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Feb 3, 2023
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Jung would write the forward, the only time he ever did that for anyone, for- Serrano’s book The Visits from the Queen of Sheba, first published in 1960. After initially reading the book, Jung remarked to Serrano “if you ever have the luck to meet this queen, do not make the mistake of marrying her. That Queen is for love, not for marriage...” (64) Inexplicably Jung then added without explaining “only the poets will understand me...” (65)


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Rock songs are full of references to meeting her, my favorite being the Beatles


And for Tara we have Country Joes entry


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Reminds me of when I was alone in my own virtual barbie and ken dollhouse growing up and every now and then I'd catch something out the corner of my eye playing with my toys a giant eyeball staring inside before swiftly moving on.

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I was always drawn to Zagreb, and after I have seen what I have seen I know the reason why far too well...As a young boy I never understood why NDH- Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945) was invited to NS Germany, now all makes perfect sense..."Interesting name"- MARIJA it is not MARIA-MARY.

MARY-ARMY or Slavic MARIJA-ARMIJA same thing, how about them apples:D

Marija Oršić-Name and last name.

Famous slogan-"Niemand bleibt hier"-it is not meant for the past but the future...but you must be worthy a perfect knight.

I forgot to tell you last time, love your writings, Thank you.

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Incredible l'aryensoufi. You are dead on about the innocence and honesty aspect to it along with speaking with no forethought as most pre-thought conclusions are either a lie or directly tied to an emotional bias. As an adult we lose most of that and spent my entire life trying to regain. I've told myself many times there is no reason to lie even small ones despite we tell ourselves we must lie to survive in this world. Perhaps its true or we make it so or perhaps that's where the corruption begins losing trust in destiny altogether if we stayed true. The lie most likely spawns from the deepest carnal fears. Being alone, fighting the world, or pain and suffering. It's still a beautiful lie we tell ourselves to sleep at night. It's not that hard to provoke the truth and to be yourself as a child it takes time to mold them into the adult game of noble lies teaching them how to dance in the masquerade.

Lot of strange things happened then and as if watching my whole life flash before my eyes before knowing it to even happen I was dead tired wandering what the whole point of it was for. Trying to make this lie of a reality heaven, watching it be destroyed, going mad in return, weaker and exhausted to a point of uselessness I internally gave up even though I was warned all this would happen before starting. It was only then when my insides became soup did the lights that I knew dim sitting next to my space heater as a child that I was approached from within the darkness that surrounded me. Very intimidating like that at a nervous state a child might think they're about to be disciplined. Expecting a beating for something or another I looked down and away but from within I was boldy told to look at her in her eyes and once doing so like a tractor beam it became impossible to do otherwise.

Everything went weird like a steel pipe hit me in a full body funny bone sensation that standing felt impossible until I let go. That's when I shed the false body and stood naked in front of her embarrassed but true. Trying to be the old shelf was incredibly difficult and it felt more humiliating to even try lying or pretending even about the most basest of things we do daily. I don't remember how the conversation went but it must've went decent as I saw myself still staring at this dark haired beauty physically while talking to her standing right next to my body. It was a moment I wished to last forever and somehow knew it couldn't, but it was enough to give me the ability to live out this dream. One moment had the power to do that and make you go through whatever was necessary and then some. When Jeffrey Daugherty did an interview with John Lamb Lash on Sophia a year ago I remembered what I always knew but life just had me forget. I still remember that blushing of hers and could feel its warm vortexes in my own cheeks.

My only question is whether it was in the past or the future. I still can't remember perhaps because just seeing it once is still not good enough.

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Feb 3, 2023
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You would think right? Especially since every word of it like anything I write about myself is backed up by municipal records and eyewitnesses. The fact that I am not a household name goes to show the control the faggot squad exercise over the media.

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I had a spastic moment of laughing to myself when you mentioned how you were in your own reality on the beach. For some reason I couldn't help but think of the Mighty Morphin(e) Power Rangers lol. Traversing realities to unite and create a Megazord as if you're Jet Li from "The One" traversing dimensions and killing his parallel selves growing stronger with each one he defeats.

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LOST: Jacob gives a bottle to his brother, it is not a representation of Man in black as Yt title says, and the meaning of the bottle is more than obvious, it is not full...He is the

current keeper of the Lightouse-House of light... Lighthouse signals tell ships on the Sea to avoid the shores or how and where to make the approach.

They are "Lost" on the Island....wink, wink...after the plane crash...with an assembled consortium of minds I highly recommend that you take a peak(TWIN-PEeK-s) into this show...

Revelations-disclosure-Twin Peaks for the LOST at SEA...

peek through

1. To peer, glimpse, or glance through (something) quickly, shyly, or inconspicuously.

Maybe I should write about this, but I rather read you, fine people, I always prefer to read somebody else, than me...

Like David Bowie, "Sting" is always there but he is more in the shadow not as exposed as David Bowie.

Message in the bottle-Sting

Just a castaway

An island lost at sea

Another lonely day

With no one here but me

More loneliness

Than any man could bear

Rescue me before I fall into despair

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle

A year has passed since I wrote my note

But I should have known this right from the start

Only hope can keep us together

Love can mend your life

But love can break your heart

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle

Walked out this morning

Don't believe what I saw

A hundred billion bottles

Washed up on the shore

Seems I'm not alone at being alone

A hundred billion castaways

Looking for a home

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle

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My observation? These wave maden`s are phisical manifestations of the wave function which is the Spirit of the creation.

Jung said it best that these magical women are not nor ever will be wives. Real physical women are to be wives to live in peace and harmony with.

These women are part of the creation proving beyond our 5 senses that the world is a frequency and not seen by those 5 senses yet that world is more powerful than the world seen.

The black goo? It's here for a reason to force a choice.

The Church refers to it as original Sin.

Every heart on this planet will be given a choice to accept the goo or to live by Spirit!

Spirit is true its like a wave on an open boat and to live by that Spirit is to ride that wave in that boat to where it carries you.

Spirit is like a great Ark or a man leading a people across a great body of water in the belly of the wave or at the waves bottom crossing on dry land.

Said this as he walked on water on top of the wave

Follow me

A fine example of that Spirit led life

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The black goo? It appears to me to be super concentrated evil and a remnant here are immune to it here on this plain.

The infected like our elite seem immune to facts and reason as its beyond service to the goo as it's more like that they are a human physical manifestation of the goo being pure concentrated evil.

The infected as the infection takes hold will get more evil by the day the way I see it however, a remnant will survive the cycle just like the fossil record indicates. Buildings and tablets and structures from our past that we have no clue what they were for?

The Dogan Jack? As the dwarf star and our sun transition through the toroidal black hole and change places to a new world there must be a cleansing process in the transition as how can such evil be allowed to continue?

Just what I see.

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John Von Newman? Jewish arrogance personified. He thinks that he is above the creator? Like that other Jew Oppenheimer who said that he was the destroyer of worlds.

This world that Von Newman created is just one small place in the cosmos and perhaps a prison self created to house Jewish arrogance which in reality is the black goo.

The American .gov serves the black goo since it is run by jews and their arrogance.

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Classic Jack Heart.

BTW, Jack check your email for my latest piece.


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I don't have anything Mike, mail it to jackheart@jackheart.org

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Ok, did so. Let me know if it made it there.


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It's all set with illustrations, I'll post at noon Mike to give it some room from my cross post of HP's piece

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