Excellent article Jack, but with all respect something is not congruent here. Pelosi, Biden, and the others in their inner cabal have long been adjuncts of the communist Chinese party. The Red Gooks have been funneling money into their coffers and campaigns for years. Everything they've done has benefited Red China and I don't even have to say that whoever writes your checks controls you. They are fellow travelers, useful idiots, and in essence sock puppets of China. Ergo this whole thing smacks of prearranged theater to justify an outbreak of hostilities. Pelosi wasn't defying China by going to Taiwan, she was obeying orders from her bosses. Of course this in no way negates the reality of impending hot war breaking out between the U.S. and China as historically economic warfare always precedes the literal slaughter and bloodbath. What sub-human criminal scum like Pelosi, Biden and their cohorts do not seem to realize is that once the Gooks conclude that they've served their purpose, they will be killed along with everyone else and disposed of like the trash they are.
No arguments here Heretic, now the DC sock puppets of the CPC, and please don't forget Mitch (if I only had a chin) McConnell, have set up the soon to be sunk American fleet like bowling pins in the Taiwanese straight for their Chinese masters. Serves Americas military right for not arresting them and executing them with the full backing of American taxpayers while they've been given that opportunity for the last two years. The price of Cowardice in my world is always death...
And that is how it should be, Jack. There are no more high ranking U.S. military officers like George Patton, Chesty Puller, and Smedley Butler, real men who were combat warriors. What we are cursed with now are pussies, candy assed, politically correct politicians in uniform. If they obey their Hebraic overlords and send the U.S. Pacific fleet to engage the Chinese, those pathetic hard legs and split tails (yes, they have women sailors on war ships now, have had them for some time) will soon be visiting Davey Jone's Locker. I'm glad I'm very long out of, The Suck (Navy) though we will be pulverized on CONUS (Continental U.S.) as well. "Bitch" McConnell is married to a gook. She's probably his handler.
Well Heritic, America will become a vessel to China like Taiwan is as one will make computer chips and the other will grow food and if Deagle is correct America`s remaining people will be farmers.
Nine: About 25 years ago I worked at a homeless shelter here in NJ. There was a black guy in the shelter with his girl, he was a former "Blood" gang member from California and they fled across the country because he wanted out of that life and like La Cosa Nostra, you can't just resign. He was 28 and he said that was ancient for a gang member. Well before that age most gang bangers would be either dead or in prison for life and he knew his luck was about to run out. He told me that out there, "The Chinese in deep", buying up land, businesses, and hard assets at a phenomenal rate. Remember this was 25 years ago. There is no need for the Gooks to physically conquer the U.S. in war, they'll have it all in their pockets soon enough. It's just that millions must die horrific, violent deaths because the Demiurge and his Archons are hungry for chow and the Chozen Pipple, the Demiurge's kids, just love mass slaughter of the Goyim.
Well Jack, in your fine article, death to the brainwashed jabbed is certainly coming and of course why not sink that fleet full of the already jabbed dead? I hate to be so blunt but as you recall I have a super woke brainwashed family member in America`s special forces community and I was banned from family contact for being unjabbed. That side of the family most certainly will be all in on any narrative presented so to that vaunted woke military? They are scum and deserve a comeuppance.
So, send the Green haired woke marines and gay Navy to take on China then after they lose we can clean house.
I think for totalitarianism or bust the destruction of the Anglo-American world order emerges as crucial. China and Russia as "Clenched Fist" defeat NATO and US Pacific Fleet in a conflict appearing forced upon them. Of course it is forced by controlled NWO politicians. In consequence of defeat US civil war. As consequence the American Bolsheviks seize and hold power and the NWO presides over the rubble and the dead.
Dam Stegiel you must be a lot of fun at parties, you're looking too far ahead and not taking into account the occult angle on this explored in our first plan Z piece.
No more taxes, no worries about the survival bunker or ammo to hold back intruders, no thoughts for the morrow, only the joy of liberation and as Donne has it -Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
And what better way to provide a little cover for her involvement with the Chinese than to appear to piss them off? That bitch doesn’t have a sincere bone in her body.
