Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Maybe… but what I do know is all the companies RFK jr has sued for environmental violations and especially the GOVERNMENT for vaccine damage NOTHING has changed and in the case of toxic jabs it’s only gotten worse. Sure he may get compensation for his clients, but maybe he like Bill Gates figured out there is more money in the pharmaceutical biz. He calls out the CIA which is like a group of faceless monkeys but refuses to see ((patterns)) that run through all these evil deeds including the murder of his father and uncle. I also know if you dare mention the ((obvious)) in his CHD website comments you will be banned. My crime, I posted the Protocols, Kalergi Plan and a few quotes from the talmud. The entire group he runs with are town crier’s for the “HOAX” and protect the ((nose)) behind the curtain. Doesn’t he buy into the whole carbon, fossil fuel green deal scam? Isn’t he basically just from a different faction ((Blacksun)) instead of the ((commy)) faction that is in power now?

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A shame though, he's just another Kennedian Target with a wonderful invisible bull's eye drawn on that noble forehead. The best people should never search for social recognition and/or political power per se. Best to wield political influence from the outside when possible, but never what so ever be deprived of one's own volition & personal discernement, by inheriting some kind of debt to a fictitious title representing the culmination of a so-called democratic (katholic) will; eventually becoming just another puppet in the hands of those who are the Universal Totalitarian Oligarchy. They are all on the same side. The West. The East. There's lots of chemtrails in the Russian skies. The Chinese drink Coca-Cola. Best to fight from the outside then to get into the same cage as all those circus animals, where it's always a naked lady's seductive electromagnetism rules them all.

But perhaps the elite are in need of another sacrificial lamb?

In any case, you're right Jack seems to be the best man for the job, seen from here with my modest very personal eyes. After all I'm just another poor boy.

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deletedMar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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I'll protect a person that I know directly, if he's sincere, though I might not agree with him. But an image on the tele, never! I don't like crowds, swerving and twisting into mass mobs of self-righteousness. I am incapable of appreciating rock concerts. Governments come and go. Civilizations rise thrive and fall. A forest fire brings new life and vitality to the country side. And yes, it's true, climbing down is much more difficult than climbing up! Also depends on the mountain, where it is, what kind of stone and earth it's made from. It's polarity. It's inward direction. Some mountains lift, while others crush or render more difficult the ascension!

Better to be an eagle, a vulture, a falcon. A solitary ruler relying only on one's own innate natural ability to fly. See from afar. Then strike like a thunder clap! Before sweeping away its prey.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Well RMB, I am a fan of Spirit that's why she sent John Coltrane to America.

There will be no peace in America until America can pass the Hitler test.

The Hitler test? Do a google.

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John Coltrane is pure Spirit expressed in music

He is an American Bach

Every note blown through that horn

Spirit led

Gospel on a piece of plastic

Infuses those that hear its sounds

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

"She" ? Is Spirit.

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House it too rotted and cannot be rebuild in its present form. Politics will not save anyone or anything.

"If your vote mattered they wouldn't let you do it" MTwain

Kennedys? 10 or 11 of em? I say clones. JFK jr morphed into Jimmy Carter. MK did some good work on the Beatles scam maybe he can look into it more.

Sorry Jack but voting will not work.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

So you see it too, I fell for RFK jrs pretty blue eyes, family nostalgia and what seems sweet demeanor until I got booted from his comments section for stating the obvious. At this point I have NO dogs in this fight, I have NO false saviors and pretty much if we are hearing or seeing them they are compromised. So they can all fall or get thrown under the bus ..

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deletedMar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart
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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Well RMB, the home spun Evangelical princess says men are stupid as they fall for the women with everything fake either painted on them or stitched into them. LOL

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I sympathize with you Janet but I sincerely doubt he monitors his own comment sections, and you know a Schlometta scoffed that job right up. He is a friend and a comrade in arms of my sisters, and she tells me "He disappeared off the face of the earth ten years ago." That is what that "vaccination" will do to you. Our priorities are your children and your grandchildren not being forced to take it and I believe he is the man for the job. Besides at the very least Schlomo was complicit in the assassination of his uncle and follow up assassination of his father. He is an intelligent man, he knows that. Israel for once will not have a friend in the White House, neither will the Jew rags like the New York Times and the Washington Post, nor will the "neo-con" warmongering Jewish scum lobbying for WW III. Let's get him into the White House and take it from there because I will tell you right now between Trump and DeSantis prima nocta will be reinstated for Schlomo...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Lots of famous men seem to go missing for a few years jack , Howard Carter and Adolph Hitler being the ones that are interesting to me , that's the worst of having a family makes you weak and easy to threaten and control,

