deletedMay 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage
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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Paul i myself have been trying to explain to my family, especially my brother on these facts. My brother goes on and on about putins evil, and I keep saying its us, nato, , etc. I give articles, reasoning, bio labs, they just do not get it. Of course I did same with jabs, but they are all jabbed and boosted, even his grandchildren. And its true, they all have that blank stare look they give me.I know its more, the sabettean jews, English pilgrim. Jesuits etc etc...anyway I give up on them. When we get hit, I had hoped going down they realize Truth.

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Don't waste your breath Mary, my sister is one of them, I gotta call her today, our mothers in a home and tomorrows Mother's Day, not that my mother even knows who I am anymore. My sister has a master's degree in geology and is a renowned environmentalist, yet she is unable to process information outside the mainstream media. Her mind is gone Mary, the lights are on but nobody's home. Their all like that, think Stepford wives, pod people John Carpenters the Thing. We have to face the fact that many we knew, and love are now braindead, it's not pleasant but it is the only way to move forward.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Yes, it is heartbreaking, my daughter and I have gone round and round for 2 years, she won't give my grandson the shot, yet gives him all other vaccines, he is 4 , has excema, allergies, Vax induced , the fights we have had, its harsh, as most of us I look forward to when this ends. At least some see through it all.

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Well vaccines in themselves ain't bad Mary, let me tell you; if you are sending me as a soldier to Vietnam or some God forsaken jungle, and you are giving the vaccine against Elephantitis, i will be first on line and will cut it for seconds, the Russian's took the Sputnik, an orthodox vaccine, the West took the mRNA transhuman shot, a dead give away as to what Putin is really about...

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Is she vaxxinated? I am seeing this in the cycling community. You can not get through to these people. Now? Transgenderism has totally taken over the sport of cycling as I believe transgender and trans human are one and the same thing. Now science can block puberty with big pharma drugs and big hospital can change a male to a female. So now the society at large gives the green light as gender is now a choice and how dare you question someones choice? Same with the abortion issue as its simply a choice to kill your baby. so, now I do not look like a cyclist when I ride a bicycle, its old flannel shirts and ripped up basketball shorts and in ultra cycling at 65 I can beat any lesbian female Jack because men are stronger and faster than women on bicycles. But of course I won't bother with any bike ultra bike races because any man that dares not to go along with the transgender movement such as myself has been canceled. What happened to the men? Well we used to have them in bicycle racing but they have all been canceled by big bicycle and big bicycle has decided that white males are public enemy number one.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Jay Petervary


At 49 this guy is one of the best ultra guys on the planet! However, he is a vaxx pushing libtard because to get any sponsorship from "big bicycle" one has to push the vaxxine. Trust me as no lesbian could beat him.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

The cancellation of Jay Petervary by "big bicycle".


Now, I own a Salsa Warbird, one of the finest bicycles ever designed and the Warbird was perfected by Jay Petervary in tough ultra cycling conditions.

The Warbird trademark? Well, that is to male oriented and will soon be canceled I have been told by Salsa insiders. We need a brand that is anti white male and transgender friendly as the term is "inclusive". White males you see are not inclusive so must be canceled.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I told Petervary that the Post Office was hiring and that they don't demand Vaxxines or masks to do an honest days work. LOL

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Well Jack, we should play the Harry Vox game "find the Jew" as I bet there is one behind this Jack.

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Vox is wrong, it should be find the WASP the Jew is taking orders from, like we did at Harvard with this guy Church

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She works in the capital building in Albany, Govenor's in New York come and go but Adrienne (her name) is forever. She was Mario Cuomo's pet, he used to marvel that a full Italian like himself could have red hair and freckles. They all have to be vaccinated. Her and my other sister are my worst failures, but Adrienne uses the excuse that it was mandatory for her job. On the bright side, I have two daughters, three nieces and a nephew that will fight to the death before you stick them with your transhuman happy drug. I have done very well with my own family and hopefully with my readers too.

