The Expose' UK has been stalwart in their accurate reportage of the Covidian disorder. Yet, if we were honest, nothing here is really all that novel. Stratospheric spraying has been ongoing since the mid 1990s. It also was too much of a shock to the average person, and still is, to admit that anything is happening "up there". I honestly …
The Expose' UK has been stalwart in their accurate reportage of the Covidian disorder. Yet, if we were honest, nothing here is really all that novel. Stratospheric spraying has been ongoing since the mid 1990s. It also was too much of a shock to the average person, and still is, to admit that anything is happening "up there". I honestly observed people confronted with the inescapable fact that they were being sprayed like lab rats, completely shut down, as in stunned silence until they could grasp for some mundane topic to act as their life preserver.
Government murder campaigns, aided and abetted by the industry oligarchy hides behind, have been rolled out for decades. If there is anything new here, then it is the brazen deployment of mass murder on a near global scale.
If Schlomo doesn't squash the deal I'm gonna need you to prove Christianity is a schism of Gnosticism not the other way around as Schlomo desperately needs Christians to believe, I sent you something through my jackheart email, let me know on writing heart if you didn't get it
I sent you an email that uses fact to illustrate the natural reality that Gnosticism is far older than Christianity, including the true origin of their Jesus.
Appolonius was indeed an exceptional man, Andrew. In the words of a genuine mystic, once one achieves a certain level of understanding, the devils and demons rise up to challenge this. The genius of the abrahamics is to be that devil whilst deceiving everyone into thinking they are the saintly. Most of the overt record is written by those devils in disguise, but truth is available for those who read the deeper message.
The Expose' UK has been stalwart in their accurate reportage of the Covidian disorder. Yet, if we were honest, nothing here is really all that novel. Stratospheric spraying has been ongoing since the mid 1990s. It also was too much of a shock to the average person, and still is, to admit that anything is happening "up there". I honestly observed people confronted with the inescapable fact that they were being sprayed like lab rats, completely shut down, as in stunned silence until they could grasp for some mundane topic to act as their life preserver.
Government murder campaigns, aided and abetted by the industry oligarchy hides behind, have been rolled out for decades. If there is anything new here, then it is the brazen deployment of mass murder on a near global scale.
If Schlomo doesn't squash the deal I'm gonna need you to prove Christianity is a schism of Gnosticism not the other way around as Schlomo desperately needs Christians to believe, I sent you something through my jackheart email, let me know on writing heart if you didn't get it
I sent you an email that uses fact to illustrate the natural reality that Gnosticism is far older than Christianity, including the true origin of their Jesus.
Christian Jesus.
Or some dude called apollonius of tyanna
Good one George.
Few know about this, yet apparently you do.
Appollonius of Tyre
Issa the Kashmiri
Judas Krestos
Justus of Tiberia
All these men made into a craven image of divinity; utmost mockery by those 'Jews'.
Appolonius was indeed an exceptional man, Andrew. In the words of a genuine mystic, once one achieves a certain level of understanding, the devils and demons rise up to challenge this. The genius of the abrahamics is to be that devil whilst deceiving everyone into thinking they are the saintly. Most of the overt record is written by those devils in disguise, but truth is available for those who read the deeper message.