Feb 4, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

The question everyone with bated breath is wanting to ask: What now? Flip the switch (emp) and see whose left standing? Part of me worries that everyone is infected. If that's the case its simply a matter to which humans are strong enough to fight it with more resistance than others.

Only one dream I had drowning in some dark substance and feeling my insides being flipped where whatever human control over the body was previously was now minor including thoughts. Full spectrum dominance and when it was removed I was in shock at what was done. We think we're in control, and thinking is half the problem. The lies we tell ourselves to sleep at night. Everything represented by the substance wasn't even close to how it felt.

Cool, calm, fearless intellect. Problems arose problems got smashed without regard like an architect. Innocent matter only as far as their usefulness to a bigger plan. Dance with devils and monsters alike sliding on the dance floor in their own blood slitting their throats. Emotionless, but beyond powerful. It got shit done. That dream state was one I never forgot that always haunted me. When it was over I was left in a shell-shocked stupor with full memory of what was done without the awareness.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Hi Jack,

Won't give Amazon Prime one prime nickle.

Going to the used record store to find a DVD/Blueray of Phantoms.

Already know about the Black goo as I see the infected all around me.

Bet the Joos bought them all up. LOL

Fuck Amazon.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Phantoms the Movie? Look around its all around you.

Should I tell you about my outing today in Lake Geneva Wisconsin?

At an out door snow sculpture competition?

And the retards from Chicago wearing masks? Outside? Putting them on Children?

Me at the local Starbucks talking very loudly amoungst the Chitown crowd about your vaxxine and how you can go fuck your vaxxine.

Not one zoombie said a word.

Fuck your vaxxine.

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I don't blame you nine, Amazon is perhaps the vilest corporate institution in America and that certainly is saying something in a country that has become a global disease due to its corporate institutions.

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I will listen later but shared the podcast...I need to hear this under the cover of the night....right now it is too loud around me.

Have a great Sunday, cheers.

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It's nothing HP, just like Seraphim said; something we missed because we weren't yet ready for it 25 years ago. Your new post kicks ass, especially that brand new concave earth video!

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That's scary when you remind me the 90s were over 20 years ago!

They still feel like only yesterday.

And I concur with you Jack, that concave earth video is a masterpiece, nice catch HP.

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Thank you, I could add 10 or more lines, but sometimes less is more...

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Thanks for sharing Jack, begs the question what else has passed us by, particulalry from the 90s, that could do with a re-examination in the cold light of the 2020's...

Ohh how I miss blockbusters.

So many films seem to have disappeared since we could no longer go rummaging through stock bins in the local home cinema outlet...

Amazon Prime, Netflix and the lot have greatly cut down the viewing pleasure of the masses since their conquest over blockbusters and the independant video stores.

Looks like I know what I'm watching tonight...

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Hollywood's gonna go on strike if we all don't take the shot. This would be the best thing that could happen to the West other than Jennifer Aniston setting herself on fire like the Buddhist monks protesting the Vietnam War. I would also like to see Gene Simmons set himself on fire but obviously that despicable Jew is too greasy to burn. It would be extremely dangerous to burn Sean Penn, he could conceivably explode due to all the residual drugs in his system releasing a plague of STD's he acquired courtesy of Madonna on the entire world.


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Loving that clip...

And ha ha, 'hollowood' is the foundation of American culture, what arrogance from a talentless bunch of bottom feeders who's combine IQ couldn't pass a primary school exam.

I'm with you Jack, self immolation, or any immolation for that matter would do the world a favour!

Perhaps thats the option...

At the next celebrity back slapping gala, when they're all licking so deep from each others arses that they make the human centipede look normal, we wheel in a doused and rigged Sean Penn to blow the lot sky high.

Maybe mankind would get some peace from their incessant drivel.

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The arrogance of these hive mind caricatures of humans is so off the chart it’s comical. Please go on strike permanently and in your spare time take a flamethrower to all that is Hollywood.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by Jack Heart

Interesting, I've been wanting to see it for a while too.

I will add a TV series that is not mentionned in this context: Westworld.

It is a big production with a perfectly mastered narrative.

Here is the synopsis of the first season: In the 2050s, Delos Inc. operates several theme parks, including Westworld, based on the American Wild West. Each environment is populated by "Hosts", biomechanical robots indistinguishable from humans. The Hosts are programmed to satisfy the visitors' every desire and engage in - and are subjected to - all manner of violent and/or sexual activities. However, the hosts' programming prevents them from harming any living thing or allowing visitors to be hurt. Park operators create narratives for the hosts to perform during their interactions with visitors, but the hosts' memories are erased after each narrative.

Season 2 evokes the clichéd theme of the robot rebellion and Delos has secretly been recording all the human guests' behavior in order to create algorithms for them as part of a human immortality experiment.

Season 3 explores a dystopian human world run by an artificial intelligence (Rehoboam - "The one who enlarges the people" in Hebrew, which is rather appropriate...) from the company Incite that controls every aspect of people's lives.

Aside from the blurring between humans and robots, the theme of black goo is used in the 4 and final season. The goo - in the form of a virus spread by flies - is used by the robotic elite to reverse the control that humans had over them. Humanity becomes a playground for these robots to "transcend" and gain individuality.

Here is the synospsis of this season:

Two decades later, Christina, a woman resembling Dolores who works at Olympiad Entertainment writing non-playable character (NPC) storylines and backstories, gradually begins to question the nature of her reality after she realizes that it appears her stories are somehow translating to the lives of people in the real world. In actuality, she is a program created by Charlotte to manage a largely docile humanity, with the hosts now controlling and managing their lives through carefully detailed and manufactured "storylines", which are transmitted directly to the minds and lives of humans through a series of radio-sonic transmission "tones" in organized metropolitan areas across the world. Humans now act out the storylines set by hosts.


But :


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Use DuckDuck Go (GOO?!?) Joke, if you don't link probably won't work, and if you have VPN use it, but is not a necessity.VPN is for popups and reduces them by at least 50%. or even 100 % depending on your VPN.

FREE for those who don't want to mess with Amazon.....

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Just in case....probably not needed but here it is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_4oNzXo48g

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