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Brilliant essay, George. Sums up the current mess we face quite elegantly.

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Thank you doctor, it was your posting of the bottom part that made the top part possible

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May 6, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Why Russia?

The answer will not, cannot be found in history, current politics, or the so called clash of cultures. The reason we cannot find answers here, is because all such modes of understanding have been compromised by overwhelmingly fictional corruption.

However, the honest truth is that despite all the abuse, all the pogroms, all the genocides intended and designed, the Russians have never forsaken their relationship with the sacred.

If this sounds preposterous, take a look at any American endeavor, and attempt to discover the sacred. There is a feeble effort to equate emotionalism and collectivism with the sacred, which is a huge fundamental error, but there is no relationship, no approach, no intelligibility in the western, or the American mind towards the sacred.

I may expand and explain this in greater detail in a future piece, but to the spiritually dead, the spiritual is especially hated, slated for destruction.


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I look forward to posting that piece Mike

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Yeah, it ties directly into that sense of pervasive evil the organic people can't shake. Starting the piece


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May 6, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

What is most amusing - or most despairing, if you so chose - is to have to explain Russia's obvious security position in detail to people who do not bat an eye when the Anglo-American empire has been completely razing other countries thousands of kilometers away for the last 80 years...

Accusatory inversions exempt one from having to pronounce on one's own real motives.

It is a pity that Russia did not have any washing powder to wave in front of the whole planet to justify itself.

On the other hand, Vladimir Putin had already warned in 2017 that he knew very well what was going on.

But even patience has its limits...


"Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Russian genetic material is being harvested all over the country. “Do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told Russia’s Human Rights Council, without specifying who might be behind the activities involving Russians’ biological samples. “Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must,” he said."

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May 6, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

When you are well named : https://www.etymonline.com/word/Vladimir

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Creating a race specific biological weapon Romain, what could be more insidious than that, except using it which they were about too. Look at that fucking thing, they built a DUMB right on Russia's doorstep, looks like a giant hornets' nest, it disgusts me that there are humans capable of such insectile behavior. Everyone who has anything to do with that lab from engineers to the guards to the scientists, particularly the scientists, needs to be fed feet first into a woodchipper.

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absolutely how it is done, they do it here, after 911 openly then moving next door, wasn't til i put up a surveillance kit, well they had been installing a huge network, installing spewer or nozzle to micro particle hurl in and against slight air movement into my yard, i live by a cliff. so a dep sheriff who is part of recruitment, watches over his mercenary forces ensconsced into other houses, contractor networks of tree trimmers , guys with ladders no counts, install graft, snake snap pressure lines in rented or bought houses. Wanting to turn the mini two acre farm into a weapons storage, VOC air quality monitors also document it is bio chemical. Well the dep sher ex for now, has been lobbing mortar shell chemical along air currents, while killing everything around, plants birds insects, reptiles, This is a huge operation, couple miles away, same thing, a friends roof looks like white spider webs, it is the plastic polyacrylamide residue which create the kinectic force and a stable medium for the active fast off gassing aerosol poison, incapacitant agent. Twenty years of disease, slow killing parents, son, raping of women to become raging. But they never stop especially when one catches on the program, naturally i knew the flu was a cover, as it is in the hvac filter system of untold thousands of bldgs, libraries, police stations, even coffee shops here. hospitals, smelled it taking a friend who got targeted, Well the doctors seem to be waking up to it, they had a medical VOC removal air purifyer by the door with a duct going up. Nothing is heard, no feed back, you a first. thanks for article. best Don

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022Author

Excellent, they are particularly annoying to me when I work out in the gym. I'm in fucking Crossville Tennessee for two years. I know every face in this town yet every time I go to the gym there are people there, I never seen before and just happen to be working out, they never know what they are doing, on the machine right next to me. Clones, Agent Smiths in the matrix, holograms, I don't know what the fuck they are, and I really don't give a fuck My, you've come to the right place, to paraphrase Frank Zappa in the Wino Man, "watch me now while I eat the label." I am the Wino Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqq_Sa_QaUA

