they don’t want you looking at France or the underhanded bill they are trying to sneak through to shut down the internet before America turns into Paris, with guns…
I guess the jab knocks out pattern recognition so many don’t notice the obvious obsession with shoes, the endless number games, the little “mistakes” put in to stir the pot. Come on guys change things up a bit. This is so boring.
Back in the 90's when I was still arguing with people about the Holocaust nobody had an answer for why dozens of countries in Europe imprisoned anyone criticizing such an event let alone disproving some of the facts. Slowly I started seeing the inevitable come as they sidestepped the immovable object and right then and there in my mind came the easy rebuttal: It's justified because it inflicts pain on those suffering the traumatic experience. No shit here we are where this is the justification of everything.
The Sandy Hook sham regardless of a persons take was allowed because it hurt peoples feelings. Facts be damned. Just like today where you're now held liable for your commenters posts. Self-inflicted censorship to avoid legal troubles. That's what happened to the Shabbos Goy Jones, but he didn't start that business. Jim Fetzer did whose infinitely more intelligent on not just Sandy Hook but every conspiracy Alex Jones deliberately toss his cards to so he can forever catch the pie in his face as per his role for being one of them. At least he's a clown that would rather take a pie in the face than a butt plug up his ass like the majority.
At the end of the day this is all dog and pony legislation. The old saying of you break the law 6 times a day has probably turned into 20. They have since 9/11 all the laws they need to go full Stalin on the American public if they wanted. They're just stoking the flames at this point for their own amusement.
Judging from that list of RINOS, we are once again informed that there is a two-party duopoly of pro$titicians who are on the take from the WarDefense Industry (military industrial complex for those who prefer complications to the simple truth) and various other bad actors connected to the Deep $tate and to the Khazarian Mafiya and its Talmudist Agenda.
Is this a hail-mary pass or a full-bore attempt to shut down the most important sectors of the internet, those who dig deeply enough and speak truthfully enough, that honest understandings are presented to the general public...or at least to those of us who are awakeners rather than Wokies.
The fringe on top is getting a bit desperate as their Ukraine initiative is literally getting blown to bits; while constant disruption of America's infrastructure is derailing monster-long, undermanned trains, as well as major food processing facilities, are mysteriously being destroyed right across the fruited plain. And now this deeply faked tranny attack on a Christian school is thrown into the ring in order to continue with the ancient imperial doctrine of divide and conquer.
This year is gonna be one huge drama as significant elements of the public become more and more disillusioned with all major institutions, most specifically government, media and banking. The rot has set in, as the predatorial parasites, like so many termites who have chewed their way through the architecture that the beams have been opened to the elements.
When the Boomer IRA "investors" have suffered significant haircuts through market shenanigans, even that solid, stolid bunch of hard-working, but over mis-educated are getting their belief systems shattered, making the core of the society...the middle-middle class...begin to question aspects of their own cognitive dissonance...the fat has dribbled into the fire.
Though the mass media of misinformation and mindfuckery have largely prevented Americans from getting a solid handle of the situation in France, dribbles and drips seep on through the matrix. If the people of France manage to overcome the power of the state, it should be very difficult for the shot-callers to keep the lid on the kettle which is already in a simmering state.
Jack, America is balkanizing as we speak. Me? If they pass this I won't pay 78 dollars a month for internet plus 3 dollars a month for VPN nor will I keep services like Netflix nor will I keep the smart phone.
That's like 350 dollars a month. If this passes the whole family will be moved to the Southland to join like minded people and wait for the war.
I don't see any avenue of fixing all of this. My state of Wisconsin is purple with way to many liberals.
And Jack gays and lesbiens I have no problems with but transgenders on the other hand and those that would push this on children? These people are scum as I watch local jews pushing for transgenderism in the local schools. Like puberty blocking drugs and pronoun usage against parental rights.
There is a gayboy network that I became aware of and even these "men" are opposed to trans forced upon school children.
They love their cycling "kits" and that's OK, let Bubba mega run yet arse over with his truck.LOL
Jack, gays I know believe that transgenderism will set back their acceptance in society. No one cares how they choose to live as long as children are protected.
