That the evil alternative universe of Judy is based in Texas should be a given for any ethical human being, especially Americans. As a Texas Ranger states about Texas in a recent commercial for televisions Investigative Discovery Channel: “Hell is a local call from here.” It is a place where punks swagger around packing pistols with the blessings of the law and murder is as cavalier as the corpse on Carrie Page’s couch. It is where the last decent man to occupy the White House was gunned down on a city street by Texas oil barons led by H. L. Hunt. It is the home of John Hagee and the Christian apostasy of Zionism which exhorts Anglo Saxons to murder the world in the name of a savage tribe of nomads from Russia impersonating the “Jews” from a bible of their own invention. If Nietzsche is right and God is dead, they killed him in Texas…
Texas also happens to be the single state that takes football as serious as a religion down to elementary school. Meeting a ton of people across the states in the military other Texans would get serious faced about it. Everyone played and kids would get punished for even losing. Like my views on why so many parents sacrifice their children to Hollywood, it's nothing but adults siphoning off the youth to fulfill their fantasies. Those child pageants disgusted me as a youth watching everyone so blindly wrapped up in the cuteness. To me it was obvious sexual grooming of whores calling themselves mothers and I realized in that moment I can't trust no single adult authority if they couldn't see the obvious.
I often would joke to others in the army: do you want to know who a jew or a Texan are? They'll tell you in the first sentence. Texans love to tell you they're from TEX-ASS and well jews that's a 50/50 but if you got brains it's just the same.
It's very simple. This, "Immigration Crisis", a clever code term for war of annihilation against Whitey, is being planned, financed, and promulgated by a certain Turkic/Mongol tribe (with the assistance of race traitors and servile sycophants) that has stated repeatedly their objective is the total destruction of the goyim. That is us. They have always been very open about it, secure in the knowledge that the vast majority of Whites are too stupid, cowardly, and brainwashed to resist.
The mollycoddling of the Jew vipers among them has led to this, in John Wesly Hardin's Texas the Jew got shot in the mouth as soon as he opened it. Now they worship him...
The Jew should get shot before he even opens his lying, filthy mouth. So should the con-artist-servative cretins who worship him. These creeps bow and scrape before money and the power it buys and Hymie has both in abundance.
Yes, we warned them, but they were too busy reading Schlomos brilliant opp-eds weren't they to listen to a pair of "Nazi" sympathizers. Nazi, Nazi! Hey bro I only do this On the Porch stuff as a public service for the few of them that don't have this coming like the ones, I mentioned in that comment on L'aryensufis piece. They've called her a whore for a thousand years and me the devil. In just this lifetime when I was 26 years old, I was tortured, branded a criminal and been treated accordingly ever since for trying to help my community. They've sandboxed our literature for a decade and counting. I ain't forgotten, none of it...
Apparently it works, as my sister says. A single death can kill a protest in France, where it would add fuel to the fire in Germany. Strategy of tension, long history, Italy too. if we had the time, that would be another article series, others have done clean hands and Gladiio though
That the evil alternative universe of Judy is based in Texas should be a given for any ethical human being, especially Americans. As a Texas Ranger states about Texas in a recent commercial for televisions Investigative Discovery Channel: “Hell is a local call from here.” It is a place where punks swagger around packing pistols with the blessings of the law and murder is as cavalier as the corpse on Carrie Page’s couch. It is where the last decent man to occupy the White House was gunned down on a city street by Texas oil barons led by H. L. Hunt. It is the home of John Hagee and the Christian apostasy of Zionism which exhorts Anglo Saxons to murder the world in the name of a savage tribe of nomads from Russia impersonating the “Jews” from a bible of their own invention. If Nietzsche is right and God is dead, they killed him in Texas…
Texas also happens to be the single state that takes football as serious as a religion down to elementary school. Meeting a ton of people across the states in the military other Texans would get serious faced about it. Everyone played and kids would get punished for even losing. Like my views on why so many parents sacrifice their children to Hollywood, it's nothing but adults siphoning off the youth to fulfill their fantasies. Those child pageants disgusted me as a youth watching everyone so blindly wrapped up in the cuteness. To me it was obvious sexual grooming of whores calling themselves mothers and I realized in that moment I can't trust no single adult authority if they couldn't see the obvious.
I often would joke to others in the army: do you want to know who a jew or a Texan are? They'll tell you in the first sentence. Texans love to tell you they're from TEX-ASS and well jews that's a 50/50 but if you got brains it's just the same.
It's very simple. This, "Immigration Crisis", a clever code term for war of annihilation against Whitey, is being planned, financed, and promulgated by a certain Turkic/Mongol tribe (with the assistance of race traitors and servile sycophants) that has stated repeatedly their objective is the total destruction of the goyim. That is us. They have always been very open about it, secure in the knowledge that the vast majority of Whites are too stupid, cowardly, and brainwashed to resist.
The mollycoddling of the Jew vipers among them has led to this, in John Wesly Hardin's Texas the Jew got shot in the mouth as soon as he opened it. Now they worship him...
The Jew should get shot before he even opens his lying, filthy mouth. So should the con-artist-servative cretins who worship him. These creeps bow and scrape before money and the power it buys and Hymie has both in abundance.
They're internationalist, trotskyists. Full stop. 100 years going, as we had it in the borman pieces. kalagheri plan
Yes, we warned them, but they were too busy reading Schlomos brilliant opp-eds weren't they to listen to a pair of "Nazi" sympathizers. Nazi, Nazi! Hey bro I only do this On the Porch stuff as a public service for the few of them that don't have this coming like the ones, I mentioned in that comment on L'aryensufis piece. They've called her a whore for a thousand years and me the devil. In just this lifetime when I was 26 years old, I was tortured, branded a criminal and been treated accordingly ever since for trying to help my community. They've sandboxed our literature for a decade and counting. I ain't forgotten, none of it...
Strike? Send in the Pinkertons and if Billyclubs don't work, gun em down. they should know their station in life. Right.
Macron apparently is intent on doing just that.
Apparently it works, as my sister says. A single death can kill a protest in France, where it would add fuel to the fire in Germany. Strategy of tension, long history, Italy too. if we had the time, that would be another article series, others have done clean hands and Gladiio though