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May 18, 2023Edited
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Best comment o0f the thread

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Well "S" I dealt with Ukie BS during my career with the Feds. I stand by everything I posted.

It's not my war, as there will be plenty to go around here in America.

My other comment I stand by? More truth on Netflex.

American's best prepare and in America you can trust no one outside your family. Most are retarded fucking normies that will turn on you in a jew york minute for a moments advantage in this life. Count on that and your ahead of the game.

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Pure class.

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May 15, 2023
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Alright so, my say so, take it or leave it B, "I got a job to do." I only did this because that does not mean I ignore my friends...

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May 15, 2023Edited
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Well Jack will be the first one to tell you to believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear. We live in the age of deceit within an empire of lies. In fact the real conspiracy theorists are those ruling the show. For them anyone telling the truth is a literal impossibility as there must be an ulterior motive. Just look at that Adolf guy who told them the truth from the beginning all the way to the end when they realized it they had to ctrl+alt+del history so everyone didn't see them as the laughing stock assholes the self-proclaimed "Masters of the Universe" really are.

It is what it is though nobody has anything about anything figured out. First guy who says he has it figured out is an asshole because if you had it figured out you wouldn't need to say a goddamned thing. Like everyone who isn't an intelligence agent or politician that's a badge of honor.

The best commenters are doing is kicking back feet up by the campfire shooting the shit with a beer and their smoke of choice wondering whose going to take home the prize.

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Well, I hope so B, but I wouldn't wager a dime on it. What I will wager on is Cortez the slayer is coming and as usual he will leave very few Americans alive...

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Thanks "B" for the insights. Speaking of Prussian generals and talk about pedophiles that want young Russian boys if Russia looses this war. The same people that betrayed Adolph Hitler run Ukraine and they are pedophile perverts same as that Nazi faction that runs the world now. Transgenderism and homosexual perversions is this groups religion.

I truly hope our "B" is right and the Russians wipe them all out.

At least Russia backs traditional values unlike the west that wants perverts to have access to young pre teen boys just like the fucking brownshirts in Germany.

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"B" it's a Prussian thing isn't it? I do read history and Prussian's deserve what the Russians did to them because there perverts. Even Hitler got rid of them but in the end Prussian generals marched on Moscow Hitler's biggest mistake.

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Well "B" the old saying possession being nine tenths of the law.

These so called Ukrainian Nazis are perverts in the tradition of the prussians that inspired them. No listing homosexuals but the manly kind going back to the Greek times. It's what they are and what they want a gay run world. Look at the west that supports them. Perversion central.

Look how they conduct themselves in this war attacking civilians and the human shields thing.

I am with "B" on this.

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Phil talks about that first amendment and mark my words, homosexual perversions and transgenderism or the third sex invented in Germany before WW2 along with the first gender reassignment surgeries, speaking against such will become equal to speaking of Jewish perversions. As my homeschooled daughter now a public school teacher says misgendering is violence and getting a pronoun wrong will get you put in jail. And age of consent will be lowered to 10 or 12. The perverts will have legal free reign to prey upon our children. That's what's at stake in Russia and this war. You should see what my daughter was taught about gay perversions in her University of Wisconsin classes in education.

We need to separate from such people and form our own communities as that's the only way to preserve culture that can be passed on to children. I have done this with my children at great cost. But it's not enough as entire communities must leave pervert world with their children as its the only way.

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Like I said the English version of Joe Rogan

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Yip jack another bro like David icke,connected and a video star in Epstein island with malfunctioning eyed clones in tow , I get now why a British ambassador left me a book to read on cloning after we had been drinking whisky and smoking cigars

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I get the return of Industrial Warfare argument, along with Just-In-Time won't work under wartime conditions best explained by Martyanov. I get that early action of the SMO was Von Manstein manouver warfare, changing to WWI trench warfare with a sprinkle of City siege actions ala Stalingrad and Russian Adaption, creating apallingy called meat grinders. I even grant the struggle for national/racial survival, so aptly applied by Stalin, but, and here comes the but who's dying but Slavs, war of attrition? A nice empty land for Vanguard, Blackrock and the Pecheneks, replay of WWI with hordes of newly minted billionaires and hordes of grieving widows

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Beautifully said, but then again nothing new about that.