The US Government has chosen to push this issue and promote it to Children or should I say that Jews running the US Government have chosen to do so.
Gays are men, born that way and don't wish to change that fact as lesbians are born female and don't wish to change that fact with drugs and surgeries.
And all agree that promotion of such things to children must be prohibited by law.
Christians will never accept mutilation of children nor be silent about such atrocities.
I am watching local Jews pushing transgenderism in my local schools Jack. Parental rights be dammed.
I've said for the last 10 years that all of this WOKE stuff is designed to eventually result in a huge backlash amongst the 'moral-majority' which the powers-that-be will then control and direct towards their own goals. When the inevitable wave of mass deaths from the 'vaccine' comes, along with economic collapse, the powers-that-be want to be in a position to be able to have society direct their blame towards a certain identifiable group and away from the real culprits. The church will also benefit from this maneuver as it will be able to portray the societal and economic collapse as being an act of God, a-la Sodom & Gomorrah.
Yes, but in a post-apocalyptic America it would be easy to introduce a supposed Christian theocracy and watch the majority of the populace do an about-face right into the clutches of the Jews since, as Jack has pointed out many times, Christianity is just a Jewish creation.
The globalist hegemony is exerting all it's pressure to break life and the world. Zelensky, the Jewish comedian widening the war as predicted. Nothing like a religious war to stir things up.
Here in America most idiots believe the school shootings are as reported. Americans are cognizant enough to realize these events lead to heavier suppression of their rights, but they are too busy grazing on GMOs to ever examine anything, especially those events that are central to their lives.
Want an example? Anyone hear about Ohio anymore?
This is the oligarchs burying America in bullshit, about the only thing they are good at.
I've said for years to anyone who will listen that this is where it gets real, either mankind steps up, or steps out.
I was fascinated to note the rise of the Ioten, the raw forces within the earth. Landshapers all. It isn't just about the springtime rise of the life force, it is far more significant to the destiny of this place. When the Ioten step out from behind the scenes, raw forces are laid bare.
I'd say hold on tight if there was anything to hold on to, but there isn't, so the next best thing is to become your own vehicle, and ride the rapids with whatever skill you can muster.
Oh I'll get them to stand down Mike, we already have. It's all over the internet already even pig boy Alex Jones gets it now. They will fight when we are ready not when these eunuchs bait them. The capons ought to ask themselves what came first, the pictures or their story...
Don't you see the humor in the transgender's with guns and as your video above talks about how the US Military kicked out our Christian boys from the Southland for not being vaxxinated? And that military openly supporting transgender in its ranks? Our Christian Boys from the Southland will always be opposed to transgenders especially promoted to children.
The built in American army.
You are correct. We wait and don't fight. Let them bring an American army to Tennessee that has already banned teaching transgenderism to children in schools.
Promotion of transgenderism to children in Tennessee? If they send in the Feds to enforce this? Open warfare on said Feds if they try to enforce this.
Send the Feds back to DC in fucking boxes.
Let them send that woke army next.
Green haired freaks make great targets for Christian snipers.
Govenor Lee needs to just tell the Feds to fuck off, those responsible for the psy-op in Nashville, from DoD planners, to law enforcement personnel, to crisis actors to the ones who get paid to spread the rumors, all need to be picked up by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigaton the second they step foot in Tennessee, tried for treason and summarily shot...
In fact, it may not be a bad idea to just shoot everybody in Nashville, you know what Cicero said about the traitors among us.
The Enemy Within
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 BC – 43 BC
However, we don't have to kill Nashville whites or blacks but the jews stirring up both to hate where none needs to exist. The Tennessee authorities about as useful as a condom in an orgy full of fixed transgenders.....
I see tension and hostility rising, Jack. Certainly, there are tactical retreats and changes in strategy, yet the overall picture is not one of de-escalation.
This is following the reveal of ancient primal forces, deep forces that are fundamental to existence. Unless I am somehow misreading the signs, this is pointing to a time where the actions of the incarnate are strongly steered by unseen power. Here I do not mean some abstract notion of god, but real and direct interaction with the spirits.
Nothing here is happening in a regular, mundane fashion, in fact there is a very good chance that we will see possession as a reality in the coming days, and bizarre actions and events.
