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Oct 29, 2022
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Oct 29, 2022
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Oct 29, 2022Edited
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The Gods of war would have their days in the forties and many hopes and dreams would be trampled under their chariots. Perhaps no part of the carnage told a sadder tale for the human race than the story of Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger was an Austrian forestry engineer, a man of prodigious genius, who dreamed only of building a better world for all mankind. He was self-taught in the likeness of von Ardenne and just like him he did his talking in the lab and had little use for the pedantic sciences of the university’s. His teacher was the babbling brooks and swirling rivers of the ancient Teutonic forests.

It was while observing a trout holding its position, without any swimming effort at all, against the rushing current of a stream that Schauberger decided the trout was utilizing something other than kinetic energy. Schauberger reasoned that the animal was extracting the energy from the molecules of its own body by “condensing” them with extreme temperature gradients. He came to the conclusion that this condensing process took place in the motion of a vortex swirling into its own center. From his observations of naturally occurring tornadoes, whirlpools and the vortexes of galaxies Schauberger reasoned that this is how energy is released in nature. If he could force matter into this spiraling motion, what he called implosion, by rapidly condensing and spinning it until the particles of the atoms became “unglued,” he could tap into the power of the stars without ever having to split an atom.

In Schauberger’s mind, industrialization with its dams and pollutants had interfered with the natural vortex patterns of water. These patterns are necessary for life to flourish. Water, once the life blood of the planet, had now become a pollutant sapping the planets vitality. With his writings Schauberger advocated the development of "bio-technical" machinery. He soon came to the attention of Adolph Hitler. In 1934 Schauberger was summoned to a meeting with Hitler and Max Planck, the founding father of quantum physics. Schauberger warned Hitler that under the current conditions his Thousand Year Reich would not last past ten. He proposed to them a brand-new world with unlimited free energy based on a science in harmony with nature. Hitler as a mystic must have been enthralled with Schauberger’s ideas. The meeting went long over the time that was allotted for it. After about two hours Planck scoffed at him and told him nature and science have nothing to do with each other. A few years later nobody would be scoffing at Viktor Schauberger.

The idea of negating gravity with vortexes had been floating around Germany at least since the twenties. In 1933 Ott Christoph Hilgenberg wrote his best-known book; The Expanding Earth (Vom wachsenden Erdball), proposing that continental drift was the results of the earth expanding in volume. But before that he had published The Solution to the Mystery of Gravitation (Das Rätsel Gravitation gelöst) in 1929 and On Gravitation, Vortices and Waves in Moving Bodies (Tromben und Wellen in bewegten Medien) in 1931. Hilgenberg was one of the most influential of the German scientist’s. He singlehandedly rescued the Technical University of Berlin by recovering the university’s cutting edge science library from the Soviet Union after the war by more or less just asking his Russian scientific colleagues for it.

In 1940 Schauberger applied for a patent on an energy generator that could be used for either aircraft or submarines. Schauberger described the device as a "multistage centrifuge with concentrically juxtaposed pressure chambers." The self-contained centrifugal system only relied on a small starter motor [which above is listed by Harper as American war booty] to bring its turbine up to around twenty thousand revolutions per minute but once there it supplied its own energy and when hooked to a gear shaft could act as a generator.

See the source image


Shortly after that Schauberger would write to his cousin saying he had invented a new aircraft that didn’t make any noise. At the beginning of 1941 he was, at his own expense, still looking for a contractor to build a scale model prototype of what he called the “Repulsator.” He planned on using it to investigate “free energy production” and to prove his theory of “levitational flight." In the ensuing months Schauberger would put away his wallet and the SS would give him Carte Blanche in the Third Reich, swearing him to work only for them in total secrecy and tipping him off that the industrial giant Heinkel had been stealing his patents.

Schauberger was uncharacteristically secretive about what he was doing for the SS for the next couple of years, but it is known that he was working around the Sudeten Mountains. During one experiment the Repulsator had actually shot up with such force that it had smashed against the hanger ceiling severely damaging itself.

In June of forty-four Schauberger was summoned to Breslau ostensibly to be drafted into the SS. But a month earlier he had been ordered to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp to select his own team of technicians from among the inmates to build as many as five different types of machines. It is stated in his archives that the SS wanted him to stop “tinkering around with prototypes and begin serious construction work.” In his diaries Schauberger says the machines were a water purifier, an energy device capable of generating high voltage electricity, a machine for “biosynthesizing” hydrogen fuel from water and another that “naturally” produced intense heat or cold. The fifth was dubbed the Fliegende Scheibe or flying saucer.

