Today's Brief: 4 videos of a murder
"I's gonna baton the shit out of you!" "oh so's youse wanna get sprayed again!"

Video 1, corpulent White cop and slightly less corpulent Black cop pursue Nichols at speeds between 40 and 80 miles an hour. Nichols pulls over in not an unreasonable amount of time. Another Black cop pulls Nichols from his vehicle using totally uncalled for excessive force as corpulent White cop waves his pistol around. Nichols is thrown to the ground as cops scream incoherently at him to roll onto his stomach. When Nichols rolls to his side saying he did nothing wrong and telling the cops their really accomplishing big things, all he wanted to do is get home the cops begin beating him and slightly less corpulent Black cop starts spraying everyone and everything with pepper spray, including himself. Nichols runs off pursued for about a hundred feet by corpulent White cop who apparently is the only cop who can still see after being pepper sprayed but he has lost his glasses and is badly winded after waddling behind Nichols for a hundred feet. Corpulent White cop goes back to car and rinses slightly less corpulent Black cop’s eyes with saline solution as he remarks that he hopes the other cops stomp Nichols good. He stays with car as the now fully recovered slightly less corpulent Black cop drives off in pursuit of Nichols, obviously now on a vendetta.
Video 2, pole footage about a minute and forty minutes in shows three Black cops casually beating the prone and helpless Nichols as fat Black cop kicks him in the face. Bald Black cop arrives and “batons the shit” out of Nichols as the other two stand him up. The fat Black cop lands a series of roundhouse right hooks to the dazed and restrained Nichols, who is now mortally injured. Nichols is dragged into a sitting up position against the car, but he cannot maintain it and sprawls out on the street while he is left dying without medical attention for twenty-five minutes after which EMS carts off what is left of him.
Video 3 shows the same beating as video 2 but with audio as all four cops appear to relish the beating, they are giving Nichols with baton, pepper spray, fists and feet as Nichols pathetically screams for his mother.
Video 4 is mostly blacked out in the beginning but winds up showing all the cops preparing their lies as to why it was necessary to beat Nichols to death, saying the hundred- and forty-five-pound man was berserk and going for their guns. Nichols never raised a hand except to try to block the pepper spray they were gleefully spraying into his eyes as he lay helpless in the street.
I've asked this question over and over again, never getting an answer. The question is; How can one expect to live an empowered life in a society where organizations, institutions, and constructs wield more power than the people?
If one thing is evident, it is that those who have the force write their own ticket, regardless of any lawful constraints.
Since every organization, institution and construct attracts those who work tirelessly to ensure that the force they wield is without lawful restraint, the next question involves the obvious observation; why does the public believe, like a group of toddlers, that these phenomena are in any way there for the public good?
I don't expect answers, because this society is currently sacrificing its children, its future, for a few more moments in the sun. Such desperation doesn't lend itself to cogent analysis on any level.
Promulgated pernicious predation…period!