Perhaps its why I personally pulled away with intent that I could change things from happening only to realize in all likelihood I was just confirming its eventuality.
If the point of all this was to drive me into insanity then it worked as it drove me blindly walking into the woods naked to lay down tore up against a tree just staring at the sky blankly. I have no answers anymore to anything.
It's OK Greg, because there are no more questions that need answering...
There is only now, and whatever tomorrow brings.
You are spot on that it must break you completely before you can stand again as required, and needed.
Chiron has been busy this month, and now spring is on the way (at least it finally is starting to arouse here, in the UK).
I'm starting to believe fervently, for that is the only way, that eventuality...
Like fate!
May not be a foregone conclusion, but merely a clairvoyance.
Thanks for the kind words Greg.
Hang in there, it's when you're really down deep that everything gets better
A little off topic - Warner's RESTRICT Act is yet another attack on the 1st amendment - going after VPN's now
Thanks Jack,
I am watching jews take over my cycling community using the transgender Movement.
Sorry for my outburst on the human as it clearly shows my mental illness that jews are at any way at fault here.
Let Orage continue, as a cyclist was exposed to the gayboy network, you know invite the straight goy to an overnite cycling trip, no women allowed.
Right there I should have known.
Well gay men are vindictive when rebuked. So they whispered to each other and a campaign against me was started.
I left the ride at the Crack of dawn because the Evangelical Queen needed the car.
Made the mistake of riding to camp with one of "them" but my escape from "them" the humble bicycle.
130 miles to meet the queen and her princess, princess drove to the rescue.
Now they want your children and recruit them in your schools.
My Evangelical princess fills me in.
Degree in Education from University of Wisconsin.
Will avenge Frank Olson.
Tells me the vaxx is not enough.
What is sad about today is that the British, German, and Russian people's are naturally, culturally, and spiritually allies of the highest order.
But we have been prevented by the usual suspects from being such for hundreds of years, despite brief moments of unity.
Sure the elite degenerates, like the British royal family, retained alliances and friendship with the elites of Germany and Russia, but imagine what a different world it would have been if Britain maintained a special relationship with Russia and Germany instead of America and Israel.
Likewise, despite centuries of animosity between the British and French, we too are one people, the celtic blood runs deep on both sides of the channel.
Vive la France, vive la revolution...
It is heart warming to see the bravery and action by our French compatriots, and it is long past due for such passion to be roused in the hearts of the people of Britain and Germany (in fact the whole of Europe - for I did not see any chance for Americans until its far too late. We may be apathetic in Britain, but we at least know what's happening and choose to not care, Americans are largely clueless and easily led - apologies to my American compatriots here, no offense intended, as you here are certainly and exception to the rule).
But, you make a salient point HP.
Throughout my life I have watched, and partaken in, protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience which often ends up being infiltrated and directed away from the true target. We see it time and time again...
So, we need a change of tactics.
Mass protest, general strikes, and most importantly protecting each other is priority number one, whilst identifying and targeting specifically the architects of our displeasure and slavery, the banks, the lodges, the politicians, the media companies, and (at least here in the UK) the Lords and Royalty.
My brother in law is a cop, nearly completed his 30 year service and due to retire in a couple of years.
The other week whilst chatting about putting the world to rights he disclosed how a large number of police in the UK have had enough. It's illegal for them to strike or be unionised in the UK, whilst nearly every profession in the UK at the moment are partaking in rolling strikes.
What with the unfolding collapse of the integrity of the police, particulalry the Met (which really is old news), a lot of police are starting to change their opinions and my brother in law stated that the powers that be hace already drawn up plans for deploying the army under martial law should the police start to falter in their beliefs.
I asked him if a large enough number of police would side with the population in a uprising, and his answer was in the affirmative.
His actual words were:
'We've all been screwed over, those working in and those working without the system, are all played by the system. It's all rigged to keep us distracted and hating each other. The Empire is being maintained and expanded through the cover of immigration. Bring the people's of the empire to Britain and drive the British out to the colonies to develop business and enterprise that will still be beholden to paying taxes back in the UK.'
I don't necessarily agree with the last part, but it is clear that native Brits are being driven out of London, and ultimately the country, in favour of immigrants that are provided housing, work, and necessities when native Brits and freezing and starving to death with nothing.
