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“The location looks magnificent and very well found.

I hope Joe will help you well in France, otherwise don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.

I intend to help you in my absence and to do this, I am currently buying 2 books about the Polars:

"La Fraternité des Polaires" by Richard Kaczynski

"In the Wake of the Astral Force: LA FRATERNITÉ DES POLAIRES" by Milko Bogard

I'll be sure to let you know if there are any mentions of specific aspects of your trip.

I also have a proposition for you:

It involves making available to you, and to your paying readers, a personal translation - part by part - of the book I mentioned to you, namely "La chevalerie amoureuse - Troubadours, félibres et rose-croix" (Loving chivalry - Troubadours, félibres and rose-croix).

The book includes the original manuscript as well as a commentary - dedicated to Otto Rahn, by the way - but this translation will initially include only the manuscript because of the great complexity and length of this work, which I know you will appreciate.

The manuscript comprises 108 paragraphs, which I will provide in 9 parts of §12.

Here are the first 12 paragraphs :


This work will be an excellent opportunity for you to delve more deeply into the Provençal sources of Otto Rahn's story in his Lucifer's Court (he didn't talk to just anyone in his book, even if he claimed to) in parallel with your journey, but also for your readers to accompany you by having exclusive publications found nowhere else in this language, which I undertake to provide you with every day or two if I can.

I know that you have a lot to do and that it will take you some time, but I'll let you judge this proposal for yourself by taking the time to read it.

Wishing you all the best for your stay.”


La Chevalerie Amoureuse - Pierre Dujols de Valois - §1-12.docx
  1. The back cover presents the manuscript as follows:In the early 1920s, two of the greatest Hermetists of our time, Jacques-Émile Émeritand Henri Coton-Alvart, met at Pierre Dujols' house. This erudite bookseller, in whomsome contemporary authors thought they recognised Fulcanelli, taught them thefundamentals of Hermetism.J-E. Émerit was a doctor, H. Coton-Alvart a chemist. Their friendship lasted untilÉmerit's death.Pierre Dujols entrusted Jacques-Émile Émerit with one of the two manuscripts he hadwritten on chivalry. This little masterpiece examines the secret links that, from thetroubadours to the cathedral builders and from the Templars to the Cathars, are atthe origin ofa sacred language. This language, known to initiates as the 'languageof birds', draws its conceptual inspiration from the most ancient sources of Greece,Egypt and, beyond that, the Orient of the Magi, which witnessed the birth of pureLight: Christ-Hermes, whose power, the key to perfect gnosis, radiates to the heart ofthe three worlds.

