So you think that Orage really has left you?

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I don't think anything, I see what I see....

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Cliff High told Micheal Horn " YOU are on my list." Wow, jew vs. jew!


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This always happens. Now Cliff High is popping up all over once mentioned after dropping that clown years ago. Latest is with Dick Allgire the remote viewer.


Here's the thing for those "psychically empowered" types. Riddle me this batman. If you can see the "future" at will to make your shekels and boost your cred, then why can't you see what you want to see all the time? How come your little "remote view" toward financial crypto jew banking directed all 6 of you to something completely separate? Do you feel in control? Do you think you're in control? A true Man is in total control at all times regardless of the psychic imprint of the collective. He stands above it as does a true Woman. Just like those Galactic Federation types who have come to the conclusion they're just tuning into a pre-recorded message.

You're just seeing whats already happened, what will happen, and all the attempts to kumbaya your way out of this is fruitless. You're the same ones building bubbles of illusion inside the church on Silent Hill. When you know the real even without understanding but spend your life as a careful observer to what you know to be true it all comes into focus. They never lied to me no matter how much I spent trying to ignore the inevitable and live a full life. My feelings didn't mean a damn when what has to happen happens. I'd give everything to have my father with me in these times instead of trudging alone in the darkness but that's how it is. Remote viewers are just catching up to 25 years of dreams as far as I'm concerned and I wasn't in control of those either and don't pretend I was to make a quick buck.

If you really want to know how the story ends go beyond your comfort zone and beg to know the truth. I dare you.

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The jig is up, exposed at last. But it doesn't matter, because its my psychotic delusion, and I'm sticking to it.

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This is why I've always defended white nationalists who try to change the consciousness and culture of post WW2 society even though every now and then they do some stupid shit. This is what he JEW does and ALWAYS has done. Back you into a corner when they get an inkling of power and authority and then turn you into the devil while leaving emotional outbursts as the only option. Every intelligent General in world history always knows you leave your enemy the option to escape. This is why I have NO MERCY if their entire race got destroyed even if it included the noble ones. This world is a Greek fucking tragedy anyways. And the traitors who've facilitated this all with their sippy cup wine aficionado bourgeois ways. Aristocratic tools who've lost control and don't even realize it yet along with their fluffers in the middle class, the class of traitors and smeagle's.

Keep being delusional telling yourself a new world is coming and everything's going to get better. I enjoy sniffing my own farts too, but not others. The New World you're going to GET for your foolish ignorance is nothing that your imagination is trying to spawn artificially. Taste the snow and you'll find it's nothing more than ashes. It's time to take a bow and make an exit and like Goebbels said should they lose this warSLAM THE FUCKING DOOR ON THE WAY OUT and walk away to the screams seeping under the cracks of the door as the beast begins to devour them all. There is nothing to do in this place of nonsense anymore and all the good warriors have given all they could to stop the fools from digging their own grave.

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Haunebu technology


606 subscribers

43,325 views Oct 26, 2016

Escape Plan Y, Vengence Day Plan Z :


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How about if you in America get in your car you have the address and help this man who gave you all...How about it...What is the worst that can happen to you: you will drink a few beers and maybe have a barbecue...If I was in America I would do just that...but sadly I am not.

Saqe if yuo are reading this...How about somebody steals your song, your hard work and posts your songs on Human or Substack Like is nothing

just a normal day in the office....

Not one article on Human is worthy to be on The Sage of Quay's main page...

And I am not talking about me, Seraphin did not deserve to be posted but all these frauds are regularly posted as "people in the know"...really...

This man, Jack gave you all how about you return the favor if you are in America...I won't send money because I dont know where this money will end, and I dont want to feed the beast...

Thank you for the compliment, but I told you when all is set and done a long time ago you will get the attention that you deserve.

I dont run, I dont hide, my promise is steel...

All you mofos who think you run this world, you got another thing comming...you are scared little bitches and you should be...

Get in your car, withdraw some cash from your beloved ATM machine, and help Jack if you are in America...

This is what we are all supposed to do, help each other... especially those who understand who we really are....There a no coinsidences.

You know how it feels when you know you wrote something that can change the world and your thoughts are sandboxed immediately, immediately...It feels like somebody repeatedly punches you in the gut...

And yes I can not write about borders, Trump, Biden, even Kennedy, or all nonsense that is prevalent on Twitter or other "social" media...I just can't...

And yes this brings money, and attention but it is not worth your eternal Soul, it is a really bad trade-off...

Help those in need and help yourself in the process...

If just 20 people donate 150 $ I think the matter in question is solved here...But you need to do this in person, psychically...

Is this act of kindness that hard to do?

I rarely comment these days because I dont see the point...but maybe you should think about this idea...Acts not words.

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Jack, thank you for linking me to this rant! I don't bother with substack anymore even though I pay them. I only view the Human now.

The American Christians? My Hitler pal calls them "jewed" over Christians not like the Cathars of old that the "jewed" over church destroyed along with their writings, knowledge and culture as that film about the grail posted on your cousins site just felt wrong and it is a cheap shot taken by a jew. Further, it smears the memory of my father and my German ancestors and then the plagiarism of your work by jews. On the subject of money Jack, get a postal money order when you send money to Jack. If that money order gets stolen or lost our Jack can go to any post office and give the serial number to them and a new check will be issued. This service is backed up by the federal government and is safe and secure. So, postal money order, mailed to Jack then email Jack the serial number of said check to Jack and if said check is lost the postal service will issue a new check to Jack with the serial number canceling the lost or stolen check.

This will work. Guaranteed. Please do this folks if you send our Jack money.

Yes, the so called Christians are a cursed Jewish subversion. I hope your right Jack, hope there is a return and as the Hitler pal always says "its circling the drain".

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Seriously Jack, go to your local post office and tell them someone is stealing your mail. Make a stink. The Inspection Service can hold mail and open mail whilst conducting an investigation but always send it on. I suspect a third party stealing mail.

If your party mailed you something and you didn't receive it go complain. As explained above a postal money order will end these problems.

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Next suggestion, get a post office box at your local post office. In the mail stream I w won't bother explaining to you how the system works but theft is difficult however, with transient workers carrying mail the last mile could be an issue but Crossville TN? I rural TN? Who knows.

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However, on the nature of returns? The Bible is quite clear. Jesus is Lucifer. The bride? Is the Goddess of this world. And when the unification comes? You better look out as I was taught that the bride and the bridegroom were the ultimate end yet the supposed powers of this reality have other ideas.

True Christians believe that the bride and the groom will be together and then a new age of peace and harmony and love freely given and freely received will be the norm. But this world is circling the drain as my beloved Hitler pal pontificates.

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I mean the lack of support for this enterprise is a bit disheartening. Excuse me for being less than enthusiastic right now. Haven't seen a dime since the ouster from Patreon, put a lot of resources into it, mental, spiritual and coin. Since entering Germany at the end of the trip and being greeted by a supernatural storm of epic scale, I've been sidelined and unable to work nor focus. I also lost 50 thousand Euro in the month of September and counting. So go ahead and feel entitled

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