When a Muslim can take the leadership position of the Scottish National Party, you know the oxymoronic reality we call life has reached the surreal point of no return.
The perps get away with it time and again, decade after decade, because we never truly cut the cancer root and branch from our individual countries...
That is what is needed today, for each country under the thumb of freemasonry and chosen people control, to take inspiration and heart from the French, and become lions...
If enough in each country can target the real enemy on their home soil and drive it out or drive it six feet under, then together we may stand a chance against the global parasites.
The tide is turning, and as always the French are on the breast of the wave, whilst the rest of us are still on the beach watching the sea...
P.S. Great word Romain, good to be able to read your work, thank you.
As a case in point to how 'our' social activities are being laughed at...
I know this was back in 2021, and is labelled as satire, but I think the satire is having this penned by one Brandy Shufutinsky...
They are (as usual) shuffing it into us.. Shuf-ut-in-sky.. And laughing in our faces.
For those that haven't realised this fact yet (that they have been laughing in our faces for centuries), there is no hope for you or yours.
Get out of the way and let the real warriors step forward and put a stop to this madness once and for all...
Maybe we need a new foreign legion, al la the Spanish Civil War to start in one country and then work our way around the west until the job is done?
If its good enough for the Ukraine, it's good enough for the Freedom of Humanity...
What should Americans do? Vote with their feet and move to a like minded County minimum.
I live in Wisconsin which has two horrible counties controlled by the Democrat party, being Dane and Milwaukee counties.
These counties openly talk about the evil whites being the cause of America`s problems and further they push transgenderism as the goal for that perfect society as they talk of inclusivity as the goal. We include all but the evil white people.
Milwaukee city is 80% black surrounded by 19 suburbs which are 90% white with that number dropping by the day as anyone with two eyes can see that the Democrat party is anti white and pro homosexual culture. They are first anti white following a close second anti Christian.
In a nutshell blacks have been weaponized by jews and the Democrat party to hate white people.
Sorry Jack, but urban blacks when in the majority ruin any community with crime and violance since that crime and violance aids the Democrat party to take charge of these cities and counties.
I give you the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County which per capita for crime and murder is far worse than Chicago.
Next is Madison a woke liberal stronghold up until about 5 years ago was majority white.
Now? That city is 40% black brought in by land lords taking section 8 housing vouchers flooding Madison with Chicago gang bangers.
The liberal response? They simply moved to the small towns surrounding Madison driving up the prices and invading town boards setting up very exclusive housing rules.
Like home size, lot size, concentration of rental property.
All of course to bennifit themselves as they pontificate how inclusive they all are in their glaring liberal hipocracy.
Dane county? Home of the University of Wisconsin.
Frank Olson's school of flying is housed here as this school pays huge salaries aiding the libtard to buy super inflated real estate in the quaint little towns surrounding Madison.
These idiots are all vaxxed up and controlled as view it as a hive of like minded zombies fueling intellectually the military industrial big pharma complex.
I always asked myself where do they get those monsters that reek these horrible antihuman policies?
I give you Madison Wisconsin.
Frank Olson's hometown.
Just like Jack warned us from 2015 and onwards. Showed us the science of controlling the bacteria and viri you control the human. Add the vaxxine, and the nanotechnology they control the biomass with stimulation from the mass media and the cellphone networks.
Madison Wisconsin is America's intellectual complex running nanotechnology and biotechnology for big pharma and Military.
All brainwashed vaxxed and conteolled.
I could take you to a Madison area brewhouse and let you talk to one of the Madison inmates.
If possible worse than a Chicago north suburban inmate. One and the same.
Both Madison and the Chicago North subs has masked people exercising outside on trails.
Three years ago, I would ride the Madison trails and sit on park benches with a cheap can of steel reserve 211 saluting Dr Fouci as the masked retards ran and cycled past me.
Madison is so liberal as open alcoholic beverages can be consumed on park benches.
It was a pleasure to irritate them.
Are the French people willing to rebel against/reject the 500 billion that the French government extracts from their west African colonies, in the name of freedom, despite the fact that it would severely contract the French economy and their lifestyle or will they wish to continue their government's colonialism policy into war like the Portugese in Mozambique and Angola until they decided, like the French earlier and Americans over Vietnam, that the dead bodies of their sons is not worth the 500 billion?
Let's see how much liberty, equality, and fraternity the French have in their souls.