Of course, it's not doctor, there are those who want to live in a functional society and those who don't I'm asking those that do to polarize in preparation for the inevitable war against chaos now represented by the Democratic party
In Illinois the joke is there is Chicago and Springfield and then the rest of Illinois.
Illinois west of hwy 47 is red and big time as you could see it during covid with mask obedience or lack there of! LOL
It was thrilling to witness the disobedience in person on long bicycle rides in Illinois`s fabulous red zone. Chicago's north suburbs? Absolutely scum of the earth with mandated vaxxines and woke ideology but they run Springfield and pass these horrid laws.
Seriously, I got pictures of these little glass huts people would sit in in restaurant parking lots during covid in the North subs. In particular, St Charles IL along the Fox River was the most woke area I ever saw by bicycle with people running and cycling and driving cars alone with masks on. Stunning insanity as I got the cops called on me for no mask in a gas station buying a coke one hot day.
The idiot would not take my money so I through it on the counter and snapped a picture of it and left with my coke as the cops pulled up. Took off down a narrow bike trail and was long gone before they figured it out.
R I don't know why you put up with Gordon Duff he was like a father to me but so help me he'd have more than a broken flipper he ever came near me after COVID...
We can't turn congress red if we don't support the folks who are red and electing them. I live in a blue state (calif) but sent money to support Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Sadly I am barely low middle class and have exhausted my disposable income and will not be able to support Ron Johnson again until mid Nov. I pray he wins.
I am staying in CA and will do the following:
We need a point of agreement we all can buy into as individuals and then later as groups and parties. As you say Sage we are "out in front" of them by a long way. So I post these as a base line from which I will not back down. Here they are:
We as human beings face the following. We are in the midst of a large test injection program.
Natural immunity is not recognized
There is no control group recognized
Since we the citizens of the USA and the world are the test subjects of a the largest test injection program ever. We need to require the following be established for medical efficacy and our own bodily integrity.
1) Natural immunity must be paramount
2) There must be a Control group. Not mice, but humans.
3) All humans have a right to choose which group to participate in Control or Injected.
4) All contents of Injectables must be fully disclosed as documented by third party analysis. Further spot checks by third party of vials directly from the manufacturing line to continuously verify contents and purity.
Remember the Occupy movement. We need another. This time we all need to Occupy our bodies. We need to require at a minimum the four points above.
I believe that the scientists I have read on substack and their peers are qualified to set up global test criteria. These criteria must be rigorously followed and when harms that exceed the harms of past true vaccines occur the Injectables must no longer be injected into the test group.
This is what I live by. I hope it is clear enough for you to take it to
the team of people you work with so that we the people of Earth with true
I am 71 and my wife and I will fight the fight here. We will be demanding the 4 points indicated, and we have been and are and will always be part of the control group. I haven't been vaccinated since I took sugar cubed polio vaccine in 5th grade.
That's not going to happen Will, its gone way beyond that, everyday two or three celebrities drop dead on my news feed, they never say why. Watch Kaminski's video that will show you how and why. Dude I am still fit as is Phil, we can't protect you while you are in enemy territory.
As far as I am concerned most of you waking up to this disaster are late to the party. It has been heart breaking to watch this roll out for the last nearly 50 years. Counting my parents claim that feed lot meat isn't meat its poison, longer. The fact my parents lease 200 acres to raise beef (mostly brush and small pasture area 10 head) and put us to work, means longer than 50 years but I didn't appreciate what my parents were doing for us four children. That all started in 5th grade.
I have been in it a long time. I too am hale and healthy. Folks estimate my age in the late 40s or early 50s. I still work with my wife most days digging rock out of the rocky ground here in the mother lode where we have a small 2 acre garden. Folks in this neck of the woods are all red necks.
Regardless we have to stand up to these??? what ever they are. Or be invisible and wait for the storm of idiocy to pass.
That's right Will that's why I want to create a unified front and not lose a lot of good men because they are leaving themselves out in the open. I fought these bastards when I was in my mid-twenties
Always been on the front lines. But I studied history. Wow when you see what happened to the Indians and more recently Waco, Branch Davidians who were slaughtered by ATF. Then 911, it is clear due process is only for a select few. There is a whole lot of horror between and since these events. And much before. We are just not to bright.
You can't fight these guys with guns, they have all the weapons. But they really believe their own propaganda. My faith is in the Earth/Gaia as laid out by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. The folks who are trying to Rule the Earth are way out of their depths.
Bacteria made this world habitable. Lynn Margulis warns against making war against the bacteria. We will lose. Bacteria have created 5 metabolic pathways. Humans none. CRISPER CAS 9 is first found in bacteria. Humans didn't invent it. Almost all of the genetic hacking tools are copies of what nature does so very easily. We have declared war on the bacteria with sarscov 2, and the injections. Games already over. The folks who started this crazy game don't even know it yet.
Oh you can fight them with guns Will, that's why they want them so bad, but you need a lot of guns and a lot of men who ain't afraid to use them, hence a unified front...
Sign the waiver and no vaxxines and this law won't be changed and perhaps it will get even stronger.
Now, in your video there was a clip of the professional cyclist who died a day after winning a big race
And the cycling community? They are doubling down on vaxxines and transgenderism.
Wisconsin is a good bet just don’t live in Milwaukee or Madison.
Milwaukee and Madison? It's not vaxxines but violent black thugs that make these cities unlivable. Schools in these communities? Absolute shit holes for your kids and the parents willingly vaxxinate their kids so conservatives have already voted with their feet.
Yes, nine these so called violent Black thugs are murdering the same woke Whites who voted in liberal politicians. Most Blacks are unvaccinated, at least if they are anything like my homeboy NYC negroes who are 80% unvaccinated. Being street wise means, you can spot a grift from a mile away. Despite Kaminski, Loki, Mike, you and everybody else I'm telling you now you better learn to start calling these Black thugs comrades and learn to be more like them than Schlomo's good little goyims...
