Really enjoy the conversations in the last two episodes. I experience memories from my life popping back in into consciousness, and engaging in the thoughts, creating echo in the simulation. perhaps I go into details, talk soon

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Alien ant farm😈

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These podcasts are GOLD. Must hear for anyone with a heartbeat of the human kind. Back in ‘96 I was the ripe young age of 30 and was asked by the state to foster a young 14-15 year old girl who had fallen on hard times. Her Mom had been a big UFO investigator around the Northwest and I got to know this young lady and her Mom. Anyway, me and this bright young gal were having a conversation on what this whole reality was…at one point…and I will never forget when she looked at me and said she thought this whole reality was someone’s dream. Maybe the computer sim game takes place inside the dreamer….as an older person now its hard for me to understand the computer aspect of it all but understand that for the younger folks this is all they’ve known and grown up with so makes perfect sense. I long though…for this to be an organic experience that the Sim game overlays but I’m warming up to the idea that maybe this is ‘coded’ and layers upon layers. Great post gentlemen!!

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Well, we're doing Lynch now Pearry and he's in the dream camp. Understand to paraphrase the Moody Blues it will be just what you want it to be and there is no difference between human DNA and computer coding. This was the fifty-five club when it started ten years ago but we've still got to look out for our stragglers that came in a bit late. Hence, we need, sometimes to couch it as a computer program...

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