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Feb 26, 2023
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Booze Allen Hamilton, dude you are playing the proper tune

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Feb 26, 2023
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I wish all of those cocksuckers had one collective neck and my hands were around it.

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Feb 26, 2023Edited
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I don't know about all of Substack 60 but this site certainly is, "the sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know" and so is this site. You gotta be in it to win it my friend and when you come on here you are in it...

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America will be held locally. One quarter of an acre at a time. Never leave your land because some fed says you must however, a brief flight to avoid a fake toxic cloud yes but return you must and a local fight with the Feds? In a strategic area? Yes

That time is right around the corner and when it comes all of them must be slaughtered including the local pigs that support them. The first defenders will be killed.

The mindset? Must be willing.

If not then they will kill us all anyway.

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Well 60 gig, why do they need to build camps? America is a camp already since they convinced the majority to take those shots.

More internet bullshit to rile the rubes.

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Feb 27, 2023
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Feb 26, 2023Edited
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Hogwash from Stew the Peter's that you catch the clot shot goo from those injected. If that was the case why do they want to exclude the unvaxxed? the boosters? Why push them 24/7 and making all vaxxines mrna?

I have 60 plus year old cycling friends that have all 5 shots. They are riding faster than I have ever seen them. Could be Zwift or supplements but me thinks the vaxx survivors hearts got stronger from the vaxx if it doesn't kill you outright. It's what I see right in front of my eyes. My eyes don't lie but Stew Peter's does.

And Peter's job is to make you look like a moron in public around the NPC's

.observation followed by opinion.

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Another recent article also pointed out no testing. One resident asked if EPA officials were testing for dioxins, highly toxic chemical compounds that can cause cancer and damage to immune systems and child development. The official admitted that dioxins had likely been released by the burning but said that such testing was not being done and would “probably be part of a long-term mitigation strategy.”

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My sister is the top environmentalist in the country Stegiel, Adrienne Esposito, Google it. She was perplexed as to where I got dioxin from. The quote provided is from American Council on Science and Health (acsh.org). Sorry it's doubtful there is any dioxin despite what Stew Peters tells you and the idiots you are reading. I suggest you read the citations provided and learn what the real problem is. My job, when I do journalism which by the way I hate, is to give you the facts. Their all there.

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Jack, I hate to be the barer of more bad news about the internet and its bullshit but guys like Stew Peter's? If I were in a bar I would call out the little peckerwood and call him a fucking shill.

First the dioxin bullshit but mostly his flick died suddenly.

It's obvious to me even at 66 as I am still an elite cyclist and what do I see? No one has died suddenly and a mater of fact those vaxxed up cyclists are even faster this year.

Could it be the rise of Swift an online indoor cycle training regimine or perhaps better widely available supplementation? Who knows but what I do know is few cyclists have died suddenly.

My theory is that cyclists are extremely woke liberal retards and that the vaxxine/black goo is sentient and the goo and the cyclist are compatible. No? Look at their costumes and little jew sized plastic hats. And the entire industry pushes the transgender Movement with vigor and passion.

The goo and the cycling culture are compatable.

Just an observation.

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Those that have died by the goo/vaxx were simply rejected by the parasites. Also, long aerobic exercise prevents clots from forming.

We shall indeed see how this plays out.

Billions dead?

In bible times we killed our prophets that get it wrong.

Just an observation.

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In my view no test means we do not know. Would your sister favor a test or no.

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Again of course a test would be best, but having been doing this for ten years now and knowing exactly how these fuckers work, I doubt there is any dioxin. You think I enjoy retracting my own statements Stegiel? Worry about this PSR bullshit that's why we are having all these train wrecks, worry about five environmental scientists being ritually assassinated by the ghost of Hillary Clinton. Hell worry about vinyl chloride going unchecked into the Ohio River but stop worrying about dioxins. As our resident guru has already said if they spoil the land, they can't sell it to China...