White suburban people are scum. With the Chicago north suburbs being the worst. More of them are for the vaxx than in the black community however, when a marxsist black blames me for his problems because I am white we have a problem.
It's called going woke and I am having none of it.
But with that said those who want peace and a good place to live should be allies.
Antifa? Born and raised in white suburbs run by Jews perfect divide and conquer strategy as I know the score.
BLM? Created by Jews and run by lesbians with blacks in toe by the nose ring.
All run by Jews the divide between blacks and whites.
The Chicago North subs? Proudly displaying the Ukrainian flags and all for the war and Biden giving billions to them. And Mandatory vaxxines and and vaxx passports to go toa Cubs game still in place. Fucking scum.
The Ukraine run by Zelinski? A front for jew money and for the american hedgmon to be sodomised one more time.
They have hijacked the runes Jack but Putin flipped the rune and when you do that you get "Z" !!!
They found this rune made out of metal or carved stone and so it's a swastika surrounded by the symbol the SS used on their uniforms but, as the front of the rune is like heads on a coin the flipping being tales the symbol would be a "Z".
Come to think of it woke young whites give me more shit about whites than most blacks I know ever do as blacks, the decent ones, have a live and let live attitude.
Ever here of the self hating Jew? Now we have self hating young white men as I see this in cycling.
The grift Jack? The best grifters live in the north subs of Chicago and push papers around in offices in the loop and live in mcmansions in suburban Cook and posh lake county.
You could drop a bomb on the place since it's posh to have your vaxx pass app on your phone and all the trendy places expect vaxxinations.
Blacks don't have to kill them since all they have to do is wait till the vaxx does the job for them and perhaps that's why your pals at NSA designed this opp for and if so I am all in......
Then there's Barrington Hills, 30 minutes from the Gold coast with rolling hills where the glaciers used to be and now a semi rural community full of multi millionaires living on mini horse farms with members of the 85 super bowl Bears in residence as its a fake rural paradise smack dab in Chicago traffic hell.
The town closed a main road for years to keep the peasants out. They had a slush fund to fight the road opening for years until the IL Supreme Court had to let the road open as that took over 25 years to do.
They are professional grifters of the highest magnitude.
If people let this happen to their children, there should be no mercy.
The problem that afflicts us is that we are too nice in the face of all this.
That's what the Jews call us, "Gentiles", which is the same as the word for "nice" in French.
Well, they couldn't have said it better themselves!
The same characteristic that makes it easy as pie to steal our currency is used by the other faction to literally destroy people. Rather be a jerk than have any semblance of intelligence to justify such bullshit and show your master that you're a good doggie.
Let them be careful because the others are learning to slowly regroup again and those always have a self-preservation instinct, and much more...
You said it Jack “you can’t vote your way out of this”. We have the names of 15 people who are coming for our grandchildren. Now the question is what are we going to do about it?
July 2013 Ukraine Black Sea Gas, Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014,
Feb 24, 2022 special military operation declared by Russia in Ukraine Donbas
Good day all,
A time line for the current Ukraine and SMO of Russia.
1) Gas some oil found off the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Jul 19, 2013
2) Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014
So the coup starts 6 months after finding Gas. The coup puts Zelensky etal in power. Zelensky starts borrowing money, and the West starts building up Ukraine's military so it can take back the republics of Lugansk Donetsk and Crimea.
Since the Russian SMO what collateral does the Ukraine have to borrow so much from the IMF? Why did the IMF loan any money to the already deeply in debt Ukraine? Why is the US so heavily invested in support of the Ukraine? Why is the EU shooting itself in the foot regarding energy? None of this made any sense to me.
Unless the EU was told by US and Ukraine that all the gas they would ever need is in the gas field off the Ukraine coast. Then it makes some kind of sense what is happening. Support Ukraine and make it an EU member after defeating Russia and the gas is the EUs. Also helps explain why the US is all dug in and NATO/EU too as well as UK in defeating Russia. Without the pipe dream of Ukrainian Gas none of this makes any sense to me. Links follow.
The first well drilled by Chornomornaftogaz and Shelton Canada in the Black Sea near Odessa discovered gas, according to reports from the area.
KIEV, Ukraine -- The first well drilled by Chornomornaftogaz and Shelton Canada in the Black Sea near Odessa discovered gas, according to reports from the area.
The Biryuchya Zakhidnyy 1, 50 km offshore on the northwest shelf of the Sea of Azov, encountered an estimated 350 Bcf of gas. The drilling objective was Cretaceous sandstones, with a planned TD of 1,700 m.
Bottom Line: We see a flurry of activity in Ukraine, with a $735 million Black Sea commitment by Exxon, an unexpected 100 million barrel oil find in the Poltava region and new estimates that the country could achieve annual gas production of 45 billion cubic meters by 2020.
Analysis: First, Ukraine’s state-run oil and gas company Naftogaz on 11 July announced the discovery of an oil field in the eastern/central Poltava region that reportedly contains some 13 million tons of oil, or 100 million barrels of oil. This is the biggest oil find in Ukraine in a decade and a half. The Budishchansko-Chutovskoye oil field is fully owned by Naftogaz, and is the only field fully owned by the state-run company.
The news for Ukraine gets even better this week, though. Exxon Mobil Corp is ready to invest $735 million to drill two deep-water wells offshore Ukraine in the Black Sea ($335 million in a signing bonus for the government and a $400 million commitment for seismic surveys and drilling). This is an amazing show of confidence by Exxon in Ukraine’s Black Sea.
Finally, ExxonMobil has given Ukraine another public boost with a new estimate that the country’s onshore and offshore gas reserves could help it reach production of 45 billion cubic meters by 2020.
Recommendation: We suggest very closely monitoring Exxon’s progress as it prepares to explore in Ukraine’s Black Sea, in the deep marine Skifiske gas field. (Right…
Brief time line of Ukraine and Russian engagement and a possible why it happened at all
1) Gas some oil found of the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Jul 19, 2013
2) Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014
So the coup starts 6 months after finding Gas. The coup puts Zelensky etal in power. Zelensky starts barowing money, and the West starts building up Ukraine's military so it can take back the republics of Lugansk Donetsk and Crimea.
