This is your best pod cast yet however, I should wait.

We have a sick cat. Kids have a lien on them for medical bills.

Care is 24/7 for a cat.

House at a great deal has a lien on it

Both the seller and buyer

Have liens on their lives

As I look around me

Have a cat auditioning

For its next human

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So, the founders totally distrusted the rabble like you're cousin, and all tRump supporters.

Israel? And Jews? 71% of Jews voted for Kamala in America.

My Evangelical Queen? Right up to November 5 she could not decide whom to vote for and that day? She could not decide whom to vote for so she didn't vote. As I told you, I sat out the farce. The Evangelical princess? Voted for tRump along with her husband. As she said and I quote "fuck those ugly liberal bitches". In college she was persecuted by those ugly Vaxxed mask wearing bitches on campus along with those ferrel faggots pretending to be men.

Israel? Nothing but a land based aircraft carrier for American policy in the middle east. As per the "contract" our Jews will pay the price for American policy along with the blame for said policy.

Perhaps Iran needs a change of government? Away from those flea bitten Mullahs? Then a bussiness deal with said Persians for missile technology.

They certainly bring that to the table.

Back to the founders. Never ever trusted democracy as I look at you're cousin. How could anyone be taken in and base their life on this farce of an election? I will pay his travel expenses to come to Wisconsin and I will mock him publicly.

Orange jebus is simply perfect for the job as American president.

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I think he gets it now as Orange Jesus surrounds himself with the worst of the rim job for Jews squad. He didn't even call me back today, he despises Rubio. My daughter voted for tRump too and had a party when he won but their Khazarian mafia. Orange Jesus is their messiah. Jews having higher IQ's than hillbillys see tRump for what he is, at least American Jews. Try as hard as I could I could not vote for Kamala so I sat it out too.

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Iran? Needs a change in government. Looks to me that the Arabs get reigned in in Gaza. Gaza? Already divided in half with that new “Jewish” road to the sea.

To keep our “Jews” in America at bay? Let’s first deport the South American invaders to make room, then we take in the six million Palestinians and put them in Jewish neighborhoods.

Six million? Perhaps the perfect number, a magic number.

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If they don't get rid of those mullahs, they are going to get eaten alive by Schlomo and his attack dog Captain America.

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Elmbrook Church in Wisconsin has a number of Palestinian Christian families that serve the Church, as I know them personally, absolutely the finest people.

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"Kamala I'll let you back in the white house if you make me a sandwich"


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the boys in the back. VT got vindictive today and turned the hit counter off from the start, like I give a flying fuck anymore about views, yea just like Xe cares whether the Chinese people like him or not.

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VT? Nothing but a bunch of vaxxine pushing faggots. At 68? And if I had my hands on a VT slimeball? I would shoot them dead with my 38 special but none of those faggots live in America. All in foreign countries.

Retired on .gov pensions.

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VT? As a publication officially went along with the injectable American genocide.

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Gordon Duff? Chief American genocider.

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However, my current cat is a cheat

Between me and her owner

Evangelical princess despises her

Husband loves her

Cat belongs to a husband

Who am I but just another human

Said this

Must love


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The worst of the worst. I blame Roger Moore and Sean Connery for portraying them like comic book hero's when the truth is they are and always have been more like Liberace.

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