Angelica archangelica - The flower was supposedly given the name Angelica in the 14th century by Matthaues Sylvaticus who was visited by the Holy Spirit or an Archangel telling him to use the properties of the flower to ward off the plague or pestilence. He was most certainly visited by a spirit but that was the spirit of the flower 'The White hooded Maiden of the Mountain'.
The flower is called fjällkvanne in Sweden. Fjäll means mountain. The definition of Kvanne is a bit more obscure, the Proto-Indo-European word is 'kwenHd'. No known translation is found but the word for 'Woman' in Swedish is Kvinna. 'Kvan' in old Norse and 'kwenq' in Proto-Indo-European. Incidentally where the word Queen originated.
The spirit of fjällkvanne, the White Hooded Maiden of the Mountain, precariously balanced between two realms as if on a wave. She has dedicated herself to the task of sanctifying human existence, assisting the humans in anchoring our soul to this earthly plane, so that we might learn the path of service, dedication and sacrifice.
She offers light when in darkness, purpose when attachments or distractions seduce you away from the divine light. She is a warrior and strengthens your spirit so that you can persist. Offers clarity of your senses so you can recognize your calling while inhabiting this earthly plane.
You can taste the essence of her spirit in water. Go to a mountain in the north on the summer solstice, cut her flowers and set in a bowl of spring water. Leave it out during the midnight sun. Her memories are now downloaded in the water. Only a drop of the potion is needed then meditate to commune with her spirit. Her magick is strong and one need not fear the bacterial pestilence that has been let loose upon this earth.
of sanctifying human existence, assisting the humans in anchoring our soul to this earthly plane, so that we might learn the path of service, dedication and sacrifice.
She offers light when in darkness, purpose when attachments or distractions seduce you away from the divine light. She is a warrior and strengthens your spirit so that you can persist. Offers clarity of your senses so you can recognize your calling while inhabiting this earthly plane.
You can taste the essence of her spirit in water. Go to a mountain in the north on the summer solstice, cut her flowers and set in a bowl of spring water. Leave it out during the midnight sun. Her memories are now downloaded in the water. Only a drop of the potion is needed then meditate to commune with her spirit. Her magick is strong and one need not fear the bacterial pestilence that has been let loose upon this earth.
So, you know about the bacterial pestilence, I am impressed Sweden. That's why it's a losing proposition for me as a writer to think I'm going to change any of what you see before you now. There will be war, there will be famine and there will be pestilence. The four horsemen ride before the one called faithful and true; they are his shock troops.
Hverjar eru þær rýgjar á reginfjalli,
elr við kván kona?
Mær við meyju mög um getr,
ok eigut þær varðir vera.
“Who are those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son, and those women do not have husbands.”
King Heithrek gives a correct solution by answering“wild angelica, a plant native to northern Europe which produces sideshoots after its first year. The “women” word in line 1 is rýgjar, playing on two layers of imagery: the angelica growing wild on the mountainside, and giantesses (supernatural females) in their traditional dwelling-place. In this riddle, the line ok eigut þær varðir vera“and those women do not have husbands” is not only apt, but the key to the whole riddle: as the prose response expands, þat eru hvannir tvær ok hvannarkálfr á milli þeira “That is two [female] angelicas and a young angelica between them”; the line creates the paradox of apparent reproduction between females without male involvement.”
What is inferred in the riddle? The female spirit of the Angelica plant is obviously known to the magician/storytellers and audience of this age. If the female is negative energy or the yin, -1 + -1 = (?) 1 and not -2. It is a paradox observed within nature that the ancients most definitely contemplated. A metaphysical insight that is important enough to be passed down in lore by a God testing a human. There is something to search for.
After reading Alexander Dugin lecture 'Introduction to Noomahia' it seems to me that the maidens/goddesses that reproduce without males is in reference to the cult of 'The Great Mother Goddess' of the pre-indo-european tribes. The logos of Cybele, the shadow of the shadow, the black logos, the earthly realm, underworld, chthonian. The belly of the Great Mother as both the womb and tomb, "the conception of the child was considered to be very special with no help of the father. The father didn’t exist in that as something important." The Maidens of the Mountain are a reflection of The Great Mother, integrated into the Turanian logos of Apollo.
An Interesting Observation...Crowley, apparently a high priest of the Order of the Logos of Apollo, alludes to his contempt for the Logos of Cybele and the Logos of Dionysus in his description of the meaning of the Five of Swords, Defeat. Alluding to the people of third caste of the Turanian system, now populated with the agrarian peasants of the conquered Great Mother pre Indo-European tribes. Referencing the eternal war between the opposing triangles, the vertical pyramid of light and the inverted pyramid of dark. The idea of heaven mirroring downwards and earth mirroring upwards.
"The historian is happy to observe two perfect illustrations of the mode of this card and the last in the birth of the Aeon of (1) Osiris, (2) Horus. He will note the decay of such Virtue as characterized Sparta and Rome, ending in the establishment of the Pax Romana. As Virtue declined, corruption disintegrated the Empire from within. Epicene cults, such as those of Dionysus (in its degraded form), of Attis, of Adonis, of Cybele, the false Demeter and the prostituted Isis, replaced the sterner rites of the true Solar- Phallic gods; until finally (the masters having lost the respect, and so the control, of the plebs, native and alien) the lowest of all the slave-cults, dressed up in the fables of the vilest of the parasitic races, swept over the known world, and drenched it in foul darkness for five hundred years."