My question since the SMO is why and what collateral the Ukraine had to borrow so much from the IMF? Why did the IMF loan any money to the already deeply in debt Ukraine. Why is the US (as you mention, an unreasonable hatred for Russia) so heavily invested in support of the Ukraine? Why is the EU shooting itself in the foot regarding energy? None of this made any sense to me.
Unless the EU was told by US and Ukraine that all the gas they would ever need is in the gas field off the Ukraine coast. Then it makes some kind of sense what is happening. Support the Ukraine and make an EU member after deafting Russia and the gas is the EUs. Also helps explain why the US is all dug in and NATO/EU too as well as UK in defeating Russia. Without the pipe dream of Ukraineian Gas none of this makes any sense to me.
Ukraine ‘discovers’ vast gas deposit…already found in the 1980s
A Ukrainian exploration vessel has 'discovered' a huge gas field in the Black Sea. However, it turns out the field was already found by the Soviet Union 30 years ago.
"The fact that Ukraine once again began to search for oil and gas on the shelf of the Black Sea indicates a titanic shift in exploration work by the country. According to our estimates, gas reserves amounting to at least 40 billion cubic meters in an area of 7,000 square meters," said Ukrainian Minister for Mineral Resources Nikolay Boyarkin.
According to Boyarkin, Ukraine has enough resources to satisfy its gas needs and can produce it on its own.
However, it turns out the deposits near Snake Island in the Black Sea were discovered in the 1980s by Soviet explorers. Moreover, the rights for these resources have been disputed by Ukraine and Romania, and in 2009 the International Court of Justice ruled for Romania, leaving Kiev with only 12 miles around the island.
The background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war. This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.
It represented the temporary culmination of long-standing efforts by US imperialism to install a puppet regime on the borders of Russia and brought the world a major step closer to a war between the largest nuclear powers, the US and Russia. Ukraine has since been systematically built up as a launching pad for a NATO war against Russia.
Euromaidan, or the Maidan Uprising, was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on 21 November 2013 with large protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv. The protests were sparked by the Ukrainian government's sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union.Wikipedia
Date:November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014 (year, 3month, week and day)
After the 2014 coup in Kyiv, the people of the peninsula voted in a referendum to re-join Russia, a decision that most NATO members have not recognised.
The demonstrations which began in Kyiv in November 2013 – called "Maidan", or "Euromaidan" – were a result of the Ukrainian people's frustration with former President Yanukovych. The protesters' demands included constitutional reform, a stronger role for parliament, the formation of a government of national unity, an end to corruption, early presidential elections and an end to violence.
Ukraine's government changed its relations toward Russia after the latter illegally annexed Crimea, which is part of Ukraine, through a non-recognised referendum, announced on 27 February 2014, and held on gunpoint on 16 March 2014. The UN described it as not valid and stated that it could not serve as a basis for any change in the status of the peninsula. In its turn, the EU continues to strongly condemn this violation of international law and has responded by imposing restrictive measures against the Russian Federation.
How and why the U.S. Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine
June 4, 2018 by Eric Zuesse
This will document that the ‘new Cold War’ between the U.S. and Russia did not start, as the Western myth has it, with Russia’s involvement in the breakaway of Crimea and Donbass from Ukraine, after Ukraine — next door to Russia — had suddenly turned rabidly hostile toward Russia in February 2014. Ukraine’s replacing its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014, by a rabidly anti-Russian Government, was a violent event, which produced many corpses. It’s presented in The West as having been a ‘revolution’ instead of a coup; but whatever it was, it certainly generated the ‘new Cold War’ (the economic sanctions and NATO buildup on Russia’s borders); and, to know whether it was a coup, or instead a revolution, is to know what actually started the ‘new Cold War’, and why. So, this is historically very important.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine’s Donbass region to “defend people” there against government forces, stressing that Moscow has “no plans to occupy Ukrainian territory.”
In 2014, Ukraine’s two regions of Donetsk and Lugansk – collectively known as the Donbass – were turned into self-proclaimed republics by ethnic Russians, leading to a bloody conflict between the government forces and the armed separatists.
The conflict worsened following a wave of protests in Ukraine that led to the overthrow of a democratically-elected pro-Russia government, which was later replaced with a Western-backed administration. The majority in those areas refused to endorse the new administration.
More than 14,000 people have been killed so far.
Ukraine, as well as the European Union (EU) and the United States, claims that Russia has a hand in the conflict in the Donbass. Moscow denies the allegation.
On Monday, Putin signed a decree recognizing the breakaway Lugansk and Donetsk regions as independent republics. The recognition followed an address in which he referred to eastern Ukraine as “ancient Russian lands” being “managed by foreign powers.”
Then there is Gonzo Lira, one of the best observers of the Ukrain/SMO to be found and he is funny. He is also Pro Russian. Mostly this post if from the Russian side as it is easy to get the Wests point of view.
he Macro Picture: Gonzalo Lira on the Ukraine conflict’s broader contours and implications for all sides
The controversial commentator dissects the depths of the West's mistakes in its malign strategy toward Russia, but their arrogance is blinding them to the inevitable consequences.
There are historical and theological reasons you are not considering Will. The first star of David and the first Caucasian swastika were found in the Ukraine, it is riddled with underground caverns and caves...
Yes there is ancient history there. It used to be called Kiev Russ in ancient times. You seem to have a good handle on esoteric history. I do not. I can learn from you.
One of the oldest if not the oldest civilization on Earth is Iranian. In some places I have seen it as Aryan. Very ancient. It has a very amazing religious and mystical history as well. The Hebrew religion adopted many spiritual or mystical insights from the Iranians in ancient times.
Perhaps now is as good a time as any to speak in my own defense?
Let me begin by making it clear that no one gives a shit about white people, especially including most white people.
I recall a few years ago, that one of the greatest proponents for the continuation of the White race, was a brown man. Just a reminder, the popular meme amongst affluent whites with left leaning views was that the White race was already history, and after building western civilization, it was time to gift it to those who didn't build it.
