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Jul 24, 2022
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No, I blame it on cowards, in America we have something called a second amendment, read it. We are obligated to overthrow this illegal government by force of arms, that's why there are hundreds of millions of military grade weapons floating around here. We did not live up to our responsibility as citizens and now you, as in you, are responsible for your outlaw government, that's the way their gonna see it when the ICBM's start flying

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Will the ICBM`s actually work as advertised or will they be on some ley line and an Israeli embassy?

Blame it on first the media and now add the vaxxines with a side dish of public schools.

No one notices all the dead and dying from vaxxines?

All the Russians have to do is what their doing Jack and perhaps Biden will send the woke, vaxxed military, to Ukraine since they won't be here to stop our little party no matter how fun it would be to shoot a green haired woke confused vaxxed freek.

The good news? Plenty of ammo and guns in the basements of the vaxxed tRumptards.

The libtards? Will be in line for vaxx number 5 along with a bunch of tRumptards.

This is all going to come crashing down around them like the Georgia Guidestones Jack.

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I got the memo from the NSA. It was on TV and no investigation with the grand opp with duck and cover from our media?

What stones? Lookie over here nothing to see here please move along.

Will the normies eventually figure it out that the government lied about our dearest jabs?

Best not to have a reminder of population reduction posted on a 40 foot stone monument.

It's a done deal Jack, best to lay low and watch the show.

Popcorn and beer.

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One more observation Jack, perhaps you noticed the total stand down of the Feds in regards to a major detonation of a bomb that took down a 40 foot stone monument?

A demonstration of real power here Jack and please pay attention as Gordon Duff was so fond of saying.

Then before any investigation could be conducted heavy equipment rips the rest down?

The time now is to prepare for our time in the future not to fight a losing suicidal battle.

Just an observation.

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Just one more observation, as Albert Bourla of Fizer, says we shall rebuild those stones.

Will he?

He says in 6 months and 6 days and 6 minutes said stones will be back up.

666 you know Jack.

Said so on the internet.

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Here you go nine your boy from my boys on the Vaxx and dead doctors https://www.bitchute.com/video/4knK7nzcrbPe/

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I can tell you that here in Russia we are done with the West. At least for a few generations, you've crossed some lines you should not have crossed.

Yes, yes, it's not you personally, but it's your representative leadership.

I just don't see us being friends. I hope we don't become enemies.

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If it was up to me, I would have fought to the death rather than let this freak show in DC and the media that serves it take one more breath, I am sorry Nikolai that there are not enough like me, as I have said from the start God himself fights at your side, you don't need me to tell you good luck...

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Don't apologize for the masses Nikolai. Only a liberal fee-fee victimhood woe is me side show can not understand the very concept that there is no such thing as guilt-free inaction as the retards in the 1920's couldn't understand Hitlers mocking of Switzerland being this phony as a $3 bill "neutral" state. There's no such thing as neutrality and there's no escape from your choices.

Inaction is action by other means. You aren't neutral you're making an active choice and neither are you guilt-free for not stabbing a person by watching, but doing nothing not even calling the authorities is by legal definition guilt by association and people have been arrested for doing nothing. Not so much these days in the cell phone camera era of filming a little girl get beat by a grown man while dozens of men sit around like cuckholds saving the video for later that night than do something.

No. Excuse time is over for the American public as a whole.

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I believe how Russia feels about the West is how the upright and producing Westerner feels about his own useless and perverted compatriots.

Western gangrene requires amputation.

This is going to hurt.

That being said, a song between brothers,


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Imagine, speaking for the masses.

While I don't argue on the point of reasons for this war in the Ukraine.

Whatever the true powers and agenda, western puppets, media and sing-longs are clearly wrong.

As someone with a certain perspective on history and fighting, I'd like to pay respect to the Russian soldiers and the notion of safeguarding the nation, and a huge credit for intervening with this special military operations. I consider some aspects of the intervention legit. The fighting, whatever the motivation, is difficult and dangerous.

On the other hand. Russians are as much hostages of history as the people in the West.

With hardly any control of the bigger picture or the narrative thereof.

A special case, Ukraine/incl.break away republics, caught in between/in the middle.

It amazes me, how super-ultra-nationalist in the Ukraine (and I'm unclear on their numbers as a whole, compared to the general Ukrainian people) are being the tools of globalists and traitor-puppet(player)s from within.

