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May 15, 2023Edited
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I can't play the first two links Seraphim because I refuse to accept anything from Politico except a time and a place where their editorial staff will meet me, I see they used my picture though, these fuckers ought to Understand there is so much more where that came from...

The Devil has come for them, all of them. This need not have happened all they had to do was let me speak. But they had no answers so they couldn't. Well, we got all the answers...

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May 14, 2023
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That's the first thing I ever heard from Dyer but you'll get no argument from me, working with Jones does not look good on the resume. I understand why Kennedy has to use him because he is the o0nly one who will give him any airtime but if you're a real social justice warrior in the trenches I would think you would find him just as repugnant as I do. As for Irving, one of the great men of our time...

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Irving put the pieces together for me as a teenager when I had 35 WW2 books in my room after the library allowed mail delivery. Tried to piece it all together letting my mind build the entire time frame from 1933-1945 and afterwards. Mein Kampf at the time only served to back fill the data of the German side which to my uncorrupted mind at the time was very logical and reasonable and it just got less so as things progressed. I thought it was just the allies not understanding their side until with Irving it became clear it was deliberate. If a teenager can simply read every WW2 book out there and Mein Kampf without predisposed opinions then anyone should be able to see the truth. It's called "critical thinking". It's critical that you begin the process to think. Irving will be a name I can never forget simply for his Dresden book long before there was a Hellstorm. Children are naive, stupid, and innocent and it's almost unfathomable to believe such inhumane evil can truly exist in this world until you see the light switch brain animal come out.

Jews weren't even a concern while reading history I was more so annoyed at them constantly being mentioned until I started to ask, "Who the fuck are these jews and why do they even matter." Achievement unlocked.

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I have to give Thomas Dalton some credit too especially with translations of critical material including Joseph Goebbels along with some funny ones:

19 December 1942

"The Jews continue to make noise. They try to incite the entire world public against us. In response I am strengthening our anti-English and, now, anti-Bolshevik propaganda. Incidientally, it's interesting how the Jews start such a campagin. They leave no means of propaganda untried. One time they're impudent, another theatrical, and another solemn. Currently they take the solemn approach. Eden gave a speech in the House of Commons on the Jewish problem and answered planted questions. Rothschild, the "venerable MP", as the English press calls him, took the floor and delivered a tear-jerker bemoaning the fate of the Polish Jews. At the end of the session the Commons observed a minute of silence; all members of Parliament rose from their seats as a silent tribute to Jewry. That was quite appropriate for the British House of Commons. Parliament is really a sort of Jewish exchange. The English, anyway, are the Jews among the Aryans. The perfumed British Foreign Minister, Eden, cuts a good figure among these characters from the synagogue. His whole education and his entire demeanor can be characterized as thoroughly Jewish."

Goebbels and the Jews

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My Hitler pal will lecture on "jonestien" being a tool of the tribe.

I gotta laugh, at a mother's day gathering was my blithering idiot sister in law pontificating about that choosen tribe. Now our Evangelical tribe goes back 8 generations or more being anti vaxx. She loves RFK Jr and has his books, so I pulled out Harry voxx doing stand up on pfizer, the video where he has all the jew pfizer executives on the wanted poster as I told her their not my tribe.

Then I pulled up the ADL website and showed her how anti transgenderism is anti Semitic and you should have seen the dear in the headlights.

Kennedy can reach the most deluded evangelical.

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All of us here can cast the spell and get Kennedy elected. It can be done since my sister in law is the number one most deluded Evangelical zionist in America bar none and Kennedy has won her over.

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Seriously, Christian zionism is a magic spell since one can show what jews do in palistine and I mean the outright savagery of that tribe to no avail as if blinders are upon a people! It's amazing to behold. Yet Kennedy will blast right through it since a vast number of Evangelicals are against forced vaxxination.

Trumpism? Another magic spell cast upon these Evangelicals and the same blinders to facts.

Alex Jones? His job is to keep the blinders on the people. Many truths he tells but at the proper time set by his handlers he will lead the people astray.

That's why I ignore him and your cousin for promoting him. No, this is not a truth battle but a battle against spiritual forces controlling their human hosts. Magic must overcome magic and there is a creator that controls a creation and a Spirit that guides.

This current world and power structure I believe will be brought down. It's totally anti human.

Jones and his Ilk work for them. The internet is their tool.

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May 14, 2023
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LOL, Bobby Brown became a major hit in Norway, and no one could understand why. Well, we were running a halfway house for Norwegian teenagers come to see America, and this was our national anthem even back then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1eQooBq10k

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May 14, 2023
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In the US Zappa is for connoisseurs of fine music and probably the most acerbic social commentary since Mark Twain, he belonged to us, the children of MK Ultra. Every Halloween he played the palladium just to see his father's children, he once gave a play by play of a brawl between about 30 of us and his security from the stage, he was better than Howard Cosell.