People think I am a big fan of Crowley, they got that backwards...
" In the Sepher Yetzirah there are three triads, two others besides the supernal. Below the supernal triad, the Sun or Tiphareth in the middle pillar completes another with Chesed to the right, which is male, and Geburah to the left, which is female. Below that one, the Moon or Yesod completes the last with Netzach to the right, which is male and Hod to the left, which is female; all three funnel down to Malkuth, the World, the Kingdom of the Queen and the living; the Shekinah in exile, a bride without a groom.
Crowley defines “the qabalistical meaning of the term MThQLA, Metheqia, balance. In each of the three trinities or triads of the Sephiroth is a duad of opposite sexes and a uniting intelligence which is the result. In this, the masculine and feminine potencies are regarded as the two scales of balance, and the uniting of the Sephira as the beam that joins them. Thus, then, the term balance may be said to symbolize the Triune.”
I feel that some humans are not effected by it. DNA, vibrational frequencies, spiritual energies? Which is one of the reasons the mandatory vaccine was unsuccessful forced on the masses. Viruses are the perfect tool for DNA manipulation, which likely how humans were engineered in the beginning. But they miscalculated and moved too fast. Too many people in Sweden woke from out of the spell. 20% anyway. Jan 22, 80.000 marched on Stockholm and served them a court order against human rights. Mandatory vaccines were withdrawn with in 2 weeks. Which is why they instigated the next narrative of fear, Ukraine. But maybe they think enough of the population is zombified enough to cheer on the end. The World Bank War has begun and they do not want to lose grip on the monopoly power to create money. There is still time within this timeline to sort it out. I thought it would be Ron Paul but it looks like Putin.
Interesting fact, Ron Paul was the doctor who delivered me into this world.
No wonder you ended up here. Paul is a friend of lady friend of mine, a very close personal friend of mine if you get my drift Sweden, I wrote about round one between her and I in the Tookie Memorial Post but not round 2, that would not be the way of a gentleman, let it suffice to say that I took round 2 in style on South Padre Island. Paul is discussed in the Z plan, you my man are tuned in, very tuned in...
A comment meant for
Angelica archangelica - The flower was supposedly given the name Angelica in the 14th century by Matthaues Sylvaticus who was visited by the Holy Spirit or an Archangel telling him to use the properties of the flower to ward off the plague or pestilence. He was most certainly visited by a spirit but that was the spirit of the flower 'The White hooded Maiden of the Mountain'.
The flower is called fjällkvanne in Sweden. Fjäll means mountain. The definition of Kvanne is a bit more obscure, the Proto-Indo-European word is 'kwenHd'. No known translation is found but the word for 'Woman' in Swedish is Kvinna. 'Kvan' in old Norse and 'kwenq' in Proto-Indo-European. Incidentally where the word Queen originated.
The spirit of fjällkvanne, the White Hooded Maiden of the Mountain, precariously balanced between two realms as if on a wave. She has dedicated herself to the task of sanctifying human existence, assisting the humans in anchoring our soul to this earthly plane, so that we might learn the path of service, dedication and sacrifice.
She offers light when in darkness, purpose when attachments or distractions seduce you away from the divine light. She is a warrior and strengthens your spirit so that you can persist. Offers clarity of your senses so you can recognize your calling while inhabiting this earthly plane.
You can taste the essence of her spirit in water. Go to a mountain in the north on the summer solstice, cut her flowers and set in a bowl of spring water. Leave it out during the midnight sun. Her memories are now downloaded in the water. Only a drop of the potion is needed then meditate to commune with her spirit. Her magick is strong and one need not fear the bacterial pestilence that has been let loose upon this earth.
of sanctifying human existence, assisting the humans in anchoring our soul to this earthly plane, so that we might learn the path of service, dedication and sacrifice.
She offers light when in darkness, purpose when attachments or distractions seduce you away from the divine light. She is a warrior and strengthens your spirit so that you can persist. Offers clarity of your senses so you can recognize your calling while inhabiting this earthly plane.
You can taste the essence of her spirit in water. Go to a mountain in the north on the summer solstice, cut her flowers and set in a bowl of spring water. Leave it out during the midnight sun. Her memories are now downloaded in the water. Only a drop of the potion is needed then meditate to commune with her spirit. Her magick is strong and one need not fear the bacterial pestilence that has been let loose upon this earth.
Her only problem is she would rather just let it be, but her Man he doesn't let nothing be...
So, you know about the bacterial pestilence, I am impressed Sweden. That's why it's a losing proposition for me as a writer to think I'm going to change any of what you see before you now. There will be war, there will be famine and there will be pestilence. The four horsemen ride before the one called faithful and true; they are his shock troops.
Hverjar eru þær rýgjar á reginfjalli,
elr við kván kona?
Mær við meyju mög um getr,
ok eigut þær varðir vera.
