Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Well Jack, My Hitler pal cannot be reasoned with on the Borman faction, you see he is an expert on the Third Reich because of youtube and now bitchute. I can plainly see the effects of the internet as a weapon and yes you are correct about the craven American gun owner however, giving up guns with the era of forced vaccination?

The best case scenario would be a full out economic collapse and that 5g switch to get pulled to eliminate the marxist vaxxed hoards. It would be hard but with them gone the society could be fixed but I don't see that in the cards.

They will send the vaxxed hoards to do every evil that Schwab and his ilk can dream up.

My Jewish pals? They are all for transgender issues to be forced on children to be "inclusive" and how dare anyone question the concept?

That vaxxine is clearly a mind control weapon as why would that be eliminated? The morons believe and follow every order the TV tells them to follow.

We shall see how this plays out however, as an unconnected individual all I Can do is look out for my family and guide them through the storm.

I personally am not worried as a way will be created to survive since it's the nature of the universe and that wave function and that is the creative Spirit of the universe.

Just an observation based opinion.

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Speaking of Chicago, I regularly cycle on their fantastic bike paths from the Wisconsin state line deep into Cook County home to the wealthy North suburbs and these people will vote in total gun bans. They will then vote for reparations for blacks and give them houses in those suburbs and the gunv volance you see on the south side will migrate to the north suburban paradise since misery loves company.

I saw first hand ferril blacks at a large shopping mall causing mayhem, verbally sexually assaulting young women and fighting and watching mall security do nothing for fear of feril black men calling out racism. Even the armed police did nothing but escort them out of the mall. No repercussions for bad behavior at all.

I spoke to one of the mall cops and he told me that this mall will close because of rampant theft and crime.

This is done by design and whites will be blamed and you will give them your money and be happy about it!

Those vaxxed up suburban morons will vote for their own destruction because the mall closed because of racism and at a certain point blacks will have to take responsibility for their actions but not with the people in power who control the narrative and it would be foolish to to expect more of the same as we move forward.

Your video of the guy smashing his gun will set the tone for the gun grab.

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Whites need to leave the cities and find work in the rural areas. Farm work will pay for a house in rural mid west states like Iowa since prices are much cheaper.

What I observe of whites? They want easy office jobs and houses in suburbs that cost 10 times their annual wages and then add the 1400 dollar phone and monthly bill plus the 60000 dollar SUV bought on monthly payments.

These are the people that show up on cycling group rides. Broke and stupid and all for marxist woke anti white politics and LGBTQ+ propaganda.

You watch as they vote for marxist policies how their homes will be stolen and them blamed for the systemic racism that Jews created.

Sometimes I have to admire how our rulers rule the morons.

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Any activity that actually produces something, be it manual, engineering, thought or arts is frowned upon, as we celebrate the parasites, scamsters and middlemen as stars. 600 newly minted billionaires since the manufactured 'Rona, bringing their number to a total of 1800.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Seeing this disease at the lowest echelons of our social fabric, where many who haven't even made an effort towards society feel that the sun shines on themselves more brightly than those who have sweat and bled, by the mere fact that their parasitism keeps them fed and warm. Children who couldn't be bothered unless showered in followers and likes, adults who feel they can only deliver their product in "reality" T.V. conditions.

Seeing this disease amongst the shoulders I rub every day, people worshipping a narcissist god who surely hates them, this is madness.

I once heard celebrity was how the West was won. Surely it will lead to its exit.

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Jun 1, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022Author

Well nine I am at a loss to produce any more proof than we already have. Would your friend like a ride in the Bell? That probably can be arranged in a pinch I will just call Adamus, I haven't spoken to Tom in a while, he said he was going to call me in an email, but he never did. So touchy these Bormann people when they realize they have been outgunned, outthought and outclassed. I want the Swede, the one who calls himself Thoth, that is my only end here, and of course I want her but that is between her and me. I fucking gave you all the reason in comment section of Mikes last piece, that Devil Inside video was made in 1988, everything you read in that book is a setup courtesy of Thoth, the Swede, Frey or whatever the fuck you want to call him. I will not rest until he ceases to exist. Now I am not alone, my friends are highly evolved, the ones that went to Aldebaran, they are not Hitlerian, and they certainly aren't the materialistic pigs that the Bormann Faction are, they are men with the powers of the Gods, time is relevant my friend, for the Bormann people it is five years of our lives equal one year of theirs, for my friends it is far longer than that. I do not know what they will do, they are German, and Klaus and ilk are German. I don't know how they can stand idly by much longer I couldn't but then again, I hate the Swede with a passion which any verbal description would fail, and transhumanism is his baby, I will kill that too...