I don't wish to be an alarmist, but I see the pot boiling over, as it were.
Of course Mike, I said nothing about de-escalation, I want war and I've made that clear, I just want them to know they ain't calling the shots. The attack of the militant transvestites is more DoD bullshit. Let them wreck a few more trains, we'll see when Twinkies are no longer available...
Perhaps we have different opinions regarding the definition of standing down.
In any case, now is a good time to mention that absolutely nothing is determined unless we give in to our own karma. We, and I mean people, can use this time to literally change destiny.
Well, if I'm running the streets and I tell one of my people to stand down when he's about to punch someone in the face that just means don't do it now. It does not mean it's not gonna happen, just not yet...
All true. As I observe Milwaukee and Chicago politics a smart non jew or non black needs to leave any city controlled by Democrats(jews and blacks) as I tell all of my many Latino friends to get out of Milwaukee County.
The Latinos will join with Whites eventually do to similar cultural values. Smart whites will learn a bit about Mexican history and culture and perhaps learn the language a bit as opposed to studying ebooks.
The jew/black political complex is what will destroy America as why help the enemy as it destroys itself?
What Our dear "M" is discussing is the billionaire jews running the black community's hatred towards whites to benefit themselves. I live 45 miles south west of Milwaukee. I drive into Milwaukee daily to attend to family business. What our "M" observes? A jewish/black criminal alliance.
Jews provide the brains and blacks provide the muscle.
Blacks? They don't want freedom or can't comprehend what it is because it was bred out of them. Jews tell blacks that they are victims. So that they are now free to victimize whites the old enemy of the jews.
No? Notice how America is funding a new war for the jews against Russia in the Ukraine? If blacks hate whites that much they can go get big money as mercy fighting for Ukraine against Russia.
If blacks thinks whites are bad wait till they see how bad the jews are, wait! The jews brought them over here on ships they owned to become farm equipment and are now obsolete.
But jews being jews figure since we pay them to do nothing might as well put em back to work hating white folks.
Milwaukee has revitalized its downtown area based upon sports teams by building a new baseball stadium then a new basketball stadium with one in the downtown and the other just west of it.
Billions of dollars all funded by a sales tax as the city of Milwaukee infrastructure collapses due to bad water pipes and Milwaukee's black community gets lead poisoned.
The money used upon those two stadiums? Could have easily fixed the pipes and rebuilt every aging house and street in Milwaukee.
Jewish billionaires put stupid blacks in charge of Milwaukee as shill frontmen to keep the scam going.
Jew sports teams with tax payer funded massive buildings.
I guess the jab knocks out pattern recognition so many don’t notice the obvious obsession with shoes, the endless number games, the little “mistakes” put in to stir the pot. Come on guys change things up a bit. This is so boring.
The vaccinated will think there is nothing wrong with all this and that I am a horrible person for disrespecting the dead. They are the dead.
"You poke and you jab you poke and you jab..."
Jack some of the crisis actors have died multiple times so give them all their due reverence.
They must be goot Christians.
Rose from the dead Blynes.
Back in the 90's when I was still arguing with people about the Holocaust nobody had an answer for why dozens of countries in Europe imprisoned anyone criticizing such an event let alone disproving some of the facts. Slowly I started seeing the inevitable come as they sidestepped the immovable object and right then and there in my mind came the easy rebuttal: It's justified because it inflicts pain on those suffering the traumatic experience. No shit here we are where this is the justification of everything.
The Sandy Hook sham regardless of a persons take was allowed because it hurt peoples feelings. Facts be damned. Just like today where you're now held liable for your commenters posts. Self-inflicted censorship to avoid legal troubles. That's what happened to the Shabbos Goy Jones, but he didn't start that business. Jim Fetzer did whose infinitely more intelligent on not just Sandy Hook but every conspiracy Alex Jones deliberately toss his cards to so he can forever catch the pie in his face as per his role for being one of them. At least he's a clown that would rather take a pie in the face than a butt plug up his ass like the majority.
At the end of the day this is all dog and pony legislation. The old saying of you break the law 6 times a day has probably turned into 20. They have since 9/11 all the laws they need to go full Stalin on the American public if they wanted. They're just stoking the flames at this point for their own amusement.