Prescient, prescient, but now I wonder if I should even bother to finish my next piece.
My focus is not on China, it is on the perpetrators and their instruments who are willing to wreck everything as long as they stay in power. It is a look at their reverse spirituality, and how it captures what passes for thought in the west.
Just like Sharpe Shaver, I have a different understanding, but it now seems more of a eulogy for the dead than a possible reveal.
I said previously that Russia was going to Odessa. According to what I've heard the Alliance has amassed more than 30 battle groups in the South, having frozen Ukie defense in Donbas. War is Hell, and they had to allow the Donetsk people to be relentlessly attacked by foreign provided artillery to accomplish this. Fucking war criminals in our corporate government.
Some sources are reporting that almost every Ukie POW is now a biohazard, infected, probably against their will. The Black Sickness. Covid and the injections are not two. We should have killed them long ago, and now the vengeance upon them, and the price for this, will be paid by all.
Yes, there is a way to isolate this, but it cannot be fully contained. The worst are the howlers, they have to be prioritized...
Well, the rough draft is done, so it's ready for the final work. The real question is what gets included, and what is probably too much.
I know I will be including an indictment on western civilization, and those who cheer it on. I think, before they go over the cliff fighting for the front seats in the bus, someone needs to tell them they have become the bastion of everything they think they hate.
What to leave in what to leave out is always the primary question with an essay, readers have no idea the emphasis on that, it's what makes the final product
As of today, Metallicman feels war is imminent, in his own words China has been "bitch slapped" and is a seething cauldron of resentment toward the West which can only culminate with war. Interestingly this same posse, he and his readers, have been predicting this war for going on two years now. They have not changed their story one word but in those last two years the world has changed plenty in accordance with their predictions, or should I say prophecy? https://metallicman.com/president-bidens-plan-unfolds-resulting-in-a-globe-torn-into-two-halves/
Good read. The players who try to enact this US/China show of dominance obviously stand to gain either through contracts or succor. Demented minds must see it in their favour for them and their cronies to initiate conflict and try to manage or milk it as it escalates.
Fortunately gaining support for wars is still more complex and time consuming than pressing a button or a naval blockade. The idea of handing the handling of such a conflict to ones successors must be nerve wracking to these political cadavers. Time isn't on their side.
All these actors behind MM's imminent war would be all too lucky to have China shoot one of their actors out of the sky. Perhaps we're lucky the alcoholic witch of the West lives to fly another day. May time be on our side.
Jack and Phil, I just wanted to take a moment to mention that your substack messes with comments.
For example, when the articles are in a row to view, this article being on top, it says 19 comments however, once the article is selected, and you scroll down to the comments it's down to 6 from 19 comments.
I believe that this is disruptive to your comment section. I missed MK's comment because of this and his comment was relevant and very important also, I missed Jack's comment on MM's consistency on China's hostile policy towards America.
I have been reading the writings of MM and he talks about his theories of the wave function and the nature of reality as we live in the wave and come to a point as observers and that we can willingly choose where that point will be as we ride the wave.
So in reality it matters not what the human blobs actually do in that the Spirit is the wave and we are part of it and just the simple fact that nothing in this reality is ever nailed down but forever moving and we move with it and a changed perspective changes the reality.
Mike refers to it as revolution and it is since the whole of the entirety of the wave has shifted! And with that revolution of the wave changing the point where one ultimately lands through perception changes also. I personally am not worried what the disconnected human blobs do.
Let them have their vaxxines and wars and we shall see how this will not turn out well for them.
As we ride that wave Spirit directs and says go here or don't go there so the wave rider has that sense of destiny upon that wave.