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To my irrational thought process we have too little evidence to rule out Dixon because we have no tests. Surely a litigator representing the citizens can engage expertise. However can he? I know very little about access to the site. We know people are very ill.

Chemicals being carried on a train that derailed in East Palestine burned on Feb. 3, and a controlled release and burn of the chemicals on Feb. 5 sent a smoke plume into the air. Government officials said testing shows the air and water is safe, but experts say there is still cause for long-term concern.

Most notably are dioxins, University of Pittsburgh Associate Professor Carla Ng said, which are chemicals that form when other hazardous materials are burned.

“During fire, all the chemicals mix and they transform into other things,” Ng said. “Even dioxins is not just one chemical, it’s a class of chemicals, so they have to be testing for the suite of things that might occur.

Dioxins can be found in dust, and were present in the smoke plume over the town, Center for Health, Environment and Justice Science Director Stephen Lester said. The dense dioxin particles fall quickly, and likely contaminated soil and water in the area, he said, though it’s impossible to know how much dioxins are present without testing for them specifically.

“Testing is critical to define where the chemicals are,” Lester said, “and then, that’s the information you all need to use to clearly decide what you’re going to do.”

When asked about testing for dioxins at a news conference Tuesday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan said he was unsure if the agency was testing for dioxins yet, but that it was “under discussion.”

The EPA must have known prior to the controlled release that burning chemicals on the train would create dioxins, Lester said.

“The EPA had to know when they were going to burn vinyl chloride that dioxin would be formed,” he said. “It’s criminal that they didn’t come forward with that.”

Experts emphasized that residents seek out independent testing from organizations unaffiliated with the EPA and the train derailment. Doing so, Ng said, will ensure residents have documentation of the presence of chemicals in and around their homes, which will aid them in getting compensation, or pursuing legal action down the line.

“As we think about who’s affected [and] how far should we be looking is a little bit about where those smoke plumes went, and then at what point would the different chemicals fall out,” she said. “This is why soil testing is so critical so we can start to understand the width of this cloud and how far things are affected.”

River Valley Organizing, a social justice organization that hosted the townhall, is in the process of facilitating independent testing for residents, founder and co-executive director Amanda Kiger said.


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Jack you would do all of those interested in truth and not opinion to engage your sister as a journalist and go deep. Either she is accurate and zero Dioxin is found or wrong. If wrong she as an expert can say data reports are totally wrong. However she has to with reasons matching what we do know. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/were-dying-slowly-east-palestine-residents-report-bizarre-health-issues-after-toxic-train

According to Harvard-trained toxicologist, Stephen Lester, the hot zone at East Palestine is one of the 'most concerning' he's ever seen - and warned that the chemical dioxin that was released during the controlled burn will be embedded in the soil and water.

"Until the government takes this seriously there are going to be real problems," said Lester. "It’s criminal that the EPA didn’t come forward with information about dioxin and start testing for it."

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Stegiel you are lucky I got this out of her, she talks to governors and the msm not you and not me. Lester sounds like a complete idiot just the type published on zero hedge who have been allowed to continue their reign on the internet while sources like myself and Veterans Today have been hounded practically off the internet by the FBI. There is no data Stegiel no real scientist would ever make a call like that without data...

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I surmise only don't know. I enjoy VT. For years. I recall maybe six or seven years ago the publisher quipped 50% of what he posted was untrue. 😂 I smiled in agreement that discernment is required in this world. The EP train derailment was bad and burning chemicals far worse. EPA is never truthful, well less than VT's 50%, especially around toxins.

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The USA is captured.

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Thank you Jack for the links, another reason among many why your site is priceless.

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I'm going through these myself Cathy, if these are not a wakeup call then you know you have zombified

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Thanks for the links Jack. I am currently rereading Serrano's book , Hitler, The Ultimate Avatar this will fit in nicely.

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The US is captured.

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captured by who Dwight? Bet ya can't say the word.

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The J's.....

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Schlomo is just the mask

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Medical care in Canada.


