A faint podcast episode of the early beginnings on the mandated insurance industry in the late 1800's and early 1900's comes to mind for some reason back when American leaders still had balls and called bullshit on the entire scheme. Of course as you'd expect one of the biggest fraudsters of the insurance scams came from schlomo's community and friends, but since then many others have since jumped on the bandwagon because why not? Money is fake anyways as is most of the economy so why not get yours so long as you don't get caught or break the code of thieves. One of the favorite past times for schlomo in this era was to deliberately burn down their textile industry to collect the money, a well known scam of theirs for the last 150 years. The problem wasn't just collecting their money from a failed business venture to rinse and repeat, but that they'd burn down the businesses next to them or the whole goddamn block.

Given the corporate and governmental take over of farms in the past century the real question is who owns all of these industrial farms? Are they knocking out the competition to secure the food supply completely or are they sabotaging themselves because they can flex that control without the necessity of controlling it all? The big question I'm considering having no doubt either which way on the previous questions: whose collecting on the insurance if any? We know how these people work from both sides. Even when you lose you're winning. Seems like it would explain all these crazy explanations as it serves two purposes or more. One to cause panic while justifying doubling or tripling the prices of the commodity. Two it fulfills their masters end goals of further herding the sheep into the slaughter. Then again to cover their ass and collect big payouts for doing what you had to do anyways.

I tell ya. With friends like these who needs enemies. At least Genghis Khan had the balls to just kill entire cities outright as horrifically as it may seem. I'm sure even these actions would be too unsettling for him. Nobody knows sadism more than a coward.

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Yes, others were talking about insurance payouts in the comments I was reading, and correct Greg Schlomo always burns the building when he's done doing business out of it, it's a tradition that goes back to his roots in NYC's garment industry. How about this? The above video was shot at a slaughterhouse in the dead yard by one of Claus Schwab's henchmen, but said rancher is going to put in a hefty insurance claim so he ain't saying shit about those weren't his cattle. You got an airtight operation; no cattle were wasted, and nobody got hurt except the insurance company and they had it coming, they always got it coming...

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What is the source of the data for that chart?

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I didn't look an, it appears someone just converted the list we have to a graph, good enough for our purposes here but in an essay I or Orage would vet the whole thing, which is why I can give you guys' stuff like this basically every other day and an essay takes a month to write...

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Ok fair enough, I'm asking cause I've been trying to track down stats like these and couldn't find much sources and this sort of numbers are great for sharing with people that still have their head up their ass. (I know, I'm still trying)

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Yes great compilation. They would argue though that it's normal every year there are lots of fires.

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Sounds to me like your friends need their booster shots an

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hahahaha, a lot of them already had, one is at the 5th now, no idea how "it" is still standing.

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