Loved every word Jack & John

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Maybe this show should be an hour longer, but an excellent job all four of you, so you say we must not upset Death Metal Vikings LOL.haha.

I agree you should do a show with Julian if he wants of course...

Yes, we are in process of purification and you can prep how you want if you are worthy and chosen you will survive. In a grad scheme it doesn't matter, some will be resurrected for lack of a better word to live in a new world.

Plain and simple, and I don't say we should not prepare but living in FEAR is a really bad idea, prepping creates fear.

I try too to be on the good side with Christians but sometimes i also say what i should not, we better learn to love each other after all is said and done it will be a world where are very, very few of us left standing.

Again great show, why not try to build better cooperation with SFR if nothing else a link on their site that links to Human or any other site or blog that is truly independent?

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Wish Orage well; governments may be compromised but friends also exist. Jack's 'Origin of Schlomo' gets cut short around the Radonites (sp?) [never heard of them] because of a correction of a Non-existent Audio issue. Couldn't tell he was too close to the mic as a listener, but the belief that it was a problem derailed meaningful dialogue. Great work though all involved

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Then learn who empowered these hideous and malicious creatures to the point where they would dare claim they were Gods chosen people



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Just going off Phonetic riffs:

"It was Youie??" , "it was you, E"

hOR oos, OR phe oos, OR o bOR oos, mOR dOR

Btw, the ones who "survived" (the jab?) Ragnarok move on to Gimel? Well I can speak from firsthand experience I've been loaded like a pack animal destined to wander the Desert. It's even beyond Nietzsche's conception; this Desert is Romance lost. Just ideas..

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The primary reason for confusion regarding Runes is a modern cognitive limitation. This can be traced to the unwavering demand that Runes function as alphabets. Thus, Runes are only seen as phonetic symbols, less worthy than current systems, due to a supposed odd phonetic confusion.

The study of actual Runic elements from antiquity, thus relegates a large number of Runic emblazoned objects as untranslatable. Figures differ, but the untranslatable percentage runs at around 25%. Modern scholarship has, to some extent embraced the theory popularized by some pagans that Runes began as ideagrams, and some of this is true, which has allowed for some very original interpretations to at least be entertained by the alphabet fanatics.

The favourite period of inscriptions, from the current perspective, occurs in the late pagan times, as the Christian wars of eradication reached their epic levels of genocide. Here, most inscriptions are reduced to alphabetical symbols, making them simple to read. Modern scholars like this very much.

Yet Runes, as I have written previously, are the expression of quantum language, which itself develops according to the frequencies of biology. Language closely follows wave forms that are those we find in all creation. Thus it is true that Runic comprehension must extend beyond the constraints of both an alphabet and an ideagram.

Furthermore, Aryan natural language, of which Runes are perhaps most emblematic, operates simultaneously on different levels of understanding. This type of language was once known throughout the esoteric tradition of Europe, and for those of a Christian bent, it can be found still in the Gematria of the new testament.

I will mention only one further point, and that is Ogham. Ogham and the Runes are very closely linked, the way spiritual sisters might know each others deepest states.

So, in short, modern scholarship will probably never arrive at a full understanding of the Runes, until they allow themselves to become them.


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It's not just the runes Mike, after years of intensive investigation of the facts which I and Orage have laid out in our essays I am convinced that most academic writings should be burned along with their pasty-faced authors if they are unfortunately still alive. Nitzsche warns in Thus Spake Zarathustra to beware the fish eyed scholar, dead from the neck down. To him every bird fly's unfeathered. Here is what a real learned man said about the hieroglyphs:

"R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz maintained that hieroglyphics were not mere expressions of phonetic sounds, but symbols for the building blocks of existence. He writes in Le Temple dans l’Homme that “to conform to the true meaning of the symbol in ancient Egypt, we ought to use the Egyptian term Medu-Neteru, the Greek translation of which, “hieroglyphs,” distorts the Egyptian meaning. Medu-Neteru is the Neters, or the principles conveyed by a sign.” [19]

To the abyssal horror of anglophiles such as “Sir” Petrie, the truth is Medu-Neter is the language of ancient Africa and the great kingdom of Khemet. So old in fact Maspero admonished academia almost a hundred and fifty years ago that nobody really knows what Neter means. [20]

The fabrics from which the tapestries of existence are woven remain fixed. There are templates to which everything that is must conform. Over and over again the human race plays out the same dramas. Some are set in offices and some in the streets, some in battlefields and some on as grandiose a stage as the Trojan War, but the themes always remain vaguely familiar.

