May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Just an observation Jack, Mr Kaminski is a great writter but he is an old unconnected old man that perhaps needs money to live as who doesn't? However, how does going over the details of perversion help the cause other than to be a distraction? We know as its quite obvious to even the most stupid of American moron that America is run by perverts.

That's a given but I think that the approach of Harry Vox might be better since he actually has an audience of folks that have the power to actually do something about our Jewish problem of that group that sets policy for the American Military.

The American government has been defeated and co opted but not the American people especially in the rural areas. Let them bring the fight to the rural areas as this is where we have the advantage however, that war is not yet kenitic but informational for the moral high ground for hearts and minds as this is the battlefield. So, how does Mr Kaminsk help me in by personal theater of our little war?

Right, let's use adernachrome as a talking point at that rural social gathering as if that will rally the troops for what's coming?

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I posted this on Substack nine, where I really only want to post Jack Heart material because I felt it was that important and Mike Kay got the next slot on the blog. First of all, Gaddy is career NSA, he knows what he's talking about, and John and I exchange a lot of emails, he knows what he's talking about too. They should have left the woman home, that stuff she was spouting about MK-Ultra was worthy of Kerry Cassidy. I won't write about Adrenochrome for just the reasons you stated. The closest I ever came was in Footprints of Evil: https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2014/12/27/the-footprints-of-evil/

On the half hour 9/11 tape police tried to bury they can be heard asking Shannan Gilbert if she had ever seen Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, a very thinly veiled reference to exactly what they were going to do to her. That was where Hunter Thompson first brought up Adrenochrome, the subject that got him killed. In the movie he says it is made from the adrenal glands of baby's, this is not entirely true, at Gilgo Beach they were using call girls. I know things for a fact that I cannot say, not because I am afraid to say. I think we've now established in this pecking order who is to be feared. But my own family is involved, and I will not carry tales of my family. Let John do it, he is fearless and unlike Thompson he doesn't know enough to get him killed. I'll tell you this much here that John doesn't even know; every upper-level law enforcement official is using it and helping to procure it. What the fuck do think turned them all into demons, or as Harry likes to say Nosferatu overnight Nine? One snort and you're a vampire, that's in a large part what you are looking at right now in DC, law enforcement, and the media. Or do you really still think any of this can be explained rationally?

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Absolutely disturbing Jack, and thanks for shooting straight, my cycling pals are having a hard time defining what a woman is and like Vox give me a group of rural guys and we will drink coors lite and cook brats. Country folks are salt of the earth and I have no clue how this will play out.

I am in for the duration or die trying.

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I love Harry too, listen to all his stuff, guys a certified genius, but he's just gonna keep touting the party line that Schlomo did it, that's cause the party all got castles in Scotland too, nevertheless when I need a second opinion I go to Harry, no one else...

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May 17, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Listened to the entire 911 call twice without being able to hear all that Pak and Brewer were saying, including any fear and loathing reference. Poor Shannan. It was clear that she knew it was not going to be anything like a regular night on the job. RIP

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It's probably been doctored JT; the scumbag cops were all in on it

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

While he is often a gripping writer, JK seems to be going over the edge here. When he starts talking about Biden's underground tunnel complex under his Ukraine estate I feel like I've entered Q territory. Didn't we get a similar story about US Army Delta team raiding the German servers after the stolen election? So where did that go?

Also, if Robert David Steele was an illuminati secret agent, why is Joachim Hagopian's writing all over Steele's PedoEmpire website? I feel like Hagopian is one of the good guys. Apparently Kaminski does too. Was Hagopian duped by RDS, or is he another double agent?

Can't we stick to things that are believable, like the US bioweapon labs all over Ukraine. And Rothschild bankers. It's hard to follow claims about ancient illuminati bloodlines.

