I recall reading many years ago an analysis by a group of nuclear physicists. They concluded that in the event of a superpower, thermo-nuclear war, if only one in ten of the launched missiles strike and detonate, within approx. 18 months, 90% of all sentient life on earth, humans, animals & plants, will perish. One in ten of course is a low-ball figure. The reality will be more like 8 in 10. They also concluded that the safest place to be for the best chance of survival, based on ocean and atmospheric wind currents, is Patagonia off the southern tip of Chile in South America. It's a certainty that these scientists did not factor in geoengineering, the fact that it was going on back then notwithstanding, though not nearly to the extent it is perpetrated today. Regardless, if it happens, we can all pretty much bend over and kiss our asses goodbye.

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I have a great deal of reservations about nuclear weapons existing as they have been sold to the general public Heretic. First of all, Bell won the Nobel prize for demonstrating that physics was wave only all the way back in the thirties. Erwin Schrödinger, the inventor of wave mechanics and the guy who wrote the equation that made it all possible, refused to even speak about nuclear power. He was wave only physics, as was Jon von Neumann and Hugh Evrett III. There are no atoms in real physics outside Gabor atoms, wavelets. Nobody has ever seen an atom, the pictures they show academically is the slop that gets fed to the pigs. And if there are no atoms what the fuck are they splitting? Then you have Bruce Cathie with his statement about the bombs having to be detonated in the exact time and place a portal opens. Why did von Neumann have to do exhaustive calculations for the detonations of the American bombs and why did they miss Nagasaki by a mile? Why the fuck did they bomb Hiroshima, a city with no military industry? Why are there two thriving Citys where those bombs were detonated, what happened to radioactive contamination?

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Excellent points, Jack, and I agree with you. Master Miguel Serrano also expressed serious doubts about the reality of atomic and nuclear weapons. He claims that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not destroyed by atomic bombs. However, the Talmudic psychopaths have no compunction about obliterating a city with no military value. Look at what the monsters did to Dresden, Germany. Ever see those old films of the test atomic blasts? On one of them you could see a man with a camera on a tripod shooting it, obviously filmed by another cameraman further away. Why the fuck were not both of them blown to smithereens? An obvious hoax. Speaking of those old films of atomic blasts, I recall as a young whelp in elementary school in the 1950s being made to watch them on those old reel to reels with the rest of my class. It was the height of the so-called, "Cold War" between the U.S. & the U.S.S.R. The teachers would run these drills as if we were under attack by the Soviets. We were herded out of class into the hallway and made to stand stiffly in front of our lockers, our noses literally touching them. This purported to be for our "safety." As young as I was, I said to myself, "What a bunch of assholes! How the fuck are we safer 10 feet away in the corridor instead of at our desks if an atomic bomb hits?" You can't make this stuff up, Jack.

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If you ask me those "nuclear" reactors are running on Viktor Schauberger "atomic" technology, and yes Heretic Schlomo and friends will just use fuel air bombs to obliterate the useless eaters. Or fuck it why not let them have it with the same thing they used on the world trade center as per Judy Woods and Nikoli Telsa?

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Very interesting. What do you think was the explosion/bomb in David Lynch's Twin Peaks Part 8 the Return? My Grandfather died of a rare cancer back late 60's --he was an engineer that worked at Oak Ridge National Labratory in Tennessee supposedly where they were working on the A bomb....he was exposed to something there is what we were told. Could also be they poisoned many of the workers with something narly to perpetuate the myth. The nuclear thing seems like a cover for something else....

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Glad you asked Jana, and by the way Oak Ridge is about a half hour east of me on I40, Bose–Einstein condensate or as Viktor Schauberger called it vortex energy. Of course this is complete bullshit the original NIST experiments were performed with Bucky ball molecules, information that in 2014 was readily available, but now thanks to Google Stupid as been changed to atoms... https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2001/10/bose-einstein-condensate-new-form-matter

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So, because of google America has become an information wasteland?

Just an honest observation.