Okay, uhh why, exactly?
Turns out a big part of it was guilt.
Guilt for what? Why for all the horrible wrongs white people do.
Possibly the funniest moment was being lectured by a McMansion leftist feminist that whites are simply born evil.
All in all, it looks really bad for whites, until you start contrasting their behavior with that of other races. For whatever reason, whites make excuses for other races that they won't allow for themselves. For example, a certain local group of Mexicans made a great statement by saying that they laughed at whites working so hard, because that ensured those Mexicans could keep kicking back and chilling.
I wish I was making this up, because at least then I could turn it off.
I've yet to hear any black looter express regret at stealing his TV during the BLM riots, much less lament for shooting people and destroying lives.
Now it is true that the mouthpiece of the oligarchy, the msm plays a great role in this all, and so it is open to debate just how natural any of this stuff is, but natural or contrived, there isn't any race I've seen in America that doesn't have its own toxic level of dysfunction.
If I was black, or brown, I'm pretty sure I would still want my kind to remember their achievements, not for pride, but as a challenge to achieve.
Whites have a unique destiny. Call it an anomaly, call it the Elf burn, but it cannot be mitigated by emulating others, shoving bones through our noses, or living with cannibals. It can only be addressed by addressing it. Part of my reason for penning the latest piece on the Human is that I've had it with the arrogance of a group of regards who demand that whites renounce their sacred symbols. My response is, first burn your Yakimas.
Mike, it may be 10-15 years ago when I first read articles explaining that the slave owners of the Southern U.S. were mostly Jewish, not Christian "whites". The whites are for ever blamed for that, but many of the ones who came from Scandinavia and for instance Ireland went to the US because of harvest failure, due to "potatoe pestilence", and that Irish story I have understood is awful. Whites from Europe did not come there to run slave farms, but to find a piece of land for themselves, where they could be self-sufficient, providing for their own families. When it comes to that story of the Indians, I was not there, so who those "whites" where, one might ask. But, you probably know that old saying from the old testament about the fathers who ate grapes and their children getting bad teeeth for that reason. I believe many blacks feel hate to anything white moving, wanting to punish or fight back against the descendants of these people, hundreds of years later, punishing them for what their forefathers might have done, even if they never did it. But no one screams louder than Khazarias/Jews if they are being attacked by blacks. Yes, so whites are supposed to feel guilty for every bad thing that has been done in the past, while Jews are only victims and the only ones who deserves sympathy in media, and every critical word is labelled as Anti-Semitic as we know. There is a great YouTube-video about the history of black gospel music, where some black professors and musicians speek about this, that to them, the black slaves on the slave plantations treated them so bad - with the Bible (the Old Testament/Torah?) in hand - that they silently among themselves never looked at them as Christians, because a Christian following the doctrine of Jesus would never do such awful things. Today our governments have taken upon themselves the task of making their populations, whites included, into slaves, in every way, and if they are not members of "The Friends Of Israel - BDS"-club, then they are obeying some other kind of religion, such as Islam etc.
Chicago white culture in its full glory. Only rich North suburban whites can afford Cubs games.
Many bars and restaurants demand vaxxination for entry to this day and my Wisconsin ultra cycling club mandates vaxxines to ride bicycles outside.
The club is run by rich white libtards from the Chicago North suburbs.
They are woke pro transgender and anti white and believe with all their heart that Russia is losing the war in Ukraine because MSNBC and CNN tells them so.
Can you tell I hate them? But in time blacks will get houses in those North suburbs as that grand vaxxine does its fine work of ridding America of the white lisping north suburban Chicago faggot.
Let's talk about the suburbs Jack, as I was city and she was of the suburbs the day we met. She wore red on that day with eyes that changed color ever so slightly, first blue then green then hazel as I would describe them as blue green at the same time as their color is mysterious jack.
She preyed for me sick as a dog from a horrible bio weapon, with no regard for her self, she held me and preyed for me then she put an oil on my feet and put a polished stone on a leather string around my neck and said wear this it will help.
Fever broke the next morning as I appear to be on the mend.
ya that vid was real painful to watch.. Jack is correct "most" blacks can smell the grift but not all. Quite a few of my easy going Canadian Black amigos got the shot but nowhere near the rate of Ken/Karen. More sisters than brothers also.. Hive mind at work.
Of course Maurice, women always scare more easily than men, and old people for some strange reason scare the easiest of all, as if their not going to die soon anyway...
That is why we need to learn the tactics of men, and as long as we know that we speak the truth and have good intentions, to protect "our own" and live in peace with others, we must know our own value. - Maybe even becoming armed to the teeth, like men. Some eat testosterone, as some of you guys in here, since being a strong female is not always easy, when our hormones work against us.
Of course, it's not doctor, there are those who want to live in a functional society and those who don't I'm asking those that do to polarize in preparation for the inevitable war against chaos now represented by the Democratic party
In Illinois the joke is there is Chicago and Springfield and then the rest of Illinois.
Illinois west of hwy 47 is red and big time as you could see it during covid with mask obedience or lack there of! LOL
It was thrilling to witness the disobedience in person on long bicycle rides in Illinois`s fabulous red zone. Chicago's north suburbs? Absolutely scum of the earth with mandated vaxxines and woke ideology but they run Springfield and pass these horrid laws.
Seriously, I got pictures of these little glass huts people would sit in in restaurant parking lots during covid in the North subs. In particular, St Charles IL along the Fox River was the most woke area I ever saw by bicycle with people running and cycling and driving cars alone with masks on. Stunning insanity as I got the cops called on me for no mask in a gas station buying a coke one hot day.
The idiot would not take my money so I through it on the counter and snapped a picture of it and left with my coke as the cops pulled up. Took off down a narrow bike trail and was long gone before they figured it out.
Seriously you had to mask up outside to walk on the sidewalk and the little Bulsheviks would tell you to mask up. I told them shut the fuck up!
