Today's Brief: Succession How It's Done
"Oil, gold, copper, timber, corn, cattle and crops thrive throughout middle America. The Fed offers instead depraved sex, forced vaccinations, youth castrations and confiscation of firearms."
Above: US-China Tensions Over Taiwan Update (Aug 29, 2022) - US Warships in Taiwan Strait
The streets and avenues of its once great cities are now clogged like the arteries of an old drunk, with the homeless and the hopeless. Predators roam urban byways and transportation systems searching out easy prey that were once proud citizens of a mighty nation but are now nothing but a reservoir of victims for crack babies unfettered by the rule of law. The supply chain and infrastructure are irreparably damaged by a new brand of affirmative action that places degenerates and idiots in positions of power undreamed of by the most highly trained and competent economists. Inflation is out of control and education nothing but indoctrination. Indeed, the seat of federal power in DC looks more like a Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus freak show.
Americas woke army was unable to hold Afghanistan from a ragtag Stoneage guerilla force. Yet, together with its partner in crime Great Britain whose people can’t even pay their energy bills, it inexplicably provokes war with the other two superpowers within their own borders. The only assurance taxpayers have is that their money will ensure Zalinsky has enough coke to entertain all his new friends from Hollywood and the genetic defects in DC will be able to pay the staff of their mansions. It is the golden age for Western arms manufacturers, but it is a world of toil and blood for anyone seeking to produce commodities to improve the lot of their fellow man that cannot be used to kill them.
From my perch atop the Cumberland plateau, I and everybody else up here remain aloof from the carnage of Americas freshly recultivated urban jungles. But we now pay twice as much for gas, it was almost three times, five times more for our own wood, and about 30% more for our own steaks. There is no upside to being an American anymore and before America embroils itself in an insane world war which it is certain to lose and lose badly, it is best for us to leave.
Until the summer of 2020 I always considered Brother Nathanael an internet sideshow. But that summer he produced footage of the Kyle Rittenhouse fiasco which in itself turned out to be nothing but one more psy-op from a government just as addicted to them as a hillbilly to crystal Meth.
Brother Nathanael’s footage showed the purported “shootings” in vivid detail that would have done Oliver Stone proud. It was then and there I connected him with what could only be the NSA, who secretly love their Schlomo jokes, which is what Brother Nathanael is. A few days ago, everyone’s favorite antisemitic Orthodox Catholic Jew released a video with five points for successful secession. They are brilliant and they certainly were not thought up by him. Below is a link to his video courtesy of the Sage of Quay. Brother Nathanael, post-Rittenhouse, is banned from YouTube and Facebook. Below that is my transliteration of the five points…
Brother Nathanael - Making Secession Work
1 – Leveraging resources: The state local commodities are a crucial component of succession. Oil, gold, copper, timber, corn, cattle and crops thrive throughout middle America. The Fed offers instead depraved sex, forced vaccinations, youth castrations and confiscation of firearms. It raids presidents homes and invades Amish farms and whatever is hard bought it steals with taxes and inflation to fund societal rot. Succession cuts off local commodities from federal taxes, cuts trade with Fed dependent blue states and brings the Fed to its knees. Then leverage proceeds.
2 – Marshalling infrastructure: All power grids, telecoms, supply chains, roads, waterways, sewage, forests must be extricated from federal collusion. It begins by regionally enacting benign ordinances to establish local jurisdiction. Then kick the Feds out by using regional commodities as leverage. All Federally held bases and land can be optimized to a local level. One way is by offering to the federally employed men and woman better pay, better benefits, better localized retirement options.
3 – Activating militias: Don’t be scared. Hamilton and Madison affirmed in similar language prior to the ratification of the second amendment the imperative that militias among the states preserve liberty from a tyrannical federal government. Afghanistan used AK47’s built with soup cans and paperclips to fight off Jewmerica, then came out with the grand prize, seven billion in US military equipment left behind. The US military failed to defeat goatherders. A well-armed militia which our founders intended can provide succeeding regions with its own protection, its own police, its own borders and defense.
4 – Regionalizing currency: A stable and reliable trading mechanism is the foundation of entrepreneurism. Locked into the Jew owned federal reserve with money backed by nothing inflation continues upward wages spend for less. Reginal banks can issue their own currencies based on commodities, metals and labor, decoupling from the Jew owned Fed thus giving succeeding communities the financing it needs, home buyers the chance to start a family and entrepreneurs the realization of their dreams.
5 – Empowering the county: The primary seat of political authority and power to tax begins and ends with the county. Posse comitatus means just this the power of the county. The Feds have usurped this power. By empowering what the county already possesses all lawlessness be it from governor, senators or presidents can be blocked. The Sheriff who can gather a militia at command is the true personification of the local peoples will, not Jew enabled DC hacks. This occurred in Bonner County Idaho when the sheriff blocked all federally imposed Covid jabs on sovereign residents.
Well, our NSA perhaps is still loyal to the constitution if producing brother Nathaniel since his prescription for a treatment for America`s sickness would work.
The patient is on life support with their doctors all graduates of American affirmative action schools with the worst of the worst put in charge.
However, our dear vaxxine program is a true blessing in disguise and it truly is with the enemies of that constitution the most vaxxed as I certainly laugh out loud now.
I laugh at them even more as they double down on one failed policy after the other and I simply wait out my local vaxxed Bulshevik enemies Jack.
As that great Irishman Tip O`Neil once said "all politics is local" and that is where the game is played.
All those pre payment meters this side of the pond jack use magnetism to figure out usage 7.47 am I hear mine draw back and anyone with half a brain can figure out a way round them not a problem here paying my bill lol 30 year veteran in shoving it back in their faces , they try commando raids on mine to see if they can catch me out and to see if they can stop their faults getting known you get hit harder than kiddie fiddlers playing with the gas and electricity meters here , but it was nice of them to place me with a street light at the front and back of my property which is 240volts like our house supply lol. Nobody who comes to mine ever moans of the cold it's more like Bermuda in here lol 28 centigrade and the heating is not even on