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May 14, 2023
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See him? He was our spiritual advisor, read my book R. We were sitting and lying all over these huge speakers in the front of the stage and everything was fine for the first part of the concert but then these security guards, we're talking 300-pound Black guys and Italian mobsters, decided they were gonna move us off the speakers. One of the great brawls I have ever been in ensued, we maintained the speakers. Through it all Zappa stood on the stage, twenty feet away, announcing the fisticuffs when I think any other musician would have run for his life. It was the last Zappa Halloween concert at the palladium...

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May 14, 2023Edited
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May 14, 2023
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May 14, 2023Edited
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lol brings back good memories growing up when one of the trees outside our door had a giant hornets nest. Pops finally got fed up and dumped an entire can of gasoline on them late at night. They never came back, but neither did the tree.

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Right on the money, weed and the lawn going crazy. Strange headaches and sneezing, all around me. No I don't have any allergies

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May 14, 2023
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May 14, 2023
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May 14, 2023
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May 14, 2023
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The Witches poison and combination flying ointment.

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Here we've had a long cool spring and that will always send plants into overdrive, look at Oregon and Washington State, the Olympic rainforest. My weed pulling days are over but on Phils farm they use only the burn method.

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Weeds? And the Pacific northwest? They grow perverts there.

Like weeds, the perverts have over run the place.

And Washington State wants to take your children and forcibly give them sex changes.

Like a lawn over run with vicious weeds only fire can burn them off.

Let it burn.

Well Jack, happy mothers day. My Evangelical Queen and Princess have put out a swear jar because of my anger and bad language as I have put a lot of quarters in the jar. LOL

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I had it under control in 16 hours, my observations are from friends and colleagues turning ill one after another, migraine, headaches and such. No 5G here, yet. I intend to move before the masts go up. My mother holds true that many women in our neighborhood developed breast cancer 15 years ago when the first cell towers went up on a highrise nearby. Resistance against 5G held until Feb this year.

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I have many things to say, but I will stay silent let's see how the next 3 or 4 weeks will play out. I told you many moons ago(twitter) I don't care who is the face of the resistance. If this will be done through Putin I don't care, he can take all the glory..only what matters is the final result. Wagner can always leave their positions..there will be no repercussions. this "message" sounds like an ultimatum.

Second Rolo has stated to one side for what amount of money he will remain silent. Patriots, real patriots don't speak about the money, because it is never about the money. This here cant be about the money, if it is it will end very badly...

This will tell you more about his role in all this "new, sudden" development on the battleground.

is he telling the truth yes he is... is he telling all the truth, no...and he is not telling who is backing him to make statements directly against the Kremlin...I mean this is a serious deal here, not amateur hour.

As they say, Putin had one job, and he didn't do it.....all I see on a daily basis are idiots on both sides ridiculing the death of Russian or Ukrainian soldiers...it is beyond sickening...

Of course, many of them are on drugs, these are normal people(drafted,many against their will) who can't handle the stress on the battlefield, you are always one bullet away from death...war is not a video game...no pun intended here.

This is all I will say for now, great rant.

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Sorry for my writing, let's say my mood is not on an optimal level...to put things mildly.

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May 14, 2023
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I like the part of the comment that includes cleansing with the power of fire...I am feeling better already...LOL

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Yea HP I caught that when he asked for a couple of grand to shut up, Rolo sells out cheap, I was offered much more than that but then again, I'm too old to sell out for celebrity.

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Thats why I dubbed them douschbags Jack.

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You never switched or sold out.

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No I didn't nine but I really never had a choice, "I put the pen to the paper because it's all a part of me:

Guns and Roses

"Don't Damn Me"

Don't damn me when I speak a piece of mind

'Cause silence isn't golden when I'm holding it inside

'Cause I've been where I have been and I've seen what I have seen

I put the pen to the paper 'cause it's all a part of me

Be it a song or a casual conversation

To hold my tongue speaks of quiet reservations

Your words, once heard, they can place you in a faction

My words may disturb, but at least there's a reaction

Oh yeah, oh, oh yeah

Sometimes I wanna kill, sometimes I wanna die

Sometimes I wanna destroy, sometimes I wanna cry

Sometimes I could get even, sometimes I could give up

Sometimes I could give, sometimes I never give a fuck

It's only for a while, I hope you understand

I never wanted this to happen, didn't want to be a man

So I hid inside my world, I took what I could find

I cried when I was lonely, I fell down when I was blind

So, don't damn me when I speak a piece of mind

'Cause silence isn't golden when I'm holding it inside

'Cause I've been where I have been and I've seen what I have seen

I put the pen to the paper 'cause it's all a part of me

How can I ever satisfy you?

