Where were you yesterday when both I and John Allen were attacked by a Hasbara hit squad in the VT comment sections, I couldn't say what I really wanted to say about Schlomo and found myself thinking I wish Heretic was here, LOL.
Where were you yesterday when both I and John Allen were attacked by a Hasbara hit squad in the VT comment sections, I couldn't say what I really wanted to say about Schlomo and found myself thinking I wish Heretic was here, LOL.
Jack, VT pushed the vaxx and for that I dispise them with a passion and may God direct the spike protein to clog their despicable arteries and may a stroke end their days early.
My apologies Jack, I haven't commented on VT in a very long time because of that Nancy-Boy asshole Ian Greenhalgh. I have to acclimate myself to the fact that when it is you or one of yours on there, you are in control.
Where were you yesterday when both I and John Allen were attacked by a Hasbara hit squad in the VT comment sections, I couldn't say what I really wanted to say about Schlomo and found myself thinking I wish Heretic was here, LOL.
Jack, VT pushed the vaxx and for that I dispise them with a passion and may God direct the spike protein to clog their despicable arteries and may a stroke end their days early.
My apologies Jack, I haven't commented on VT in a very long time because of that Nancy-Boy asshole Ian Greenhalgh. I have to acclimate myself to the fact that when it is you or one of yours on there, you are in control.
Actually, I don't even control Mike or Johns comment sections, only my own but that may soon change