Looks as if we may have another Manchurian candidate on our hands. I'd like more information buttressing Kaminski's report on DeSantis. The statement that the Florida governor's engineered legislation protecting poor, innocent little Joosi Joos by eviscerating First Amendment absolute rights to free speech was total news to me.

Obviously, there would be need for some outstanding Constiitutional attorney such as the redoubtable John Whitehead to be fully informed by friends of liberty. Such legislation as this report by Mr. Kaminski would be the most gross and egregious assault on the number One protection for the citizenry in American history. In 1787 patriots refused to sign off on the craven Federalist faction's proposed Constitution until the Bill of Rights was established. Destruction of any part, particularly the First and Second Amendments are pure TREASON.

Within minutes before reading this message, I just read on Russia Today that Feral courts in Manhattan and the Di$trict of Corruption may well be filing criminal charges against our twice elected President, Donald Trump.

Are these two situations some form of coincidence? If so, I have this wonderful 1883 miracle of civil engineering, a span crossing the East River between Manhattan and Brooklyn for which I would give you such a deal, such a deal. Be the first one on your block to access this limited time offer. I'm selling it for a bargain such as you could not possibly refuse.

DeSantis, from what I have read, was schooled at Yale and like prominent members of the Bu$h Crime Family, was a member of Skull n' Bones, product of the Russell Trust and next to the B'Nai Brith, the most powerful secret society in the country.

One mordantly amusing political circus was when the Democrat Party opponent for Bush the Lesser a few cycles back was none other than John Kerry (whose father's birth surname was Kohn) before he left Hungary for the $tates, where he married the Forbes fortunate daughter. The defeated Candied Date Kerry was himself living in wedded bliss with a daughter of the Heinz pickle clan before she died in one of those many coincidental plane crashes.

That's how monstrous fortunes are erected and maintained in the home of the brave and land of the free. Earlier this evening I listened once again to Dylan's "Murder Most Foul" lyrics on the events of 11-22-63, a date which will persist in genuine infamy...an occasion where evident Crypto, the evil Lyndon Baines Johnson, was deeply involved.

So slouching towards the whitened sepulcher of a House in the Di$trict of Corruption, with his path to the primrose garden now paved by soon to be laid charges against our duly elected president, warts and all, Donald J. Trump...is none other than Skull N' Bonesman, Ron De Santis. That's why I call this land, Our Ruptured Republic.

A reading of the Declaration of Independence, the centerpiece of the American Revolution, should be must reading for all genuine Americans, particularly those who live in Florida.

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DeSantis stinks to high heaven like another MI 6 plant, and his lisp betrays the fact that "he" is a closet queen, having said that understand I publish Kaminski because he is one of if not the most important dissident writer of the twenty-first century. As far as I know that law against criticizing Schlomo is limited to a single county in Florida: https://sageofquayblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/florida-dont-say-jew-house-bill-269.html?spref=tw

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So it is before the Florida House as an official bill. That IS serious shit. Open gays are one thing, but closeted queens such as you describe De Santis, are something else again. Were the man open he would not have received many votes from the Southern fried Baptists, Holy-Rollers, general Evangelicals and similar supporters of the Greedy Old Partisans (GOP).

It's much the same consideration as the footprints of Miss Graham from South Carolina (of all places) or for the filthy rich Bitch McConnell of Kaintuck. Those Nelly noodlebrains do not even vaguely resemble the Gay Liberation types from '69 and '70 who yelled out "I'm gay and I'm proud, let's say it out loud". Of course all that happened during the hippie years in the Bay Area where Gay Libbers were closely allied with the likes of the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement (AIM) during the latter's occupation of recently shut-down Alcatraz.

Like most liberation movements during that era, the Federales and local Law n' Forcement types both infiltrated and attacked all three of those movements, most particularly in murders of Fred Hampton of the Panthers and the FBI attacks on AIM at Wounded Knee.

While such events were going on, the gay movement was co-opted by the usual $uspect$, who funded and founded various groups who took over the narrative amongst the gays, ultimately resulting in silly shit like gay marriage and their hyped-up transie-fancy fad.

That's how the enemies of humanity work. They either murder the leaders of growing libration movements, or they buy out a few designated "leaders" and herd the sheep into directions which bolster state power enabling the likes of De Santis, Graham and McConnell.

Thus, the entire system works on the twin pillars of Bribery and Blackmail...consider the possibly late Brian Epstein and his fellow Mo$$ad functionary lady friend, currently hanging out in a Feral Prison in Florida. Then there was the D.C. Madame from a few years back. One wonders whose prominent names were in her appointment book.

Bribery and Blackmail...that's how the whole rotten system operates.

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Everything he says is true but then he fails to come to the obvious conclusion that all government is a scam. Always has been always will be.

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The purpose of government? To be infiltrated then run by jews.