  2. La Chevalerie AmoureuseTroubadours,Félibresand RosicruciansText by Pierre Dujols de Valois§1.Saint Estelle, patron saint of the Félibres, was celebrated in the year of grace 1923 amidextraordinary effervescence. The whole Midi endiablé-daemon meridianus-was in turmoil, and itsfever is far from subsiding. The cause of this excitement is not trivial: At a time when, perhaps wrongly,the supreme battle was being fought "that will deliver us from the Greeks and Romans", the Félibresintervened in the struggle for the introduction of Provençal to the curriculum of classical studies, thelanguage of the gods according to Mistral, the language of the Temple according to the wise author ofPoliphilo's Dream, the 'esotica lingua', the language of love condemned by Pope Innocent IV, andfinally, shall we say, the 'starry language',stellata, or of the mesh, of the pillowcase, of Maia-Flore, theCanicule, subtly called the Morning Star or the Dog,apatê, falsehood, in other words the Cynic languageor the language of dogs: languedocien, an obscene equivocation of cunnilingus.§ 2.These impetuous claims bring back into the present day a point of history that has never beenproperly elucidated. Why did the Holy See prohibit this regional dialect, which sounds like a song and isspoken from the Spanish marches to the state borders? The pontificate has never openly explained itsreasons, but we thinkit had good reasons.§ 3.The language of love outlawed by Rome was not common Provençal per se, but literary Provençalfellebris, saphiste or lesbian. It was anathema, not because of its obscenity, but for its philosophicalperversity, fromanathemas, thesubversion of discourse, for saphiste is only a variant of sophiste.§ 4.The beautiful poetess of Lesbos, who sang of love, as well as the Lesbians, to whom unnaturalmorals have been attributed, are only a myth taken literally, under which the impure language isconcealed only from the philosophical point of view, the "stuffed tongue" or covered tongue. Chafourer(������������), for saphourer (������������), means to disfigure, to write in the language of a grimoire or grime. For example,Sapho'sLeucados-Skarismosis nothing but a make-up oflêkatos-kharismos, the amorous tongue–lafleurette (������������for little flower)-the joc (or game of licking). The same is true of the trybade, now troubadeor troubadour, from the Greektribôneuomai, who has oblique, false manners, who minces whilespeaking, who does her Sophie, for Saphie, does the mine, the minette (������������for pussy), gives the change,hence the Germanic minne-saengers, or minne-singers, and our minstrels, now ménestrels. GuillaumeCoquillart, a fifteenth-centuryerotic poet and enthusiast of the courts of love, had a similar view:“Tant de propos, tant de minettes ("So much chatter, so many minettes)Et tant de façons sadinettes“ (And so many sadinette ways").he said. The couplet also shows that literary sadism has nothing in common with certain pathologicalresonances.§ 5.This idiom was also called "lèche"(������������for lick), i.e. trap, because it had to be understoodanathematically. The Hebrew"lechor", "leuchor", "lechar"means upside down, which earned those whoused it the reputation of inverts. In our vocabulary, "to lick" means "to deceive"; a licker is a liar, aperfidious person, and an ass-kisser is a deceiver. The Greeklekheintranslates as "to speakemphatically", and emphases comes fromen-phasis, "the word within". Licking' was the slang, the Gothic,Commented [RF1]:This word was borrowed by theProvençal poet Frédéric Mistral in 1854 from a popularstory: Les septs Félibres de la loi. It originally referred to theseven founders of Félibrige: J. Roumanille, F. Mistral, A.Mathieu, Th. Aubanel, J. Brunel, A. Tavan and P. Giera. Theaim of this movement was to restore Provence to itsformersplendour, in particular through a creative revival of the Oclanguage and literature.

