It’s hard to be an American these days. A ministry of truth under an incoherent president supported by a media hellbent on instigating WW III, while the clueless prattle on about abortion issues makes it a very lonely place for a writer. Americans should have revolted the day after they shot John F Kennedy so perhaps everything they’ve gotten since then, starting with Vietnam they deserve. But I can’t help thinking that if America had the free and open discourse envisioned by its founding fathers and enshrined in the first amendment of its constitution none of this would have happened.
Even before the printing press was invented oligarchs controlled the flow of information and in those days all dissention was regulated by the church. It worked somewhat. As Thomas Hobbs noted over four hundred years ago life is nasty, brutal and short but people still had enough time for joy untinged by the fear of being snuffed out without a moment’s notice in a war they had no stake in. It worked then because the oligarchs knew that any war they started amongst themselves would be fought with themselves or their sons at the front of their armies.
But with the dawn of the twentieth century came a new breed of oligarch, spineless and cowardly. Avoiding combat at all costs even as they instigated wars and carnage the likes of which were unimaginable using the technology of the past. Bombs that could incinerate cities and poisons that could be carried by the wind became the weapons of choice. Nothing was spared in the development of anything that could kill or maim their enemy without having to face them on a battlefield. This culminated with the weaponization of pestilence, biological warfare.
Science is not necessary to explain the inherent danger of trying to infect your enemy with a disease that is just as lethal to you as it is to them but with the advent of the Human Genome Project at the end of the twentieth century some felt this risk could negated by tinkering with DNA. Earlier, in the seventies, a world wary of mad scientists under the guidance of their cowardly oligarchs had insisted on coming to a moratorium against such weapons with The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC).
The treaty entered into force in 1975 and agreed upon by practically every nation of the world was quite simple, originally consisting of only 15 articles, the most important of which in summary were:
Article I: Never under any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile, acquire, or retain biological weapons.[1]
Article II: To destroy or divert to peaceful purposes biological weapons and associated resources prior to joining.[2]
Article III: Not to transfer, or in any way assist, encourage, or induce anyone else to acquire or retain biological weapons.[3]
Article IV: To take any national measures necessary to implement the provisions of the BWC domestically.[4]
Article V: Undertaking to consult bilaterally and multilaterally and cooperate in solving any problems which may arise in relation to the objective, or in the application, of the BWC.[5]
Article VI: Right to request the United Nations Security Council to investigate alleged breaches of the BWC and undertaking to cooperate in carrying out any investigation initiated by the Security Council.[6]
Article VII: To assist States which have been exposed to danger as a result of a violation of the BWC.[7]
Article X: Undertaking to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and information for peaceful purposes.[8]
By 2003 the Human Genome Project was declared complete but included only about 85% of the genome.[9] Level "complete genome" was achieved in May 2021, with a remaining only 0.3% bases covered by potential issues.[10][11] The missing Y chromosome was added in January 2022. It’s been an open secret in military intelligence publications for over five years that in complete disregard of the BWC the pentagon has been ringing the Russian border with biological weapon producing facilities, starting in Georgia and working their way into the Ukraine after the 2014 coup. [12) [13] [14]
I am an American born and bred in New York City. I’ve been to every state east of the Mississippi and stayed for a while in more than just a few. From the hard scrabble pecan farmers of southern Georgia to the Texas beach bums of South Padre Island, to the hustlers pulling racks of clothes down Seventh Avenue in NYC I have always loved my people. Nothing pains me more than have to hope they are annihilated at the hands of a country I’ve been taught to hate since birth. But that is exactly what I must do as a man who has any empathy at all for the future of the human race.
I’ve lived in this world for sixty-two years, always a cynic but Vladmir Putin is the closest thing I have ever seen to a hero. He has thrown down the gauntlet and risks it all to quell the madness that the Anglo-American Empire has become. His actions may very well have saved at least half the world from dying horribly from a genetically engineered disease, yet he is lambasted daily in the western media as a psychotic killer.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, FOX and the BBC are all dens of deranged demons. That should be a given by now for any sentient individual. They have helped tear the West down brick by brick starting with the World Trade Center. Yet most Americans are still listening to them as they shriek their lies. It is hard not to believe that God himself will not be fighting at the side of Vladmir Putin…
Below is an article that is making its way around the internet. It is the truth, just the type of truth that Americas new ministry of truth has been created to stamp out. Try to understand it and understand what must be done if America is to survive. Because I assure you we are no match for God…
State of the Nation
Here’s the main reason why Russia has to completely neutralize Ukraine!
Posted on April 27, 2022, by State of the Nation
Russia’s “Special Military Operation”
in Ukraine is a MORAL IMPERATIVE
Azovstal Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol, Ukraine under attack by the Russian military
Putin’s VERY “Special Military
Operation” to Protect Russia and
Expose the Global Biowar
Against Humanity
Russia was forced to launch its “special military operation” in Ukraine to terminate the raging
biowar waged by the US-UK-UA-EU-NATO
bioterrorist group — from its secret underground operational headquarters located at the Azovstal
Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol, Ukraine —
against the people of Donbass and western Russia.