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Ask Harry voxx. Like our Jack escaped jew York for the Southland.

Well, voxx is in the relocation process.

I bet with land and a server he will come back with a vengeance with that proud middle finger extended at Jewish power.

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What did Adolph Hitler do first on taking power? He removed jews from all top leadership positions, dredged them out of the schools and even reformed the German protestant church. He turned the Jesus preached in German pulpets into an ayran Jesus tit to build up a people that had to have a Jesus! Not a dead homosexual dead jew on a stick wearing a dress!

After that he removed bulshevic jews from the labor unions, kept the union free of the jew.

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The purpose of Adolph Hitler's government? Removal of the jew and its influence. In his bubble in Germany he slayed Yahweh! Yet that demon gathered the whole world against Germany for doing so.

Now look whitey as your dead men walking. The jew plans to stamp you out once and for all.

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And more importantly nine he got rid of all the filth and perversion in books and the media , cleans it with fire ironically now Germany has more banned books now than under the Nazis , Adolph knew how to drain the swamp

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Like Harry Voxx pontificates in such simple terms that even I can understand, "it's the fucking jews" as anyone who obfuscate`s this fact is a troll.

Adolph Hitler ran the most successful rebellion to date in history against our parishes.


Please Google Kaminski`s the "Hitler test" and see what you come up with.

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Jews are parasites as even the censor here knows that as fact.

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This is why we have a transgender Movement. Because jews want one and further the ADL has pledged their entire organizations might to defend this Movement.

As my Hitler pal pontificates Because of jewed over Christians that refuse to stomp this out is why it flourishes.

So Valdamir Putin has charges at the Hague for crimes against humanity for daring to quash this so called Movement? The US Military has declared war on white Americans as a great Lakota leader said "I am Lakota" and if you are white and born in America you are a Native American.

That great leader knows the score. Go visit acommercials. Indian reservation as I tell you this is the future for white people in America, no turn on the TV and watch your replacements in the shows and comercials.

We kill the Native Americans and put the survivors in retched camps to be humiliated and culture stripped.

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Go visit any American Indian reservation. Jewish AI.LOL

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It's the fucking jews

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So, when you denigrate my white Evangelical people you do the work of the jew. What is that work? To eliminate white people and their Christian culture. First demonization then extermination.

However, white Evangelicals are heavily armed cock roaches.

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On Chew-Toob, of all places I encountered coverage of a mid-80's get-together of representatives of many tribes. They shared prophecies which have been passed down orally for generation upon generation. The most compelling one was that of the Hopi Nation. Their multigenerational teachings hold that we are currently living in what they describe as the Fourth World, a time of promises unkept by the White Europeans when they first arrived at the shores of Turtle Island (aka North America).

This denatured set of attitudes carried on throughout the colonializing era, right up to 1935, when native peoples were "allowed" to carry on their sacred rituals. Though the missionary position still holds amongst many deracinated natives; the ways of spirit are once again in ascendance, gradual as they may be in the face of the black magick of Hollywood and the rest of the mindfuckery employed by the Talmudist Supremacists.

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The Navaho and the Hopi, Navaho shaman resent Hopi shaman, mentored me Carstie. Every summer from the time I was 12 midsummer evenings I was serenaded by the sounds of their snake dance being performed at Tanner Park across the canal in the home in Copiague that I grew up in, later when I became Jack Heart, they made their intentions known and tutored me intensively for two years in Navaho Magick...

I know the things that they never shared with NASA...

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Wonderful that you have had native schooling by the Athabaska Navajo people, the largest extant tribe on Turtle Island. While visiting the Rosebud Rez in the late 90's; the people there picked up on my vibe and were most accommodating, down by their swimming hole in the town of Rosebud. It got late in the afternoon and most folks left the site, so the two warriors who were sharing my "bowling lessons" asked me if there was anywhere around the Rez I would like to see. My response was to go to a nearby high place, where much could be seen. So we took my van up a winding and ascending road up by their cemetery (a great honor, I felt) and we did some more of my "Holy Smokum"(called that because it had not been bought and sold, rather a gift from the Mother). Began looking up at the northern sky. Saw the clouds converging to outline the form of an eagle with outstretched wings.

One should learn to read signs. Thus was I given yet another name, one which I have yet to share.

Something related but not the same came on a full-moon 4th of July in '74 when I was the last non-tribally related white to hang out around the drumming/dancing circle, walking widdershanks to the dancers and dressed a bit as crazy-man. Accepted in that role.

Later, I walked over to the parking lot, there in the town of Red Lake and talked with a handful of younger guys there and looked out over the lake...the biggest natural freshwater lake in Turtle Island. Along with the full moon, there was another lightshow. The northern lights were dancing in tune with the drumming...far across Upper Red, many miles away. At that time I realized that All is One and One is All.

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No coincidence you are here now Carstie

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