Excellent article Jack, but with all respect something is not congruent here. Pelosi, Biden, and the others in their inner cabal have long been adjuncts of the communist Chinese party. The Red Gooks have been funneling money into their coffers and campaigns for years. Everything they've done has benefited Red China and I don't even have to say that whoever writes your checks controls you. They are fellow travelers, useful idiots, and in essence sock puppets of China. Ergo this whole thing smacks of prearranged theater to justify an outbreak of hostilities. Pelosi wasn't defying China by going to Taiwan, she was obeying orders from her bosses. Of course this in no way negates the reality of impending hot war breaking out between the U.S. and China as historically economic warfare always precedes the literal slaughter and bloodbath. What sub-human criminal scum like Pelosi, Biden and their cohorts do not seem to realize is that once the Gooks conclude that they've served their purpose, they will be killed along with everyone else and disposed of like the trash they are.
No arguments here Heretic, now the DC sock puppets of the CPC, and please don't forget Mitch (if I only had a chin) McConnell, have set up the soon to be sunk American fleet like bowling pins in the Taiwanese straight for their Chinese masters. Serves Americas military right for not arresting them and executing them with the full backing of American taxpayers while they've been given that opportunity for the last two years. The price of Cowardice in my world is always death...
And that is how it should be, Jack. There are no more high ranking U.S. military officers like George Patton, Chesty Puller, and Smedley Butler, real men who were combat warriors. What we are cursed with now are pussies, candy assed, politically correct politicians in uniform. If they obey their Hebraic overlords and send the U.S. Pacific fleet to engage the Chinese, those pathetic hard legs and split tails (yes, they have women sailors on war ships now, have had them for some time) will soon be visiting Davey Jone's Locker. I'm glad I'm very long out of, The Suck (Navy) though we will be pulverized on CONUS (Continental U.S.) as well. "Bitch" McConnell is married to a gook. She's probably his handler.
Well Heritic, America will become a vessel to China like Taiwan is as one will make computer chips and the other will grow food and if Deagle is correct America`s remaining people will be farmers.
Just as Thomas Jefferson envisioned.
Nine: About 25 years ago I worked at a homeless shelter here in NJ. There was a black guy in the shelter with his girl, he was a former "Blood" gang member from California and they fled across the country because he wanted out of that life and like La Cosa Nostra, you can't just resign. He was 28 and he said that was ancient for a gang member. Well before that age most gang bangers would be either dead or in prison for life and he knew his luck was about to run out. He told me that out there, "The Chinese in deep", buying up land, businesses, and hard assets at a phenomenal rate. Remember this was 25 years ago. There is no need for the Gooks to physically conquer the U.S. in war, they'll have it all in their pockets soon enough. It's just that millions must die horrific, violent deaths because the Demiurge and his Archons are hungry for chow and the Chozen Pipple, the Demiurge's kids, just love mass slaughter of the Goyim.
she is
Well Jack, in your fine article, death to the brainwashed jabbed is certainly coming and of course why not sink that fleet full of the already jabbed dead? I hate to be so blunt but as you recall I have a super woke brainwashed family member in America`s special forces community and I was banned from family contact for being unjabbed. That side of the family most certainly will be all in on any narrative presented so to that vaunted woke military? They are scum and deserve a comeuppance.
So, send the Green haired woke marines and gay Navy to take on China then after they lose we can clean house.
As you say death to cowards.
I think for totalitarianism or bust the destruction of the Anglo-American world order emerges as crucial. China and Russia as "Clenched Fist" defeat NATO and US Pacific Fleet in a conflict appearing forced upon them. Of course it is forced by controlled NWO politicians. In consequence of defeat US civil war. As consequence the American Bolsheviks seize and hold power and the NWO presides over the rubble and the dead.
Dam Stegiel you must be a lot of fun at parties, you're looking too far ahead and not taking into account the occult angle on this explored in our first plan Z piece.
End of the world parties are fun.
No more taxes, no worries about the survival bunker or ammo to hold back intruders, no thoughts for the morrow, only the joy of liberation and as Donne has it -Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
One short sleep past, we wake eternally
And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
You should go on VT Stegiel and haunt our readers over there, do some self-promotion
And what better way to provide a little cover for her involvement with the Chinese than to appear to piss them off? That bitch doesn’t have a sincere bone in her body.