How could our dear Republic function upon the Jeffersonian model?

Without proper information

Please pay attention!

Jefferson believed that an educated population was the guerenty of our dear republic.

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I see a time that the to stupid to live shall not be a factor.

That is how I live my life right now.

My advice to our d at .gov?

Let the stupid eliminate themselves.

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Prepare to step up when that vaxxed boss drops from the poison.

At least give what I said a thought.

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Jack, that is exactly what my Hitler pal thinks about Nuclear weaponry.

It is the wave function Jack. the nature of our creator and that creation as its a Spirit.

Just what I see....

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You know old National Sozialist and Zionists are next door neighbors in Patagonia, locals need not apply for communal barbeque.

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If Schlomo has his way locales will be the communal barbecue

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Perhaps, but Schlomo runs the coolest bike shop.

I ne

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I will visit perhaps someday as I am in n

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Visit the shop run by my cycling pals that happen to be Jooish.

I need chain oil…

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Your site loves an edit.

So? An editor like a circus performer is on

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The circus? Just weird people gathered together to form a community.

Saw one in Bristol Wisconsin the other day.

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Excellent brief Jack however, I agree with your reservations on Mr Lyra. Perhaps after his capture by the Ukrainians and subsequent release by Russian rescue he is a Russian asset? Just a quiet question no matter how right he is.

My question? Who is for America? I had no use for the people I worked for with the Feds and never gave them respect as that's why I retired early. Scum of the earth? That would be kind. They knew that if you hurt mine that I will hurt you. Fucking scum. I knew where the boss lived and they knew that I knew and matter of fact bosses addresses were pined upon bulletin boards. Couldn't stop it.

Same scum just a bigger theatre.

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There is no America nine, quit being facetious! There are only the oligarchs who own it and a lot of Stupid fucks that think they live in a country when in fact they are the pigs in a pig farm. Yea I really should have added that part about him being "kidnaped" now that you brought it up I did...

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I am only thinking out loud here Jack as today my bicycle brought me to the little town of Broadhead Wisconsin home of the Sugar River bicycle trail. I did a bit of a meander on some really tough rural roads and when I got back to the car what did I see in down town Broadhead? A "I stand with Ukraine" sign. Why was that? In green county next to Dane? Because liberals brought in criminal blacks from Chicago and ruined Madison and now they are buying up prime real estate in the surrounding small towns within driving distance of Madison.

To much truth? I see it all on a bicycle Jack.

The time is coming to shoot liberal small town rueiners upon sight.

It is a disease that spreads like a cancer. I mean the transgender program that goes back to our dearest Jews being confused about what a man and a women truly are.

Women create the magic and men protect the women that create the magic. Those that sow confusion of this basic truth are our enemies.

I am a patient man Jack as I wait and observe our dear vaxxine doing its silent work eliminating those whom are so confused that they are simply to stupid to live and the best part is that they chose their path.

I believe that service to self is the meme of the vaxxed Jack.

Just thinking out loud and pondering what I observe.

Its the America right in front of me Jack. I prey I don't bore you with my observations as this is what I think. All politics is local. Come and fucking get me....

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Well, they came for Gonzalo Jack. Put him in prison for what he dared to post on line about Ukraine.

Perhaps if he is a little gun shy about his media exposier one could not blame him?

If he is real and the Russian moves into Ukraine are real then the Russians have nothing to fear from what this man actually says.

Perhaps it is us Americans under the new high tech iron curtian?

Just an observation.

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You do know that the real estate industry uses blacks to force whites to move?

The fear of black crime and the real black crime forces people to move and the crooked racist real estate industry gets a commission on the sale and then again upon the purchase at a much greater price on the repurchase of the new house in the "safer" area!

They create this and how? Large institutional land lords start taking section 8 housing vouchers and liberal Democrat politicians pontificate on the "sistemic" racism in the target community.

And then low and behold a once stable community has spikes in outrageous crime perpetrated by ferrel young black males.