Jack is right. Time not to forget the bullshit inflicted on us by these woke Bulshevik democratic retards.
R I don't know why you put up with Gordon Duff he was like a father to me but so help me he'd have more than a broken flipper he ever came near me after COVID...
Hey it was him who made me, I ain't denying it
We can't turn congress red if we don't support the folks who are red and electing them. I live in a blue state (calif) but sent money to support Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Sadly I am barely low middle class and have exhausted my disposable income and will not be able to support Ron Johnson again until mid Nov. I pray he wins.
I am staying in CA and will do the following:
We need a point of agreement we all can buy into as individuals and then later as groups and parties. As you say Sage we are "out in front" of them by a long way. So I post these as a base line from which I will not back down. Here they are:
We as human beings face the following. We are in the midst of a large test injection program.
Natural immunity is not recognized
There is no control group recognized
Since we the citizens of the USA and the world are the test subjects of a the largest test injection program ever. We need to require the following be established for medical efficacy and our own bodily integrity.
1) Natural immunity must be paramount
2) There must be a Control group. Not mice, but humans.
3) All humans have a right to choose which group to participate in Control or Injected.
4) All contents of Injectables must be fully disclosed as documented by third party analysis. Further spot checks by third party of vials directly from the manufacturing line to continuously verify contents and purity.
Remember the Occupy movement. We need another. This time we all need to Occupy our bodies. We need to require at a minimum the four points above.
I believe that the scientists I have read on substack and their peers are qualified to set up global test criteria. These criteria must be rigorously followed and when harms that exceed the harms of past true vaccines occur the Injectables must no longer be injected into the test group.
This is what I live by. I hope it is clear enough for you to take it to
the team of people you work with so that we the people of Earth with true
science can take direct control of our situation.
Umm, jack is telling you that if you have kids California is a place to leave. They will force this poison on your kids!
Get out now while you still can.
Perhaps your from VT leaving a comment such as that here?
Hi nine,
I am 71 and my wife and I will fight the fight here. We will be demanding the 4 points indicated, and we have been and are and will always be part of the control group. I haven't been vaccinated since I took sugar cubed polio vaccine in 5th grade.
That's not going to happen Will, its gone way beyond that, everyday two or three celebrities drop dead on my news feed, they never say why. Watch Kaminski's video that will show you how and why. Dude I am still fit as is Phil, we can't protect you while you are in enemy territory.
Hi Jack,
Actually I have been in the battle since 1970. Consider this link:
As far as I am concerned most of you waking up to this disaster are late to the party. It has been heart breaking to watch this roll out for the last nearly 50 years. Counting my parents claim that feed lot meat isn't meat its poison, longer. The fact my parents lease 200 acres to raise beef (mostly brush and small pasture area 10 head) and put us to work, means longer than 50 years but I didn't appreciate what my parents were doing for us four children. That all started in 5th grade.
I have been in it a long time. I too am hale and healthy. Folks estimate my age in the late 40s or early 50s. I still work with my wife most days digging rock out of the rocky ground here in the mother lode where we have a small 2 acre garden. Folks in this neck of the woods are all red necks.
Regardless we have to stand up to these??? what ever they are. Or be invisible and wait for the storm of idiocy to pass.
That's right Will that's why I want to create a unified front and not lose a lot of good men because they are leaving themselves out in the open. I fought these bastards when I was in my mid-twenties
After that I gave up and took up hedonism, it's in my book, then she redrafted me
Always been on the front lines. But I studied history. Wow when you see what happened to the Indians and more recently Waco, Branch Davidians who were slaughtered by ATF. Then 911, it is clear due process is only for a select few. There is a whole lot of horror between and since these events. And much before. We are just not to bright.
You can't fight these guys with guns, they have all the weapons. But they really believe their own propaganda. My faith is in the Earth/Gaia as laid out by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis. The folks who are trying to Rule the Earth are way out of their depths.
Bacteria made this world habitable. Lynn Margulis warns against making war against the bacteria. We will lose. Bacteria have created 5 metabolic pathways. Humans none. CRISPER CAS 9 is first found in bacteria. Humans didn't invent it. Almost all of the genetic hacking tools are copies of what nature does so very easily. We have declared war on the bacteria with sarscov 2, and the injections. Games already over. The folks who started this crazy game don't even know it yet.
Oh you can fight them with guns Will, that's why they want them so bad, but you need a lot of guns and a lot of men who ain't afraid to use them, hence a unified front...
In Wisconsin here is the law on vaccines and schools:
Sign the waiver and no vaxxines and this law won't be changed and perhaps it will get even stronger.
Now, in your video there was a clip of the professional cyclist who died a day after winning a big race
And the cycling community? They are doubling down on vaxxines and transgenderism.
Wisconsin is a good bet just don’t live in Milwaukee or Madison.
Milwaukee and Madison? It's not vaxxines but violent black thugs that make these cities unlivable. Schools in these communities? Absolute shit holes for your kids and the parents willingly vaxxinate their kids so conservatives have already voted with their feet.
Only morons live in Madison or Milwaukee.
Yes, nine these so called violent Black thugs are murdering the same woke Whites who voted in liberal politicians. Most Blacks are unvaccinated, at least if they are anything like my homeboy NYC negroes who are 80% unvaccinated. Being street wise means, you can spot a grift from a mile away. Despite Kaminski, Loki, Mike, you and everybody else I'm telling you now you better learn to start calling these Black thugs comrades and learn to be more like them than Schlomo's good little goyims...
White suburban people are scum. With the Chicago north suburbs being the worst. More of them are for the vaxx than in the black community however, when a marxsist black blames me for his problems because I am white we have a problem.
It's called going woke and I am having none of it.
But with that said those who want peace and a good place to live should be allies.
Antifa? Born and raised in white suburbs run by Jews perfect divide and conquer strategy as I know the score.
BLM? Created by Jews and run by lesbians with blacks in toe by the nose ring.
All run by Jews the divide between blacks and whites.