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Prolonging the Agony, that's what's next. We're spelling it out, with academic minutia, wheat from chaff moment for humanity

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I got a surprise for our opening, a new character courtesy of Lucifers court, now that this is out of the way we can get down to serious business. I told B I'm only doing this for him and his peeps, it's a distraction from the book.

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LOL check out Politico's new lead, Seraphim posted it this morning, times like this being Jack Heart is more fun than being King Charles...


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I see Lady Di banning landmines again. 'A coronation creates a god out of a man: It is magic.' Sure thing

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You'll get your Oprah moment and the book tour, soon

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Break the freakin' mechanism in place, a new drummer will appear. Their thousand years are up

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The bill is due, I got a name i got a number https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0mxD8d2lqA

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It's probably the greatest single German fuck you getting America to adopt the JIT system post war. Fed the greedy English speaking capitalist world poison pill after poison pill. If National Socialism made a comedy movie it would be "Dude, Where's Your Empire?"

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It's not just for Wall Street, but mainly for Heavenly Jerusalem:


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That's what Schlomo thinks Phoenix, but he'll be going straight into the woodchipper when their done with him. Schlomo doesn't get to own real-estate (real wealth), only banker's trinkets and, appropriately, a godforsaken piece of hell in the Sinai desert. The Crown owns one sixth of the worlds dry land, look it up, they didn't get that by rewarding their pet ferret's occupation of the breadbasket of Europe for juggling shekels...

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Blackrock has been in Ukraine since at least last year. So same script over and over

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Phil, background checks in Germany would be pure propaganda induced, aptly called Covid deniers, There's no sanity left, the komissars are here at your doorstep

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Christian -communist-o.k now I heard it all, LOL...Cowboy has some valid points and some grievous delusions.

Second of course Russians have the same problems.i mean the word Oligarch is sinonim for Russia like Votka or Caviar.

The third End game is not here...this here, this "reality" is more like a testing ground.

Why I don't care If Putin fails, and I never had delusions any politicians will save the day, same goes for Kennedy...I mean I will push him/root for him, try to make him better than he is...there is a form of white magick, you add just a little touch, it is not possessing or other dark arts, but you make them better than they really are.

Fourth: Did they win? nope...they/aristocrats and slime that they are hosting right now are going down one way or another...it is just a matter of time...

For them gate is closed for others gate is open...Black sun and White SUn---Yin and Yang created a vortex...total disappearance or birth of another reality...

One can go and live, other will end in eternal prison which they helped to create.

So had we had enough of the Russian-Ukrainian war...I have.I should stay away when I saw the same

polished script that they meticulously conscripted in our lands...

When enough people will die, and enough bombs will fall, enough people will be displaced from their ancestral homes then magically some peace summit will appear and we will have peace...sound familiar?

I agree with cowboy-Slavs are the last Europeans who are willing to fight,truth.

So-called Slavs are Aryans they even told you in school that Slavs came from the Nord, pantheon of the Slavic gods is almost the same as the Nordic pantheon, Kolovrat/Black Sun...Gods even look alike.

All here is a joke/recipe full of amnesia and hatred.

My two cents on the presented topic...

Cheers to all,have a great day.

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Exactly HP, Slavic men are apparently the last men on earth with intact male libidos, thus the meat grinder to kill as many as possible...

That is the real intention of this war in the Ukraine

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May 17, 2023Edited
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Well B they are as rare as dodo birds here in the good old US of A, especially amongst the young, particularly Whites.

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Perhaps the purpose of our dearest vaxx?