  3. goetic art, the language of the boat, of the Argonauts, who gave it as its attribute a flag, or drapery, called'beaucent' frombuos-ain, the 'veiled word', which later became the banner of the Knights Templar calledBeauséant, 'the beautiful backside', the beautiful reverse side of the truth; the Moon or the false lightmakes her up, Magali, Mistral's beloved, who takes on all forms in order to hide, like Proteus,Prôktos,'the anus',makh-kale(readmakali, e pronounced i), 'the counter-saying',môkh-kale, 'the sought-afterlidiom', and that is why the Provençals have been nicknamed the Mokos, or mockers.§ 6.The "lèche", still written "laiche", was the "laïche", " laïque "(������������for lay/laic), fromlaikhas, "prostitute",the language of Venus, of courtesans, of courts of love, of pagan rites. It was the opposite, thecontradiction of the sacred or holy language of the Church. Her symbol was the shameless VenusorAnadyomene, which, for the initiated, never meant "coming out of the sea", but, by a play on words, wasreadana-dinomen, "which turns upside down". This is Flora, of whom Lactantius speaks,Fluara, "thedeceiver", the queen-prostitute of apocalyptic Babylon, the Babilloness who holds the cup of iniquity,iniquitas, the equivocation ofain-nuktas, "the obscure word" personified in Sapho, in GreekSapphô, forsaprô, "the corrupt word", just as Lesbos is forles-buos, "the closed word".§ 7.The primitiveFélibres, who should not be confused with the primary Félibres, were thereforeSophists, Lesbians, because the Latinfellibris, likefellator, figuratively designates a licker, someone whouses enamelled, flowery terms, diverted from their normal meaning,in other words a "tropique", atribade or troubadour. Achellini, a disciple of the initiate poet Marini, nicknamed the Chevalier,restored the word "lesbian" to its true literary meaning in his famous and misunderstood madrigalJe voismon lesbin avec sesfleurs (I see my lesbin with her flowers). In it, the lesbian is clearly identified withthe flower lover.§ 8. The voluptuousness (voluptas) of amorous chivalry was not only the volute (voluta), the rolling upon oneself, the art of evasion (elusio), thegame, the juggling, the illusion, the Hindu Maia, the Greekmageia, the concealment orforeia, the feria, the enchantment and, in a definitive word, the arcane of theEleusinian Mysteries, the mystification. According to Epicurus, Seneca, Stobaeus and otherphilosophers, voluptuousness is continence and prudence, in other words, the observance of secrecy.§ 9. Provençal lent itself with particular flexibility to these mimalies or bacchanals. Formed from Greek,Latin, Hebrew and Arabic, it is reminiscent ofthat singular Alexandrian dialect mentioned as a mixtureof expressions borrowed from various foreign languages. Could there be some hidden connectionbetween the two? Alexandria isa-lex-anthereia, the 'floral lexicon',a-lex enthereiais the 'word within'.The school of Alexandria must be understood in a broad sense, as a generalised system, and notlocalised to the city of Alexandria. In any case, one thing is certain. If Alexandria was the cradle ofGnosis, Provence, in the Middle Ages, became its complete flowering with the Jeux Floraux(FloralGames)linked to the Platonic Academy of Florence, governed by the noble caste of the Albizzi-let usremember that name.§ 10. A completely unforeseen event recently drew attention to these mystagogical formswhich,according to Villemain,"spread enthusiasm better than science". It is the question of pseudo-Tacitus, inwhich Virgil himself was not spared. Competent academics, Rosse in England and Hochart in France,have discovered with acute sagacity that theAnnals and Historiesof Rome's greatest chronologist arenothing more than ancient forgeries due to the deft and facetious pen of the Pogge, the author of aFlorentine Historywith a savoury undertone. This learned humanist is said to have composed them"modo pocandi", as an exercise in rhetoric. Now, Poggio Braciolini was a well-known member of thePlatonic Academy, and if it was not he, it was certainly one of his elder brothers who graced us withthese apocryphal proses, the authenticity of which it seems could not be suspected without committingsacrilege. This adventure brings to mind the words of Cicero-whose famous harangues, according to areceived scholastic opinion, were never uttered: "litterae humanitatis sale sparsae", a letter-or text-imbued with a piquant grace.

  4. § 11 The writings of the humanists are full of surprises. What is a humanist? Convention has it that ahumanist is a man versed in the knowledge of ancient languages, which is superficially correct. But thiskind word conceals, beneath a smile, the finest irony. A humanist, from the Latinhumanus, is not only apoliceman, but also a politician:umên-istêsis also a singer of love, a trouvère. The links betweentroubadourism and Platonism are undeniable. The Greekplastônikoscharacterises an inventor, a finder(trouvère)and a mystifier. Platonic love is therefore one and the same with chivalric love, namelyjobelin, fromkobalein, "to deceive" or "deception". Love,emmor(readamor), frommenuô, isenvelopment, seduction.“Qui ne sait celer*ne sait aimer” ("Whoever does not know how tosealdoesnot know how to love"), say the Arrests d'amour.*������������to hide something from someone, to keep it secret; to hush up§ 12. The Platonic Academy was set up to spreada charming, magical but illusory form of truth. Plato'sname, chosen on purpose, covered a vast enterprise of literary deception that came to be known as theJeux Floraux, a revival of the Greek Anthestéries, fromanthos-aioerêsis, "the burning flowers", rhetoric,which hides a concrete meaning beneath an apparent meaning. This is why the Athenians called anysupposed author of booksplastôgraphos, "Platonic literature". In our country, 'platinum' is the badlanguage that spreads lies.Plagatonis a wanderer(������������errant)anda deceiver (������������erroneur), and let us add-the fact is important, as we shall soon see-that the Latin platus applies to a kind of heron, a knightbird