The Fliegende Scheibe was scheduled for its first flight on May 6th, 1945. Schauberger’s team stopped work on May 8th. The German armed forces officially stopped fighting that night. A few days later, Schauberger would be apprehended by American intelligence forces in Leonstein. Almost simultaneously across the country in Vienna the Russians would enter his apartment, confiscate whatever they could find then blow the building up just in case they had missed anything. The Americans would intensively debrief Schauberger for the next nine months releasing him in March of forty-six under the oath that he would never work on what he called “atomic” technology again.

By 1958 Schauberger was seventy-two years old and suffering from a bad heart and emphysema. Karl Gerchsheimer, a transplanted German acting as an agent for American financier Robert Donner, flew to his home in Austria and promised him glory and riches in the United States. Gerchsheimer had prior links to the intelligence community and NASA. Donner was tied into America’s version of Frankenstein’s castle, the National Atomic Research Laboratories at the Brookhaven Lab on Long Island. Schauberger, still dreaming of giving the human race his free energy technology, took the bait. Upon his arrival in America, he met with implosion experts from the Brookhaven Lab supposedly to assess the feasibility of his ideas.

After dickering with the dying man for months Donner finally got him to sign a document, that hadn’t been translated into German, turning over to the Donner-Gerchsheimer consortium everything Schauberger ever did with his implosion technology. They swore him to secrecy and put him on a plane back to Austria. Schauberger died five days after he got home.

In the nineties Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov caused a furor amongst the aerospace industry and their academic drones when he announced that in gravity modification experiments, he had been able achieve as much as a 5% reduction in a targeted objects weight. He was using rotating magnets to spin superconducting doughnut shaped discs, specially made for him by Toshiba, at speeds exceeding twenty thousand revolutions per minute.

Fully anticipating his hostile audience Podkletnov tried to pad his industry jeopardizing experimental results with an explanation for his research into this forbidden field. He told them a self-effacing story about how he had first noticed the torsion effects on gravity when a lab colleague’s pipe smoke was funneled in a column over an unrelated experiment he was doing.

In an interview over ten years ago with Nick Cook he admitted that at speeds of between twenty-five and fifty thousand revolutions per minute he had achieved full levitational effect. At the time of the interview Podkletnov was being financed by Toshiba. He also admitted to Cook that he comes from a long line of prominent Russian scientists. His father who was a respected scientist had been a recipient of what the Red Army had found when they searched Viktor Schauberger’s Vienna apartment in the aftermath of WW II. Podkletnov had been studying his father’s Schauberger papers all his life. They were the foundation of his work.

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Still love the prose in this, and all that it took to come to the clarity out of all the bits, through the muck and headache inducing translations

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Oct 30, 2022
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I write he directs

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Well Jack and Phil, Jews I know are doubling down on poison vaxxinations, transgenderism and every left wing woke bullshit evil thing one can imagine and of course they are all in on the Ukraine War and sending billions to promote that Zelinski global homo regime.

My Jews are all on two shots and two boosters and are convinced that the unvaxxed are to die horrible deaths and that opposition to global homo being taught in schools is evil.

The Jews brought this upon us and stringing all of them up on light posts for bringing this cataclysm upon us will be a kindness to them.

If I survive, there will be only vengeance for what has been done.

Thanks for the heads up.

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Well, I'm pretty sure I've gone on record for a while now stating that graphene is in the injections, and that the bugs in the blood are there to bring in the AGENDA. But, I can understand that people might not want to know this.

The problem with any explanation is scope, how much to include, how much to leave unsaid.

The question of photons, is a case in point.

All of life glows. Cells create light. Life communicates with life via light. We all know that light is communication, but this understanding has been stolen. It is buried, by whom?

Who designed your education?

Who demands that society serves them first?

Why is it heretical to state the obvious?

The best explanation is the one that leads the recipient to explore, to learn, to become. Energy takes endless states, endless forms. It is not you, or I, but we are all this dance.

I Sing the Body Electric.

No one needs me to tell them the world is running down. So many wrong choices on so many different levels. So, so many headed for the Kenoma, the Cosmic soup where they will be purified through dissolution, through the dissolving of their identity back into the great unconscious primordial matter, where their hatred and their stain will be consumed, neutralized, turned back into the firmament from which all of manifestation must begin. Their journeys are about to end.

Yet others continue.

This dream of life is not simply such and such, or so and so. It is in fact a great mystery that defies simple explanation. This, more than anything else should give us pause, and awaken our wonder, and remind us that the heart of our responsibility for our life lies not in the mind.


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Thanks guys, but I had to turn it off when it came to election coverage. The robber barons of yesterday had their Pinkertons, owned Senators and judges, America has been an oligarchy for a very long time. You think with how costly an election campaign is, today the politicians are beholden to you, the people and would-be voters? Sorry, the only thing that counts is local, as Phil said.

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Well, if I said what I really think they'll put me in jail, besides I don't have to say anything at all, ask Mr. Pelosi or the Hajis used to work for Twitter. We're on a roll now, flow state, call me

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