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The vaxx definitely is transgender besides being transhuman.

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May 17, 2023Edited
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Don't believe that at all Jack. Saw them in action, crooked as they come. Would rather have African Americans around me before them.

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See my comments to your newest Slavic commenter, a total asswipe and fucktard driven by a buck as I delt with these asswipes.

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Aesir and Vanir, even current mainstream Scandinavian archeology has Out of Siberia merger (rapid) with Norse about 4000 years ago

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Many symbols, sagas, god-types simularities. In my book, we're one, separations are political, artificial

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My dear friend, I am 99 percent sure we are One...I will leave 1 % for reasons...as they say. In old books, nations are in fact races...Sorry for the late response, I was tired like a dog...I needed my "Beauty sleep".

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A hundred years ago cacasians were over 20 percent of the world population jump forward to today and the REAL figure when you take away all the mixing is 4 to 6 percent, in a generation if we have that we will be the 0.1 % and a display in a museum

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The more we stand up, unafraid, nothing to loose, birth right, the more entanglement will be the magic, unexplicable to 'them' in play

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Keeping E's Tesla comment in mind, the fastest thing that flies is thought. Creation

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There is nothing strange about me not contacting you, Jack. I had never heard of you until my chat sent me a link yesterday.

All it would have taken is an email or a comment on my blog from you. I talk to pretty much everyone that my chat asks me to. Also, about selling out, I thought about what you said and I think that you are right. As a result, I have decided to raise my selling out rate.

$4000 a month to sell out to the east and $8000 a month to sell out to the west.

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And at a bar my fist would have already broken your teeth. Sellouts for money? Money for truth? Emigrate back to America and get a real job at NSA.

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And that was your introduction by comment to Jack Hearts site? Your work for sale to the highest government bidder? All .gov organizations are tied together at the highest level ruled by a hidden hand. They will spit you out like a whore does after a blow job. That's all you are to them better know your place in the cosmos as truth tellers are poor and will remain so in this world.

Your value here? You enlighten us on the nature of Russian war reports translated into English and posted on American Alt right websites.

That work? Well fucking done.

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I was out on a bicycle ride today and what did I encounter? A Ukrainian trucking company picking up eggs at the local egg farm. What did this fucking moron do? Blocked the road in front of me with his truck and would not move.

On the back of his truck was a bunch of Ukie propaganda, when the motherfucker moved enough for me to get buy he looked at me with his troll eyes. I delt with those pieces of shit at usPostal and put them all in their place. The Postal service dumped their shit companies because I documented how useless they were. Brought back American contractors.

Your war? I give two shots who wins. The Russian owned companies were worse, if possible.

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Matter of fact when I saw that Ukie with his troll eyes? More like rat eyes, kinda like ole Vlad.

And our useless eater leaders sent them 100 billion dollars? Wanted to drag him out of that truck and fucking beat him.

I am a crazy American sick of the constant bullshit.

Have a nice day.

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What is a ukie troll on Jack hearts site? You got our money but I hear Russian missiles just blew up 3 vaunted patriot batteries. The Ukies and the Russians? Just part of the fucking shakedown.

Now orders are in for three more batteries of weapon systems that don't fucking work.

Welcome to the real world troll.

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However, Russian weapons systems work and quite well.

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Oh, the fucking ruskies will deal with you. Sell out. Loyalty is God here as we are all National Socialists here.

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It was your article about the Vaxx situation in Russia which I published on Veterans Today, when it was still good for something, and the Human. Both linked to your site as I always do. I think I commented maybe not. I'm probably just being paranoid it goes with the territory of being me. Careful whose money take Rolo, these fuckers play for keeps, ask Robert David Steel. Thank you for commenting and keep up the good work.

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I think you have me confused with Slavsquat. I never published anything about the vax situation in Russia and simply refer readers to Slavsquat's writings.