And how can I ever make you see that

Deep inside, we're all somebody

And it don't matter who you, you wanna be?

But now I gotta smile, I hope you comprehend

For, this man can say it happened 'cause this child has been condemned

So I stepped into your world, I kicked you in the mind

And I'm the only witness to the nature of my crime

But look at what we've done to the innocent and young

Whoa, listen to who's talking 'cause we're not the only ones

The trash collected by the eyes and dumped into the brain

Said, it tears into our conscious thoughts, you tell me, who's to blame?

I know you don't wanna hear me cryin'

And I know you don't wanna hear me deny

That your satisfaction lies in your illusion

But your delusions are yours, and not mine

We take for granted, we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

Don't hail me and don't idolize the ink

Or I've failed in my intentions, can you find the missing link?

Your only validation is living your own life

Vicarious existence is a fucking waste of time

So I send this song to the offended

I said what I meant and I've never pretended

As so many others do, intending just to please

If I damned your point of view, could you turn the other cheek?


Don't damn me when I speak a piece of mind

'Cause silence isn't golden when I'm holding it inside

'Cause I've been where I've been and I've seen what I have seen

I put the pen to the paper 'cause it's all a part of me

Don't damn me

I said, don't damn me

I said, don't hail me

Ah, don't damn me


Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Alright, that sucked


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"all I see on a daily basis are idiots on both sides ridiculing the death of Russian or Ukrainian soldiers" -Agreed. I cheer more when, like two days ago, half a billion $ worth of ammunition near Khmelnitsky go up in smoke. Related, I am reading Prolonging the Agony (WWI) by Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty.

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Cayce said "Mother Russia" will save the world. Putin, Trump and Hitler. Hitler gave alot of orders that were not carried out. Lots of treasonous officers. You can see my point.

In Russia just like here in the west the "deep state""Shadow government" is coming out of the shadows into plain view. Yes the Oligarchs always had lots of money and power just like here.

Why didn't Putin finish the war earlier? My $$$ is on he may have tried, now he/it/avatar can see a little better the players on the chessboard. Hard to defeat an hidden enemy from within. Interesting times and you know it!

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The traitors will always get theirs. It's why I chose loyalty above all else at the very least a man loyal to the wrong cause has something going for him, but one who reverts when the going gets tough should be held accountable. I loathe the idea of prisoners of war for this reason and few understand Stalin or Hitler's idea of fight to the end which men like Friedrich Paulus couldn't understand and left a permanent scar on the German legacy. You never hear about the men who refused to surrender in Stalingrad do you. Could you imagine marching to the gulag's but before so watching you comrades die in front of you with teeth and nails and rocks left to fight with? They couldn't feel it but all of heaven smiled down on those men who overcame man and became supermen. The rest chose slavery, a chance to live another day for mortal pleasure. Anyone who steps onto a battlefield like a man does not deserve to leave it until either victorious or dead that has been the Western tradition and that's always been whats in my heart and soul. There is no honor living in defeat. Conscript or not sympathy can be observed for ones actions in such a context but in a time where it's for all the marbles as WW1 showed there can be no allowing oneself to have pity. Truth is Hitler was right all wars are a matter of life and death for a people but economic war stamps this as fact in the industrial age.

I have to reel myself in half the time because its easy to get tossed into the malestorm of what we're not witnessing but I try to remind myself of what I know is happening and the confusion with my eyes. If you wonder what these soyboy white guys kissing black feet and where this hypermiscegenation is coming from the last 20 years all I can say is this. It's people who've seen but might've even forgot themselves where the cards lie peaking past the veil. They've chosen the easy way to turn traitor against their own and submit to what they see as the superior force and the devil almost tempted me too as a youth. You know why the devil tries to turn those against their own friends, family, kith and kin? He knows whats coming and it's the greatest trick of tricks to turn someone honest into a traitor. There's a line I wouldn't cross, but if you cross that line you're fucked plain and simple. He knows it but you don't until you watch it play out. I saw what becomes of these people and it's no condition I want to be around for to be honest it's hard enough watching them make these decisions some able to pull out before crossing that line others not so much. All the while he and I both know whats going on but he's always whispering to sit back down and watch it unfold there's nothing I really can do although I'd like to think I at least tried or helped someone from walking into that trap, but that's also apart of it. Have to hit enough traps to be aware of them just don't hit too many let alone all of them for fucks sake.

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