Thank you, Jack, Mike, and Jon, magnificent. Master Serrano has written that the mountains are actually petrified Gods. I'm certain they will awaken when Ragnarok hits the point of impact.
You know Heritic, my pal San Francisco truth, says that San Fransisco and the entire bay area is petrified giants with the headquarters of Intel like YouTube and Apple on top of them, further, he states that evil men are reviving the beast and its systems. As we observe, this world clearly is not run by humans.
He claims that the servants of the beast are replicants of the beast like Trump.
San Francisco truth sees visions of the end times, as he calls it. And I believe that all this stuff is related, when these giants wake up there will be a reckoning that's for sure.
As Jack`s blog documents that the Germanic peoples are outside this time line. As I observe, the beast is real comming out of Silicon Valley as it seeks to destroy and enslave.
The children of Abraham serve the beast in this world.
My pal San Francisco truth goes over his visions of the beast running the San Francisco Bay area.
He rambles on purpose, using an old IPhone to film along with an ancient laptop computer.
The point? The tech itself is of the beast and it's servants and avatars that are replicants of the beast. The children of Abraham being the chief servants of the beast.
Well said, Nine. All of the Abrahamic religions as well as a plethora of others (excluding the true Gnostic ones) and countless secular entities serve the Beast Synarchy of this earth in the death grip of the Demiurge and his Archons. Those cosmic pigfuckers will get theirs. Hail Victory! 88!
Heritic, could you please elaborate on the notion of these northern petrified gods? The beast, being old petrified dragons in the San Fransisco Bay area. Israel is another giant dragon as my pal San Fran sees in his visions, oil being in the digestive tract of the middle east beast. As Germany was directed by Spirit and the prophesy of the northern mountains coming alive to defeat the beast.
Reminds me of Velocovski, that great scientist, discredited by the accedemic world's. As he saw a world of ice colliding with fire, and a cataclysm of epic proportions leaving only a remnant.
This present world? Can't remotely function in it. Don't even try anymore.
Actually Nine, I misstated things to an extent. I should have said the mountains are petrified giants. I wasn't totally off the mark however, because the giants of ancient times were the hybrid offspring of the gods mating with mortal earth women, the Pasu (animal man) human females, the prototype human created by the Demiurge bereft of a divine spark from the realms of the uncreated light. The humans Master Serrano called, the slaves of Atlantis. It's very difficult to elaborate on things that are shrouded in mystery and the mists of antiquity. Even so, I have scrutinized many photos of different mountains around the earth and I can make out the outlines of huge human-like faces and bodily forms. Some of the most prominent National Socialist minds under the Fuhrer posited that the universe is a result of fire and ice metaphysically interacting.
Thank you, Jack, Mike, and Jon, magnificent. Master Serrano has written that the mountains are actually petrified Gods. I'm certain they will awaken when Ragnarok hits the point of impact.
You know Heritic, my pal San Francisco truth, says that San Fransisco and the entire bay area is petrified giants with the headquarters of Intel like YouTube and Apple on top of them, further, he states that evil men are reviving the beast and its systems. As we observe, this world clearly is not run by humans.
He claims that the servants of the beast are replicants of the beast like Trump.
San Francisco truth sees visions of the end times, as he calls it. And I believe that all this stuff is related, when these giants wake up there will be a reckoning that's for sure.
As Jack`s blog documents that the Germanic peoples are outside this time line. As I observe, the beast is real comming out of Silicon Valley as it seeks to destroy and enslave.
The children of Abraham serve the beast in this world.
My pal San Francisco truth goes over his visions of the beast running the San Francisco Bay area.
He rambles on purpose, using an old IPhone to film along with an ancient laptop computer.
The point? The tech itself is of the beast and it's servants and avatars that are replicants of the beast. The children of Abraham being the chief servants of the beast.
Well said, Nine. All of the Abrahamic religions as well as a plethora of others (excluding the true Gnostic ones) and countless secular entities serve the Beast Synarchy of this earth in the death grip of the Demiurge and his Archons. Those cosmic pigfuckers will get theirs. Hail Victory! 88!
Heritic, could you please elaborate on the notion of these northern petrified gods? The beast, being old petrified dragons in the San Fransisco Bay area. Israel is another giant dragon as my pal San Fran sees in his visions, oil being in the digestive tract of the middle east beast. As Germany was directed by Spirit and the prophesy of the northern mountains coming alive to defeat the beast.
Reminds me of Velocovski, that great scientist, discredited by the accedemic world's. As he saw a world of ice colliding with fire, and a cataclysm of epic proportions leaving only a remnant.
This present world? Can't remotely function in it. Don't even try anymore.
Actually Nine, I misstated things to an extent. I should have said the mountains are petrified giants. I wasn't totally off the mark however, because the giants of ancient times were the hybrid offspring of the gods mating with mortal earth women, the Pasu (animal man) human females, the prototype human created by the Demiurge bereft of a divine spark from the realms of the uncreated light. The humans Master Serrano called, the slaves of Atlantis. It's very difficult to elaborate on things that are shrouded in mystery and the mists of antiquity. Even so, I have scrutinized many photos of different mountains around the earth and I can make out the outlines of huge human-like faces and bodily forms. Some of the most prominent National Socialist minds under the Fuhrer posited that the universe is a result of fire and ice metaphysically interacting.