Also, clearly you don't understand black humor or pretend not to. Maybe you are genuinely incensed that I threaten my readers that I will start taking government money if they do not support my blog. Unlike you, however, I have never even been offered such a gig. In my opinion, you ought to direct your ire at people who clearly DO take it as evidenced by the talking points they espouse, the topics they refuse to cover, and the attacks that they level at people like myself for not playing by the rules. It seems that generally you do do this and this was just a case of friendly fire directed at me.

Good luck with your work as well.

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Your right it was Slavsquat, my bad, but you guys do work together. It's a bad idea to joke like that Rolo, no matter what the intent. And as far as directing my ire, like you said you never heard of me so you have no idea. I don't burn bridges I burn whole cities but then again my back is covered and my bills are paid. Good luck to you, I believe your information on Russia to be authentic and I have learned much from it, in spite of what the nay sayers in my camp have to say...

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We will have our answers in the next few weeks, and with some things, you don't "Joke"....This could be just another power struggle that happens during any war, it is not that strange that multiple factions are fighting for political supremacy for future purposes.

I will wait 4 weeks, as I have written before, to make my final judgment, but I am pretty much done with this "war".

This sounds to me like a reaction to our comments to minimize the damage.

I mean we are not here just mere mortals, we can spot grifters from a mile away.

Jack, I had news from Russia months before this from people that I trust that not all is that Rosie on the front lines as alt media is saying...Why I didn't follow them, I was even then pretty much done with this bloody affair.

Most of the telegram channels are useless, propaganda...Translating Russian is not a problem, but "info" that can be obtained, is more or less useless propaganda..You have 2 or 3 videos making rounds and there is a parade of torture or profanity..like somebody pissing on the head of captured soldier...in this case, it was an American soldier captured by Russians.

Telegram channels are also banned if they are not compliant with the given manifestos by the "Truth Committee".

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As far as Jack Heart is concerned you are the authority on the East HP, you've more than demonstrated that...

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This is for Orage to look over. A history of the gay movement in regards to the Thule society and the German Reich.this is part one of three parts. This is a sister substack publication.

The Author? First question is he Jewish? Second Question? Did the author pass the Hitler test?

My reading of this authors series is that first the Jewish question and the notion of the holocaust, being that this author takes the traditional narrative stance and second I belive the author failed the Hitler test however, I need a keen informed mind such as Orages to go over this material.

Color me suspicious.

I am no fan of pogroms against gays as gays are mentioned in Native American stories as people who are wired differently yet valued members of society. Just an opinion that I belive is fact based however, the work above points at a hijacked area of human society. My take of course but keen open minds need to look at this authors work.

Thanks in advance.

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Nine anything got a 101 likes on Substack by an author I never even heard of has been planted there, bet the farm on it...

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I have posts on here with over 3000 reads and a hundred comments, yet they never and I do mean never go over 22 likes.

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Yesterday I got 749 unpaid subscribers, today its 743, this will continue for the rest of the month and then they will allow it to go to 750, the only reason I stay on here is because I've given up trying to reach the masses and the money is on, I really can't afford to fuck with the money right now and move this show to the Icelandic server.

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Yup! Thanks. But Orage should go over the posts.

We are in an information war after all?

Orage has a cool head and can sort through the bs.

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Perhaps I should post over there? So, you accept the 6 million story of the holocaust? And Adolph Hitler was a homosexual?

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The author claims Thule was a homosexual organization which if true would ruin the reputation of national socialism perhaps this is yet a backdoor smear on Adolph Hitler? The Hitler pal calls stuff like this jew propaganda. However, the brownshirts were full of homosexuals but Hitler cleaned it up.