I am sure the gangs get an ample cut Jack as its simply bussiness!

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The Ukraine is the center for the myth of the west and its current development.

This is not to say that any such myth is organic, quite the contrary. However the effort to build the myths to support the wests Ukrainian experiment have met with complete failure.

The west only understands coercion, which stands in contrast to it's myth of the free rugged individual. One could quite easily surmise that the myth of the west has also failed, and that this widespread massive failure is indeed indicative of a system that has lost its ability to be relevant on the mythic plane.

My next piece delves into this mystery, and offers an alternative explanation for current events.


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We could use another piece from you. the Kaminski interview went over like a led balloon....

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I am working on it, Jack. At this point I can't pinpoint an exact ETA, mostly because doing anything in this country even remotely normal involves a ridiculous amount of dodging and rolling. The internet itself has been flat-lining, with no explanation offered or given, because well, as far as corporate government is concerned, customers are now subjects of Shitstem.

Yeah, in terms of the Mr K thing, it really struck me as less of an interview, and more of a series of highlights. I don't agree with his premise that everyone is confused about current events, nor do I have an assumed faith that institutions that foist the kool aid on the plebians will ever figure anything out.

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"He theorizes the punked Americans will use a tactical weapon in order to save face and Russia will respond with an all-out attack on American cities."

This very much correlates with Francis Parker Yockey who should now be vindicated by all Patriot American Nationalist doubters as being a man of true vision ahead of his time when he saw the Prague Trials as the beginnings of Stalin and the USSR throwing off their Jewish bolshevik masters and returning to a more natural Slavic form. Unlike your Fatima or Edgar Cayce events that were largely baseless in reality but possibly a representation of a hyper-reality, Francis Parker Yockey was grounded in the material, the real, using cold hard intellect to describe what those previous persons and events couldn't. Anyone can flow in the timeless reality streams carried on the rivers of the reality field and allow themselves to be swept up by the winds to see and know incredible things, but it takes something greater to hold oneself grounded to make sense of it all from a physical standpoint. It's why great writers and poets exist.

All of this was predicted by Yockey down to America's fall into Totalitarianism. He hoped for a more National Socialist Fuhrerprinzip model, but understood it could easily be an Ultra Liberal Capitalist one as well. His only fault is being a dreamer seeing the best in Americans only to be utterly disappointed. Thankfully, like my grandparents, they got to pass before seeing the horrors their generation created and going blissfully into the night with the illusion of what America was to them and never was for the rest of us. Yockey's model showed by the turn of the 20th century America would be a totalitarian state period. Insert 9/11 and the Patriot Act in 2001 and now you'll see it since the preconceived notions of Totalitarianism is what blinds most people to whats happening on a daily basis. The creep is always so slow and we now see how the Bolsheviks did it to Russia just as Europe now sees the racial problem we've always had and can stuff their faces in their bullshit pie for how we tried to deal with it for centuries. Like wise we see how National Socialism/Fascism rose. I'm not a big fan of karma as its largely interpreted, but we're all getting to choke on our own horseshit for once as any divine authority steps aside forcing us to deal with our own manifested problems. You can say its punishment or a lesson it's up to the individual and their maturity to draw the conclusion.

Yockey goes onto mention how he utterly disagreed with Russia's Cold War strategy of focusing its nuclear arsenal toward America's croplands, which if you want to annihilate a population long-term makes sense. He stated Russia's power was in its massive land army whereas America's weakness was its over-reliance on technology and aircraft. Russia wins maintaining a large army post-WW2 in the traditional European sense and America fails. America never had the will to occupy nobody especially at such great distances surrounded by no hostiles. In fact America always struggled to find a reason for a standing army in the first place historically. The nuclear option was all wrong though. He thought Russia ought to focus all of its nuclear might against the cities of America not the farmlands and if America had any damn brains it should focus on the opposite given the size of Russia. Food has always been a strategical tool for Russians from Napoleon to WW2. Russia is also more spread out and doesn't have nearly as many major cities like America that taking out the crops would be more devastating than it would be for American's overly reliant on globalism to get anything they need.

