
Anonymous Reader: "Appreciate all you do...thought you might find the young lady very interesting. She is very much "out there", but somehow makes sense of it all. No matter she is a hoot."


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Here's another from the Sage of Quay, people on here particularly (you know who you are), keep telling me about that remote viewing report that predicts a drastic reduction in population, well these people are already dead, their zombies, making the report a postmortem report at this point. You can't say I didn't warn them, like I said most of my family and friends, the vast majority, are unvaxxed https://sageofquaydispatch.blogspot.com/2024/03/incubus-project-second-evaluation-96.html?spref=tw

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Tiny Cthulhu’s in the vaccine make me feel happy, make me feel fine...

From HP https://www.bitchute.com/video/Oa59uQmK00F4/

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Mar 13Liked by Jack Heart

Great show as ever,I feel your very near the truth,As for the wars being fixed,the British army always claimed they could take the ira down over night,and I always wondered how they got hold of so much weaponry so easily,when you know all these fukers are in cahoots.I worked in Ireland,coca cola,and that was bandit country,the paddies were always on the look out for spies,they were sitting on hidden arms dumps. I told them then,had to be over 10 years ago to keep their guns,they be needing them.Since then I found out both sinn fien and orange order are both secret societies.A book I read about the loyalist para militaries revealed that every time the footsoldiers went out to ambush the ira,the cops or army were waiting for them,whilst the top dogs were sitting in their little offices!

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Mar 14Liked by Jack Heart

The videos you Jack and HP shared links to here are important, I started listening yesterday and will listen through it all. The sad thing about it is not just the deaths but also for those who survive may be in a land of remote-controlled people, or "zombies", and it will be a lonely world. Maybe more comfort being with animals? But they are often chipped too.

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Mar 15Liked by Jack Heart

You are not familiar with Norwegian political parties, but if you one day should talk to your siblings there and feel like asking them, if you do not already know the answer yourself, I would like to know which Norwegian party is closest to National Socialims here? - Not spending more than one have was no silly "Hitley-idea". Working "for gold", sort of.

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