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

You run with scary people Jack!

I am just trying to keep the very little I have and to look out for family.

One thing my Hitler pal has right is that this world can't go on much longer how it is.

However, in rural America things are not that bad but 10 dollar gas? Perhaps they will win.

Well, I never quit until the fat lady is done singing.

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I'm a lone wolf nine but the pack is always at the periphery, and I have no flank. I didn't ask for it that's just the way it turned out...

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Drunvalo Melchizedek claims to be channeling Toth. Maybe have a chat with him to find the Swede?

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022Author

The Swede is reading this right now An, he's a subscriber, he's been there since Open Salon, he knew what was coming between me and him long before I did, he even mentored me on OS, he tried to make a deal in 2016, even before I knew exactly what he did I wasn't going for it, he was standing between her and I. He just recently made a comment on the Human about the Transhuman agenda being unstoppable now but when I said he was just a talking turd as it took its last ring around the toilet he erased his comment, I should have cut and pasted it but then again what's between he and I is personal.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Here's my personal view on Toth.

Toth and his gang are working with finite flower of life mechanics, their merkaba's are one way only, they are literally black holes that can only suck energy. They have lost their connection with source which resides in the 13th 14th and 15th dimension. Their tree of life only goes till the 12th dimension.

They know they will eventually implode into a black hole and lose all their memories and go back to source as space dust. No more reincarnation it is THE END game for them. Hence they are so hell bound on creating a cyborg fake reality they think they can control and vampire on forever.

All the rest of the energy that is slowly being upgraded and still connected to the infinite 15th dimensional primal sound and light fields aka source will move on to another higher dimensional time matrix with all their souls intact, this includes all from human, animal and plant kingdom. The earth is our vessel as it connects us to the sun and the rest of the universe.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

My Hitler pal? Loyal to a falt since he will never ever let any one denigrate Adolph Hitler without a response as he believes that he was an avatar.

That`s why he is my Hitler pal.

I could recite one of his lectures about him from my pal if you would like!

I always bring joo cycling pals over to "the bunker" to meet him as he is always polite and clever how he draws the joo into the proper narrative.

Finest man I know Jack.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Too bad that nice old Ukrainian lady down the road who always wants to share home made perogies wasn't involved in politics. Instead we get this in Canada...

Canada and the Banderites


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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022Author

What a great link to this brief JO, right on point and explains so much about Canada's collapse into a totalitarian shit hole run by Schwab's pretty boy. I have some very dear friends in Canada that have helped me out a great deal financially. We have been lied too for seventy-five years about WW II and they have done a very good job screening their activities behind Schlomo the happy merchant but the cats out of the bag now, which is why Schwab dresses up like the space Führer and pontificates to the rest of the world from his throne in Europe and cute little Justin Trudeau has morphed into a tyrant...

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Fellow Canadian Matthew Ehret mines material familiar to our long-time readers on how this started 150 years ago with dreams of prolonging empire for the Island degenerates. As Jack called it first, it's been internecine warfare ever since. https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/csis-and-the-round-table-origins

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LOL: "Getting at the Heart of the Five Eyes," I stashed the link for the book, gold

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Also , Bandera was an MI6 agent, how far back, who knows? Fits the pattern of British using and fanning nationalist aspirations of radical groups for their own gains as far back as Bosnia, Serbia and the Black hand of Serbia to conjour up WW1. The century of the magicians may become the most important book for this sordid affair

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Here is a quiet some extensive research on the Pilgrims Society


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Wow with this link here from An, the one JO has provided and the one we give to Reichs Führer Schwab you all have enough reading material to last for weeks. I'm not tweeting any of this stuff except the main tweet already done. Anyone wants to read this stuff they can subscribe, its free, I ain't here to wake anyone up and I never was. Jesus couldn't raise the dead and neither can I, Hell doesn't give up her dead...

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Are you sure about Hell doesn't give up her dead?

Cause then I have no idea where the idiots that are supposedly running our time matrix are from. Biden? Kamala? :)

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An, i ran across that site on other topics; although I don't share their bias, I like the depth of research there. Discernment is needed as always, but at least the arguments have meat on the bone.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Totally agree, he is a young dutch guy who does not seem to get any attention in alt media at all but has tons of info out. I also tend to not agree with his general conclusions but I think his site a great resource.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

We are standing at the edge, taking one last look around before the plunge.