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The Ukraine is known long before Maidan to have an extensive underground tunnel system JT, some even say it's an entry point to the hollow earth. As far as a Delta team raid the only thing, they are raiding is the cookie jar, posers or you wouldn't know a thing about them. The 101est takes care of things like that. Delta does photo opps. Robert David Steele? Who knows, Mr. Duff told me he took the money and a lot of it, he was murdered that's a safe bet, Sean Stone says by lethal injection. I never paid him much mind with that Trump worshiping Qtard nonsense he wrote why would I? I remember nine wanting to fight him, that's about it.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

I don't know much about Steele. Wikipedia says he died of Covid. Yeah, sure, whatever.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

The thing that really worries me today is the video of Naomi Wolf posted on LRC today. She was telling Steve Bannon that the purpose of our porous border is to allow young men to come in and be armed as a Trojan Horse army. Maybe she is gaslighting us but that doesn't seem like her. But then I thought Lin Wood and Sidney Powell were dependable too.

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They will fight against us JT, regardless of whether they are NATO regular army or not, they are fucking commies. That's why MS 13 is so hated by the powers that be, in El Salvador they were the Death Squads that killed commies and their family's in the middle of the night...

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May 13, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

That's interesting.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Jack Heart, Orage

Here in B.C, Canada our history doesn't go back very far and in fact, many places in the interior didn't even have white women until after the outbreak of WW1. Inter marriage has always been a thing here and racial progress went rather smoothly particularly off reserve until the grievance of the political correctness crowd took the center pulpit and the seeds of division were sown tearing at every group from within and without.

Before roads and bridges all children did not walk back and forth from school everyday and I don't doubt the natives got the worst treatment of all from the nuns who hated their lives and wanted everyone else to hate their lives too regardless of race. It pains me to see the crosses over the graves of the natives as this seems to be the symbol of being conquered in life and death. And it frustrates me that people don't see the church as a serial perpetrator of genocide who lays her sins on others.

I have natives in my family, and was once married to a Metis of the Red River Colony whose family suddenly regrets not supporting Louis Riel in favour of their general store along the railroad track. Being a grunt I have bled and sweat along the Highway of Tears as the Liberal Government performed their to be aborted inquiry into missing women along that long road. I could give you the inquiry in full. It was too painfully obvious. What was done to the natives here was so successful that they want to do it to everyone. Powerless, dependent, expendable.

The story of native graves is dangerous. It's dangerous because we are left to fill in the story. Have any graves been exhumed? Are there bodies in the earth or is this where tree stumps have been torn out? And the context. How did they die? These questions are never meant to be answered for a purpose.

‘We knew it was there’: Former B.C. chief says unmarked graves near Cranbrook need more context


Note that Sophie Pierre does not live in a gated mansion.

Have friends who grew up in Port Coquitlam and had the discomfort of finding themselves at the Pickton pig farm. Claim the official narrative is nonsense and an open lie.

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There are so many mysteries concealed in the wilds of Canada, the Sasquatch is just a starter kit. The Dine, who were my spiritual mentors, migrated down from British Columbia and share the Athabaskan language with native British Columbians. That's why Lynch set Twin Peaks on the Washington/BC border. Frost goes over it in his book about Twin Peaks. Portals open up there, Skinwalkers and such, these are powerful shaman, NASA is advised by the Dine, stealing that land in BC was ill advised, the consequences catastrophic and Canada is feeling them now...

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May 16, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Glad to see JK posted on VT Jack! Perhaps your team of writers verses Ian the lisping homo's writers? There is no question that blue controlled areas in America will go to gun confiscations after the latest nonsense in NY. Rural America and a Federal gun ban? That will mean kinetic war Jack.

Rural Virginia and Feds knocking on doors? And you know with some they will be over the top heavy handed and the hatred of those Feds will spread faster than covid.

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May 16, 2022Liked by Jack Heart

Speaking of VT, any Jack Heart team writer must be supported no matter what they write upon VT. That goes for us comment section writers also. Jack Heart writers are wielding our best weapons of fifth generational warfare and that war has most certainly come home to America Jack. JK being one of our very best. One of JK's best pieces is "The Hitler test" as that is one way to recruit men to our dear resistance. Read that piece again Jack as if that won't wake you up nothing will as our "official" .gov is so over the top out of control its gross funny.

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