More theatrical idiocy from the Cryptocracy. The gooks don't need a balloon to spy on the U.S. They have 300 satellites constantly in orbit and a good one third of those have military applications. They can read car license plates and the lettering on a pedestrian's T-shirt. They can eavesdrop on inner White House conversations and hear Puppet-in-Chief Joe struggle to read the simple phrases on the cue cards the Jews put in front of his vegetable face. Further, there are millions of Chinese in Soviet America. Many are in very high level positions in the government, finance, and the military establishment. How many of these do you surmise are Red Chinese communist cadre sleeper agents? I would say more than a few. And the slants have to dispatch a stupid, slow moving balloon that even the featherless bipeds on the ground notice, to spy on the U.S.? Please Mr. Jew, try something else. That is so pathetic it's not even funny.

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What a farse...

I wonder, what exactly are they trying to prep the American public for?

Or are the American military so rattled by recent experiences that they're hunting stray balloons from birthday parties?

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The Internet is absolutely plastered with UFO invasion as the "next" step.....They shoot four "unidentified Objects" down from the Sky....At the same time In Argentina has the same formation, the same type of clouds as Turkey before the earthquake....very Independence Day movie-like images...

Induce helplessness before the raw power of "nature" and make a biblical event out of Human misery...Serve Solution to problems as the cure for all ages...

I have gone through Twitter feed...all is PSYOP after PSYOP nothing of real substance, calling it nonsense would be a compliment, this is how bad it is...

They will absolutely galvanize the "right" in the USA in the coming months... Military constantly being on edge combined with UFO menace means the vets, and the republican voters will be kept in constant preparedness and state of distress..."Sky above is not safe and the sky is falling" rhetoric is more than an obvious part of the "plan".

What for us is farcical for them is the end of the world situation, in a way, Zee RED menace from the 1950s will be repackaged into a new form of "Evil" and infidels will be hunted by both sides left and right, the trick is the majority of the weapon owners are on the right so the cause must be "just"...What would Jesus do?-scenario...

If unvaxed versus vaxed doesn't work anymore, you gave them the Red scare, and feeble-minded will hunt together, a brilliant solution for the "plague" called the functional human brain.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Are they trying to prep us for something or simply to test how dumb we have become?

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It's another probing move, they sent up a balloon now they sent up some "UFO'S"

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Is this a Hollywood alien invasion as the next stage of the great reset?

The people haven't complied enough, there are too many that are divided from the only plan in town...

And so there is a need to galvanise everybody together and get behind the plan.

What better way to do such than an alien threat?

It sounds too Hollywood...

It sounds like just the sort of lame thing they'd pull.

What kabuki theatre.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Well Dr. Carol Rosin has been proclaiming for over 30 years a near death bed confession of Wernher Von Braun about exactly what is happening as told in 1974/76 to her personally.


So the question is was he apart of it or was it just the end game as Serrano proclaims that the NWO has already existed post-WW2 in fact prior as they all swore their allegiances in taking down the Third Reich and all this is just a facade for the brain dead masses. An illusion of conflict where there is none except for perhaps one truly beyond this realm of possibilities.

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Author

Rosin didn't get it Greg but you do

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It doesn't matter if we don't believe them the agglutinations will

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And therein lies the problem...

Don't Look Up!

If I wasn't already sickened, I'd applaud the inginuity... now it's just a terrifying prospect, a living hammer horror show, agglutination terror on a global scale...

You gotta laugh.

It's too chilling to do otherwise

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In the South land where are the men? Are you going to let a homosexual base comander and a local police chief bully a woman who opposes transgenderism taught to her children in the NJ public school system?

If so you are not men but cowards.

So, your pension and pay checks are more important? Seems so.

Police and military are enemies of we the people and its best to prepare accordingly.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Here is a tactic

Non compliance and non participation

Work to the rule

Who enforces the rules makes the rules

Come and fucking get me

I am Heart

I am Spirit

Opinion by n8ne

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

When in prison act the prisoner

When free act free

America land of the free

Come and get me

Law enforcement local

Retard for a wage


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