This is the demand for consecration of Fatima.

Who is Mother, Sister, Lover Child.

The dark of the divine feminine.

The misuse of power.

The deranged rejection of gender.

The terror of endless illness.

In the moving image of eternity, everything has it's day, even the Goddess, the second of the dyad, that the people see as the first, whose emanation is distorted through a looking glass bringing mockery and devastation.

The genius is jailed, she dismisses his plight.

Angry men acting like apes, raging up at genius, sneering at him as he gets ready to leave the dream.

The distortion of the divine feminine.

The standing on the edge.

No mere rite of passage, for mankind.

We will see who wants to be human.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Speaking of gender bending cyclists, I saw a pair dressed alike, riding during the day with blinding headlights on a bicycle trail.

I was sitting on a bench drinking an illeagle beer when they approached I said "young man loose the lights" as they passed I noticed that they were two women with short cropped hair with tight suits for aerodynamics.

To ride on a gravel bike trail?

Well Jack, one of your great commenters posted that once all the over 60 whites pass all bets will be off for America's republic with the browning and gaying of the mass demographic.

The question begs to be asked as why not just party and watch it all swirl the drain?

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Jack Heart


Jack, here is an example of evangelicals and why Chuck Baldwin calls for sending them to camps.

The Stanly family? Been grifters for decades like Graham.

They are all for Israel and the vaxxine Jack and they support trump however, the support of tRump affects the grift revenue hence Andy, the son is moderating the position a bit to be more "inclusive" as most of these grifters are in the closet queers.

Then their are the small local churches that don't dwell on the issues like Israel since they all know that Jews are a major problem as they look at family economics and basic survival.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Banned comment on the Human as please be advised that my content could potentially offensive. You have been warned as read at your peril:

Let us go to the Church of "Vox" for an informational on our dear Jews that some say killed Christ however, that's debatable as the dear .gov of the time sure had a reason to get rid of him.

Mr. Vox is advising all of us in abusive relationships to call the hot line for abusive relationships most likely staffed by an African American princess reading a Jewish script. Let us listen as our dearest Harry preaches truth to the choir.


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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

But wait, isn't all of America in an abusive relationship with Joos?

To be fair, my favorite bicycle shop is run by Jews. Good folks as the manager (Jewish) explained to me the nature of the bicycle business. All bicycle frames are made in 6 factories in China and parts are made in one factory in I believe Vietnam. The major players design their frames and simply place orders into one of the main frame factories in China, then they get the parts from that one factory in Vietnam have it all shipped to America and each company Trek, Cannondale, specialized or Salsa assembles the bikes and warehouses parts and frames and sends completed bikes to their dealer networks.

Now my favorite shop is in a bind. The major brands being Trek, Salsa, Specialized, Cannondale and Quality bikes have all succumbed to "Wokeism" meaning "transgenderism" which is being promoted by all cycling orgs and publications and racing clubs and riding groups.

Question? Is this the fault of my dearest Jewish pals? You all know my answer to that one Jack. I shall continue to spend my money at that shop and support them any way that I can.

My German pals on the other hand support all of this nonsense being transgenderism as they even have their own political action committee to spread the bullshit of the Democrat party hacks full of old used up bike racers. I told one of em lets fucking race as I will put up the money. 200 fucking miles in the hills of rural northern Illinois. No fucking takers....

So, my Jewish pals have way more character than my German pals Jack.

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More banned content, if you want to fix the Evangelical American Church first ditch Israel then ditch the vaxxine. I mean no vaxxines at all for anyone ever.

To Israel why doesnt their army go to Yukraine to fight along side ours?

Send theirs first

shall see how it goes

maybe we shall follow yours

America follows him

call it?


sorry to shout

That's why Chuck Baldwin should be president

Wait, they got rid of him just like Kennedy

You have to admit that if one would contract an intel org it would be Moosade

Moosad only cycling team I would ride for

trademark upon my jersey

by deception I wage war

Its not "Z" its Nine

A civil matter both in America and Russia apperars to be happening at the same time

I studied power over at USPostal and gave up on the endeveor

Like the report I just read

losses on one side over 300 per day as it apperars to be on both sides of their dearest war.

What I have seen as one side appears to be nazis supported by who knows who as the Unicorn comes to the front of the cannon fodder.

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following the science, our dearest Israel has donated their entire population to one of their products by a very powerful American company.

