The Simulated Reality Theory for Idiots
It's all in this video, not one false word, special thanks to SB for bringing it to my attention...
This was just sent to me by a very dear friend. I’ve watched about fourteen minutes of it, and I will watch the rest painful as it is to the human in me. Scientists from Harvard, Phillip Dick, the Mandala Effect blah blah blah. Perhaps I must read the Ashtavakra Gita again because I can’t help but wanting to be credited with the simulation theory, after all I am the inventor not some pasty-faced faggot from Harvard. How come none of this was mentioned in the thousand or so comments generated by our Lucifer in the Temple of the Dog, which was the real genesis of the simulation theory? I’ll tell you why because the Mandala Effect has gone back and generated a history for it after I invented it just like I told you it does for any insert.
To be clear I did not invent the holographic paradigm, Karl Pribram and David Bohm did. Nor did I invent the fact that the technology was already in place by 1983 to generate a simulated reality, Preston Nichols did. But I am the one who put it all together in Lucifer in the Temple of the Dog and the essays proceeding it. My only question, and it is rhetorical because I know the answer, is who is running the simulation and why? Look to Otto Rahn and die Glocke. Then read Miguel Serrano and Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan, this is all about the Sacred Union of the He and She.
And to those of you who are truly sentient all I can tell you about your “reality,” and why you are here is you need pixels to generate a picture. Every fractal of a hologram carry’s a complete picture of the whole. I came for Her. If I fail, we all fail and if you think things are bad now, they are only going to get worse. Much worse, I imagine spaghettification is not a pleasant thing…
William Bell shows Walter a vision of his New World scene from Brave New World Part Two.
Fringe Episode 4.22 Scene - Playing God
Ashtavakra Gita is the Song of Astravaka.
This amazing document is most likely the primary force behind the oft cited criticism of the west towards the spirituality of the east. This criticism declares that the east is self absorbed, narcissistic, solipsistic.
However, the truth of this teaching is not hardly that you alone matter, you alone are important, or that you alone exist. The teaching is far more subtle than such barbaric nonsense.
The truth is that all of existence is that divine principle, and that you can discover this awesome fact totally through your own efforts.
Far from being a radical and callous disregard for creation, the Ashtavakra Gita actually immortalizes creation, and places the aspirant right in the middle of it. The paradox of life in a world that requires it's own mirror to perceive itself is that there is no ultimate duality.
Ashtavakra Gita is the primary influence behind nine out of ten tenets of modern spiritual thought. It was here that Jung came to the end of his road, from his great dream of the Yogi, to his avoidance of Maharishi.
The power behind this amazing song continues to this day, a legacy of the great Aryan contribution to mankind.