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Yeah, outsiders, mum's the word, i'd watch out for pastes put on handles, if they get you keys copied, then it would go into vents of cars, plus it could be a relay team to have your house poisoned, Surveillance cams more than anything help, But yeah, ex sheriff dep det. has been lobbing grenade or mortar type launching mechanism for years on end. When it is full press. Yeah, i was a bit of a wino back then, did all of that, nasty vino. Lived around fayetteville in Moore County Tennessee, on Hare Krishna Farm. by that time i was full vegetarian on the mend. I believe fbi set up fogger weapons at top of valley we were in a draw, little creek etc. Phi Zappa's father was army chemical core, prolly in on the Manson psyop dunno, but it all centers around the one size fits all chemical incapacitant formulas, Endocrine hormone disruptors, BZ Agent15, diluted lethal blood and nerve, combos that simultaneous addict and repulse to point of suicide, stockholming, breaking of the will to actually see what is going on. because it takes over by stealth thru parasympathetic nerves, autonomic . https://www.opcw.org/sites/default/files/documents/CSP/C-14/open-forum/Dangerous-Ambiguities-Regulation-of-Riot-Control-Agents-and-Incapacitants-under-the-Chemical-Weapons-Convention_Rev.1.pdf i am in hemet, so the supposed hijacker the Goff Bros, one being next door, he actually trained his kids on chemical assault and battery on me, my family friends everyone, best buds to schlessinger, ptech software sales. who organized 911. So yeah flu trick was the expected, world wide chemical assault global duck and cover.

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May 6, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

America? Why it's an inclusive place as we convince our boys to become women via transgender groomers and perverts and we force vaxxinate our military and take away any doctors license who dares say that those vaxxines are obscene and deadly. We take away livelyhoods of any who dare not to be jabbed and now a passport to enter buildings or work or travel and constitution be dammed and where are the men to stand up to this? If Putin is the hero I call on him to reign fire on this enemie of humanities position!

Jack, America is the proverbial fox hole and we are in it. Any honest discussion of these things is met with blank stares by the inmates of the asylum.

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That is why Putin as Gods emissary will rain fire down upon the West. The British who are smarter than Americans see it coming, Russian TV just warned them, and the British are not retarded like the Americans. A black rain is coming nine, take it to the bank...

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Percentage wise are not britts way more vaxxinated then Americans? Would it not make more sense for Putin to blast them off the face of the planet?

The Brittish along with their racist and queer and transgender MI6? They can blast the likes of VT and Ian Greenhalg for that matter. The brittish and that pilgrim society? America had nothing to do with any of it and let's not forget our jews either. Dam them to hell...

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

The Britts seem to know what a woman is however, transgender is transhuman which means subhuman.


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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Notice the thing in the picture has a Rapha cycling kit on? Run by The Walmart family and Jews to destablize the sport of cycling.

Mountain bikers never wore the gender bender kit thinking that UCI roadies were a bunch of faggots and now they wear the kit.

Cycling? The sport of transgenders! Its official now.

So, after Putin deals with the west will cycling care about whiney faggots and transgenders?

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

A man wins a bicycle race in the woman's category and calls any who object losers including women so women are still being battered by abusive males. Now we cut their dicks off and give them big pharma drugs and call them women.


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it doesn't have to be race specific, it is more about knowing when are where they are gonna put a chemical arson object, how long it would off gas, wind direction, gps coordinates to lay it down, buying rent houses as platforms, sealing up their doors and windows, simply knowing when and where and air currents is sufficient. Same with HVAC, as most public bldgs, stores to services, hospital, schools, police etc etc have fiber optic, so that could activate from central command. Then data manipulation, profiling of those in legal trouble, drug traffickers, especially meth, sex offenders, all those easily malleable to silence. As a contractor system, supply networks of pest control tanks and pumps move into carports for burbs, apt complex hvac etc etc

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May 6, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Americans are so brave when they are out of range. We aren't out of range anymore and that's lost on the asylum inmates.


