Thank you Jack Heart for publishing this piece.

If I can sum up the intent behind these 3,006 words, it lies in an allegiance to the spirit of mankind. There is something altogether amazing about a determination to defy those forces that seek to not simply destroy, but to utterly devastate the individual, to erase one from existence.

Much is often said concerning the collective, social nature of mankind, yet the spiritual journey has always been an intensely personal one, and it stands in stark contrast to collectivist movements that define and control with a very broad brush.

America today is reeling under the oppression of all manner of addictions, and so the simple fact of this condition must be included in any attempt to convey a higher individual nature. A wise man once said that nothing can be excluded from a genuine spiritual practice, and whether this piece succeeds or fails it is my own small attempt to include those aspects of life so many would prefer to ignore.

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Mike, I like your piece. I only have ones question. Can also the spiritsoul og black people walk upon, over that Rainbow bridge in the North to the land og the free survivors who go om because they have conquerred due to their thinking and way og life, varma being their passport, or is their bloodline a hindrance? Are there really human beings that descend from animalsk, apes or snakes, AS ones who was jailed in Canada toucher the topic of? Ny 300 kroners via Jack did not hjelp covering his bill for a lawyer to protect his freedom og speech.

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Now that is a question that could be discussed for a very long time, and for myself the question lies in origin and kind.

Thus, the rulers of this modern world enforce an ideology of sameness upon everyone unfortunate enough to suffer through their decades of "education". They will tell you there is no difference between people, that any difference is caused by adaptations to the material conditions of existence.

Yet every distinct group of people tell their own origin story.

Each group explains themselves and their culture as unique unto themselves.

The modern rulers counter with the rather arrogant notion that these are folk tales and they have science.

Okay, lets look at this. According to the current science, the Asian people descend from a group of humans they call the Dravidians. Now, if all people are the same, we should all share this deep ancestry, right?

But wait, Africans have an ancient origin, with no Dravidian ancestry.

So now science has to play games, and invent spurious stories unsupported by evidence to continue with the " we are all the same" ideology. Thus we descend into an even worse condition, one which worships effect over cause.

Can you see where this leads?

Your question is answered in that space that lies between origin and kind. Science does not admit that this space exists. Modern thought can only go around in circles.

It is comical to think that modern ideology will ever lead us out of a world typified by an intensely cruel insanity.

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Outstanding answer, outstanding...

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Yes, a vert good answer. I have trad and head about the origin of different peoples and that some can be traces to bringa from out og space, universets far away. Many people on this earth are of mixed races, either because of being raped by men on a missinon of various sorts, or sometimes it is only love, as Luther Vandross sang. The greatest, most effektive and destruktive weapon ofte used in wars against other cultures is rape. This world is a result of it. Enforcing one's powerful musical tradition and open language upon other parts of the world while supressing the traditional ones another way. Anyway I an still curious about the salvation by the bloodlines matter.

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Whatever, if I explain this it won't be something you are going to want to hear. It will go entirely against your fascination, and more.

Some things I don't simply state in public. There is a cost to being someone like myself, and the sweven that instruct do so in levels upon levels. This instruction is very demanding, and it is not particularly concerned with preserving happy thoughts.

So, with that proviso, I will summarize just for you.

The races of man are real, genuine expressions of life.

As genuine unique expressions each has its' own hypostasis.

As each has its own hypostasis, it has its own predilection.

As each has its own predilection, it has its own interests.

Interests, beyond the general scope of human-ness involve the ancestors, the spirits, the gods. This forms direction, and destiny.

Thus, the destiny of each people is theirs alone.

Now for the very unhappy talk. The confusion of the last cycle has had the purpose of destroying all of this. This purpose is to chain you here, to actively prevent you from ever achieving awareness beyond this pathetic, vampiric state. You really can't remain, and you really can't achieve. You think all your joy is on the outside, and its held away from you intentionally.

Do you think they won?

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It helped and saved me from wasting any more time than I already have for about fifty years prating to the demiurge noe that I have finally seen his face, and those of his gallionsfigues. Joy is not just a feeling I sometimes genuiely feel inside, but possibly to me rather can be translated with victory, since the use og force and theats can't steal ny soul or spirit hovering somehow on the outsider og mye human flesh. Dr Phil I have only listened to a few times many years ago, but he said something about that you yourself is the Ine who decide what you allow others to do to you. A nice idea. They may hurt you, but as long as I know myself whether wrong or tights I van either say 'forgive me' or be dere simply ignoring the offence because I did not do anything wrong, and be free. I have my own receipt book of good and thought og life just like any other person does, and when meeting one another trying to do what is best for is both, all.

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Thanks, Jack, for allowing me and others to comment here, since it is an open post. I was out of "funds" so I unsubscribed so that my bank account would not be below zero, and maybe that makes me a stranger to you since only the paid ones know you.

There was one thing I would like to add, Mike, when I was struggling with the keyboard on my mobil phone which constantly changes what I try to spell into Norwegian variables similar to e.g. "of" becoming" "og" (and), and "charma" becoming Swedish "varma" (warm, hot), and "very" into "vert" (host) sorry about that, making me forget it. When "they", the globalist lovers such as Google making your forefather's white faces black in searches on "white" (though America consists of people from all over the world with many forefathers among you) because to them stating that there actually is a difference between peoples, and distinct ones, though I suppose most of us are human beings, until now at least, but things are changing (?). Being "human" is also hard to define, because of all of the evil "we/they" usually are doing. When they destroyed the family, making the "outcast" or the ones who were excluded (maybe because of religious dogmas or because they were "half-breed" or other ugly reasons, destroying love and family bonds, and made us put our trust in a State goverment social program in stead of the family, and serving the State's goals not our own family farm, business, "bloodline"-people, whether Saami, "etnical" white, Indians, Africans, etc, they ruined us in every way.