Exactly Greg, what does my local sheriff think of CGI Joe and his merry band of pasty-faced DC faggots' legislation.
Judging from that list of RINOS, we are once again informed that there is a two-party duopoly of pro$titicians who are on the take from the WarDefense Industry (military industrial complex for those who prefer complications to the simple truth) and various other bad actors connected to the Deep $tate and to the Khazarian Mafiya and its Talmudist Agenda.
Is this a hail-mary pass or a full-bore attempt to shut down the most important sectors of the internet, those who dig deeply enough and speak truthfully enough, that honest understandings are presented to the general public...or at least to those of us who are awakeners rather than Wokies.
The fringe on top is getting a bit desperate as their Ukraine initiative is literally getting blown to bits; while constant disruption of America's infrastructure is derailing monster-long, undermanned trains, as well as major food processing facilities, are mysteriously being destroyed right across the fruited plain. And now this deeply faked tranny attack on a Christian school is thrown into the ring in order to continue with the ancient imperial doctrine of divide and conquer.
This year is gonna be one huge drama as significant elements of the public become more and more disillusioned with all major institutions, most specifically government, media and banking. The rot has set in, as the predatorial parasites, like so many termites who have chewed their way through the architecture that the beams have been opened to the elements.
When the Boomer IRA "investors" have suffered significant haircuts through market shenanigans, even that solid, stolid bunch of hard-working, but over mis-educated are getting their belief systems shattered, making the core of the society...the middle-middle class...begin to question aspects of their own cognitive dissonance...the fat has dribbled into the fire.
Though the mass media of misinformation and mindfuckery have largely prevented Americans from getting a solid handle of the situation in France, dribbles and drips seep on through the matrix. If the people of France manage to overcome the power of the state, it should be very difficult for the shot-callers to keep the lid on the kettle which is already in a simmering state.
Jack, America is balkanizing as we speak. Me? If they pass this I won't pay 78 dollars a month for internet plus 3 dollars a month for VPN nor will I keep services like Netflix nor will I keep the smart phone.
That's like 350 dollars a month. If this passes the whole family will be moved to the Southland to join like minded people and wait for the war.
I don't see any avenue of fixing all of this. My state of Wisconsin is purple with way to many liberals.
And Jack gays and lesbiens I have no problems with but transgenders on the other hand and those that would push this on children? These people are scum as I watch local jews pushing for transgenderism in the local schools. Like puberty blocking drugs and pronoun usage against parental rights.
There is a gayboy network that I became aware of and even these "men" are opposed to trans forced upon school children.
They love their cycling "kits" and that's OK, let Bubba mega run yet arse over with his truck.LOL
Jack, gays I know believe that transgenderism will set back their acceptance in society. No one cares how they choose to live as long as children are protected.
The US Government has chosen to push this issue and promote it to Children or should I say that Jews running the US Government have chosen to do so.
Gays are men, born that way and don't wish to change that fact as lesbians are born female and don't wish to change that fact with drugs and surgeries.
And all agree that promotion of such things to children must be prohibited by law.
Christians will never accept mutilation of children nor be silent about such atrocities.
I am watching local Jews pushing transgenderism in my local schools Jack. Parental rights be dammed.
Evidence of the vaxxines control Jack.
The new religion of the jews? LGBTV and unlimited vaxxines.
Compliance mandatory.
Did you ever watch a Tarzan movie Jack?
It's a yes or no questi9n
Answer is no because Tarzan was a racist.
How so? His world revolved around Jane.
The original racist of course would protect Jane
Because he is a racist
So Jane must be a racist to
Because she loved him
Stayed together for the kids
Crossville Tennessee I will have USpostal track you down
With a hand out.
I've said for the last 10 years that all of this WOKE stuff is designed to eventually result in a huge backlash amongst the 'moral-majority' which the powers-that-be will then control and direct towards their own goals. When the inevitable wave of mass deaths from the 'vaccine' comes, along with economic collapse, the powers-that-be want to be in a position to be able to have society direct their blame towards a certain identifiable group and away from the real culprits. The church will also benefit from this maneuver as it will be able to portray the societal and economic collapse as being an act of God, a-la Sodom & Gomorrah.