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Excellent nine and posted to Twitter

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Well, in a way I am on the fence on Putin, never believing any "leader" is not compromised. Yet, I watch, and I do not fault him for current stand. However, there is that Edger Caycee prophesy, which is Russia saves the world..

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Putin is KGB, born and bred. They don't get compromised they compromise, it's what they did. He has a long history of going against them, in 2016 he said he would tear the Illuminati apart with his bare hands, he has expelled and jailed oligarchs, he has banned Rothschild banks and George Soros from Russia, and now this. People like James Corbett, a CIA shill who has gotten away with it for far too long, I'd love to ring his scrawny neck, produce as proof that he is in bed with the WEF, pictures of Claus Schwab and him shaking hands, or pictures of Putin shaking hands with Rabbi's. Is there any world leader, especially one been in power for over 20 years who has not shook hands and met with these people? The man has the resume, his attack on the New World Order is the logical progression of his reign. Where once 9/11 was the litmus test for who is real and who is not among the alternative media, now there is Putin. Show me a scarecrow like Corbett badmouthing Putin and I will show you an intell op...

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I have wondered about james, I have, it usually never fails, my suspicions on people like that. One simple thought is how does he get away with this and not be suicide. Yes Putin has shown in many ways his stand against them. Its just that I wonder if he is supposed to do this, per them to get the ball going here on the wests destruction, yet I realize you probably are so much more aware , just the circles, so to speak you know.I could want nothing less, him to be able to expose to the world, I forgot he banned Soros, and then when that vid appeared with Klaus saying putin a young world leader, I thought how convenient to try to discredit him. There are times I think it will all come out, in a paranormal way.

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May 7, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Jack Heart, a tremendous human being!

Thank you for sharing this critically important article, which explains why the Russian leadership had to act decisively in order to save millions of precious lives!

Thank you, Jack (and others of your character), for your courageous, compassionate spirit!

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Thank you, Bruce, their killing us, I got to read articles in the mainstream media where the hack that scribbled it gets paid thousands of dollars and I gotta wonder how I'm gonna take my cat to the Vet

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May 8, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I hear ya, Jack.

Well, you tell the truth.

So many in the media take the money to tell lies, and their lies are so pathetically obvious.

And they’ll reap what they have sown, when their time comes!

Keep up your great work!

Have a great week.

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In answer to Mike's question from John Kaminski https://www.realhistorychan.com/mother-russia-mother.html

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A bit of a feels good piece, however healthy, bright eyed children are our future, and no true species can ever embrace its own demise. There is a sacred aspect to childhood, a time where the visions of the Soul have not yet been obscured by the shadows of this existence...


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May 8, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Jack, I assure you that such young women exist in large numbers in America as its called home school. This movement formed because of that pernicious evil taught to children in America's Government school system as it was an organized revolt that continues to this very day. That is why they attack gender so feverishly. Gender identity has been weaponized as this weapon has hit my home town of Dousman Wisconsin in the form of transgenderism at the local bicycle shop. Here is the NICA handbook and refer to section 5.7 on the role of transgender issues and NiCA. They are heavily promoting cycling to homeschooled Christian children to groom them for this great evil.


Transgenderism? Here is the Heart of the matter as its a revolt against the very creator.

Genesis 5:2

“Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

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May 9, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Link is not working here " HARD PROOF that Zelensky’s Azov Neo-Nazis are committing genocide against the Ukraine citizenry (Video)"

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You gotta use youtube links with Substack, I'm putting together a list of all the food production facilities been burnt down in Canada, the US and Mexico, when I post look at them an, they were not small fires, all will be linked to the Wayback machine so they can't clean it up...

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