C J Jung called them archetypes and defined them as autonomous immutable forms that constitute the collective unconscious of man and are manifested in human behavior, images, art, myths, religions and dreams. Joseph Campbell dedicated his life to studying them. Fredrick Nietzsche called them the eternal recurrence. He saw them clearly and it drove him mad.

To Lubicz, ancient Egyptian civilization and all its edifices are the heirloom of a civilization far superior to twentieth century man. The door was now wide open for Atlantis, but Victorian science was having none of it. Since Lubicz could not be refuted, outside of France he was ignored until he died in 1961. But instead of passing mercifully into obscurity as had been hoped, through the writings of John Anthony West, just like Osiris and the ancient Egyptian kings, Lubicz made a resurrection.

[19] Schwaller De Lubicz, R. A., “The Temple In Man,” 1949. Web. 2015.

[20] In the Journal de Paris, 15 Mars, 1871; and in the Academy, Aug. 1, No. 29, p. 386, 1871."


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Oct 7, 2022
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Well, the reason Fulcanelli is assumed to be Schwaller, is because in a sense he was, having stolen the ms and published under his alchemists name. Fulcanelli worked with Schwaller on a couple of alchemy projects before the theft.

I'm not referring to the novels, but a small book Isha wrote on the mystery of man. It was circulated here in the states for a short while after Raymond Bernard died.

And yes, of course one must have some notion of what they are doing when working with Runes, but then this is true for pretty much any endeavor involving risk.

My point regarding the attempted discrediting of Schwaller comes from personal experience, and a discovery of a surprising amount of hostility aimed at him. Perhaps this is a situation existing primarily in the English speaking countries, rather than Europe per se.

Regardless, the intrinsic nature of geometry and number in Egyptian philosophy resonates well with the deeper Runic template.


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Oct 7, 2022
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my motto

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The case was made years ago, nor am I truly interested in it, other than as an aside. Alchemy has always been the pursuit of the wealthy, and it has it's own rules. However, there is a cost to playing with the divine wave forms, and many an alchemist has paid it.

The further along I go, the less interested I am in the manipulation of reality, even when accomplished for altruistic reasons. Too often, the manipulation carries with it an air of deception, one where the aspirant is guaranteed some very unpleasant lessons.

The harmony between Egyptian and Runic understanding is more than a simple correspondence to dismiss, as this has great implications for both. The beauty and artistry of the White Stone of Ing, for example, provides a direct experience of that template, and the fact that the structure resonates with another from an entirely unique origin is simply wonderful.

Ultimately, the further one travels, the more one becomes convinced that the hearty meat of any genuine path is consciousness.

Best wishes,


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I, like so many, find ancient Egypt to be a great monument to the achievements of humanity. Certainly, there are great parallels between the truth within Egyptian writing, and Runes, including the aforementioned template of existence. This should come as no surprise.

Yet the position of Egypt is an easy one to take, due to the place Egypt holds in modern consciousness.

Modern scholarship, like modern science, is steeped in a thoroughly abrahamic point of view. It would be a great lie to claim that the abrahamics haven't been at war with reality since their inception.

Schwaller de Lubicz is still being taken to task by abrahamic farm animals. Fulcanelli actually stole his manuscript to write The Mystery of the Cathedrals, and Isha, who wrote a beautiful little book, languishes in obscurity.

But the Runes, Jack, have been attacked by the most rabid of those farm animals for centuries. No one wants to tell you of the literacy and sophistication of the ancient ancestors, because no abrahamic genocide freak could stand up to it.

Anyhow, you made a statement on the show about the variance in Runic interpretation, and I thought perhaps I could shine a little light on that issue.


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Oct 7, 2022
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Schwaller's writings taught me a lot. He was more intellectually oriented - that's what attracted me to him at first, but I could indeed learn a lot more from his wife's novels and her other writings, notably "The Light of the Path".

As for Fulcanelli, I have never understood those who argue about his identity or who try to make money out of a smoky mystery. What he left us is much more interesting - for those who like to get their hands dirty, of course.

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It's funny Romain for years we've gotten thousands of hits a week from France, but you were the only one who ever spoke up, well their all stepping forward now and my suspicions have been verified, France is where they keep all the master occultists, I'm honored...

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You know, Jack, I learn from you, not the other way around.

I'm way down the food chain, believe me.

Otherwise, it was a great show. You should do a podcast with Julian, I love him. And I think a lot of things will come out of your discussions...