Nowhere do I read or hear of Nazi wannabees or other nationalists and Ukraine supporters (that are otherwise quite vocal and visible in glorifying certain old Nazi maxims and symbols) on the strange and contradicting anti-Nazi and also anti-nationalists whole-sale of Ukraine and Ukrainian blood to (refering to an old nazi phrase) ..parasites.

Whatever the finer details on Bandera and banderists, there was a Nazi , Ukrainian Nazi Supporters and Ukrainian Nationalist overlap back then.

In regard to the old Nazi's its simple, much went bad 'it is known', good intentions and goals aside, and for that time and reasoning quite within the justifiable framework. Ah! Well, it is known? It helps if you are less burdened by eternal German guilt, of horrendous Nazi crimes. Which are for the better part false, lies and total fabrications.

And even when that's not the case (or; either way) Ukrainian nazi?-wannabees and nationalists do absolutely not reflect core beliefs and convictions of the old Nazi's, other than being pro own-country and wanting to be a strong opponent to imagined threats, i.e Russia.

Which is quite understandable considering an older Russian part of history, but I really don't understand that very well for the Russia of today.

It being played out as; Russia goes for security and autonomy, Ukraine shifts to globalists.

Either way, in the past supposed jew-free-mason-puppetmasters wrecked Russia, Ukraine and Nazi Germany, and as victors promoted lies very easily after the Great Patriotic War. East and West.

Then the Cold War ended, again some puppet players and oligarchs wrecked havoc. And then Putin seemed to help Russia back on its feet.

Whereas Ukraine was sold and bought and helped to the state it was at the time, with the break away republics/civil war.

And now this, this meat-grinder intensified and global agenda excuse providing state of business

Clearly I don't mind true Nazi-apologists or -worshipers, but I don't understand the Ukrainian-nazi? absurdity. The power of the lies and distortion!?

Also, and hugely not in favor of Putin and Russia, are the nazi-defamation laws, rightly so, it was a huge struggle of the Russian people back then but ultimately they were not the good guys when comparing the regime, it's leaders, it's politics and it's crimes, with the ones of the old German people.

That Russia is supposedly not this Russia, although I understand the difficulty of coming to grips with it's past.

Me believing Russia today has a fair point in safeguarding against globalists, the nazi-Nazi mix up bothers me.

Russia today, being different than the global-sozi Russia before, now, similiar in part on old Nazi justification, against global-nazi/sozi and bizar ukr.nazi's, while still under old Nazi-distortion!?

(I see how a threat remains a threat, whether Nazi or nazi?, but these Nazi-lies are a part of the super-foundation on which the globalists build back better)

Meanwhile Ukrainians, nazi?-stereotyped, get wrecked, and! old jew stereotypes seem to run the show, bonkers!

Amazing. People in Ukraine must have been asleep, just as the people in the West, or they have, likewise, just as much to say in all important matters; nothing.

No great wonder why Russia, and Russian outlets are silent on certain historic aspects of events.

Some be-wonderment on Ukraine and the chain of events, considering them being pro-Ukraine.

To bad Ukraine couldn't settle with the break away republics, or in the past eight years, while having a big army, end the civil war swift, but resorted to a drawn out conflict, that heated up immensely, with no certain future.

Maybe, because we are all being played. Ukrainians the most of all.

In my believes, I am an outcast in the West, and an outcast in the East. That's fine.

(anti globalist, anti EU, pro NAZI, anti-nazi(ukr.), pro-ish people in Ukraine/also breakaway republics, pro Russia-anti-globalists, pro Russia-anti-nazi(ukr.) anti-Russia-anti-NAZI, feeling somewhat sad for Ukrainians and Russians alike who got dragged into this).

Not many friends to start with.

And, listening to someone speaking on behalf of the Russians, it will be another few generations longer before throwing off a mental yoke might even be considered.

Nothing personal.

Just representative leadership.

With no end in sight.

We are all being considered enemies and/or expandable.

Hope all you want.

I fear for the masses.

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What an excellent comment, I couldn't have said it more thoroughly myself

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As I pointed out to someone recently in 1900 Caucasian's made up 28 % of the world's population skip forward 122 years and that figure is 4 % not the 8 that is being used due to mixing , remember Obama has a white mummy lol . When this death shot is done Caucasian's will be a curiosity in a museum no nukes needed , All those dead are not adding to the gene pool

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All of this was seen, understood, and witnessed with foresight that reminds those alive today that we've dropped two full standard deviations in IQ points in those same 122 years regardless of what the polls may say. Someday soon we'll have the sarcastic phrase reminiscent of, "Ha HA! SIMPSONS DID IT!" and it'll be "Ha Ha! Germans Did It!" to trace historical origins.