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Thanks for responding, I never said he banned me I know it’s admins who monitor these things but who places them? Same thing with a site called The Covid Blog I thought was legit except for a few hoax codes I picked up on but again booted and not for the ((usual)) but common sense logic on the ((divide &conquer)) that’s another story. So what are we seeing if RFK Jr disappeared 10 years ago? Did I miss something? Isn’t nearly every Kennedy married to a jew?

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No he didn't disappear, my sister is all vaxxed up she just can't see him, and yes but the Shriver's and rest of that Jew ilk that married into the Kennedy family has disowned him for his stance against the vax.

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Like Voxx pontificates it's a jew jab

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I am not recommending voting Maurice, I am recommending rioting in the streets, wild cat strikes and shooting dead in the streets any and all agglutinations that lift a finger to stop it. You of all people should know that...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Don't vote for them it only encourages them or as a wise man once told me football,politics and religion are for the feeble minded among us,it gives them something to do with their hands and feet seemingly lol

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"Keep yer powder dry" until you can see the whites of their eyes! I dont have the answer but from where I sit and 5 Billion shots delivered worldwide we have passed the Rubicon and this cannot be stopped without "Divine Intervention"

That may be us not sure about that either but I can tell you the West has that.. "Sodom & Gammorah" feel to it no? Demons/aggulations running wild. Infestation. Needs a MASSIVE cure. I'd be lying if I said Im not nervous... but SOMETHING is coming we can all feel it.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Ha! I'm with you on the not voting bit, but I will have to leave the rioting to the young folks. Us old farts probably need to stick to unconventional warfare type activities such as carefully placed sniping & sabotage... https://imgur.com/a/6PwlRdL

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

They think that Google is spirit up in the cloud but Spirit sent Jack Heart to raise an army in America as even the NSA knows it but who knows maybe they will follow their oath? But we're in a dream, a figment of some imagination as we must take control of the dream.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Jack says Kennedy gets the nod. Let's create an army and put him in.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

He's mentally invested in the whole "climate change" narrradigm, which is a red flag. I support his environmental protection efforts, but climate change is another matter entirely. It's caused by the Sun, not people - and if he says it's human-caused, then that's a no-go.

And if he supports the "woke" DEI travesty, then that's also a deal-breaker for most normal, critically-thinking people (not that there are that many of us left anymore) - regardless of his stance on the whole Covid operation and death-vax situation. I don't know if he does or not, but it's something that needs serious scrutiny from many directions.

Also, how tight is his relationship with the Banksters (both Wall St. and London)? What's his stance on the UN? What about the Catholic Church? Lotta questions still. He ain't getting no free pass just cause his last name is Kennedy....

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Same answer I gave Janet Free. Understand me, I don't think a single pundit out there understands the necessity of the human race demonstrating a capacity for suicidal violence such as that demonstrated in the wars of the twentieth century, as well as I do. Those wars didn't end this is round 3 and if we don't start punching Schlomo is gonna take this fight on points.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Now BlackRock and Pfizer are going to vaccinate all the chickens with MRNA with the approval of a demented president lol , The WHO have taken sovereignty over your health rights and can force vaccines if they declare a pandemic anywhere and all the world leaders during the COVID scam are bailing as the death counts above the five year average come in. The 4.6 % of cacasians that make up the world's population are going to be vanished from history very soon. And wild Bill Gates just decided to take up farming enjoy all that organic foods soon to be handed out by the government

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Well George, make me take the vaxxine any vaxxine. Line in the sand as I will kill you.