“Who are those women on the mighty mountain, woman begets with woman? Maid with maid begets a son, and those women do not have husbands.”
King Heithrek gives a correct solution by answering“wild angelica, a plant native to northern Europe which produces sideshoots after its first year. The “women” word in line 1 is rýgjar, playing on two layers of imagery: the angelica growing wild on the mountainside, and giantesses (supernatural females) in their traditional dwelling-place. In this riddle, the line ok eigut þær varðir vera“and those women do not have husbands” is not only apt, but the key to the whole riddle: as the prose response expands, þat eru hvannir tvær ok hvannarkálfr á milli þeira “That is two [female] angelicas and a young angelica between them”; the line creates the paradox of apparent reproduction between females without male involvement.”
What is inferred in the riddle? The female spirit of the Angelica plant is obviously known to the magician/storytellers and audience of this age. If the female is negative energy or the yin, -1 + -1 = (?) 1 and not -2. It is a paradox observed within nature that the ancients most definitely contemplated. A metaphysical insight that is important enough to be passed down in lore by a God testing a human. There is something to search for.
Well King Heithrek wasn't really a human, he was demigod, the son of a Valkyrie
After reading Alexander Dugin lecture 'Introduction to Noomahia' it seems to me that the maidens/goddesses that reproduce without males is in reference to the cult of 'The Great Mother Goddess' of the pre-indo-european tribes. The logos of Cybele, the shadow of the shadow, the black logos, the earthly realm, underworld, chthonian. The belly of the Great Mother as both the womb and tomb, "the conception of the child was considered to be very special with no help of the father. The father didn’t exist in that as something important." The Maidens of the Mountain are a reflection of The Great Mother, integrated into the Turanian logos of Apollo.
An Interesting Observation...Crowley, apparently a high priest of the Order of the Logos of Apollo, alludes to his contempt for the Logos of Cybele and the Logos of Dionysus in his description of the meaning of the Five of Swords, Defeat. Alluding to the people of third caste of the Turanian system, now populated with the agrarian peasants of the conquered Great Mother pre Indo-European tribes. Referencing the eternal war between the opposing triangles, the vertical pyramid of light and the inverted pyramid of dark. The idea of heaven mirroring downwards and earth mirroring upwards.
"The historian is happy to observe two perfect illustrations of the mode of this card and the last in the birth of the Aeon of (1) Osiris, (2) Horus. He will note the decay of such Virtue as characterized Sparta and Rome, ending in the establishment of the Pax Romana. As Virtue declined, corruption disintegrated the Empire from within. Epicene cults, such as those of Dionysus (in its degraded form), of Attis, of Adonis, of Cybele, the false Demeter and the prostituted Isis, replaced the sterner rites of the true Solar- Phallic gods; until finally (the masters having lost the respect, and so the control, of the plebs, native and alien) the lowest of all the slave-cults, dressed up in the fables of the vilest of the parasitic races, swept over the known world, and drenched it in foul darkness for five hundred years."
People think I am a big fan of Crowley, they got that backwards...
" In the Sepher Yetzirah there are three triads, two others besides the supernal. Below the supernal triad, the Sun or Tiphareth in the middle pillar completes another with Chesed to the right, which is male, and Geburah to the left, which is female. Below that one, the Moon or Yesod completes the last with Netzach to the right, which is male and Hod to the left, which is female; all three funnel down to Malkuth, the World, the Kingdom of the Queen and the living; the Shekinah in exile, a bride without a groom.
Crowley defines “the qabalistical meaning of the term MThQLA, Metheqia, balance. In each of the three trinities or triads of the Sephiroth is a duad of opposite sexes and a uniting intelligence which is the result. In this, the masculine and feminine potencies are regarded as the two scales of balance, and the uniting of the Sephira as the beam that joins them. Thus, then, the term balance may be said to symbolize the Triune.”
I feel that some humans are not effected by it. DNA, vibrational frequencies, spiritual energies? Which is one of the reasons the mandatory vaccine was unsuccessful forced on the masses. Viruses are the perfect tool for DNA manipulation, which likely how humans were engineered in the beginning. But they miscalculated and moved too fast. Too many people in Sweden woke from out of the spell. 20% anyway. Jan 22, 80.000 marched on Stockholm and served them a court order against human rights. Mandatory vaccines were withdrawn with in 2 weeks. Which is why they instigated the next narrative of fear, Ukraine. But maybe they think enough of the population is zombified enough to cheer on the end. The World Bank War has begun and they do not want to lose grip on the monopoly power to create money. There is still time within this timeline to sort it out. I thought it would be Ron Paul but it looks like Putin.
Interesting fact, Ron Paul was the doctor who delivered me into this world.
No wonder you ended up here. Paul is a friend of lady friend of mine, a very close personal friend of mine if you get my drift Sweden, I wrote about round one between her and I in the Tookie Memorial Post but not round 2, that would not be the way of a gentleman, let it suffice to say that I took round 2 in style on South Padre Island. Paul is discussed in the Z plan, you my man are tuned in, very tuned in...
I was reading in the middle of the night and stumbled upon these gems of comments....welcome Sweden!