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If Putin was the savior wouldn’t he be dead by now? Putin as the savior is the alt-kike narrative. Putin has the same demons surrounding him as does our idiot and chief. He meets regularly with Chabad demons and humps the wall of Jin’s. It’s just the Eurasian shift ..the Rothschilds wet dream of moving power to the East aka China and Russia. Maybe it’s time to close down the illegal money laundering state of IsRAhell as stated would happen by ((Kissinger)) years ago. The better grift may be Ukraine where they will be protected by Russia instead of surrounded by actual semites. All just actwhores on the worlds ((stage)). The fake war will end when their ((masters)) tell them to end it. The whole show is ridiculous and just another bankers war where Whites or Europeans kill each other for nothing. https://thegoodlylawfulsociety.org/russia-rothschild-the-brics-bank-next-stop-on-the-road-to-world-currency/ PS NAZIs are jews and Zelensky is literally telling everyone this but the cognitive dissonance and life time programming doesn’t allow it to sink in. https://libertyladydotblog.wordpress.com/2021/11/03/nazis-are-jews/

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May 17, 2023
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Wow…that was a load of crap ...what triggered you the most; me insulting your strong man or the alt kike narrative. You do know Russia is on board with the digital currency scam ..right? Maybe Putin will get help from his partner Xi who has his digital social credit score already in place. “ Israelis are just bean counters” thanks for outing yourself ..cause they have all the beans and basically their stink is on everything. Who cares what Brandon OConnel says ..I posted 2 articles NEITHER from him. (((Rothchilds)) control Russia and China PERIOD!!! https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russia-fast-tracks-cbdc-digital-ruble. Stick to your beliefs I will stick to mine ..time will tell! China-https://lorddreadnought-livejournal-com.turbopages.org/turbo/lorddreadnought.livejournal.com/s/37272.html

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May 18, 2023
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Social credit scores? A good idea as we can keep track of Trump and "Q" retards. Put em in reeducation camps.

Who is worse? Local jews or local Trump tards? Trump tards worship schlomo you know. Can't be reasoned with. Schlomo gets away with his nonsense because Christians have been duped.

Thank God the Russians are loosing the war.

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Schlomo "B"? Heading feet first for the woodchipper. Our local jews pushing the ole tranny thing to young children. I won't talk to them anymore and hope your right about the vaxx.

I like it "bean counters with ambition".

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Side Note after finally getting around your Twin Peaks articles 20 years late to the game and being amazed I decided to rewatch Silent Hill again and by god Jack you and Orage are something else. Without your awareness and analysis I would've left it to be blown off as just another video game movie by Hollywood that has run out of ideas. Those articles are now fucking GOLD for the unwashed masses and given recent events since your book knocked me upside the head the movie is A+! Movie walks you through your memories as you walk them backwards in the film.

Damn you never cease to amaze me even when I'm Johnny come lately.

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We are in Silent Hill Greg, but don't tell anyone you'll spoil the fun when I go full on Pyramid Head...

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Loyalty? What is it? Is it a chemical reaction? Is it something like a vaxxine? Believe in me so it shall be? Loyalty is a man and his word a bond together as we honor our word.

That is the heart of National Socialism as its enemies are weak. I see your weaknesses as we? You don't want us to come together as division is the rule of the day. Spirit unites says follow me says my burden is light.

That burden? Easily born together harder apart as division is the work of the bioweapon predated by the internet.

I see you.

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May 19, 2023
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Well "B" see them in action even in a little rural town in Wisconsin. I have the benefit of having income from OPM and Thrift Savings and don't need local money. They have total narrative control at local Town meetings and school board etc. And that narrative? LGBTQLI+ and vaxxines and critical race theory. It's in both political parties now. They play the supposed differences to manipulate the normies. But we locals still talk privately. I see nothing changing for the better anytime soon. Gayboy networks front and center. Dirty assholes for dirty work.

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Oh, and the next town over the schoolboard just doubleddowned on LGBTQLI+ backing teachers grooming 7 year olds into gender reassignment. They openly state that parents don't have rights. And this in the heart of Trump/republican territory. One of the parents took the district to court over this issue as it sits at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Betcha never heard a word about it. It will be a landmark parental rights case.

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