The Chicago North subs? Proudly displaying the Ukrainian flags and all for the war and Biden giving billions to them. And Mandatory vaxxines and and vaxx passports to go toa Cubs game still in place. Fucking scum.
The Ukraine run by Zelinski? A front for jew money and for the american hedgmon to be sodomised one more time.
They have hijacked the runes Jack but Putin flipped the rune and when you do that you get "Z" !!!
They found this rune made out of metal or carved stone and so it's a swastika surrounded by the symbol the SS used on their uniforms but, as the front of the rune is like heads on a coin the flipping being tales the symbol would be a "Z".
Come to think of it woke young whites give me more shit about whites than most blacks I know ever do as blacks, the decent ones, have a live and let live attitude.
Ever here of the self hating Jew? Now we have self hating young white men as I see this in cycling.
Schlomo has mind fucked an entire generation!
Their killing each other mostly, and their women use abortion as birth control. But they hate gays with a passion.
All designed by you know who...
The grift Jack? The best grifters live in the north subs of Chicago and push papers around in offices in the loop and live in mcmansions in suburban Cook and posh lake county.
You could drop a bomb on the place since it's posh to have your vaxx pass app on your phone and all the trendy places expect vaxxinations.
Blacks don't have to kill them since all they have to do is wait till the vaxx does the job for them and perhaps that's why your pals at NSA designed this opp for and if so I am all in......
Then there's Barrington Hills, 30 minutes from the Gold coast with rolling hills where the glaciers used to be and now a semi rural community full of multi millionaires living on mini horse farms with members of the 85 super bowl Bears in residence as its a fake rural paradise smack dab in Chicago traffic hell.
The town closed a main road for years to keep the peasants out. They had a slush fund to fight the road opening for years until the IL Supreme Court had to let the road open as that took over 25 years to do.
They are professional grifters of the highest magnitude.
You will like this Jack:
Absolutely disgusting, all this death...
The same thing is planned in Europe.
We are coming to the final frontier.
I wonder what Serrano would have said today.
He who spoke with fear of those new babies who were born with their eyes open.
Those eyes now saturnine black - and what else? :
If people let this happen to their children, there should be no mercy.
The problem that afflicts us is that we are too nice in the face of all this.
That's what the Jews call us, "Gentiles", which is the same as the word for "nice" in French.
Well, they couldn't have said it better themselves!
The same characteristic that makes it easy as pie to steal our currency is used by the other faction to literally destroy people. Rather be a jerk than have any semblance of intelligence to justify such bullshit and show your master that you're a good doggie.
Let them be careful because the others are learning to slowly regroup again and those always have a self-preservation instinct, and much more...
Read my comment to nine about Blacks Romain, exactly what I'm saying
Romain, I have seen photos of those babies, but it is impossble to open that link because my virus AVG program warns me it is infected.
You said it Jack “you can’t vote your way out of this”. We have the names of 15 people who are coming for our grandchildren. Now the question is what are we going to do about it?
We won't find the answer in words Blynes
July 2013 Ukraine Black Sea Gas, Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014,
Feb 24, 2022 special military operation declared by Russia in Ukraine Donbas
Good day all,
A time line for the current Ukraine and SMO of Russia.
1) Gas some oil found off the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Jul 19, 2013
2) Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014
So the coup starts 6 months after finding Gas. The coup puts Zelensky etal in power. Zelensky starts borrowing money, and the West starts building up Ukraine's military so it can take back the republics of Lugansk Donetsk and Crimea.
Since the Russian SMO what collateral does the Ukraine have to borrow so much from the IMF? Why did the IMF loan any money to the already deeply in debt Ukraine? Why is the US so heavily invested in support of the Ukraine? Why is the EU shooting itself in the foot regarding energy? None of this made any sense to me.
Unless the EU was told by US and Ukraine that all the gas they would ever need is in the gas field off the Ukraine coast. Then it makes some kind of sense what is happening. Support Ukraine and make it an EU member after defeating Russia and the gas is the EUs. Also helps explain why the US is all dug in and NATO/EU too as well as UK in defeating Russia. Without the pipe dream of Ukrainian Gas none of this makes any sense to me. Links follow.
July 2013 https://www.offshore-mag.com/drilling-completion/article/16791765/ukraine-black-sea-gas-discovery-reported
Ukraine Black Sea gas discovery reported
Nov. 6, 2006
The first well drilled by Chornomornaftogaz and Shelton Canada in the Black Sea near Odessa discovered gas, according to reports from the area.
KIEV, Ukraine -- The first well drilled by Chornomornaftogaz and Shelton Canada in the Black Sea near Odessa discovered gas, according to reports from the area.
The Biryuchya Zakhidnyy 1, 50 km offshore on the northwest shelf of the Sea of Azov, encountered an estimated 350 Bcf of gas. The drilling objective was Cretaceous sandstones, with a planned TD of 1,700 m.
Ukraine: Unexpected Oil Find, Major Gas Interest
By Editorial Dept - Jul 19, 2013, 10:44 PM CDT
Bottom Line: We see a flurry of activity in Ukraine, with a $735 million Black Sea commitment by Exxon, an unexpected 100 million barrel oil find in the Poltava region and new estimates that the country could achieve annual gas production of 45 billion cubic meters by 2020.
Analysis: First, Ukraine’s state-run oil and gas company Naftogaz on 11 July announced the discovery of an oil field in the eastern/central Poltava region that reportedly contains some 13 million tons of oil, or 100 million barrels of oil. This is the biggest oil find in Ukraine in a decade and a half. The Budishchansko-Chutovskoye oil field is fully owned by Naftogaz, and is the only field fully owned by the state-run company.
The news for Ukraine gets even better this week, though. Exxon Mobil Corp is ready to invest $735 million to drill two deep-water wells offshore Ukraine in the Black Sea ($335 million in a signing bonus for the government and a $400 million commitment for seismic surveys and drilling). This is an amazing show of confidence by Exxon in Ukraine’s Black Sea.