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Seems like you finally started warming up compared to the introduction to Jack Heart on the last appearance of KGB. Loki is a great addition and I look forward to seeing more of his works. You two could probably bounce off one another to no end. Great show and I hope John continues to bring you back on as he's finally taken the plunge into the abyss of other worlds. Far more entertaining than this one with monkey's throwing turds at each other.

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I'm gonna bring Loki into staff Greg, I just have to leash him a bit so he dosn't get us deplatformed, again...

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One thing you guys brought out in this pod cast is the fact that nothing can stop what has been unleashed by the monsters running this world however, take this or leave this but there is a creator and a creation as that creator is non corporeal in nature and it creates whatever physicality is and that creator wants fellowship with its creation.

This world is run by that creative Spirit that runs things and will provide a way to survive what is coming when as we shall zig and zag guided from within to survive since real history says there will be a remnant.

We shall see how this plays out.

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In the beginning the female created without the male entity, which created a demented male entity because she deviated from the natural order.

Her husband is Lucifer and has for an eternity put up with a usurper and that usurper is Yahweh whom schlomo serves.

However he loves her and wants to be restored to her but is separated from her for she is the bride and he the bridegroom.

To blame Christians for this mess?

I will give guys like Lokie my address. LOL

I can assure you there is Spirit as I experience it and ragnarok be dammed as Spirit will guide me and mine through or die either way ? Best to live till you die.

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Oct 8, 2022
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In Jack's account of creation and I know it's true, she decided that she did not need her man anymore to create, did it herself, as that needed male counterpart appeared, enslaved her to this day yet his love is still there for her.

And that demented offspring? Even a mother declared that he will be destroyed as she and Lucifer agree. All this drama from a point of light!

Imagine that?

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That got 10 thousand reads on the Human and two thousand on VT, I wonder why...

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The line of the day from L'aryensoufi: A backstabber with tits! LOL

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Because the focking joos know they serve the wrong God Jack. Did they not choose the injectable goo?

You can serve Sophia or lucifer but Ladaboath the lord of the dark? For the joo gives him his power here on earth.

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That is exactly why we need to give Loki a turn at bat...

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One more observation before we go hog wild on the tribe. It appears that light and dark are connected but "she" created out of the created order so out of the dark came a male creature worse than she could ever imagine!

Look at most American women Jack as they need the dark lord to slap the shit out of them.

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Guys like lokie of your pod cast? One word. Arrogance.

However, in the old testament there are two gods in Genesis chapter one. One is yahweh and the other a loving creator, the father of Jesus who sent Spirit as he said I and my father are one.

The new heaven and new earth? Perhaps those plagues of revelations are self inflicted since choice brings Karma and best to not blaspheme Spirit.

The vaxxine? That very mark of that book.

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However, personalities of course our Jack, our hereo shined.

He? Outside time.

Who was Jesus once again?

Nature of Spirit

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Arrogance is good nine, no king, queen or warrior should ever leave home without it. It's been a vital tool that has kept me from becoming like the rest of the shmucks on VT and doing what I'm told. You want me to do what I'm told? Make me, no one's been able to do it yet. we're gonna give Loki his own authors page on the revamped Human, I think you'll find what he has to say about Schlomo to be very interesting. Christianity? I try to be nice nine, you know I do but when you dismiss me as a crank or a Satanist without ever reading a word I've written there is no place for nice anymore...

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This fucking Black Goo happened on Jesus's watch and he has provided not one bit of protection from it for his flock, my readers are all unvaccinated, think about it...

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What is more powerful Spirit or goo? The church is in civil war now over the jab. Add it to the list after zionism as it sure looks to be she's a whore.

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The many choose the goo but Spirit guides the few.

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Spirit told me and mine not to take it. The Evangelical queens side of the family? A nest of anti vaxxers.

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Yea Spirit and me

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You are good at it.

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Refer to Lynches Twin Peaks story beautifully told there.

Refered to the usurper as Bob.

Bob requires gorbonzolla or loosh.

He feeds. We are the farmed.

Time to go on strike.

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Bottom line he zapped her and she zapped him

Perfect love story

Let's hire a jew

To write 9the story. LOL

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Deffinition of human

Refuses to follow orders

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Like a mandated jab

British invented it

The jab and vaxx

One and the same

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Advertise that jab as grand

But according to the gift of jab

Many have become sick

Or even worse

Pandemic denile syndrome

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To denigh what is to come I cannot do

But a pepper first starts with the Spirit of prep

What if?

I live by Sprit already prepped

For the difficulties ahead

Needs met guided beforehand

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How one creates a vibe

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