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Jun 19
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Thank you, much appreciated.

I write from a place that is inspired, and so it becomes a necessity to put something into a coherent form, in order to honour that fire, which I will do for as long as I can.

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Thank you to Jack Heart for posting this piece.

Somehow, despite evil interference, three days of power outages, and the press of the so-called "real world" this effort reached its current state.

I can honestly say that the spiritual forces behind this particular work appeared often in dreams, which provides, I believe, a strong contrast between this written word and the discourse common in "the dominant society".

The sometimes outside the box grammar is quite intentional.

In reading this piece, one should keep in mind that today there are some things that can only be treated openly in fiction.

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I have found that using "out of the box grammar," can make for a far more effective narrative than the Jewish New York Times style of writing by always following grammatical rules. Look where following the rules has gotten the world...

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I read this, devouring the story, but simultaneously, not wanting it to end. Thank you, it's been a while since I felt like that.

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Thank you Karen.

That is a great complement.

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Mike you've already brought in some very good Substack writers as subscribers on this piece, I think that you've proved you're a writer's writer with this one. That's why I don't even much care for putting it up on VT, cast not your pearls before the swine and dogs of the earth and all that...

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I don't know what to say to that, other than thank you.

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I've never been able to write well so I often times hesitate to even comment among the giants here, I really enjoyed this. Talking about wolves...people use the term Werewolves...and I try and break down the word to Were Wolves...never liked the word in how it is used most of the time but thinking about another race/species makes so much sense no matter what word(s) sufficiently describe what you've wrote about. By the way, many years ago you could find some very interesting forums/websites on the internet that were Lycanthropy specific and even a site (that I can no longer find) where it was a gathering place for Tree People (people that turn into trees)....it was fascinating. Sadly all these sites are extremely difficult to find or gone. Anyway, I digress, wolves have been steeped in lore since ancient times. I have books and pictures of them around me that give me peace....my only interaction with one is the one that showed up in my dreams on several occasions. A black one. Anyway, I wish we weren't burning down the west coast and turning their habitat into rubble for the almighty dollar. Thank you.

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A beautiful comment.

'Were' Wolf is actually Old English. Old English, going back to the times of the Futhork. 'Were' referred to world, domain, place. It was the domain of the wolf, the establishment of the race.

Ancient, ancient stories refer to the time when the Ioten walked openly, and men knew the pathways through the cosmic weave. These were then the times when the Gods shaped reality.

Remember, Gefyon herself travelled to Iotenheim to find herself a husband.

It is in this context that one must understand the 'Were' Wolf.

They are going to burn everything they can until they are stopped. They are convinced they are gods, but they are midget souls doing the bidding of destiny. Take a look around at the domain of the race of people, they still support their midget souls, no agency comes from them. Yet the cosmic destiny here is set, and on a comic scale is there anything more ironic then delivering the killing shot to the vicious structure through those who direct it?

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