Finally, ExxonMobil has given Ukraine another public boost with a new estimate that the country’s onshore and offshore gas reserves could help it reach production of 45 billion cubic meters by 2020.
Recommendation: We suggest very closely monitoring Exxon’s progress as it prepares to explore in Ukraine’s Black Sea, in the deep marine Skifiske gas field. (Right…
Brief time line of Ukraine and Russian engagement and a possible why it happened at all
1) Gas some oil found of the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Jul 19, 2013
2) Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014
So the coup starts 6 months after finding Gas. The coup puts Zelensky etal in power. Zelensky starts barowing money, and the West starts building up Ukraine's military so it can take back the republics of Lugansk Donetsk and Crimea.
My question since the SMO is why and what collateral the Ukraine had to borrow so much from the IMF? Why did the IMF loan any money to the already deeply in debt Ukraine. Why is the US (as you mention, an unreasonable hatred for Russia) so heavily invested in support of the Ukraine? Why is the EU shooting itself in the foot regarding energy? None of this made any sense to me.
Unless the EU was told by US and Ukraine that all the gas they would ever need is in the gas field off the Ukraine coast. Then it makes some kind of sense what is happening. Support the Ukraine and make an EU member after deafting Russia and the gas is the EUs. Also helps explain why the US is all dug in and NATO/EU too as well as UK in defeating Russia. Without the pipe dream of Ukraineian Gas none of this makes any sense to me.
Ukraine ‘discovers’ vast gas deposit…already found in the 1980s
A Ukrainian exploration vessel has 'discovered' a huge gas field in the Black Sea. However, it turns out the field was already found by the Soviet Union 30 years ago.
"The fact that Ukraine once again began to search for oil and gas on the shelf of the Black Sea indicates a titanic shift in exploration work by the country. According to our estimates, gas reserves amounting to at least 40 billion cubic meters in an area of 7,000 square meters," said Ukrainian Minister for Mineral Resources Nikolay Boyarkin.
According to Boyarkin, Ukraine has enough resources to satisfy its gas needs and can produce it on its own.
However, it turns out the deposits near Snake Island in the Black Sea were discovered in the 1980s by Soviet explorers. Moreover, the rights for these resources have been disputed by Ukraine and Romania, and in 2009 the International Court of Justice ruled for Romania, leaving Kiev with only 12 miles around the island.
22 Aug, 2021
‘Ukraine must be ready’: Merkel tells Kiev EU won’t be using Russian gas by 2046 – Zelensky wants weapons & help to build up navy
Euromaidan November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014
The 2014 coup in Ukraine
The background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war. This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.
It represented the temporary culmination of long-standing efforts by US imperialism to install a puppet regime on the borders of Russia and brought the world a major step closer to a war between the largest nuclear powers, the US and Russia. Ukraine has since been systematically built up as a launching pad for a NATO war against Russia.
Euromaidan, or the Maidan Uprising, was a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, which began on 21 November 2013 with large protests in Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv. The protests were sparked by the Ukrainian government's sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union.Wikipedia
Date:November 21, 2013 – 23 February 2014 (year, 3month, week and day)
After the 2014 coup in Kyiv, the people of the peninsula voted in a referendum to re-join Russia, a decision that most NATO members have not recognised.
The demonstrations which began in Kyiv in November 2013 – called "Maidan", or "Euromaidan" – were a result of the Ukrainian people's frustration with former President Yanukovych. The protesters' demands included constitutional reform, a stronger role for parliament, the formation of a government of national unity, an end to corruption, early presidential elections and an end to violence.
Ukraine's government changed its relations toward Russia after the latter illegally annexed Crimea, which is part of Ukraine, through a non-recognised referendum, announced on 27 February 2014, and held on gunpoint on 16 March 2014. The UN described it as not valid and stated that it could not serve as a basis for any change in the status of the peninsula. In its turn, the EU continues to strongly condemn this violation of international law and has responded by imposing restrictive measures against the Russian Federation.
How and why the U.S. Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine
June 4, 2018 by Eric Zuesse
This will document that the ‘new Cold War’ between the U.S. and Russia did not start, as the Western myth has it, with Russia’s involvement in the breakaway of Crimea and Donbass from Ukraine, after Ukraine — next door to Russia — had suddenly turned rabidly hostile toward Russia in February 2014. Ukraine’s replacing its democratically elected neutralist Government in February 2014, by a rabidly anti-Russian Government, was a violent event, which produced many corpses. It’s presented in The West as having been a ‘revolution’ instead of a coup; but whatever it was, it certainly generated the ‘new Cold War’ (the economic sanctions and NATO buildup on Russia’s borders); and, to know whether it was a coup, or instead a revolution, is to know what actually started the ‘new Cold War’, and why. So, this is historically very important.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine’s Donbass region to “defend people” there against government forces, stressing that Moscow has “no plans to occupy Ukrainian territory.”
In 2014, Ukraine’s two regions of Donetsk and Lugansk – collectively known as the Donbass – were turned into self-proclaimed republics by ethnic Russians, leading to a bloody conflict between the government forces and the armed separatists.
The conflict worsened following a wave of protests in Ukraine that led to the overthrow of a democratically-elected pro-Russia government, which was later replaced with a Western-backed administration. The majority in those areas refused to endorse the new administration.
More than 14,000 people have been killed so far.
Ukraine, as well as the European Union (EU) and the United States, claims that Russia has a hand in the conflict in the Donbass. Moscow denies the allegation.
On Monday, Putin signed a decree recognizing the breakaway Lugansk and Donetsk regions as independent republics. The recognition followed an address in which he referred to eastern Ukraine as “ancient Russian lands” being “managed by foreign powers.”
Then there is Gonzo Lira, one of the best observers of the Ukrain/SMO to be found and he is funny. He is also Pro Russian. Mostly this post if from the Russian side as it is easy to get the Wests point of view.
he Macro Picture: Gonzalo Lira on the Ukraine conflict’s broader contours and implications for all sides
The controversial commentator dissects the depths of the West's mistakes in its malign strategy toward Russia, but their arrogance is blinding them to the inevitable consequences.
