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Mar 28, 2023
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LOL, the Dutch Rasputin

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Mar 28, 2023
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I don't know if I'd call them important anymore T, in fact I lampooned the Vox one when Kaminski sent it to me, what's important now, and Harry and John just seem to be unable to grasp the fact, is that we are alone now, and the devil deals the cards.

Here you go my reply to Kaminski when he sent me the Vox video in its entirety:

Frankly this is worthless as is everything else coming from the alternative media talking about kill shots and conspiracies. This is an alien invasion; you've been warned repeatedly by us it was coming and in 2019 you received the final warning. Its kill or be killed, same way I've lived my entire life, that's why I'm so tired of talking to cowards. Keep dreaming you will be dead soon enough...


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Harry Vox who in this video talks about the absurdities of the Covid Simon Says protocols, YET he told his viewers via a video that took the test because he had a HEADACHE!!!! He then did a video insulting all the viewers who called him out on his retarded actions ..I have never taken him seriously since.

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Mar 28, 2023
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Harry and John are both entertaining I'll give them that.

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Jack, I know it's the thing that the jew serves that is the enemy.

What is this thing? You have cliff high who calls it "the bug" or a thing that has an insectlike hive mind. Like as our MK points out the nature of Abrahamic religion being hive minded.

Human beings are not naturally hive minded but function best in small groups called families based upon a man a woman and children.

What does our enemy do? Forces men and now women to leave their family's to go to work in giant hives called offices and factories for as we are told by jews(bankers,politicians) that it's for the common good.

In America all the factories are closed so we make few things but so they tell us that we need to go to work. Now "work" is pushing papers in a "hive" called an office now even that office is being closed down and the workers sent home, still in the hive and connected to the internet in one big electronic hive.

So, we have a fake disease called covid. We lock down the people keeping them at home, they feed us Netflix and make former office hive dwellers work from home.

Next they give them shots called vaxxines to stop the fake disease but people still get sick not connecting the dots that the more shots the sicker and dumber the people get.

The whole thing described above is not about depopulation but control of said population by a very anti human entity.

The answer? Boycott the system as much as possible and return to that natural way of living.

The human way.

Men women and children in small groups living on open land free of the parasites.

That's how we win.

Let's say America has 100 million small independent groups called families all heavily armed saying to the hive come and fucking get me and make me social distance, put a mask on or take a vaxxine?

Then what?

Game fucking on.

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I observe the "jew" in my cycling community. What do we have? Men and now women that ride bicycles around in large groups using the French term "peloton" to describe a heard of costumed humans riding bicycles.

I dared to not comply, choosing the flannal shirt for my "kit" as that was fine except for some of the cycling "men" mocking my flannal shirt and me saying "age 66 and one hundred eighty there pounds of muscle and meaness" shut the fuck up faggots.

All fine and dandy on the rides but then, I decided not to wear a helmet. Now that got their attention with the women swooning and crying "we are so unsafe because he won't wear a helmet" as the women ordered me to leave the heard one day along with silent "men" with one shouting at me "why can't you follow the rules" as I responded to the "men" which one of you mother fuckers is going to make me wear a helmet or leave a public road? No answer.

So they went to the "jew" bike shop and they made a rule.

They called it a mandate. A helmet mandate.

Fuck your mandate.

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“Why can’t you follow the rules”..they don’t get it do they.. when useful idiots say things like that, people like us do the opposite

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I just read again Tookie Memorial post....outstanding. And I'm still sad about Tookie.

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Well it's the tale of two cats at my house both extremely elderly, one has died but sent her Spirit to the other cat.

Her Spirit resides in this house as such love from the house comforts the other cat as she comforts all in this house as the Spirit flows as I see even an enemy is loved here.

The enemy being other cats recently brought in to the house.

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The animated short expresses in its own existence why I hate movies...

Well, to be more precise, modern movies. I actually do like the Wizard of Oz.

Listen people, if you're going to maintain even a modicum of your divine spark, you are not going to be like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell. You absolutely cannot shut off your higher functioning to become a prophet of the herd, and realize anything beyond the limited scope of the farm animal.

Harry can make excuses for them if he needs to, but they are the prophets of simple town.

There is a reason why the wheel of rebirth has at its center the farm animals. This is not to condemn farm animals, it isn't to disparage them, its simply understanding that they are not placed in control of the farm for obvious reasons.

Harry can pontificate all he wants on why people embraced the event 201 narrative. He could have made a more interesting video by noting the parallels between it and 911 and the Kennedy murder...but like all farm animals, what matters is plenty of indulgent sensory stimulation, not truth, and certainly not that irritating reminder that the extent of their free will is how long they will chew.

I don't hate Harry, I actually find some of his work incisive, informative, and thus useful. But Harry is blind to higher power, and he makes excuses for farm animals, whose gods live in reproduction, a good belch, and shitting out seeds upon the earth.

In conclusion, if you find yourself in line waiting for their bus, just leave.


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Beautifully said Mike beautifully said.

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