~~~ END OF STORY ~~~
Here’s why Russia was forced to invade Ukraine.
The epic battle for Mariupol really concerned the Russian war on the Pentagon-sponsored bioweapon labs hidden in the bowels of the Azovstal Steel Plant, as well as the many other heretofore secret biolabs scattered across the country.
To date, the Russian military has shut down 30 plus bioweapon laboratories across the Ukraine. However, the main bioweapon lab being systematically used to carry out future bioterrorist operations in Donbass and western Russia is strategically located in Mariupol at the massive Azovstal complex.
KEY POINT: The city of Mariupol is situated less than 40 miles from the Russian border, which is why Azovstal was selected to house one of the largest bioweapon labs in the world. Not only was it based right in Donbass, but Azovstal was the closest biolab from which to launch bio-attacks against Russia. See: Massive Bioweapon Lab at Azovstal Steel Works in Mariupol Exposed by Russian Military (Video)
This is why Russia is so determined not to blow up Avozstal or even neutralize the 1000 plus Azov Nazis holed up there behind human shields—innocent Ukrainian citizens. The women and children, in particular, were likely forced into the sprawling Azovstal plant as a defensive stratagem against an all-out Russian attack. But it’s the US and NATO military leaders, Western intel agents, AFU officers and Ukraine soldiers skulked in Azovstal that Russia really wants and is willing to protect, especially those who are privy to the bioterrorist operations.
Putin knows exactly what the Azovstal biolabs were up to. He also needs to preserve the evidence so he can show the whole world what the US-UK-UA-EU-NATO bioterror group was planning to unleash in both Donbass and Russia.
This is precisely why the Azov Nazis were given such free rein to terrorize the citizens of Mariupol. They were acting on orders from their NATO command, Pentagon masters and CIA overlords to exert absolute control over the Azovstal bioterror crime scene. Isn’t that why these hardcore Neo-Nazis are called the Azov Regiment and Azov Battalion (as in Azovstal)? These battle-hardened mercenaries were put there to provide brutal defensive and protective services for the Zio-Anglo-American bioterrorist operations.
What was the Kremlin to do?
Permit this bioterror group to continue their slow-motion genocide of the Donbass citizenry?! See: HARD PROOF that Zelensky’s Azov Neo-Nazis are committing genocide against the Ukraine citizenry (Video)
Not only did Putin strike first and hard to terminate the ongoing genocide and future biowar, he has also repeatedly told the world community of nations the purpose of Russia’s “special military operation”.
Any president or prime minster on planet Earth would be fully justified in taking the same military measures to shut down a genocide-in-progress.
The courageous decision made by Putin et al. to invade was most certainly the result of a broad collective agreement across the entire Kremlin leadership. After all, Moscow is only 280 miles from the Ukrainian border as the crow flies, so they knew they were facing dire existential threats of the highest order from NATO’s military expansion, and specifically form the much more dangerous bioterror group.
Extremely aggressive moves and maneuvers by NATO only confirmed Putin’s worst fears, as did the several overtures to expand NATO membership in order to further surround Russia. However, it was the expeditious uncovering of the Ukraine bioweapon labs that really proved Putin right in his mission to shut the whole genocidal enterprise down—FOR GOOD!
Vast tunnel system and bioweapon lab complex built underneath the Azovstal steel manufacturing complex.
BOTTOM LINE: Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine to carry out multiple “special military operations” to protect its sovereignty and safeguard it citizenry.
Not only that, but “Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is [PERFECTLY] legal under international law “.
Citations for The Ugly Americans
Article I, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article II, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article III, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article IV, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article V, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article VI, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article VII, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
Article X, Biological Weapons Convention. Wikisource.
9 - "Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions". National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).
10 - "CHM13 T2T v1.1 – Genome – Assembly – NCBI". Retrieved 16 June 2021.
11 - "Genome List – Genome – NCBI". Retrieved 16 June 2021.
12 - Dean, J. (2016, January 21). Veterans Today. NEO – Bio lab in Tbilisi top suspect in weaponizing new diseases. Retrieved from
13 - E.S. (2017, November 23). Veterans Today. Pentagon Setting Biological Bombs Against Europe?
14 - E.S. (2017, August 20). Veterans Today. Pentagon’s biological bomb to target Russia, Iran and China. Retrieved from
In answer to Mike's question from John Kaminski
Why Russia?
The answer will not, cannot be found in history, current politics, or the so called clash of cultures. The reason we cannot find answers here, is because all such modes of understanding have been compromised by overwhelmingly fictional corruption.
However, the honest truth is that despite all the abuse, all the pogroms, all the genocides intended and designed, the Russians have never forsaken their relationship with the sacred.
If this sounds preposterous, take a look at any American endeavor, and attempt to discover the sacred. There is a feeble effort to equate emotionalism and collectivism with the sacred, which is a huge fundamental error, but there is no relationship, no approach, no intelligibility in the western, or the American mind towards the sacred.
I may expand and explain this in greater detail in a future piece, but to the spiritually dead, the spiritual is especially hated, slated for destruction.