Exactly, enter Orange Jesus or Ron DeSantis and they will shift from Sodom and Gomorrah to a theocracy
Does that mean I will be forced to attend the local jewed over church Jack?
Forced to sit through a boring sermon?
As the plate goes by me will armed men force me to put money in said plate?
Curious minds
Most jewed over churches will have a man in a dress preaching the sermon demanding respect!
Misspronouning is violence. I am woman, as trans women are now men and can go to seminary to be Evangelical preachers that only take men.
Problem solved.
Take a look at the Evangelical preachers Jack.
Truly jewed over trannys.
Pete, your missing the boat.
We already have a theocracy.
It's run by jews using their holy book called the Talmud.
It says steal from the goy every thing they have and then kill them.
The jews worst enemy is the white race followed by blacks. Jews love the Chinese because they are the most obedience obsessed.
China being the model, with social credit scores and a total hive mind society.
Notice how the Chinese love the mask? As do most Asians.
Fuck your God dammed mask!!!!
Wear your mask
Get your vaxxines
Obey lockdown orders
Do as your told
Or fuck8ng else
Give me the or else please
Make me do it
The 9nly attitude since Americans are all dead men walking
Yes, but in a post-apocalyptic America it would be easy to introduce a supposed Christian theocracy and watch the majority of the populace do an about-face right into the clutches of the Jews since, as Jack has pointed out many times, Christianity is just a Jewish creation.
Nobody is going to stand down.
The globalist hegemony is exerting all it's pressure to break life and the world. Zelensky, the Jewish comedian widening the war as predicted. Nothing like a religious war to stir things up.
Here in America most idiots believe the school shootings are as reported. Americans are cognizant enough to realize these events lead to heavier suppression of their rights, but they are too busy grazing on GMOs to ever examine anything, especially those events that are central to their lives.
Want an example? Anyone hear about Ohio anymore?
This is the oligarchs burying America in bullshit, about the only thing they are good at.
I've said for years to anyone who will listen that this is where it gets real, either mankind steps up, or steps out.
I was fascinated to note the rise of the Ioten, the raw forces within the earth. Landshapers all. It isn't just about the springtime rise of the life force, it is far more significant to the destiny of this place. When the Ioten step out from behind the scenes, raw forces are laid bare.
I'd say hold on tight if there was anything to hold on to, but there isn't, so the next best thing is to become your own vehicle, and ride the rapids with whatever skill you can muster.
Oh I'll get them to stand down Mike, we already have. It's all over the internet already even pig boy Alex Jones gets it now. They will fight when we are ready not when these eunuchs bait them. The capons ought to ask themselves what came first, the pictures or their story...
Don't you see the humor in the transgender's with guns and as your video above talks about how the US Military kicked out our Christian boys from the Southland for not being vaxxinated? And that military openly supporting transgender in its ranks? Our Christian Boys from the Southland will always be opposed to transgenders especially promoted to children.
The built in American army.
You are correct. We wait and don't fight. Let them bring an American army to Tennessee that has already banned teaching transgenderism to children in schools.
Promotion of transgenderism to children in Tennessee? If they send in the Feds to enforce this? Open warfare on said Feds if they try to enforce this.
Send the Feds back to DC in fucking boxes.
Let them send that woke army next.
Green haired freaks make great targets for Christian snipers.
See the hornets nest you stired up Jack moving to Tennessee? What if the "court" overturns this?
I say pound fucking sand to the Feds and their kangaroo court.
Possession is nine tenths of the law.
Hell no. Trans for children?
How about an armed militia with 100000 men blocking the Feds from enforcing this?
Then what? Blow up the local Baptist church? For non trans compliance?
Airstrikes and artillery strikes upon the local churches opposed to this? How abouts we kill you and send you to DC in fucking boxes?
Just thinking out loud.
Of course the local jews behind this?
Into the fucking woodchipper.
Govenor Lee needs to just tell the Feds to fuck off, those responsible for the psy-op in Nashville, from DoD planners, to law enforcement personnel, to crisis actors to the ones who get paid to spread the rumors, all need to be picked up by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigaton the second they step foot in Tennessee, tried for treason and summarily shot...