We need a little humor.

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Is this the treatment Loki receives from the canada health care system? I was just wondering as I crack open another beer.

Jack needs to open a bar. And get some perky young people to serve drinks. Notice I did not use the term women. That of course would be derogatory as being a server is now a mans job that refuses to go woke and put up with the bullshit in the typical .gov job or that blowjob factory called a bank.

This does not include the NSA as I offer my services on a part time basis as full time work will cut in upon my social security. You see I prefer to be dependent upon the system. Like our dearest African Americans.

Dependence? Is a people at war facing an unknown enemy as we can take care of our elderly.

The war we win will be winning the war of dependence. Which society can have more people on the dole? The CCP or our dearest deep state?

I just ask questions.

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Jack, Orage and Phil, best write up on this disaster in Ohio and thank you for all of the hard work that went into the report and this is really important work.

Someone has declared war upon America. Is it our Federal Government? Or is it someone that has infiltrated top spots in said government? And why is this important? Someone has very successfully made us mistrust our authorities. This is in itself an act of war and as I suspect it comes from Jewish Neo conservatives and their elk. However, the way the media is even mentioning the enemy will get you punished with job loss or worse. What to do? To start, local non compliance with agenda 30 and wokeness pontificated in our schools. If your district is woke pull your kids out of that school and either home school or find a good private school. This is where we start.

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And Jack, did you ask your sister to watch white noise? Its a comedy for really smart people as I think she might get some of the jokes.

Like her brother being a disciple of Adolph Hitler? Well, went to the Hitler pals sisters funeral on Saturday.

They did not agree upon anything but always were in contact with each other.

Just an observation.

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Some people write letters, some people deliver letters. It matters not how eloquent the letter is written, if it isn't reaching the intended audience, it has little value. If the courier is not capable of writing persuasive letters the message is lost.

Who is going to be blamed in EP train derailment? Or somebody wake up the union rep.

As mentioned in the OP there is a staff shortage at Norfolk Southern.

Solution: Higher wages would attract more people and solve staffing shortages....lol just kidding. The solution is longer trains with more cars per trip. Keep in mind the production targets have remained the same as when fully staffed. You can only do more with less for so long until something breaks down. Ever been at a restaurant when the chef or waiter quits? Chaos, but you are not creating a environmental hazard.

In order to do a "proper" pre-trip safety inspection on a commercial 18 wheel tractor trailer you need around 40 minutes. If you drove the same truck the day before maybe 20 minutes. How long for a rail car? How long for a 151 rail cars, some with Haz-Mat ? Dunno. You can put it in the Google machine and sort out the different types of inspections and pick one.

You need to make production goals that day are you really going to red tag car 78 because the hubs are showing wear? Prolly not. Make a note of it and we will fix it next trip. Bye the way.... This is everywhere now, hospitals, schools, state institutions, police dispatch offices. All understaffed all being held together by people who do care. The ones who don't care already left.

Management is protected by chain of command. They could not know about the problem because it was not relayed to them. The guy who filled out the safety inspection form will be the one to hang. Even though it was most likely impossible to complete the tasks in the time allowed. Reality means nothing to these people.

I was unaware of the attempted strike and the new contact "Under Penalty of Law" that the Biden admin. put in place. I need to see what that means in the legal /lawful realm. Why didn't the AFL-CIO make a shit show about the entire thing. Kick the union guys chair and wake him up.

What did we learn from Trump? Notice I did not ask if you like him? I don't care. What did he reveal? The masses are looking for a remedy. Looking for someone to lead them out of this mess. It would be easy to dismiss his base as rednecks and goobers because some of them are. Those are the people who are still working right now in East Palestine. Imagine if Trump treated America as well as he treated Israel?

My point is Trump revealed that spirit still exists not just in America but throughout the world. I have learned one thing in this quest the people who run this world cannot be shamed to do the right thing, they do not fear exposure, and will not be blamed in anyway for their decisions.

The way out is through the masses.

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