Chaka Khan talked about something in an interview with a journalist called Vlad (TV), and it is on youtube, and she also shared it in a Celebrity Ghost stories series, where also Jermaine Jackson shared his experiences. She saw a black shadow man in the corner of her room where ever she went on tour as a young woman, and one day it got really scary. The books of the Bible on the hotel room table started "blafre" moving very fast as if somebody was looking for something in it, and then that dark shadow man came upon her in bed and tried to strangle her. She ran out of the room, terrified, into the hall knocking at the door of one of the male band members who said: "You look as if you have seen a ghost!", and she repied: "I have!", and he let her in. Another hotel room experience of hers was that she heard an electric cracking sound and all of the sudden she saw the faces of her mother, grandma and great-grandma, the latter one an Indian. She also has black forefathers. They looked at her with a disappointed glance in their eyes (they were already diseased), and she wondered why, feeling puzzled. That experience made her do changes in life that set her free from things that was troubling her as a touring artist, and she learned how to deal with that black shadow man who is not haunting her anymore.

My own, very nice and devoted Christian great-grandmother who supported missionaries in Africa/India and let Norwegian travelling ministers stay in her (and her late husband's) home when visiting our village, also had a vision of her mother when she was young and had given birth to her fifth child. I have shared this here at Jack's site before, but deleted that account so that comment is gone. When she had been nursing her daughter and put her down on a sheep-fur on the floor (a crib, basket maybe) beside her bed, then her own diseased mother all of the sudden stood in front of her bed, actually lifting up the baby into her arms, saying: "This one shal be mine!". The girl had a disease, couhing a lot, and they asked the doctor to come and he gave the girl a medicine pill who did not cure the one year old but choked her, she suffocated, and died, while my grandmother, her older sister threw herself down upon the body of her little sister, crying, calling her name. My greatgrandmother fetched a coffin herself, riding on a horse fetching it. Well, so, though in the Bible everything about contact with the dead is a sin, necromancy, "trolldom"; to trolle meaning practicing magic, but "trollete" meaning "being mean" or the way of "trolls" (magical fairies, males and females, living in the moutains). It seems like many of the famous Evangelical preachers are having contact with people like for instance Kathryn Kuhlman and Aimee McPherson, stating that the Holy Spirit is still hovering over their dead bodies so they/he visit their graveyard getting a spiritual refreshment... (necromancy), and you know better than I, who was a Protestant, about the dead saints and Mother Mary who show up from time to time healing both popes and ordinary people, so I suppose that is why there are several, many hundreds, spiritual churches in e.g. Great Britain. If we are united with "our own kin", whether, black-indian, or white "norse", German, Poland, Hungary or where ever they come from, maybe there is nothing to fear, as long as they are not looking unhappy when seeing us? (Afraid that we will die due to our life styles). Do you understand what I mean? Maybe it is OK?

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I have virtually zero unsubscribes outside of you and Seraphim who decided he would rather play Reinfeld to E rather than discover the truth about his existence. All my paid subscribers realize that I am giving them everything I got and getting very little in return, it's their subscription money that keeps me going.

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Apr 4
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Doors always open Seraphim, for you and Whatever, the more witnesses the better and you are what they call an unimpeachable witness in court...

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Snakk om sola så skinner den, talk about the sun and then it is shining, there the seraphim was again. Thanks, Jack, I have not told you to hit the road. I had my reasons, but that I am not allowed to mention. You know all about it, but did not believe me. However I am able to take a "blow" when being slapped in the face without totally burying what the person said. You do not slap women if they are not in military service on the enemy side, you said. I did hear about the high hit you are having on reads. Good luck with your writing, and thanks for your invitation. I did some thinking around your subject and included you, and HP. https://seeitsidet.substack.com/p/svarteperine

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Oh, I wondered where he went, the man with the smooth tongue, I liked him, he is an intelligent man and knows a lot. He was/is friendly, but I did read or hear what you said about E. Well, I only have 50 kroners on my account and 5000 kr in debt, or actually much much more, but if I get "rich" one day I may share my pocket money with you. Right now there is nothing, sorry. Thanks for your generousity.

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Well, he's right up there. I'm only having an open comment section because this is Mikes post not mine. I don't open my comment sections anymore on Substack. I'm not a comment hound and I don't care how many I get, been there done that on VT with up to a thousand comments per post. It takes too much time to answer them all I don't know how guys like Glen Greenwald do it. All I'm interested in is reads and they know that which is why they will never let me see my actual stats for them, but we have our ways...

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Whatever, I cannot answer you in comment, because I would be writing forever, and I simply don't have the time. You are quite taken with Africans, and I suggest you turn to them for their perspective on life. I prefer to avoid interpreting for anyone capable of doing that themselves, and I firmly believe that they can.

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Yes, they can, and I can. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your thinking with me. Best wishes.

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Sorry, wrote "prating" in Norwegian, but meant "talking to".

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