In fact, it may not be a bad idea to just shoot everybody in Nashville, you know what Cicero said about the traitors among us.
The Enemy Within
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 BC – 43 BC
However, we don't have to kill Nashville whites or blacks but the jews stirring up both to hate where none needs to exist. The Tennessee authorities about as useful as a condom in an orgy full of fixed transgenders.....
Aleister Crowley would probably have said "amen"?
I see tension and hostility rising, Jack. Certainly, there are tactical retreats and changes in strategy, yet the overall picture is not one of de-escalation.
This is following the reveal of ancient primal forces, deep forces that are fundamental to existence. Unless I am somehow misreading the signs, this is pointing to a time where the actions of the incarnate are strongly steered by unseen power. Here I do not mean some abstract notion of god, but real and direct interaction with the spirits.
Nothing here is happening in a regular, mundane fashion, in fact there is a very good chance that we will see possession as a reality in the coming days, and bizarre actions and events.
I don't wish to be an alarmist, but I see the pot boiling over, as it were.
Of course Mike, I said nothing about de-escalation, I want war and I've made that clear, I just want them to know they ain't calling the shots. The attack of the militant transvestites is more DoD bullshit. Let them wreck a few more trains, we'll see when Twinkies are no longer available...
Perhaps we have different opinions regarding the definition of standing down.
In any case, now is a good time to mention that absolutely nothing is determined unless we give in to our own karma. We, and I mean people, can use this time to literally change destiny.
Well, if I'm running the streets and I tell one of my people to stand down when he's about to punch someone in the face that just means don't do it now. It does not mean it's not gonna happen, just not yet...
Interesting article.
All true. As I observe Milwaukee and Chicago politics a smart non jew or non black needs to leave any city controlled by Democrats(jews and blacks) as I tell all of my many Latino friends to get out of Milwaukee County.
The Latinos will join with Whites eventually do to similar cultural values. Smart whites will learn a bit about Mexican history and culture and perhaps learn the language a bit as opposed to studying ebooks.
The jew/black political complex is what will destroy America as why help the enemy as it destroys itself?
Leave their strongholds and let them collaspe.
Just an observation.
Studying ebonics.
Good, then we have em where we want em.
NSA Jack? And "M"? Must remind him of the oath. That oath, you know the Oath Tulsi took and repeated on Foxx with Tucker?
What Our dear "M" is discussing is the billionaire jews running the black community's hatred towards whites to benefit themselves. I live 45 miles south west of Milwaukee. I drive into Milwaukee daily to attend to family business. What our "M" observes? A jewish/black criminal alliance.
Jews provide the brains and blacks provide the muscle.
Well, at least they follow American tradition.
I dub it the jew/ black political complex.
The jew/black political complex same as the old south.
Someone on top of blacks
Trading up to jews
Will wish for the days of white masters
Blacks? They don't want freedom or can't comprehend what it is because it was bred out of them. Jews tell blacks that they are victims. So that they are now free to victimize whites the old enemy of the jews.
No? Notice how America is funding a new war for the jews against Russia in the Ukraine? If blacks hate whites that much they can go get big money as mercy fighting for Ukraine against Russia.
If blacks thinks whites are bad wait till they see how bad the jews are, wait! The jews brought them over here on ships they owned to become farm equipment and are now obsolete.
But jews being jews figure since we pay them to do nothing might as well put em back to work hating white folks.
Let's talk about Milwaukee.
Milwaukee has revitalized its downtown area based upon sports teams by building a new baseball stadium then a new basketball stadium with one in the downtown and the other just west of it.
Billions of dollars all funded by a sales tax as the city of Milwaukee infrastructure collapses due to bad water pipes and Milwaukee's black community gets lead poisoned.
The money used upon those two stadiums? Could have easily fixed the pipes and rebuilt every aging house and street in Milwaukee.
Jewish billionaires put stupid blacks in charge of Milwaukee as shill frontmen to keep the scam going.
Jew sports teams with tax payer funded massive buildings.
To much fucking truth for you?
Makow is an NSA agent nine, he's probably reading this right now...