From the 1930's (previously in Mein Kampf in 1924 by Hitler's own prediction at Frances already current state).


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Perhaps George, but those left might fix America. The good news? That asswipe family member or friend or neighbor that believes all of the fake narratives will be dead soon enough.

I suggest that they get their monkey pox vaxx. And their booster every 9 months as I never discourage them from getting their shots now.

Let them have their vaxxine!

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Apparently, the major offensive comes with the blessings of the traitorous elements in the west who continue to lead us there. I really don't know how stupid one has to be in order to confuse this situation with anything else. This isn't incompetence. It isn't misplaced priorities. It is the activity of willful treason, that simple.

Believe me when I say that people in the military are quite aware that they are being set up for the kill shot. What keeps them there is the same thing that keeps you in your life; a lack of anywhere else to go.

I no longer have the internet to view the videos in this piece, so I can't personally comment on the Russian Federation military, but what I have noticed is that very few choose weapon optics. In close quarters combat, a weapon optic is rarely necessary, therefore suggesting that RF infantry fights toe to toe. If this is the case, they will get to see the result of all those sex change operations in lurid detail, right before they kill them.

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Shades of Roundtable, self-destructive empire, minus the epic battles

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Sadness and disappointment in my countrymen. I thought we were better and gave them the benefit of the doubt even when I was warned it was futile and a waste of energy, energy I could never get back that would ultimately drain me unnecessarily.

The two key moments in my time that were wasted opportunities that would've been true signs was if you saw the crowds with pitchforks and rifles march on Wall Street in 2008 before it was subverted and perverted.

Then came Jan. 6 had they marched with rifles in hand and taken over D.C. proper regardless of any plan other than to kick the bastards the hell out by any means necessary.

Neither happened and I could careless. A choice was given and the people chose. Maybe there is a third times a charm coming, but I'm tired of holding my breath and whatever comes, comes.

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Very interesting and not surprising? It had to be this way for the Russians as the west refused to solve this situation diplomaticly. Now there needs nothing to do but to erase Ukraine as a sovereign country and make it once more part of the Russian orbit. More power to the Russians as this is certainly a war of civilization being conducted on many dimensions. The days of the Liberal Democrat hegemony are thankfully ending.

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If Russia hadn't been pulling her punches from the beginning, she could have completely conquered the Ukraine in about one week, two at most. The con-artist-servative, blight-wing press, epitomized by the New (Jew) York Post, has columnists screeching that it is long past time for the U.S. military to directly confront Russia in the Ukraine. I would take all of these scumbags, along with the misanthropes in Congress and the administration yelping for the same, at bayonet point to a cargo plane, suit them up in combat gear, and fly them to the Ukraine making them parachute down in front of the Russian assault brigades. You cocksuckers want to fight? Have at it, slime.

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Extremely important information, Jack.

Thanks for posting it.

The psychopaths and sociopaths running America and Europe are on record saying they want to destroy Russia.

They have said, “there’s no diplomatic solution to the situation in Ukraine, there’s only a military solution.”

There cannot be any constructive dialogue with these individuals.

So, the Russian military has to advance throughout the rest of Ukraine, and beyond Ukraine, in order to secure the safety and security of Russia and the Russian people.

And that advance has to happen before winter sets in.

Obviously, the consequences of this next stage of the special military operation will be catastrophic.

How catastrophic? Well, a totally bizarre “public service announcement” appeared on our televisions and cell phones last week telling us what to do in the event of a nuclear attack on New York City - “stay indoors, close your windows.”

They might as well have said: “sit down, put your head between your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye!”

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Putin ain’t playing around and he will not sit by as Russian boys die piecemeal , the same way the west was willing to spend young American lives in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly 20 years as “dumb cattle pawns” as Kissinger once opined. Putin will finish this thing now "Michael Corleone style"

Study Stalingrad if you want to understand a Russian's willingness to sacrifice his own life for his people. That's a concept foreign to US soyboy liberals who will only fight for PC pronouns.

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Oh I know all about Russians Midwest, over 20 years working security in NYC strip clubs, even the Black gangbanger bitches feared them

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"And will then be focusing on the source of the rot very shortly..."

Source is?

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I don't know if the Russians really know the source of the rot Canada, but Otto Rahn did and the fact that the Russians are flying the Z is strong evidence that they have picked up the sword the righteous. If you really want to know the source of the rot I would suggest you read Lucifers Court and my own novel, not to mention many of our essays...

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