There are historical and theological reasons you are not considering Will. The first star of David and the first Caucasian swastika were found in the Ukraine, it is riddled with underground caverns and caves...
Yes there is ancient history there. It used to be called Kiev Russ in ancient times. You seem to have a good handle on esoteric history. I do not. I can learn from you.
One of the oldest if not the oldest civilization on Earth is Iranian. In some places I have seen it as Aryan. Very ancient. It has a very amazing religious and mystical history as well. The Hebrew religion adopted many spiritual or mystical insights from the Iranians in ancient times.
Very interesting!
Perhaps now is as good a time as any to speak in my own defense?
Let me begin by making it clear that no one gives a shit about white people, especially including most white people.
I recall a few years ago, that one of the greatest proponents for the continuation of the White race, was a brown man. Just a reminder, the popular meme amongst affluent whites with left leaning views was that the White race was already history, and after building western civilization, it was time to gift it to those who didn't build it.
Okay, uhh why, exactly?
Turns out a big part of it was guilt.
Guilt for what? Why for all the horrible wrongs white people do.
Possibly the funniest moment was being lectured by a McMansion leftist feminist that whites are simply born evil.
All in all, it looks really bad for whites, until you start contrasting their behavior with that of other races. For whatever reason, whites make excuses for other races that they won't allow for themselves. For example, a certain local group of Mexicans made a great statement by saying that they laughed at whites working so hard, because that ensured those Mexicans could keep kicking back and chilling.
I wish I was making this up, because at least then I could turn it off.
I've yet to hear any black looter express regret at stealing his TV during the BLM riots, much less lament for shooting people and destroying lives.
Now it is true that the mouthpiece of the oligarchy, the msm plays a great role in this all, and so it is open to debate just how natural any of this stuff is, but natural or contrived, there isn't any race I've seen in America that doesn't have its own toxic level of dysfunction.
If I was black, or brown, I'm pretty sure I would still want my kind to remember their achievements, not for pride, but as a challenge to achieve.
Whites have a unique destiny. Call it an anomaly, call it the Elf burn, but it cannot be mitigated by emulating others, shoving bones through our noses, or living with cannibals. It can only be addressed by addressing it. Part of my reason for penning the latest piece on the Human is that I've had it with the arrogance of a group of regards who demand that whites renounce their sacred symbols. My response is, first burn your Yakimas.
We'll burn their Yarmulka's for them Mike, it will be a shame though if the rest of the Jew gets burned
Well Jack my Jewish friends are doubling down on vaxxines and transgenderism.
I warned them backlash is coming but their response is more arrogance but that very chutzpah is very misplaced.
But white suburban culture deserves what's coming their way and their vaxxed and unreasonable now.
Mike, it may be 10-15 years ago when I first read articles explaining that the slave owners of the Southern U.S. were mostly Jewish, not Christian "whites". The whites are for ever blamed for that, but many of the ones who came from Scandinavia and for instance Ireland went to the US because of harvest failure, due to "potatoe pestilence", and that Irish story I have understood is awful. Whites from Europe did not come there to run slave farms, but to find a piece of land for themselves, where they could be self-sufficient, providing for their own families. When it comes to that story of the Indians, I was not there, so who those "whites" where, one might ask. But, you probably know that old saying from the old testament about the fathers who ate grapes and their children getting bad teeeth for that reason. I believe many blacks feel hate to anything white moving, wanting to punish or fight back against the descendants of these people, hundreds of years later, punishing them for what their forefathers might have done, even if they never did it. But no one screams louder than Khazarias/Jews if they are being attacked by blacks. Yes, so whites are supposed to feel guilty for every bad thing that has been done in the past, while Jews are only victims and the only ones who deserves sympathy in media, and every critical word is labelled as Anti-Semitic as we know. There is a great YouTube-video about the history of black gospel music, where some black professors and musicians speek about this, that to them, the black slaves on the slave plantations treated them so bad - with the Bible (the Old Testament/Torah?) in hand - that they silently among themselves never looked at them as Christians, because a Christian following the doctrine of Jesus would never do such awful things. Today our governments have taken upon themselves the task of making their populations, whites included, into slaves, in every way, and if they are not members of "The Friends Of Israel - BDS"-club, then they are obeying some other kind of religion, such as Islam etc.
Here you go jack:
Chicago white culture in its full glory. Only rich North suburban whites can afford Cubs games.
Many bars and restaurants demand vaxxination for entry to this day and my Wisconsin ultra cycling club mandates vaxxines to ride bicycles outside.
The club is run by rich white libtards from the Chicago North suburbs.
They are woke pro transgender and anti white and believe with all their heart that Russia is losing the war in Ukraine because MSNBC and CNN tells them so.
Can you tell I hate them? But in time blacks will get houses in those North suburbs as that grand vaxxine does its fine work of ridding America of the white lisping north suburban Chicago faggot.
Let's talk about the suburbs Jack, as I was city and she was of the suburbs the day we met. She wore red on that day with eyes that changed color ever so slightly, first blue then green then hazel as I would describe them as blue green at the same time as their color is mysterious jack.
She preyed for me sick as a dog from a horrible bio weapon, with no regard for her self, she held me and preyed for me then she put an oil on my feet and put a polished stone on a leather string around my neck and said wear this it will help.
Fever broke the next morning as I appear to be on the mend.
ya that vid was real painful to watch.. Jack is correct "most" blacks can smell the grift but not all. Quite a few of my easy going Canadian Black amigos got the shot but nowhere near the rate of Ken/Karen. More sisters than brothers also.. Hive mind at work.
Of course Maurice, women always scare more easily than men, and old people for some strange reason scare the easiest of all, as if their not going to die soon anyway...
That is why we need to learn the tactics of men, and as long as we know that we speak the truth and have good intentions, to protect "our own" and live in peace with others, we must know our own value. - Maybe even becoming armed to the teeth, like men. Some eat testosterone, as some of you guys in here, since being a strong female is not always easy, when our hormones work against us.