I have to say it's a smart decision if Russia were to finally take his advice and focus all attention toward American cities. They're gutters anyways and modern art horror shows full of the worst scum that America is too cowardly to just eliminate anyways. They'd be doing us a favor at this point as painful as it is to see it's far worse seeing what they've become.

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Well Greg, the devolution of "democracy" into "totalitarianism" is an old topic, one known in the 18th century to those rebels who started the USA.

Secondly, the assumption that something is real according to physicality was demolished by Descartes, amongst others, so I'm a little at odds with your claim.

In terms of Fatima, there are quite a few who are convinced it was a UFO., and others prefer to dismiss it as a political event. Many more today believe it's a carnival. If there is one characteristic that is emblematic of these times, it is spiritual illiteracy.

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George Berkeley too, and it has been proven in the lab empirically by Bells Theorem, materialisms a dead-end Greg I don't care how much you liked history, I liked it too, but we grow up and we move on from the fairytales of childhood

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Don't mind me MK, I'm still enjoying the psychosis of both the physical world as we perceive it's external workings while enjoying the madness that beyond the human or energetic reactions of conscious beings its all a shared illusion that takes a village to create. Surely that psychosis would go away if I was still in the state of being to recognize this again and conjure up whatever was needed at any moment but alas the left brain with its false security of linear thinking has me by the balls in my older years.

To truly come back into our power our brains need to submit to the right side of chaos and uncertainty which causes an internal fear deep within us and any attempt to force a linear, logical, or rational understanding of whats happen breaks whatever you're attempting to accomplish. Not to say the left isn't necessary, but if you submit to yourself and open up that other half the left must then be used with a fine watchmakers hand to bring that creative force down into the physical. So easy to get lost on both ends and the results are showing, but the fear isn't unfounded when trying to combine the halves as it can go disastrously wrong if you don't finish what you started.

The Matrix wasn't wrong. Some of us just chose a cheeseburger instead of a steak.

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I think it's important to understand context when we make pronouncements from history, and that goes double for political analysis.

If indeed America is now a totalitarian wasteland, it is largely due to a passive and submissive populace. However, this is not America, certainly not all of America. Don't conflate questionable media proclamations with truth, or reality. The powers that be have every reason to lie about the level of compliance they command, and no reason to reveal anything approaching an accurate reportage.

As the central structure of the globalist transhumanist conspiracy suicides itself, few Americans will to listen to billionaires, or their lackeys, and the technopomps will have no power to enforce their anti life demands.

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It's hard to take anything we analyze as "history" as being little more than an agreed upon fairy tale as Napoleon would have it when you grew up viewing what seems like the beginning and end that spans far beyond our limited perception of history itself. All that's happened is the lies throughout the eons have obfuscated the reality field to such a snowball effect we find ourselves rightfully where we are today, ALL OF US. Nobody is exempt and it must be dealt with and worked through. People talk about timelines and dimensions, alternate realities and so forth, but how do you correct something wrong without living it to enforce the corrections. To some extent that's why we are here until I'm guided otherwise. It's why death will not come for those even who ask it because what has to be done must even if unawares.

I admit I have a little more fire and passion that can be expressed and taken the wrong way, but I have not forgotten my own place in all of this. On some level though even if history is just a single persons viewpoint agreed upon and repeated like academic lapdogs as David Irving would put it, we have to accept at least the general framework that the general population lives under to work within the situation and guide others to something different. Better or worse is irrelevant so long as its based more in truth. It's why I mentioned Fatima and Edgar Cayce for the same reason when I came back to live this life rolled my eyes at space wars, aliens, UFO's. I'm a participant down here, not a god. If others want to great a new reality with all these fancy dreams then so be it so long as its based or headed in the right direction. Being mad at a minor derail does nothing, that's exactly what the tyrants in-charge now do. Better to jump into the dream state and try and make it better than control it my way and so far I'd consider what little I've done in my life a success personally. They have failed in their attempt to write Germany out of existence from the conscious mind and despite my contemptuous attitude towards the general population sometimes it comes with a deep love.

