Dec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Excellent. Where can I find more of his writings ?

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Jack has more on his subscriber site and I have a book coming out sometime next year , published by Nexus magazine ‘Coevolution’ A secret world

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Thanks Alec I ordered your 2nd addition. Iv been following jack for a few years now I shall subscribe. My intuition tells me your both talking truth.

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Once again thanks for your interest in my work Alan, personally that second edition is only half of the story so maybe you won’t get as much out of it as you might like, I was in two minds to even write it, some helpers were still walking this earth and I did not want to compromise them in anyway, so it was a half revel but I promise you there is very little held back in the coming third edition, if you can cancel your order for edition one and better spend the money on this next edition I’d do that

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I’ve you subscribe with Jack’s work here be sure to look for my research into what is called Loosh, even Jack likes that one

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Also Jack and friends have far more detail as to the history of what I have been exposed to, so if you want historic detail you can’t go wrong here. And as you will know those that don’t know their history are .. ….. etc etc

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Everytime your words are read a longing enters the heart.

Everlasting curiosity for a forgotten remeberance.

Everyone with open eyes feels this warmth.

Evergreen understanding under the sun.

Everywhere their souls search the memory of the Mayan.

Ever since youth there is a pull from this South.

Everything falls into place...

Thank you (once again) for sharing your experiences with us all.

Peru and the associated lands/history seem to capture the soul...

(I am beginning to understand why, as I age, that in youth I extensively tattooed myself with Mayan/Aztec/Inca artwork... At the time everyone thought me strange... Many still do).

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deletedDec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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Well this is why I write E, so that someone can come back at me and explain

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
deletedDec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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Apologies for any assumptions on my part E.

Would you care to expand?

I think I know to which you refer, but wish to understand.

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deletedDec 3, 2022Liked by Jack Heart
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Thank you E.

I forgot that the noun has more than one inference... And missed the 'truth' of the verb.

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I’ve studied the moods of the sun E, it’s four main phases and the the in between ++, +-, - -, -+, as it revolves in relation to us in orbit 28 days this sure accounts for many of the differing personalities on this planet

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Interestingly, the Sun (Vulcan) cycle of 'rays' or 'phases' you describe Alec, emanate(s) via the Moon (its 28 day waxing and waning movement).

(Hu)mans belief (solely the moon as the source of such 'properties'), attributes the tides and 'lunar' influences.

Astrologers treat the Moon as any other planet in our system, neglecting that it 'reflects' the energies of the Sun (as it also does with Uranus).

At least, that is my understanding.

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Now that I think of it 2007 was an interesting year for me as well finding myself in the 33°04′N 44°22′E and came down with an awful bout of dysentery that seemed to only last 12 hours, woke up as if it never happened. First time I ever saw a moon halo. Good times.

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Thanks for your kind words seraphim I think we all share a common memory of something a dream can reach out and find it occasionally. I’m often frustrated it’s like a word on the tip of your tongue. What I find helps at times when that feeling is upon me, I go to the computer and write, I don’t know the subject until the words appear on screen then the story writes itself, from that I get understanding. It opens me, yes it’s mystical, at times it’s the only world I wish to inhabit.

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You are more than welcome Alec.

Streams of consciousness, like an endless river...

I share your method, and now the dream.

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Alec, great work however, I believe all is Spirit many say I am anti socialist but in reality my world is led by Spirit.

Spirit is of course a socialist animal

it lives but we live with it in a natural environment

it is

says I Am

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Alec, which of the hemi sync CDs you were listening to when you had the experience described here? And what was the frequency of the ioniser?

I had some truly phenomenal experiences using the focus 15 hemi sync audio. These experiences are equal or almost equal to the deepest ayahuasca and quantum hypnosis sessions I’ve had and are accessible any time I desire. I wonder what other focus levels of hemi sync will provide

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I mostly like to meditate without the spoken word I find any distraction other than the energy of music or some sound vibrations take my mind off travel and they stay with the words. But now I have not used the hemi sync for a very long time if I remember correctly it was the mind food Transcendence CD, if you can still get this? It’s copy right date is the year 2000

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My memory suggests the ioniser was set to the Schumann resonance

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Yes the true gospel supressed yet found to those who seek it

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