Much of the data from that company has been "Obscured" as some say however, I just am paid handsomely to observe the "situation" however, just lov to post about what I see.

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an African American Woman reading a script for custormer service? Soon you will be replaced by a white woman with an acceptable voice.

The most acceptable voice? The women I am blessed to be around, policy set by them, left a lonely old man to enforce it.

The Women around me are creatures of Peace

Every disagreement must end in Peace

as I agree since Peace is a condition of their love

So all here can agree that you will get no pussy until you have a peaceful environment to project to a prospective lady.

I am personally a fan of Jewish princesses since I married one as you see we got grafted into the tribe...

Why its the truth as every evangelical has read Paul.

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Jun 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I am beginning to think that white people are seriously retarded. Why do they vote for Democratic politicians? Look at all American cities that they control now they want to turn the LGBTQ+ people loose to finish the job as trust me tyranny will come from that bunch of faggots those democrat politicians support.

Well, lets look at my home town of Milwaukee whom just elected its first black Democratic mayor. Milwaukee is suffering from record black crime and please call me a fucking racist for telling the truth.

Young armed black males roam the streets of Milwaukee mostly shooting each other but also hitting our new trendy cool sports district that follows the Milwaukee bucks basketball team. Many whites travel down to that district to be part of one of the best basketball teams in America of course bought and paid for by our local billionairs. No one seems to ask the questions as to why the tax payers have to pay for the facilities that the Bucks use? Perhaps I am a racist.

With the 1.5 billion dollars it took to build that bucks facility the city could have rebuilt every house in the city many times over yet the city has an old out dated water system with lead pipes that poisons most of the city especially targeting our African American community. Yet no one says one thing about it as long as we get to see our very tallented players shoot up our dear basketball court.

We have young black men shooting up the basket ball court and young black men shooting up the community outside the vaunted "dear district" as I have to say well done to our dear African american community.

However, our tRump supporting white community? Me thinks that 5 dollar gas might fix their retardation. But of course when you are retarded one can never ever get what is going on. LOL

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

This may be a little off topic but I'm angry. I'm angry that everyone isn't angry. I'll try to stay on topic. Nazis in our cheerios? Fucking rights! Feels like we haven't seen the sun here in the PNW Canada in a fucking year. Any glimpse of blue is instantly trailed over. Can count five jets leaving expanding trails in eye sight at any given time when the sky is clear. Just jets mind you, trails everywhere. Seen three side by side today. Even if these jerks are just joy riding on our dime without the chem/contrail conversation I'd still be pissed.

The plants and trees seem to be in stasis not knowing what to do waiting for summer. It's retarded. When Covid was the bling term the jets seemed to slow down, when the war started the jets went nuts not to mention whatever the hell is going on to cause these weather patterns around us. Massive vortex sitting in the Pacific Ocean for months now that no one seems to talk about to explain why all we get is rain. El Nino or whatever gets coverage but we get as much rain as in 90 years? Crickets. Tomorrow will be 7 degrees Celsius below average temp. Raindrops the size of nickels, elsewhere in the world drought. Biolabs ringing the world and Monsanto crops that nothing natural can survive near. Wish "science" could just back off and leave us be right now.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022Author

Cheer up JO at least Canadians aren't fixing to kill each other, like the woke and trumptards. I'm all the way down in Tennesse and summer didn't break here till June, apparently spring no longer exists. No more strolling through the park one day in the early month of May, less you got a dog sled team. If you read the next piece, you may come around to the same conclusions I am coming too about those chem trails, their feeding themselves...

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Thanks Jack. The camaraderie is appreciated. I love the PNW but it feels like so long since I've seen the sun without it instantly disappearing I'm nearly nostalgic for my far north childhood of -60C and blinding diamonds laden upon the sunlit snow.

When the lockdowns started a mobilization began throughout many parts of Canada. The government obviously sensed this and no doubt that is part of the logic behind their firearms tracing and bans. An instinctual urge is charging up and I hope it isn't hi-jacked and used against everyone's best interests.

If I read the next piece correctly, somebody isn't doing something to us- but rather something is acting upon humanity, and that's scary as all hell. I done some cursory investigation and I really got schooled on bacteria, even reactions I would have assumed were strictly chemical or electrical involve bacteria. If life is consciousness no doubt there are wills best not to have bent upon ourselves..

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Bacteria is the foundation JO, the fingers by which life is molded, the conductor of the orchestra, if you ask me their vaunted viruses are nothing but L form bacteria, and they know it...

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