I chose to be a bad guy in the beginning wishing to be the most ruthless person I could be as an expression of deep care. I learned all the dark tricks I could and initially told myself it was to hurt others and gain power over them, but that was a lie to myself as well. I wanted to learn these things and master them so I couldn't be controlled myself in those same ways, and I wanted others to learn from me to see how their blind innocence can be easily used to trap them in their own hell. I want them to be strong, stronger than myself so this can end and we truly step into something greater than we can imagine. I'll admit it can be taken the wrong way and I've lost touch in recent years because this entire situation we're in breaks my heart deep within and externally it plays out with sarcasm, anger, or disdain.

It's other peoples journey and I shouldn't allow myself to become as affected as I am by their decisions and choices, but I'm still human. Of course I recognize not all of America is whats being portrayed, but that's not even the point for me and never has been. That's obvious to anyone whose been anywhere outside their bubble with half a brain. What's bothersome is how many are willing to allow whats transpiring now to go without so much as looking up or speaking. It's the good people doing nothing that trouble me still willing to lie to themselves rather than speak the truth. The fear virus is the real mind killer. Not Covid, Russia, the Jews, Freemasons, Biden, Trump, Hitler, or anyone or anything else. Fear of standing on our own two feet, alone if need be, and doing something until we stop breathing is whats holding us all back. Even giving up on the small lies because we're not trying to impress others or ourselves, but being our true selves. I haven't mastered this myself so I really am none to judge. I have never been a patient man and if this life has been anything I'd say its testing my patience, so long as I don't die and find myself answering the question: "Why didn't you act". Surely that would be a disaster.

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History lives Greg, because just about everything in this manifest existence belongs to the past. This is especially true for the mind. A few can transcend this, and actually live in the present, but as soon as you start thinking, you are already in the past. Thus, literally everything is history. To claim history is less than real is to claim then that the activity of life is nothing. If you want to know how wrong this is, try giving up sleeping, and see how it goes.

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Well Greg, there's some good evidence that Slavs is just another bunching of people the scribes of the day knew little about, people beyond the pale, with invented names. I personally go with the stories of vanir and asa of the Eddas, supported by mainstream contemporary Scandinavian archeology, that sees a merger of people out of Siberia with the Norsemen about 4000 years ago.

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In retrospect it's obvious why those teachers & school administrators were making us go through those asinine atomic bomb attack drills. They were programming us to obey dictates from authority, no matter how illogical, false, stupid and erroneous. Just do as the fuck you're told and keep your mouth shut. You can see the results of this long range programmed planning by the Cryptocracy/Controllers in the reaction by the sheeple to the scamdemic, Covid-19 criminal hoax, among many other things. Fuck them all to Hell.

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The Daily Beast

Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs...

And just like that I'm sorry for even commenting lol.

Life is too short to read this shi'ite.

Ignore all that.

I'll just put my two bits in.

Gonzalo Lira should be dead.

And I hope to find out why he's still alive some day.

Second bit is a vague reference to a memory of an Japanese anime cartoon.

My memory is vague but it seems to me the culmination of the series led to a megadeath event meant to give birth to a new God.

Hope you do some podcasts Jack,

I'd love to hear your take on cosmology.

For my part don't bother with schedules and such

find free time


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The Daily Beast and faggots that write for it aside I have no doubt that they are pumping those Jewish Nazis full of steroids and designer drugs, and I have no doubt that the Russian's are doing the same thing with the Chechens and their elite fighting forces. We're scheduled to attempt our first podcast Friday JO, Phil should receive shipment of the equipment today, I hope these podcasts workout, its already costing us...

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Hope it works out for you too Jack.

There seems too be this riddle of how much we can pump in without getting anything back.

Hopefully this isn't your experience.

Looking forward.

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