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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

If it's in the air we breathe the water we drink and the food we eat and the medication we use a chess champion would struggle to get out of that trap nine ,sky rocketing death rates in first world hell holes , miscarriage and abnormalities kick the ball down the road just a little bit the black goo versus Humanity, synthetic life versus carbon based ,they already killed the ocean from producing the oxygen, China and India burned more coal last year than the whole of Europe since the industrial revolution, I am on that hill right beside you Nine , parked in the red zone and ready to drop the clutch on this stick shift lol I wake up every morning and think to myself what would the Fuehrer do lol

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Thing is George, as proved at Sanford University and by experimental scientists like Hal Puthoff and Karl Pribram, consciousness is not located in the body. That's why some of us are immune, that's why your here and that's why we will be there long after the rest are gone...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The day of my 50th birthday jack I am sitting in a prison looking at some charlitan calling himself a doctor phychiatrist he refused to answer my question on French man without brain in X-ray ,how he could be walking about talking and acting normal and happy if all his theories were correct, de-nile is a river in Egypt got me the good drugs on that rockstar tour lol , two decades and more ago I looked down at my smashed body inside the leg of a offshore oil rig a hour felt like a lifetime passed

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I would not vote for him, I have not voted in years, and my stance is this can not be fixed, by humans. Seems they may want to bring forth a "savior" he may be it or not. I can not exactly figure him out, but no more do I trust the "bloodlines."

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Trust me Mary when I say elections, I am using a euphemism...


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If there is any man who could be president, it is RFK jr.

The office of the president is no longer held by a man. It is, and has for decades been held by fronts for the Borman faction and organized crime. Only those who content themselves with surfaces still hold out that somehow a man occupies the White House.

There is unfinished business in America. The CIA was instrumental in the murder of JFK, America's last man who served as president. Why do you think, dear reader, that the documents are still sealed? There is no statute of limitations on murder.

The globalist elite already has selected their next puppet, their next traitor. They laugh when the simple people of America rally behind the punishment, clustered around their televisions that direct their thoughts, their feelings, and construct their world views.

This puppet is not RFK jr.

He is an imperfect man, but he is a man.


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And the circles complete with the anointed Lord

When I hurl my words at the flaming void

Your words too Mike...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Seems like an independent joint candidacy with RFK Jr, backed by Tulsi Gabbard, would present a perfect polar opposite to the Biden Kamala combo....or perhaps is color is a measure, that wonderful woman from Atlanta who got gerrymandered out of her three-term house seat on accounta the fact that she refused to go on that junket to Occupied Palestine, where she would have been obliged to don one of those little green beanies and respectfully bow down and kiss Herod's wall.

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Back there when I was in Seminary School I watched an interesting movie about Herod, Carstie. It was very sexual, very violent and completely amoral. It had the strangest ending. These SS storm troopers wearing gas masks burst through the doors of Herod's great room in the middle of one of his patented decadent orgies and machine gun him and his whole court. At the time, being a schoolboy, I marveled at the strange ending, not no more...

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Sounds like the weird ass mural at the Denver airport

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Yes, Janet but it had a very happy ending, no?

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

I can’t pretend to know

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She recited her oath on Tucker Carson last week. Where are the rest of the mother fuckers?

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

A must watch:


This young woman has inspired my evangelical princess, an education major at UW, into the insidious nature of woke and particularly the transgender Movement.

This young woman has more courage than most men and speaking of men we need a little woman to tell us what is going on in American schools and on Netflix?

Why isn't this young woman all over the alt media? I'll tell you why as its run by jews because this will get real men fighting mad.

In her video she documents how a Muslem woman was given death threats for speaking out by transgender perverts.

Threaten me for speaking out? Fucking bring it!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Some people are much into endings. This is celebration of Thanatos, the death instinct, according to Freudian perspectives. On both MoA and Unz there are a number of posters who seem to want to bring on nuclear war. I've called out several of them, pointing out that the Pandora's Box legend is soundly grounded in "forgotten" history. Both Harappa and Mohenjo Dara, ancient sites in the Indus Valley of Pakistan, contain evidence of being nuked. Also, the ancient Sanskrit texts cite that warfare and its aftermath. The Hopi people have long observed their ancient heritage prophecy regarding that which they describe as "the Gourd of Ashes". An amazing Renaissance, such as not been experienced in historical times, a Golden Epoch where love, honesty, personal integrity and a deep esthetic sense of beauty become the infusive paradigms.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jack Heart


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