Every bone in her criminal, tranny body should be shattered with a sledgehammer.
Prescient, prescient, but now I wonder if I should even bother to finish my next piece.
My focus is not on China, it is on the perpetrators and their instruments who are willing to wreck everything as long as they stay in power. It is a look at their reverse spirituality, and how it captures what passes for thought in the west.
Just like Sharpe Shaver, I have a different understanding, but it now seems more of a eulogy for the dead than a possible reveal.
I said previously that Russia was going to Odessa. According to what I've heard the Alliance has amassed more than 30 battle groups in the South, having frozen Ukie defense in Donbas. War is Hell, and they had to allow the Donetsk people to be relentlessly attacked by foreign provided artillery to accomplish this. Fucking war criminals in our corporate government.
Some sources are reporting that almost every Ukie POW is now a biohazard, infected, probably against their will. The Black Sickness. Covid and the injections are not two. We should have killed them long ago, and now the vengeance upon them, and the price for this, will be paid by all.
Yes, there is a way to isolate this, but it cannot be fully contained. The worst are the howlers, they have to be prioritized...
I gave John your bio and email, VT and the Human await your next piece Mike
Well, the rough draft is done, so it's ready for the final work. The real question is what gets included, and what is probably too much.
I know I will be including an indictment on western civilization, and those who cheer it on. I think, before they go over the cliff fighting for the front seats in the bus, someone needs to tell them they have become the bastion of everything they think they hate.
What to leave in what to leave out is always the primary question with an essay, readers have no idea the emphasis on that, it's what makes the final product
Latest piece is away. Check your email Jack.
As of today, Metallicman feels war is imminent, in his own words China has been "bitch slapped" and is a seething cauldron of resentment toward the West which can only culminate with war. Interestingly this same posse, he and his readers, have been predicting this war for going on two years now. They have not changed their story one word but in those last two years the world has changed plenty in accordance with their predictions, or should I say prophecy? https://metallicman.com/president-bidens-plan-unfolds-resulting-in-a-globe-torn-into-two-halves/
Good read. The players who try to enact this US/China show of dominance obviously stand to gain either through contracts or succor. Demented minds must see it in their favour for them and their cronies to initiate conflict and try to manage or milk it as it escalates.
Fortunately gaining support for wars is still more complex and time consuming than pressing a button or a naval blockade. The idea of handing the handling of such a conflict to ones successors must be nerve wracking to these political cadavers. Time isn't on their side.
All these actors behind MM's imminent war would be all too lucky to have China shoot one of their actors out of the sky. Perhaps we're lucky the alcoholic witch of the West lives to fly another day. May time be on our side.
Jack and Phil, I just wanted to take a moment to mention that your substack messes with comments.
For example, when the articles are in a row to view, this article being on top, it says 19 comments however, once the article is selected, and you scroll down to the comments it's down to 6 from 19 comments.
I believe that this is disruptive to your comment section. I missed MK's comment because of this and his comment was relevant and very important also, I missed Jack's comment on MM's consistency on China's hostile policy towards America.
Just two examples.
I will see if we can put them in chorological order
all fixed
Mike, your newest article was fantastic!
I have been reading the writings of MM and he talks about his theories of the wave function and the nature of reality as we live in the wave and come to a point as observers and that we can willingly choose where that point will be as we ride the wave.
So in reality it matters not what the human blobs actually do in that the Spirit is the wave and we are part of it and just the simple fact that nothing in this reality is ever nailed down but forever moving and we move with it and a changed perspective changes the reality.
Mike refers to it as revolution and it is since the whole of the entirety of the wave has shifted! And with that revolution of the wave changing the point where one ultimately lands through perception changes also. I personally am not worried what the disconnected human blobs do.
Let them have their vaxxines and wars and we shall see how this will not turn out well for them.
As we ride that wave Spirit directs and says go here or don't go there so the wave rider has that sense of destiny upon that wave.
Just an observation and opinion.
A writer always likes his comments on his own pieces nine, I'm not cutting and pasting this for you, even though it's a great comment, you do it